To be fair, you need a very high IQ to understand element 115

To be fair, you need a very high IQ to understand element 115.

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Other urls found in this thread:

How is this not the biggest story in the world right now?


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He's telling the truth. He was shown the declassified airforce footage of the gimbal and he said it operated exactly like the craft he worked on.

Because apparently the public "couldn't handle" the truth

Im disappointed in Yea Forums. This documentary came out 6 months ago and we all already talked about it. Summer normies talk about it now cause of Dude Weed Rogan. What happened to you Yea Forums?

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the JRE podcast is probably better, until he somehow manages to slip in orangutans hunting fish with spears.

Explain Nimitz

genuine encounter with alien drones or some sort of manned craft that would be impossible for humans to withstand the g-force of

>movement described like a saucer skipping over water
>wasn't saucer shaped
>words are twisted and suddenly everyone is seeing literal 'flying saucers'
Anyone who says they saw a 'flying saucer' is full of fucking shit. Beyond that, every "sighting" is either misunderstood natural phenomena, stars, conventional aircraft or a military/government black project. End of story.

Because Lazar is full of shit.

Anyone who saw his appearance on Grug Rogans show and still believes this charlatan might as well get themselves a lobotomy.

Don't ask any more questions guys, I'm getting a migraine


>take a look at the documentary
>the first 10 minutes is a camera pointed at a smartphone
whoever made this really knows the correct technique to drive away an audience.
not to mention that annoying narration. absolute trash.

Brilliant documentary. Opened up my eyes to how the government withholds information from its citizens

I wouldn't put it past the US to develop some shit (whether reverse-engineered from lmaos or just mundane) and testing it out by red celling their own military forces. Then instead of stealing the reports of the incident from the soviets or whatever, they can just look them up through their own military and go "oh, so that's how it performed"

Because it's bullshit.

So antigravity reactors don't exist?

>muh plasma cannon conspiracy

Thanks based Alex Trebek for clearing that up for us.

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>Hey guys I studied in MIT and CalTech but no one saw me, professors don't know me because government deleted all the info. My 2 final papers, diploma, letters of acceptance? dental bills, rental bills, car bills, my memories of where I ate at CalTech and MIT all photos and other info. Trust me guys!

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>gets stumped by literally any question he didn't rehearse before hand
If you think that aliens have visited earth at literally any point you're just fucking stupid. That's what the government wants you to think. If this guy was telling the truth he wouldn't have been allowed to go on the fucking joe rogan experience and spill government secrets.
Fucking joke.

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Because, whether it's true or not, Lazar has ZERO physical evidence that anything he claims is true. I want to believe, but he's offering nothing but words.

>implying inertia is even a factor with those things

Rem Lazar

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If they got the craft they can perform all the tests they want on their own and see. It'd make more sense to use it to observe how the US pilots performs. How do they make sense of what they are seeing, what are they saying, what happens when they went back to base, do they try to engage and so on.

There you go, saved you the hour and a half it took to watch this trash.

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You're an idiot

How do you lnow what rogan is doing? I watch MRA/MGTOW videos all the time and never get him recommended.

Or, you discount Lazar, but don't use his bullshit to negate it all. I don't know if UFOs exist, or what the government might or might not know, but Lazar is the best example of the whackobs and sleazeballs who've taken over that topic. Even if aliens legit landed tomorrow on the White House lawn, there would still be a flood of bullshit and nonsense from these people. Aliens could give us the cure for cancer, unlimited power, and tech beyond our wildest dreams, changing the world forever, but these people would still be accusing them of hiding something, because they're so invested in their nonsense.

Lazar keeps saying he wants to be left alone...but this movie shows up. And then he does press. Like he has a financial interest in it, because his "research supplies' business is failed, as is his fireworks company, and he's staring retirement in the face. Bob's an opportunist, always has been. And Knapp and epic beardman who made this shit documentary are snake oil salesmen.

He has no reason to lie

Make your point or sit down and shut the fuck up brainlet.

Low IQ poster, folks

Show dick.

how's the migraine?

Lazar was on Rogan because the documentary was released on Netflix last week, dummy.

>any conspiracy video or special existing
>a lot of people talking and speculating and suggesting
>big reveal saved for last 10-15 minutes
>it's fucking nothing
why do people believe in space alien encounters, flyinf saucers, bigfoot, lochness monster, or anything?

People believe we're living in a simulation too

Because it's fun to believe in
people want there to be more, they want hidden answers to all the questions, they want good stories and science fiction

But how do you know what is on rogan? Answer the original question. Hes a bad fighter and a worse comedian.

Nothing personal kid.

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It's literally the most popular talk show podcast on youtube.

I don't know if Lazar is telling the truth or not, but it seems like he's angling for his life story to be sold to make a fiction feature. Think about it. A science wiz kid, who straps jet engines to cars and motorcyles, gets recruited to help reverse engineer alien aircrafts at a secret government installation near Area 51. Then he blows the whistle and gets harassed by the feds for most of his adult life. The possibilities are endless for a meme movie. He probably just wants a good chunk of change before disappearing into obscurity for good. He's not stupid.

Lazar is on the government pay. See, the real truth is theres no aliens, ar least we dont know shit about them. But globalists are pushing the one world united agenda so they have to fabricate a common enemy. Lazar is doing the job of convincing the public that aliens exist. For him to have credibility, the government had to fake a pursuit for his persona and so they did.
If he was telling the truth he would have been efectively silenced back in the 80s. The fact that he still a prominent figure, despite having the whole US Federal Government after him is the proof of collusion

Can any chem fags explain element 115?

Correct and Eddiepilled

Yea, even if you believe anons or not. Same with Stephen Greer

He has. He is low key psycho nerd who is looking for attention.

People are talking about this element as proof Lazar is telling the truth. It's not difficult to predict elements, they've gone up to 118 so I predict in the next thirty years they'll synthesise element 119 and 120. People also talk about Lazar predicting the use of 115 for fuel. It hasn't and probably can't be used for that as it is so unstable, difficult to produce and decays so quickly.

>If he was telling the truth he would have been efectively silenced back in the 80s. The fact that he still a prominent figure, despite having the whole US Federal Government after him is the proof of collusion
Nah. The feds' strategy for combating former contractors who have spilled the beans is to label them as "kooks" or "whackos," or something similar. Without physical evidence, the majority of the public at large will just kind of chuckle. Now, in the Internet era, it's easier to do this than ever.


>Same with Stephen Greer
Greer is 10 times worse. My favorite is his videos where he takes people out to a beach in Florida and they watch "strange lights" appear offshore. In fact, they are marine flares for oil rig workers about a half mile to a mile offshore. He films it with a digital camera with the ISO pumped so high, the flares look glowing balls. And I heard people pay him for this shit. He's a fucking turd.

It's just an unstable non-naturally-occurring element that's been synthesized in tiny amounts in labs before decaying within seconds. I'm not a chemfag but there's nothing super notable about it, it's like any other element up in those numbers.

Don't worry, disclosure is coming. They have already started to trickle out the information

I think the point is that he claims the ayyys can make it, or somehow possess it, in quantity. The whole point is that the ayyys are way more adept at creating energy sources that we cannot.

>Im this living archive of US government secrets and alien tecnology
>Still is not dead from a car accident or suicide in a motel room

You have to really naive or willing to believe to not see hes actually a government agent

>every "sighting" is either misunderstood natural phenomena, stars, conventional aircraft or a military/government black project. End of story.

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he talks about a stable version of the element which has the ability to produce gravity but it doesn't yet exist. the theory is that aliens managed to stabalise it, or it occurs naturally in other parts of the universe

I heard that same promise about 15 years ago. And ten. And five. And just now with your post.

Can it be used as fuel to propel an aircraft?

Watch the documentary, dipshit.

they have nothing to disclose. nothing substantial anyway


So then does US have alien aircraft or not

since this is anonymous ill admit it.
I am an alien. We have been living among you for thousands of years, testing proding and controlling the human race.

yeah the constant crying of "disclosure is coming guyz!!!" for the past 40 years is indeed funny

yes, nine of them

one of them was found during an archeological dig

>it's a migraine episode

that said, this is all a pretty good distraction from NXVIM

lazar was probably happy to get the sudden and unexplained attention

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Explain this

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it is supposedly machined into a metal triangle and then placed inside a reactor. when its in the reactor it can create its own gravitational field which is used to propel the craft by creating a 'slope' in spacetime, so it rides spacetime like a wave, hence why it can travel so fast. it's explained better and drawn in the documentary

If none of you believe Lazar, then look into Commander David Fravor and Luis Elizondo.

Unconnected to Lazar. Happy coincidence for the epic beard dude who made the doc.

Only that they didnt make a good job at that either, almost as like they didnt put much effort at it at all. Believe, if the largest Federal organization in the planet really wanted him ostracyzed, he would be and not having documentaries in fucking Netflix made about him

There sure are a whole lot of glow-in-the-darks posting in this thread right now.

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world governments have known about ufo phenomena for decades. they just don't know what they are or how to deal with them, or if they even need to

That sounds fascinating. There's got to so much out there beyond our comprehension and understanding of physics

What are some good actual movies about Area 51?

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Did an actual UFO crash land in Roswell New Mexico? Yes or no



>biggest UFO conspiracy theory is that government would use alien bullshit as a distraction and means of control
>it fucking works
>even an idiot janitor that can't even keep his story straight has people sucking his dick for his ludicrous stories

It ties to this


Bob got cucked and made up this whole alien story line to cover his ass

>y-yeah my wife cheated on me b-but it was because I was always away working on UFOs!

Wasn't this guy convicted of running some prostitution ring lol

I aint even mad

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he owned a brothel

Ok I'm an alien who works with the government. You can ask me anything.

Is this Bob Lazar the bloke who call in the Art Bell show?

How do neural networks create self-consciousness, let alone how the human brain processes two-dimensional retinal images into the three-dimensional PHENOMENON known as perception?

Yeah, somehow believing in aliens, spacecrafts, antigravitational propulsion and stable element 115 is for the "ane healthy thinkers", but believing that its all a way of politicians and filthy rich families of the world to gather and concentrate even more power is for the "crazy lunatics". Guess thats the world we live in.

Can you be my space gf (male) and do anal probe butt stuff?


ayy lmao

This but unironically, if he was legit he would be dead

>the Clintons had a guy whacked over some petty political bullshit I can't be bothered to recall and probably neither can you
>the government allows a guy to keep blabbing decades after he divulges earthshattering scale information about aliens having visited earth and FTL drive and the government conspiring with aliens, etc.
Pick one, you conspiracy niggerfaggot.

What I'm saying is this is probably a natural phenomena and govs doesn't have a super secret tech because we are still limited with a laws of physics and power sources that doesn't create enough power to do such things. Government do a lot of stupid shit and fund a lot of weird projects because they want to have an edge in a potential WW3. That doesn't mean they have something super advanced. Our technology haven't really advanced since 60s. Everything else is just marketing. And Lazar is just a lunatic.

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did he really take that hand scanner thing from close encounters of the third kind and use it for his area 51 ruse?

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Neural networks doesn't create self-consciousness. At this point in time "neutral network" is just a marketing slogan for a really primitive program that consists of bunch of filters.

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I mead a thread about this when I watched it and nobody replied, it's not fair ;_;

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Holy shit lol

Wait, so this is a movie prop?

Fuck :( I feel like I've been punched in the gut

ask that faggit hipster kid that tries to validate lazar. someone please post to his twitter, or reddit or something.

Thanks for agreeing with me then.

Man, theyre being really sloppy with this fake bullshit. If they dont apply themselves better, the one world one government Project will never see the Light of the day.



if bob is a liar he's one hell of an actor

It’s possible to find extraterrestrials conceivable without falling for obvious bullshit artists. You have to be really stupid not to see this guy and the others like him are pulling your leg. Stuff like the Navy videos are actual meat and potatoes, these nutcases are not

perhaps this world isn't ready for it yet

Link to govt evidence

I want to know the tech behind the Tic Tac ufos. How did they go so fast?

Search for Luis Elizondo (former head of govt UFO program) and the Nimitz encounter.

they all probably operate on gravity and space time distortion

>Lazar is a fraud
>no one can explain this


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because he was shown to be a hoax like 20 years ago

ahh this looks like me

Some people think they were mouse pointers from the guys running the simulation

Who released/disclosure the tic tac ufo footage? A navy officer with the pentagon.

What more than that you need to understand?
No, it was a balloon from a classified project that they said was a weather balloon to hide its true nature, then allowed the whole UFO mania to spin out of control to distract from the truth.
But like the flat earth meme, it got co-opted by a bunch of credulous fools and conspiracy theorists.

Just like they did in Waco?

what was that in the film the sped up/ silenced part where Lazar was in the forest ? Did he say there he still got the E115 hidden somewhere ?

They sure tried to imply that. But I think its a mistake because it exposes a major flaw in the story. If he really has it, its all he needs to show. But in 20 years he never did. Dont seem like someone eager to prove his story.

proven fake, user.

He'd go to prison if he showed it

but maybe he kept in under his pillow but because E115 is not that stable the radioactivity slowly will kill him

I think it was the first time he's brought up apes where it actually pertained to the conversation.

If they wanted him in prision he would be already. Not that hard to frame somebody

Could this work in theory?

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Triangular spacecraft
A spacecraft having a triangular hull with vertical electrostatic line charges on each corner that produce a horizontal electric field parallel to the sides of the hull. This field, interacting with a plane wave emitted by antennas on the side of the hull, generates a force per volume combining both lift and propulsion.

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holy shit dude

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In fiction you mean . Sure, why not. It uses cotton candy as fuel.

I saw two of these real up close once at night, maybe 500 yards above my neighbohrs house, real was spooky how fast it was.

>he saw some triangles over a house at night
>not realizing it was the planet venus
Rather bluepilled, fellow user.

So what's the most compelling video footage of ufos we have right now?

>Venus is a triangle that propels itself through the night sky at high speed

Bob's vhs

i didnt know Venus shadowed stars and were inside the biosphere.

my broken camera


are you retarded ?
thousands have seen them, moving slowly and quietly
yet they deny their existance or calim its ultra light planes
but the low hum they emit is a dead giveaway for highly charged surfaces

>Made by the same guy who made that godawful Skinwalker Ranch Doc

hard fucking pass mon frere

calm your tits wannabe mulder


This is important

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Isn't there definite proof he worked at los alamos? Doubt they'd hire some literally who.

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Yeah, his name is literally on record

[migraine intensifies]

I want to believe Lazar but the more I see and hear from him the more he sounds like a very devoted fraud. An intelligent, committed, fraud. I believe in ayyys too. The entire scenario of how colleagues supposedly interact with each other in S4 is just laughable that they'd do things in such a way, let alone bring Lazar in out of the blue.

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It's pretty fishy if los alamos officials say he never worked there, even though his name was in the phone books. Are there actually teachers at caltech that said he never attended classes there? You'd think a "prodigy" like him would at least be remembered by one teacher.

>A pathological liar says he saw ufos and has no proof of anything including employment
>why dont people with triple digit iq care

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Rogan isn't even a fighter, dumbass.


Because any idiot could have predicted element 115 if they had a basic knowledge of how the periodic table works.
Every time he gets asked a tough question he avoids committing to an answer, says he can't remember, or says the government destroyed his proof.
Kids have unironically given better corroborated UFO stories than Lazar

I get the same vibe from him. He worked for Los Alamos obviously and parlays what he can say about the labs inner workings to sound credible, but makes up/exaggerates the rest

>knows things
>just knows
>dude lmao its not real tho

No it's a real scanner used by the military but it was publicly known about >10 years prior to Lazar's claim and that's why it was used in Close Encounters, Lazar just likely stole it from the movie or newspaper/magazines were they were featured.

The guy is just a Jew's taking advantage of stupid goyim who want to believe in bullshit, as usual.

nice try alien merchants

>trips replying to trips

Pretty based. Either way, Moscovium, aka element 115, is relatively stable compared to other synthetic high atomic number elements, surviving for milliseconds rather than microseconds, but aside from that we know very little about it.

Lazar is full of shit either way.

My nigga.

>brainlet niggers think UFO is synonymous with aliens

How is it that you haven't been banned for spamming this same post a thousand times by now?

Life has to exist outside of earth

so this is it right. Lazar just took a bunch of UFO movies and stories and made up his own little head canon.
Can't wait for someone to show this to Joe Rogan.. he has been going on for years with this shitty hand scanner

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Sure, but that has nothing to do with the term UFO. It's used to refer to anything they can't properly identify. There have been many cases where there are conventional explanations for the objects. A government acknowledging the concept of things pilots or instrumentation can't properly identify is not a blanket admission that ALIUMS ARE HERE GUIZE. Post the real quote in context if you dare my friend.

Joe Rogan is a fucking stooge. Who cares what he thinks?

I'm not following who or what this is can anyone fill me in?

lmaoing @ you fags, if there was any sort of importance to this the guy would be dead already

>Who cares what he thinks?
I don't know, maybe the millions of people who listen to his podcast?
Or do you think the 64 incels with no social life in this thread are more important?

Would you men lie to your mom face if it meant seeing aliens and spacecrafts?

The millions of people that listen to him are all well aware of the idiot he is. Check out the comments on any of the youtube vids where he goes on conspiracy theory rants, like the one he did with that one guy from Kids in the Hall who wouldn't shut up about ayyyys.

I'm talking about the fucking hand scanner...I haven't seen anyone talk about that in the comment yet.
And for someone who said you seem to care a lot about him

We had a great conversation about this docu kino in this thread

I care a lot about the walking joke from Newsradio.

depends on the nature of the lie

Id recommend The Power of Myths docu by joseph campbell, First Contact and Movie about Movie Posters to make it Yea Forums related, awesome thread

>First Contact

Is that a Star Trek film?

We wouldn't have Trek Wars without Lob Bazar.

no, its a docu on supposed alien hybrid contacte, i dont trust what he says but its still a neat docuon him trying to explain the alien phenomena by ''channeling'' this extra terrestrial a la Aleister Crowley

the scariest UFOs are the one that reportedly stop and change directions mid flight at insanely high speeds without even slowing down. those niggas are truly next level

lol so many newfag normies in this area,

watch BOB LAZARS own work and presentations on this issue instead of the movie 50 years later lmfao,

he has so much info and shit on this that he made like 30 years ago which is much more interesting because he explains the physics about everything on the things he worked on.

and then you can come back here on /sci/ and try to explain why the stuff he says would work with your 3 years of college physics degree lmfao... thinking you know shit

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I'll need some more information about this First Contact to try and locate for viewing.

hmmm I'd be more worried about the slow moving ones obviously searching the ground.

>you know something? Fucking faggot how dare you!
Interesting take my friend.

Very nice numbers.


>I know something so I assume everyone and his mother also know it and I must stop anyone from talking about it more.
yes you truly are the greatest incel of them all.

Of course there is something notable about it. It's the heaviest element we can even theoretize about stabilizing, at least according to our current chemical knowledge.

This scanner is real. People are actually wondering how in the fuck it made it to the set of a Spielberg's movie.

Even putting Lazar aside, everything points to gravity manipulation of some kind.

Same way Kubrick knew about the insides of a B-52 Bomber
Top Men

the mickey rourke narration and accompanying animations in that doco was fucking terrible, I nearly stopped watching in the first scene

He's a fraud and has been debunked to the moon and back

So we basically have that technology but it's being kept secret

>The entire scenario of how colleagues supposedly interact with each other in S4 is just laughable that they'd do things in such a way, let alone bring Lazar in out of the blue.
Unless they were using him for disinfo from day one.

He looked at a magazine cover?

doen't matter because this also implies that this scanner existed for at least 15 years before Lazar talked about it and that they were not that secret in the first place if a young movie director could have access to it.

All of that means that thousands of people knew about them and even a random guy working on a movie set in the 70s could have known about them.

It should be working.
I have written a thesis on a potential "tractor beam" when I was at the university and everything points into the direction that it's very much possible to create such "tractor beam" with electrons, although it would use up a lot of energy. The "tractor beam" is a bit of misnomer, because it pulls the thing as well as the thing pulls the caster. But it works basically the same, you have three emitters that you point at the object you want to pull (and pull towards).
If there would be something like a particle of antigravity, then the same principle could be used, I see no reason why it wouldn't.

He speaks of the brief suggesting they come from the Zeta Reticuli star system. Betty Hill was shown a star system when she was abducted by greys, before Zeta Reticuli was discovered. She later drew it, looks identical to the zeta star system.

Skeptics in this thread, I'd like to hear your explanations for the following UFO incidents
>Japan Airlines 1987
>Tehran 1976
>Phoenix Lights

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They've all been debunked

muh lighthouse

Oh no, Applewhite got the date wrong

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The equipment he described 30 years ago is literally physical evidence.

Looks like the regular brit

Moot already pointed out years ago there’s no additional traffic to the site during the summer you fucking newfag

Is it a good doc?

It's honestly terrible. If you're interested in Bob Lazar's story, the Rogan podcast goes into far more detail and is actually entertaining.

Fuck that cuck faggot

mutt lied, people died

Link some

I came just for this

It's almost like one of these people was a literal who that no normie had ever heard of while the other is a famously known prophet of alien conspiracy theorists

What about the argument that compares Lazar to Snowden?
Snowden was a college dropout iirc...

from the footage of his house he looks pretty successful to me. He has a lot nice stuff and his kitchen is almost god tier.
I think hes full of shit but there aren't too many places to buy radioactive material on the net and thr glow in the dark paint he sells looks like a good replacement for the stuff on my pistol sights

>I watch MRA/MGTOW videos all the time


why do people try to make 4channel look like reddit?

MGTOW videos are all repeating the same shit every fucking video. How the hell do you watch that garbage "all the time"
Also have sex

>testing proding
it takes you thousands of years to test proding?

>>groom lake
>more like groom children

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Why do you retards think the government would ever release UFO documents that actually mattered? Either they gave absolutely nothing (which is probably true) or they would bury the information indefinitely.



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Reading the Wiki of these things makes me furious with these scientists and journos. Iran scrambled jets to meet these lights and some smartass journalist says "they likely just saw Jupiter". Or in that UK article where an astronomer says it was just a "bright star". Are these people dumb or intentionally gaslighting witnesses? Who would confuse a star for a UFO? Why would a military scramble jets for fucking Jupiter, which is just a fixed light in the sky, not moving?

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Based lad know what's good

>le children
Burgers lmao

>being a literal pedophile

Try tumblr. Or /pol/

>own/runs photo shop
>hires children
you just KNOW

you mean like how soviet computers accidentally thought the rising moon was a US nuclear missile launch?

Garbage, like that skin walker movie, all filler

Bob Lazar is the definition of someone who was wiped from the system by the government to hide the truth. Even if you were the most delusional retard in the world it wake take years of social training to give off the subconscious cues he gave off in the joe rogan interview to say you are hiding something. He would intentionally answer questions in a way to tell people aware of what he was saying that he was saying "misinformation" as he brought it up.
His graduation records were before computer storage was a thing.
his educational documents were confiscated from him, so he has nothing to show.
He is still held accountable for what he says, so he doesn't really get into significant detail when he starts describing things. People who think his "migraine" excuse was an ACTUAL migraine are those who don't understand the first part of this post.

thank you based Satan.

Lazar's always been full of shit. I don't understand how anyone can believe him.

>the same as 13

She has bigger boobs than I remember.
A shop?

Nah, why would the FBI be raiding him and monitoring his communications

My issue with the Phoenix light is they all appear in order, exactly as if an aircraft would drop them one by one, but then disappear at random.
But then again the flares explanation falls short, because flares drop and flicker while the lights appeared to be stationary.

>Confirmed working at Los Alamos
>Obvious attempts by the government to delete any and all records and evidence of him including the destruction of his birth certificate
>Talked about element 115 years before its discovery
>Hand scanner
>Said that gravity is made out of waves and particles when at the time people thought it was just particles
>Tic tac UFOs match how the ship he worked on operated

The shit with Los Alamos pretty much cleared him in my perspective. For you cumstains calling bullshit. Why would our government hire a kid that never finished any schooling to come work as a scientist in a government facility? Doesn't make any sense, they deleted his academic records to discredit him but it backfires because of my point above. Anyone who cant see that is a mouth breathing retard.

Also how about the FBI knocking on his door and searching his house and workplace right after he wouldn't confirm or deny he had taken some of the stable samples of element 115?

Alex Jones is a conspiracy theorist but I dont think the FBI has ever raided him. Because they know he has nothing or hes full of shit.

If Lazar had nothing the FBI wouldn't of knocked his door down. Simple as that folks.

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>Why would our government hire a kid that never finished any schooling to come work as a scientist in a government facility? Doesn't make any sense, they deleted his academic records to discredit him but it backfires because of my point above.

He can prove it by just showing us some of the work he did academically and his thesis. But he won't because he's a fraud.

He worked there as a janitor and they are pulling a trick with him to spread disinfo.

>Hand scanner
take from a movie.

Try federal prison, pissant.
>After Lazar got to Los Alamos and set up his photo processing business, he managed to get a limited term, contract job with Kirk-Mayer. Kirk-Mayer was one of the smaller contractors supplying support staff to the Los Alamos lab, such as data entry personnel, machinists, fabricators and electronic technicians. Kirk-Mayer never did provide “physicists” or positions of that caliber. Lazar had some electronic technical education from Pierce College in Southern California and had some work experience with Fairchild, so he was hired as an electronic tech with Kirk-Mayer. I have interviews with several people who worked with him and he was described as a very clever troubleshooter and fix-it guy. He was there often enough to get listed in the LANL phone directory, with the denotation “K/M” next to his name, indicating his affiliation with Kirk-Mayer.

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>claim to steal federal property
>confused as to why the FBI raided your home
>"it must be because he knows about the aliens!"
Are you some sort of dummy?

Based Nazi zombies

Brave and stunning

Isn't element 115 the thing that made the zombies in Call Of Duty?

I love the Ben Heck showe

>Pentagon employees say they recovered materials from crashed UFOs

This is why there's no point in having this discussion with normies.
>Everyone forgets after a couple weeks
don't forget the late stan friedman article
RIP Stan

>Jeremy inserts himself into the middle of every aspect of the interview
>half the documentary is him talking about people he interviewed without showing it
>half the documentary is him on the phone
>shitty cryptic voiceover that adds nothing and actually detracts from the documentary
>bad editing and audio
All bob sections were interesting but the guy who made this is retarded


I'm under impression that the migraine was a code word for 'I can't talk about this, you're pushing too hard'.

Bro its an /x/ thread what do you expect

You have to be a serious fucking dipshit to believe in UFOs.

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>ice cubes clinking in glass
>sips whiskey
[migraine intensity soothes]

Based and underratedpilled.

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haha hey guys I'm gonna need you to delete these or this thread will be nuked, thanks!

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She's pregnant.

I dont get the motives of guys like this. I dont mean why they do what they do (money, fame, maybe theyre telling the truth), but why do they present their cases in such incompetent ways?

Like, ive genuinely tried getting into this or that conspiracy theory or, but these little nagging inconsistencies or holes always start to appear. And some of it is baffling, like

>half the documentary is him talking about people he interviewed without showing it

like, why do this? How do you not realize just how fucked up the presentation here is? Im not asking for a slick billion dollar production, just common sense.



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it's like that because movie DLC

Well, yeah if the said stolen property is an ELEMENT THAT DOES NOT EXIST ON THE PLANET FUCKING EARTH.

tfw he actually did it

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>claims to have graduated at M.I.T.
No records. No classmates or teachers willing to go on film and "claim" him as their own.
>claims to have worked on highly classified project
The way he tells his story clearly demonstrates that he lacks the understanding of how a compartmentalized project operates. Everything from access control, to access to information is highly controlled and monitored at those facilities, and yet his story doesn't reflect that at all. It's like he got his "security protocols" from watching T.V. and film.
>talks about a "special" element
Doesn't display any of the properties he claims.
>talks about a "secret facility" by Papoose lake
There isn't shit around Papoose lake on imagery, while there's clearly infrastructure and roads supporting Groom lake and the nuclear test facilities to the west.

I think the dude worked in some low level classified project as a technician, heard some shit, and went from there. Definitely wouldn't waste any money on anything about this dude.


FBI takes threats seriously. Play stupid games...

Are you just mad that I am reminded you that a 14 year old is literally a prepubescent, Ahmed?

>don't mess with football goyim.

>getting raided because you bragged in a documentary that you stole government property is the work of da ebul Jews
Take your meds.

Don't you mean a toddler? It seems the age of majority for americans is around 45.


Literally wut? Your sentence makes no sense.

sorry. Whats the fbi version of faggot shill?


Are you implying I'm a shill because I don't think the FBI was conducting an elaborate cover-up and instead, just investigating an idiot who made claims that he stole government property? Which is a crime?

maybe you should read the reply chain.


Kenneth Arnold saw a flight of craft that flew like saucers but looked like flying wings

>washington state
>right after WW2
>witness some prototype boeing planes doing hoodrat shit


pic related. flying disc shaped missile developed my the USAF designed for extreme maneuverability at high mach speeds

Attached: Pye_Wacket_missile_prototype_(AEDC_Photo_59-1907-C).jpg (300x216, 14K)

>The Sun

we dont have to refute everything you pull up.

The 87 flight is just plain odd and the pilots describe things like heat and reverse thrusters being fired.I think they are describing an aircraft designed to confuse and dazzle pilots while a secret aircraft flies by,kinda like look at MEEEEE *stealth bomber flies by*

>Shows the scene to Rogan
"Lmao bruh you are delusional, spielberg clearly used the REAL one as a reference"


yeah but no... Rogan always use this scanner shit as a proof that Lazar was aware of """secret and highly advanced technologies""" from the US gov... If spielberg and everyone who saw his movie knew about it 12 years before, then it all crumbles.
Any kid who saw Close encounters in 1977 could have wrote a shitty fanfiction with the same hand scanner in it

Maybe you should make a cogent argument, schizoid?

I posted everything about the hand scanner on twitter and youtube (new and empty accounts) let see if it disappears.
If the CIA wants to kill me for exposing their shill agent, they can come, I don't care. I could also buy me for 1000$.

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because it was the biggest story in the world in 1989 you mong

>CNN is completely bad, /pol/tard meme
Doesn't matter anyway, you assholes are close to getting your wish for conservative-state-sponsored news. So it's all going to be obsolete in a year when we have King GOPnigger telling me what to think on his Discord channels


That's my point, he will say that Spielberg used the real one as reference to keep this shit going and "credible"

Down syndrome..duuurrrghhhh

Yes but the little alien would fall out

Well I'm going to shill for my video a bit:
Lazar clearly says it was the new hot shit in 1989, ultra secret etc... a bit hard to believe when it was used in a movie 12 years before.

Jokes on you faggot, I knew it came out then and decided to watch it when Roe Jogan had Bob on.

>cnn is great, that's some real journalism
>waaah /pol/
>rumblings about orange man

Watched this on Rogan. Seemed like bullshit. If we had something like this to reverse engineer we would have seen results by now.

Ah the conspiracyfag's "he's not earning any money with it" argument.
I hate it whenever this is used as evidence that something is real because it's simply garbage.
People do dumb shit all the time without any reason at all. You don't know what he was expecting when he started this.
There's also "attention" and "boredom".

Balloon boy as a good example. People are just attentionwhores. And being able to tell a consistently good lie, doesn't make it the truth.

there are people in this world who just love to lie and make shit up all the time, i've seen them, they are completely nuts. it's probably some kind of mental illness. they just can't stop and they are often shameless and opportunistic as fuck which means they can attain high positions and generally be successful in life for some time

I never said it was great, you act like a /pol/nigger and orange man is a bad president. Cope.

wow cool source you fucking shill faggot
i opened that gay link and this is LITERALLY how your (((skeptic physicist))) types:
>”OK, maybe a slight exaggeration, but any near-Earth operations of the saucers described by Lazar would result in huge gravitational wave signals. Wait…..Unless the observatories are part of the coverup!!! Um….nope.”
i think i’ve read better refutations from my autistic 6yo

>orange man is a bad president.
Not really. At worse he's average.

>angryly replying to a 10 hours old post
Hi Lazar!

It's not just the money, dude probably does it for the "oh look is that alien stuff guy...Hey Bob care to sit with me and have breakfast while i ask you some questions?"
He gets a free meal here, a cup of coffee there, etc.

>tariffs, pissing off allies, possible war with Iran, bombing Syria, giving Saudis billions, withdrawing from climate accords, letting Goldman Sachs write tax bills, getting sued by a district court for unsanitary and unsafe conditions in detainment centers, tweeting the location of military personal, giving InfoWars press clearance at the WH, your charity gets shut down for fraud, doubles down that receiving information from a foreign national is fine and no big deal, literally still a climate change denier, forcing taxpayers to pay for his golf trips
Yeah, average...

post it to joe rogaine's twatter as well as the hipster kid's please. even reddit. needs more exposure. it's a bomb.

do you niggers actually believe aliens have the technology to travel to earth? interstellar travel is pretty much impossible

I did it on twitter (Joe and Jamie) but not reddit never.

Say that to the fungus niggas who came to earth millions of years ago

but we need Le reddit detectives so it goes on national tv user-sama :^D

nice. saved btw for when that DMCA hits.
it needs to get out.

You totally sound like someone reasonable for whom a clean bill of mental health should be given, and reasonable intellectual judgments would be expected.
Not at all a mentally ill tranny who doesn't belong here and should crawl back to whatever shithole it originated.

And fuck Drumpf xd

lmao his reaction is so fake here, you can just tell. such a bad acting

That is such a godawful list. Full of shit that he didn't do, aren't bad or are straight up incorrect. You can make an autism list like that for every single president. He is no worse then his 5 predecesors.

comfy home

Imagine being so dumb you think the government wouldnt kill someone immediately if they leaked the knowledge

Gee guys, this guy making money from a film said aliens are real, he is a spook too.
>Bettter believe everything he says

>that youtube clip
literal hand waiving

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Trump is already Top 5 presidents ever. And the ride is far from over :)

I see you mr Ventura. ;)

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