will JDM return as John Winchester again? edition. Also Lauren Cohan needs to come back for the final season since her newest show was not renewed.
Other urls found in this thread:
Bela returning would be kino
Finale needs more classic rock, impala scenes and more beer broments like this
i'm returning after another bs ban
Welcome back user. Were you in the classic rock thread?
no that's when i learned of my sin and being sent to purgatory. although i did lurk for a bit. i have to say for all the taytay fans in that thread, please kys
just shake it off, user
they're already selling off the show's wardrobe
>tfw in the opposite coast
me too
have you guys seen this?
Yeah. Fanmade but looks kino
this would be extremely based
Chuck released everything in hell so i don't see why she wouldn't be around somewhere, although i think she'd be a demon by now.
Hello bros friendly reminder Grimm is your next best bet once Supernatural ends
evil souls were released from hell so she could either still be herself or a demon. in any case, Lauren Cohan did say she was envious of JDM returning to Supernatural and since her new show wasn't renewed, there's a possibility she may cameo as one of the throwback cases the boys have to solve
no we will just keep rewatching Supernatural, Buffy and Angel
Got an interview today lads. Need some mommy magic to not fuck it up.
holy shit the webmizer pulled through! may rowena magic help you ace your interview lad! all the best
>"here, take this kiss, it'll help you"
>watching a show with a number of seasons in the single digits
why even bother
Fucking based. Hope you get the job
how can seasonlets even compete??
We finally have all the recurring redhead webms plus jo. Nice. Would Lily Sunder count?
Still in the trunk
You’ll all come to see me as a bro eventually
>not knowing TayTay and her eternal youth needs to be dealt with by Sam and Dean
it'll probably all come down to budget. all of those guest stars are probably expensive. i wonder how the budget situation will be for the final season. imo the network will be even more stingy and looking to cut costs at every corner. they know the viewers the show has will watch it regardless and they won't be interested in trying to get new viewers
gl user. i'm looking for a job right now too. just moved to a new city
>imo the network will be even more stingy and looking to cut costs at every corner. they know the viewers the show has will watch it regardless and they won't be interested in trying to get new viewers
that's fucking dumb. Supernatural is their cash cow and they deserve to go big for the fucking final season. if not, I will personally research a real life curse to cast on PEDOwitz and Plec. They have done too much fuckery on us
>if they skimp on classic rock next season
Why you gotta be so mean?
kek based
it's so hot i gave myself a jdm just cut last week
why did lisa lie to dean about ben?
To protect Ben, her chemical son
Emma is Dean’s supernatural daughter
The digits compel you to watch Grimm
no they don't
More importantly, will we get the Illyria crsossover we deserve?
Was he the show's best secondary villian? I'm on vacation and able to watch reruns on TNT and fuck, I love to hate this guy. The way he makes fun of Adam when he's telling him he was just bait to get Dean is priceless.
we should have gotten it during the portal shenanigans of season 13
Well, some oldie monsters are coming back after Chuck's last season tantrum, so it's never too late for another shot at her coming back.
Zach is based but who’s Adam?
Is it gay to want to fuck Jensen?
Y-yeah that would be gay and weird haha
i was watching too...he was based in that bar scene, when the two normies got fried by archangel radiation
Sam is the biological brother of Dean
Haha GAY!
was Dean batman?
before the main devil's gate got opened how did demons get out of hell? for example, crossroads demons...did they have some kind of deal with heaven that let them set up shop?
Summoning is the most likely answer. That's how crossroads deals are made anyway.
>Crowley's first entrance as king of the crossroads was under a network of highway ramps crossing each other on top of crossroads ground level
pretty good touch
I really disliked Rowena in her first season because I thought she served no purpose to the main story. Her main role was for spells that circumvent established canon/lore rules to move the plot forward but she really came to her own character afterwards. Shame her "unbound" tier magic petered out. The writers perhaps finally realized they had too many powerful characters on the side of Sam and Dean. Still, it would have been nice to see Rowena go on a rampage more than that botched lashing out at Death. With Chuck as the final boss (still think it's a test), I hope they juice her up on magic again as they would need all the help they could get
saving this thread from perdition
webmanon is going to get a job and not have time to make fresh webms
who will win? Dark Willow or Rowena Unbound?
webmizer/webMD deserves to live his apple pie life. he has helped us enough but we still want webms
we're going to run out of material to webmize soon anyway
that's true
we're so fucked. the end is nigh
>who will win? Dark Willow or Rowena Unbound?
is nobody going to answer the question
really slow thread. don't feel like bumping every 30 minutes like i always do. RIP
yeah i know. disappointing turnout today
>virgin shoes
It was a different time
yeah I just want to bump one last time to let the webmizer know the rowena supercut webm is much appreciated. i hope he got the job
even their shirts and jackets are smaller than the earlier seasons
Why the fuck did they stop at episode 20? How many episodes are left?
Interview went ok. It wasn't even so much of an interview as it was filling out useless paperwork with information that they already had from my resume.
It's not particularly the job I wanted but maybe something temporary til hear from where I wanted to go.
The whole job searching process is shitty and stressful.
yeah i know. i had a chance to get my old job back making 90k but i turned it down and moved. now i'm like wtf did i do. old job was stressful af and i hated it, then the contract changed to a new company that laid everyone off so i was just kicking it getting unemployment. when i had the chance to get my old job back i thought, eh i can do better, but now i'm kinda kicking myself
It’s still true what they say. Job hunting still largely depends if you know someone. Also, cool new deliveries. I’ll look them up when I get home
>tfw appleshitter
Is this when he rode the mech bull?
>Is this when he rode the mech bull?
>tfw appleshitter
I used VLC when I had an iPhone.
Jensen and Jared’s decision. Initially so they win’t burnout and do the show longer lol
I should try that
>so they win’t burnout
I think we're past that
Well yeah because right after they decided to end it kek
maybe they'll do some supernatural movies after the series ends
>her eternal youth
she's hit the wall before 30
Fuck my autism finds it hard to accept singular canon status in a different format of media
Another fanmade poster that’s kino
What are they looking at brehs?
A movie would be cool to see or at least make the finale a 2 hour event.
Based webmizer doing a season 6 run.
Dean trying to take out the Sword of Bruncvik and failing pls? “Like A Virgin”
Just fucking lost power so if it comes back on I'll get to it.
>lost power
Demons or angels? But thanks webmizer. Stay safe. You’re a lifeblood of our threads kek
Well well well
Wicked storms here last night. Power was out for about 2-3 hours then. Probably a tree that got ripped lose finally fell over a line or something.
Also just saw this in my recommended articles.
These are probably mostly wardrobe for the extras. Jensen, Jared and Misha still need theirs for filming
The Winchesters will all have to re-appear, probably even Alan.
To be honest I don't see too many characters that only Yea Forums is invested in showing up though. Amy and Bela are probably too small parts but there's a good chance we'll see Jodie, Donna, and the wayward sisters one last time along with the likes of Garth, the alt-camel, Ketch, and- let's face it- probably Gabriel and Lucifer one last time. My money is also on Jack's necromancer gf having an appearance though.
it's in leafland at the supernatural films studio. i wish i could go. not only can you buy cool swag, but maybe get to see the studio too
Yeah but im on the opposte coast
those dicks can even grow better beards than me
just finally got to see the webms
kek, these are waffles, bro. but based Dean. This is what I do with ihop, I cut the pancakes in quarters because I want to try all the different kinds of syrup
>tfw before I hopped on back the Supernatural train I thought this was a funny episode. Turns out it was pretty heavy. Fuck
I just want them more than ever to bring back classic Supernatural characters (1-5) followed by latter characters (11 onwards) and less middle eras (6-10) although I'd make an exception for Frank Devereaux and the Stark witch couple
>page 9
Yeah, I dunno what I was thinking when I put that. Been a long past couple weeks.
Wonder if they'll do any crossover episodes for the final season. Seeing the Angel cast get together for the 20 yr anniversary makes me wish they could crossover into that world somehow. Too bad they had Spike and Cordy as the Starks already. Plus Boreanaz looks like he actually went to war while filming Seal Team.
I'm the one who bumped this thread and raised it from perdition
based webmizer. thank you for making this. still one of the best season 6 moments. completely underrated. shame we only saw the wings of the dragons for less than a second
>Seeing the Angel cast get together for the 20 yr anniversary makes me wish they could crossover into that world somehow. Too bad they had Spike and Cordy as the Starks already. Plus Boreanaz looks like he actually went to war while filming Seal Team
They could always say Spike and Cordy had to put on a glamour and learned some spellwork kek. But in any case if Rowena needed some witches to help with her spellwork like she did with the diminishing spell against Amara, I wish it's these two
hello mein niggas
Just on that episode where the lads break into her gaff
fucking same lad
my run came to an end, maybe its because I didn't link op or spoiler the image
low effort low reward
while I've been watching on Amazon I read the trivia stuff that pops up and Sam and Dean where right little prankfags
no ones here, guess i'll see you later homo's and btw I trying to make a new op image with various characters throughout the show as various memes
It's so much better with sound, wish they'd give it back and bump the limit to /gif/ size so they don't look like shit.
based Spike poster. You know we used to have a Spike poster who, like many, thought Supernatural was gay. I managed to convince him to give it a chance. I told him Spike was my favorite character from Buffy, and Supernatural writers also loved Spike, and he might like Dean, who was very similar to Spike in character. He ended up watching and liking Supernatural up until seaosn 5 at least.
>kek demon
fucking kek I forgot about that one.
>Rogue demon hunter
>what's a rogue demon?
dude you've only posted for a while kek be a bit more patient. some of us try to keep the thread up for half a day
told you he'd save season 15
yeah the fanfare makes the scene
think I vaguely remember him and I might have also shared another general with him on another board.
Buffy was full of werid shit in one episode in season one, Willow is holding a teddy that looks exactly like the Pepe teddy bear also I noticed major footfaggotry in the show
I always miss the fast threads join the slow ones just before they die
yeah, used to call him Spikeanon in here. His favorite gif was pic related if memory serves. It was around season 13 when he started watching so late 2017-early 2018 was when he was in our threads. wonder what happened to him
>Kek Demons were a demon species that was believed to be extinct or at least in hibernation. Because of this, little is known about them, although based on Wesley's comments, they must have truly formidable; even one was capable of "a grisly rampage." Only a knife with the Mark of Kekfadlorem could kill them.
well fuck I just realized this is in that episode where Angel enters a church and the nun recognizes him as a vampire and reveals his power levels by putting a rosary close to him. I liked that episode
>the demon wants to be free from the kid he's possessing because the kid was soulless and extremely evil
pretty good subversion
Was he British or a namefag?
>that momentary cloudflare error
happening frequently don't you say? last week when we had a maxed out thread followed immediately by one talking about the future of the CW once Supernatural ends, the error happened for more than an hour or two
this website is a mess I don't know why I keep coming back desu
fuck gookmoot
think I know him tbqh
>reading old threads
holy fuck
That Arc with the (i think) British men in letters where they are hell bent to kill Sam and dean. Is it worth it or should I skip it?
have any of you lads watched the Covenant? it's shlock but really really similar in tone
Why does this show still exist?
only 104 days and 23 hours
>tfw this is the day and time supernatural would be airing
why do you?
im surprised they didn't develop this into a series. Supernatural was just starting then, it could have competed. It would be the Charmed to Supernatural's Buffy probably since the sons of ipswich were all warlocks. whereas Sam and Dean were more reliant on weaponry and melee combat like Buffy
One of the best seasons
imagine a demon sucking your cock
the only good thing about Charmed was the intro
>worth it
it has pic related, based Ketch and a handful of great MOTWs
oh shit I know who that is now because I'm rewatching it, damn it Ruby you witchy demon slag
well I wouldn't know since I haven't watched Charmed. I did know about How Soon is Now by the Smiths though
Yea Forums has tricked me plenty of times I'll continue with it then
when has Yea Forums tricked you about Supernatural? just go into the season with the mindset that this is the sidestep/stepdown after a huge apocalyptic threat. but it really has its gems
I just marathoned all 14 season in one go
I thought this was a christian show, you tricked me Yea Forums
never again
>American Nightmare
>Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox
>Rock Never Dies
>First Blood
>Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets
>Regarding Dean
>Stuck in the Middle (With You)
>The Raid
>The British Invasion
>The Memory Remains
>Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes
absolute kino
>I thought this was a christian show, you tricked me Yea Forums
>not knowing about mount Moriah and its significance
>I thought this was a christian show, you tricked me Yea Forums
as opposed to Lucifer and Sabrina which glorify the devil?
I miss real Bobby
this was when he made the photocopy of the Campbell hunter from New York about H.P. Lovecraft that Castiel stole right? Let it Bleed?
Dr. Visyak was underrated. She was also pretty strong and withstood Crowley's torture. She only broke when Castiel stepped in.
>I can help you
>Bobby, you're just a man
>thunder rumbles
Thanks user
if you loved the hunter culture of the Harvelle Roadhouse of season 2, season 12 has a lot of thematic callbacks to that
>Dr. Visyak was underrated.
umm no. she was a filthy, disgusting purgatory monster
t. werewolf fucker
>he was a filthy, disgusting purgatory monster
>this was when he made the photocopy of the Campbell hunter
and kitsune fucker, and demon fucker
Lisa and Ben were the only "domestic" arc that worked for Supernatural. Sam hitting a dog was absolute dogshit
ever notice that regularly appearing demons in the show never leave sulfur trails or did they just drop that trope after the first few seasons? i always wondered if sam reeked like sulfur when he was juicing
So is noone going to comment about Crowley being their, or is that an old pic?
i was going to say it continued up until season 4 or 5 but realized it's a third of the series and thus are considerably "first few"
old pic
Did you smell anything maybe like rotten eggs? Did it seem to get cold? Did you see anything...odd. those are still the 3 questions at the start of basically every case
>S15 bts casting meeting
so they just ignored that crowley always reeked like sulfur? all they did was insult each other and i don't remember them every ripping on him for that. what about all the times where they or someone doesn't know it's a demon until it reveals itself with an eyeflash? seems very inconsistently applied throughout the series.
I think they gave up on having Mark back. They had a recent interview saying whoever wants to be back and works for the story will be welcomed back and people who don't want to come back won't be invited
The sulfur only seems to occur when they use their powers or smoke in and out, bit head canon maybe but it's the only thing that makes sense, especially in senarios like the disaster demon, the entire plane would've reeked before takeoff
>so they just ignored that crowley always reeked like sulfur?
they always knew he was a demon, specifically a crossroads demon. as early as his first appearance in season 5
>Whoever wants to come back is welcome
>Otherwise your not invited
I want to come back
>No fuck you your not invited
This doesn't make much sense
>This doesn't make much sense
they know which actors are eager to come back because they all still go to conventions together, talk to each other on social media, etc. Some actors make it known through interviews or by literally tweeting to the producers/writers that they'd love to come back. Those that are quiet about returning or are known to have bad blood or left the show intentionally are clearly not invited to come back unless they had a change of mind.
But Shepard was asked and he said he would but it's completely out of his control
>But Shepard was asked and he said he would
His Twitter, it's been posted here a few times, something like
>Would you return for the finale?
>I'm just an actor it's not my decision to come back or not
Something like that, I'm sure some user has it saved
>I'm just an actor it's not my decision to come back or not
it doesn't send the staff his desire to come back though. Consider if he instead said
>Would love to, but it depends on the story and if they call me
we had surprisingly very few Bobby webms, thanks for these webmizer
It was something like that, just don't have the screenshot
fair, I also couldn't find the recent interview I was talking about
>tfw have to fall down the rabbit hole again and continue watching Grimm
These Mark Sheppard bad blood rumors seems weird to me. His interviews for the Supernatural fandom movie seemed sincere and he seemed to enjoy the convention stuff. That was in 2016 so something could have happened between then but I doubt they wouldn't allow him back if they saw a place for him. He'd be in the empty though which as of now is still intact so unless something happens to it he's there to stay.
Before the Chuck stuff I assumed that was the direction they'd take, having Cas being dragged off in the finale and season 15 be the boys trying to break him out. May still happen as a mid season plot point unless they drop that arc.
imagine if they did an episode about a Supernatural Book thread on a forum like ours, they find a case for sam or dean, maybe the threads haunted by a vengeful spirit of sam and deans past which takes out his frustration out on the fans
>That was in 2016 so something could have happened between then but I doubt they wouldn't allow him back if they saw a place for him
I think the salt merely grew over time
it's CW they love spinoff shit, it will stare the wayward sisters
>no nu bobby, ketch and rowena spin-off
Supernatural: Heritage 01.01 - "Ketch Me If You Can"
A NEW BEGINNING. After vanquishing the Entity, Ketch, Rowena and Jack seek out the survivors from the Empty before they all fall in eternal slumber. Original airdate September 24, 2020
Supernatural: Heritage 01.02 - "Jack in the Saddle"
FOSTER WINCHESTERS. Rowena establishes her coven while Ketch reforms the Men of Letters in response to the lack of the Winchesters. Jack seeks out a safe place to gather his thoughts.
I can understand his position but can also understand from the writers perspective of needing to kill him off. You can only keep the back and forth relationship with the boys for so long. It was time to move on.
Supernatural: Heritage 01.03 - "Enter Sandman"
EXIT LIGHT, ENTER NIGHT. Jack is hounded by nightmarish visions from the Empty
>it's CW they love spinoff shit
except for Supernatural apparently. Granted Bloodlines was irrevocably and irredeemably shit but Wayward Sisters had potential and could be refined
Jacks too op he will take the fun out of the comfy investigation and fights, may aswell be capepoo.
Jack needs to die, maybe nubobby can get the soul sucked out of him and oldbobby can take nubobbys body
kek, those are pretty good user
>Jack in the Saddle
That sounds terrible
>maybe nubobby can get the soul sucked out of him
sounds like a task for Rowena
well as I posited in a thread months ago
the big bad is a nightmarish being borne from the entity waking up from its eternal slumber. the disturbance created the nightmare, and it is a psywar with Jack's immaturity, and can manifest nightmares in new terrifying forms on Earth so Jack does not have to be completely nerfed. His enemy is simply potentially just as powerful or extremely disruptive for Jack's power to be an easy sweep
thanks lad, and checked
it is, but unfortunately, i am driven by a felt need to consume more occult and monster hunting stories
Wait hold on, Sam and Dean with the Son of LUCIFER are going to take down GOD.
Is God the big bad or are Sam and dean plus co?
I know me too, at least I know if I do ever get back to grimm I can start sometime during the ass end of s3 where I dropped it last time
I remember helping you with these, still this the whole dream monster thing is a good way to go
*still Think the whole dream monster
Oh, Whiskey Cavalier didn’t get renewed? But it looked like such an interesting and unique premise, definitely worth leaving the cult show you made your name on to make. When I was in NYC in February and saw promos for it fucking everywhere I definitely didn’t think “this is going to get cancelled almost immediately”.
checked. I fucking hate how Grimm somehow checks off most of the things that made Buffy, Angel and Supernatural so enjoyable (episodic start full of MOTW transitioning to serialized mytharc, different monsters, an ensemble of support characters, etc) but somehow it almost always feel...sterile? Like the fight choreo is undoubtedly pretty good but I just can't seem to be damned about a lot of the subplots and overarching story. World building isn't fleshed out (seriously the European organizations overlap in so many aspects and I don't understand how the Royals are just humans but so """powerful""" but also at the same time can't even subjugate one grimm in Portland and can't seem to get into world-level threats). Nick has no character outside being a grimm. It seems to be a competent show in terms of technical aspects but never found its flavor or, memes aside, its soul. The episodes I enjoyed the most are the non-wesen cases, a.k.a those cases that are more mystical in nature and closer to Supernatural. I liked that they actually had a chupacabra episode though
checked and based. I wrote those on the fly before we got season 14 finale though so I don't even know if it would work. I just remember one user saying he's sick of powerful characters getting nerfed because it's become overused (i.e., Illyria, Castiel, etc.) Perhaps I could just recycle it into the story I'm trying to write but eh
dead thread now?
I think people are just tired of FBI/CIA show #593824
It dropped viewers every episode it aired until a small boost for the finale. Barely got better numbers than Supernatural which is bad for an ABC show.
>Nick has no character outside being a grimm
this was the no1 problem with it, also they'd introduce things like Nick kinda dies when he sleeps or drowns w/e and never bother bringing it up again, stupid fucking show still can't believe its greenwalt
why you want to talk about x-files again?
the basic plot still works
>after the emtpy is defeated, ketch tries to reform the Mols running into traitors and so on
>Ro is trying to get the book back from a powerful coven and so is trying to form one herself
>Jack is beginning to realize something is wrong
the whole premise still works, just replace emtpy with chuck
>stupid fucking show still can't believe its greenwalt
right? the disparity between Grimm and Angel is mind boggling. I never even liked Angel as a character but his show was very damn good. And does Greenwalt have a thing for supernatural pregnancies? Because it happened twice to Cordelia and Grimm has like two of it so far where I'm at? What's with the weird ass rape arcs jfc. also
>the forced love triangle potion in season 2
kill me
better than me spiralling about my frustration with Grimm. Die Hand die Verletzt and X-Cops >>>>>>>>> your favorite episdes
the size of that prop hand, lmao
well Crowley early ears indeed
Does Dean have yellow fever? Does he ever get with an Asian in the show?
thanks yeah the Grand Coven really disappointed me, I thought it would make total sense for Rowena to set up a proper coven this time (not like the Mega Coven which was played for cheese). And I wanted Ketch to reform BMoL because I think the American chapter is exhausted by being tied too close to Sam and Dean, and thus would be too limiting for a spinoff. BMoL allows us to explore more lore and perhaps see MoL from other countries like Japan all stepping up to fill the void the Winchesters and their allies left in the final battle of season 15. Jack of course seems like the logical face of the sequel/continuation. His young age would also help draw in younger viewers while still being familiar enough to veteran viewers of the parent show.
I always liked the hillbilly one and The Thing one, can't remember the titles, oh andfor myth arc musing of a cigarette smoking man is maybe the best
its a fire glove but yea always makes be chuckle
>The Thing one
time for me to fap and fall asleep lads
my idea at the time, was to have ketch doing some globe hopping, checking out survivors a few would be "good" most would have turned bad, making deals with demons getting into dark magics etc, so Ketch would be cleaning house basically while slowly finding MoLs that are still on side, Ro would be trying to convince Jack and Ketch to help her get the book back, but both are dealing with their own shit etc. all three encountering aspects of this dream problem
thats it
don't bully crowley
>globe hopping
>cleaning house
Yes essentially. I just want him to start with the BMoL because that’s where he came from and that’s whom we are familiar with. The end goal is for a global network of MoL to actually help prevent future apocalypses instead of sitting on their asses like the BMoL did when Lucifer and later Amara broke free. And really I just want to see a ninja MoL kek
Yes and maybe Jack is nerfed, and trying to Hunt like he was taught just regular cases, but he still has some angel senses and keeps feeling something is very wrong, gives him an excuse to look up rowena too
as long as this hottie has role it's greenlit imo ;)
Everytime anybody among you talks about my show Grimm, I jack off
oh and yes Japanese MoL could be fantastic
Shall we pitch this shit to PEDOwitz?
Lebanon Lesbos have their own spinoff where they put ghosts at peace with their mystical mating ritual
you already did to Ketch, he liked it, but like I said at the time, unless you want to write a proper screen treatment, essentially an actual script for a pilot it would never be considered, best you can hope for is formatting these ideas better like you did with ep descriptions and posting them to idk twitter or w/e and hope its noticed
>scriptanon remembers me well, including the fact that David liked the pitch
Fucking based. Fuck i really do want to work on it but my wedding’s in less than a month and i got a lot on my plate right now
How many anons are getting married this year its 3 at least now, also
I'm always here, and I remember everything
she never got to pop her cherry
>he doesn't drink 8 shots of vodka and take an ambien before going to sleep
really? i think you should reconsider fren
she may rate close to Kevin in suffering levels, felt so fucking bad for her
see they can have their own show, maybe a cameo or 2
no one in the history of supernatural comes close to the level of suffering that kevin did.
this is one point of fact where i have to take a stand. it was downright sadistic what they put him through.
agreed Kevin is undoubtedly no1, but that virgin got it pretty bad to, remember Lilith tortured the shit out of them for a day or so
I think you’re just counting me three times. And yes I’m also always here
Based alcoholic user
Wew this is a case, Sammy
I hope nothing replaces it. Paranormal shows like Buffy and Supernatural promotes superstition, cultist rituals, and other outdated notions that no longer has a place in the modern world. Grow up.
What a thot. Hope we get nudes soon
but one user already got married and is planning his honey moon so at least 2
there needs to be "The Suffering of Kevin" webm montage
fuck off you vegan douchebag
At first I thought this was a drifter user but seeing it specifically commented to a post about a replacement makes me think this is pasta or bait or both
Same comment was posted before last week. Must be pasta
so happy there is a thread up, how do I access the DVD-ROM Weblink shit on season 1 DVD now that InterActual is shut down?
who cares, post webms
wrong image but this is a prime example of a demon vessel burning out
this is for your pious ass. enjoy your salt pillar years fren
Simple. You check the L O R E
Can’t. I’m already on mobile. I just finished busting a load and i cant let a supernatty thread go. Whenever I say goodnight it just means im moving to bed but still posting through mobile
ok I will
My mum watches shows like this
the lore says I'm fucked unless I have a angel that can time travel me back to 2017 to use InterActual proper
how in the current year of our lord, how could you ever have a problem watching anything you want?
I like that they still get cameos, and are still butthurt about the emp
This chick really fucked up her lips. Damn HollyJew strikes again.
they ain't right, what the fuck did she do?
botox I'm guessing
next time lads