Me and my gf just watched this. Can someone explain what the fuck was happening?
Me and my gf just watched this. Can someone explain what the fuck was happening?
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Dykes not welcome
What was her reaction to the hospital scene?
She looked at me and bit her lip
your gf will never get it, you made a mistake watching it with her
She has a PhD in English Literature so if she can't understand it, then it's a fault with the film, not with her
If you use the thing between your ears it shouldn't be too hard to understand
Here you go
Then she doesn't deserve it. Every event in the movie is explained.
I'm all for Eva threads, but we should probably try to consolidate the discussion in one thread. I won't say an /eva/ general because generals are cancer, but there's like six Eva threads at 20-30 posts right now.
women can't understand it—and that's a good thing
heheh ooof
Women can't understand Evangelion. Period.
Someone is spamming them right now
Why the fuck would we care who you watched it with? Why did you even think it was worth mentioning? "Look g-guise just watched an amine with the gf I'm so cool pay me attention" lmao pathetic
Die waste of oxygen
Because it's a subtle bait thread and you fell for it
Fucking weebs get it, take her 200k in debt ass and dump it
that's some top quality bait
god women have horrible taste in movies
>Female English Lit. PhD is dumber than my twelve year old nephew
Did you watched the show first at least?
I always thought the whole evangelion is confusing thing was a meme I didn't think people unironicallytbought that. Did you not watch the series and just watch End of or something?
To be fair, even if you have an idea what's going on, it's impossible to pick up on everything your first time through, and if you miss the wrong details then it complicates the whole plot.
I didn't understand the significance of the S2 engine until maybe my third watchthrough. Luckily understanding the plot doesn't really hinge on that very much, but I can see the show being very hard to understand if something like Reis origin or the AT Field, etc