Favourite directors

Post your 5 favourite directors and your 3 favourite films by them.

>Robert Bresson
Au Hasard Balthazar
A Man Escaped
>Theodoros Angelopoulos
Eternity and a Day
Ulysses' Gaze
The Travelling Players
>Andrei Tarkovsky
Andrei Rublev
>Michelangelo Antonioni
La Notte
>Howard Hawks
Rio Bravo
The Big Sleep
His Girl Friday

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I guess i will post another 5 of my favourites.

>Kenji Mizoguchi
The Story of the Last Chrysanthemum
>Bela Tarr
Werckmeister Harmonies
The Turin Horse
>František Vláčil
Valley of the Bees
Marketa Lazarová
>Krzysztof Kieslowski
Three Colours Red
The Double Life of Veronique
>Carl Theodor Dreyer
Day of Wrath
The Passion of Joan of Arc

Edward Yang - Yi Yi, Terrorizers, A Brighter Summer Day

Stanley Kubrick - Barry Lyndon, 2001, Eyes Wide Shut

Jacques Rivette - La Belle Noiseuse, Celine and Julie Go Boating, Duelle

Luchino Visconti - The Leopard, Rocco and his Brothers, Ludwig

John Ford - Searchers, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, My Darling Clementine

The Thing Halloween Big Trouble
Ran Yojimbo Throne of Blood
Eraserhead The Elephant Man Twin Peaks
Dog Day Afternoon Serpico Network
Oldboy The Handmaiden Lady Vengeance


Takeshi Kitano
Jia Zhangke
Johnie To
Terrence Malick
David Lynch
Josef Von Sternberg

> but you posted 6 and didnt post favorites!1
That's right I'm gassed out from maxing out in deadlifts and can't think straight. I should also for once start watching Theodoros.

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Not bad, I saw His Girl Friday last night, was pretty great, kind of like 1940s Iannuci, but you kind of come off like a pleb kid for dismissing contemporary cinema.
you too
based and unpretentious list. Have you seen The Little Drummer Girl? Great english Park Chan Wook thriller miniseries kino from last year.
lifeless taste

Still Walking
Nobody Knows

>Joachim Trier
Louder than Bombs
Oslo 31st August

The Piano Teacher
Happy End

>Todd Haynes
I'm Not There
Mildred Pierce

>Sean Baker
The Florida Project

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The Shining/2OO1/Paths of Glory

Mulholland Dr/Twin Peaks FWWM/Inland Empire

Bridge on the River Kwai/Doctor Zhivago/Lawrence of Arabia

Godfather II/Apocalypse Now (theatrical)/Godfather

Repulsion/Rosemary's Baby/Chinatown

Honorable mentions: Herzog (Aguire/Nosferatu) Jodo (El Topo/Holy Mountain) Gilliam (Fear and Loathing/Imaginarium)

>Not bad, I saw His Girl Friday last night, was pretty great, kind of like 1940s Iannuci, but you kind of come off like a pleb kid for dismissing contemporary cinema.
I didn't dismiss contemporary cinema. I listed some of my favourite directors. There are no contemporary directors that are as good as the ones i listed.
>Have you seen The Little Drummer Girl? Great english Park Chan Wook thriller miniseries kino from last year.
Stopped watching this after 2 episodes. If i understand it correctly, the AMC and BBC version is not his complete version.

Mulholland Dr/Twin Peaks/Lost Highway
Repulsion/Chinatown/Rosemary’s Baby
Boogie Nights/There Will Be Blood/Punch Drunk Love
Big Lebowski/No Country for Old Men/The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

>I didn't dismiss contemporary cinema.
>There are no contemporary directors that are as good as the ones i listed.

>cinema has declined

yep, it's another kid who doesn't actually enjoy the 'great' arthouse films he likes to pretend make him cultured.

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I like contemporary cinema that doesn't mean that any of the directors working right now would make my top 10.

how do you feel about society in general
not as good as it once was?

I don't know, i wasn't around back then.

hm ok maybe i'm being harsh it just triggers me how the dichotomy in people's minds is often not between good art films and shitty mainstream films, but between old films and new films

Like i said, i like contemporary cinema. I listed the ones i like the most. There are many directors that i left out. Older ones and also contemporary.

Who would you say for 5 contemporary directors and their 3 films?

>Paul Thomas Anderson
The Master
There Will Be Blood
Inherent Vice
>Wong Kar Wai
In The Mood For Love
Fallen Angels
>Paul Verhoeven
Total Recall
>Lars Von Trier
Breaking the Waves
The House That Jack Built
>Peter Greenaway
Zed and Two Noughts
Prospero's Book
Goltzius and the Pelican Company

After Hours
Mean Streets
The Departed

The Tree of Life
The New World
To The Wonder

North by Northwest
The Trouble With Harry

Through the Olive Trees
Taste of Cherry
Where is my Friend’s House?


> To the Wonder as favorite Malick

>Kurosawa Akira
Seven Samurai
>Ozu Yasujiro
Late Spring
Tokyo Story
There was a father
>Mizoguchi Kenji
Ugetsu Monogatari
Sansho The Bailiff
The Life of Oharu
>Wim Wenders
Wings of Desire
Paris, Texas
The American Friend
>Pawel Pawlikowski
Cold War

Check out Mikio Naruse, if you haven't seen anything by him.

Thanks, it's in my list already, i will

Three Colors: Red (and white and blue)
The Double Life of Veronique
A Short Film About Love

Love Streams
A Woman Under the Influence
Opening Night

High and Low

Shadow of a Doubt
The 39 Steps

>Fincher (adding a contemporary, not necessarily my 5th favorite, but my favorite out of the ones still working)
The Social Network
Gone Girl

Where to start with him? I have A Woman Under the Influence and Killing of the Chinese Bookie. Is any of those a good start?

A Woman under the Influence is his masterpiece for sure.
Also watch Rosemary's Baby for context on him as an actor. Another seminal film.

Killing of a Chinese Bookie didn't make an impression on me. I much preferred his other Gena Rowlands films. But Woman under the Influence is a very polished version while the others are a bit loosely paced and have technical flaws.

>Martin Scorsese
The Last Temptation of Christ
Taxi Driver

>David Lynch
The Elephant Man
Blue Velvet
Mulholland Drive

>Quentin Tarantino
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill Vol. 1
Inglourious Basterds

>Sergio Leone
Once Upon a Time in the West
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
A Fistful of Dollars

>Lucio Fulci
The Beyond
Don't Torture a Duckling
The New York Ripper

Alright, i will check that one out. I have already seen Rosemary's Baby, he was very good in it.

I enjoyed Happy End but I can’t possibly imagine having seen all of Haneke’s films and thinking it was top 3 material

Honestly if you like The Tree Of Life, there is zero reason why you wouldn’t get a decent amount of enjoyment out of both To The Wonder and Knight Of Cups


pawlikowski is fucking great. i look forward to him making films for the rest of my lifetime

>Fistful in there over for a few dollars more

bookie is considered a bad starting point, but i actually think (other than Shadows) that it’s the best starting point for his filmography. it doesn’t matter which version, though i prefer the “director’s cut”. i don’t think a woman under the influence hits as hard without already having delved into the cassavetes style

based. once upon a time in america and for a few dollars more both make my top 20. gun to my head i really don’t know which i would choose

I agree. Lot of themes which he properly developed were thrown together in Happy End but without anything new or interesting.
I love The Tree of Life and i couldn't even finish Knight Of Cups. I also really like Song to Song.

>Stan Lee
All the Marvel movies (too many to list)

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I don't even really bother trying to be objective making lists lol.
I do think his use of visual language in that film is masterful and beyond what he's done before though.
But it's certainly not 'the best' of his. But that's pretty meaningless anyway.

that’s a weird opinion mate, but all power to you

>what a film is about

less important than character drama and art imo

you shouldn’t try to be objective, listing your favorites is a subjective action. like i said, i liked the film, i just think his output has been rich enough that happy end wouldn’t cross my mind personally when thinking of his best works. the construction disaster scene and the late scene at the lunch are both pretty great

As far as character drama goes it was pretty disappointing, none of the characters felt flesh out to me. The best part was the little girl with her father. I was really disappointed in that one, i hope that TV show he is developing will be better.

whoa that’s the first i’m hearing about this. googled it and the last articles were from early 2018, any other update?

Taxi Driver
Raging Bull
12 Angry Men
Dog Day Afternoon
Godfather Part 2
Apocalypse Now
No Country for Old Men
Big Lebowski

Unfortunately no, i hope it's still happening.

Man i loved both Ida and Cold War so much, i can't wait for his next projects but i wish he kept using b/w because he's insanely good at it

Don't disrespect Gian Maria Volonté kino my friend

Cold War was supposed to be in colour but they couldn't find the right colour palette.

Didn't know that but honestly I'm glad they didn't find it then

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I liked Ida, never heard of Cold War, ill check it out, thanks

The Shining
Barry Lyndon

La Strada
Nights of Cabiria
8 1/2

Rear Window
North by Northwest

>Park Chan-wook
The Handmaiden
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance

>Billy Wilder
Sunset Boulevard
Some Like It Hot
The Apartment

it’s one of the very best of this decade.

it's better than Ida desu

Happy end is good.
Knight of cups is supposed to be too long and not as beautiful after it goes on too long. Christian Bale does a good job too.

I thought it was watchable, probably my least favourite i have seen from him.
I disliked it because of Bale, for some reason i found him to be terribly annoying. I will try to rewatch it.

the amount of arthouse fags in this thread is a little bit icky desu
>Robert Altman
Buffalo Bill
McCabe & Mrs. Miller
>Franklin Schaffner
Planet of the Apes
The War Lord
>Charlie Chaplin
Monsieur Verdoux
The Kid
>D.W. Griffith
Broken Blossoms
True Heart Susie
>William Wyler
The Best Years of Our Lives
The Big Country
Roman Holiday

There are a lot of non arthouse directors in this thread



What a strange animal.

What kind of person would cry about 'arthouse fags' and then proceed to make a serious, good post( that could too be called 'arthouse faggotry' if you're inclined to that idiocy)?

Don't be hostile. We all frens here. Everyone likes something different.
True patrician right here. Best taste ITT.

Roast me. I’m a basic bitch. More than 5 cant stop me.

>Paul Thomas Anderson
The Master
There Will Be Blood
Punch Drunk Love

>John Carpenter
The Thing
In the Mouth of Madness
They Live

>Francis Ford Coppola
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Apocalypse Now
The Godfather

>Nicolas Winding Refn
Valhalla Rising

>Peter Jackson
LotR: TFotR
LotR: TRotK

Eyes Wide Shut
The Shining

>Paul WS Anderson
Event Horizon
Mortal Kombat

I like what I like.

watch braindead user
it's absolute cult horror kino and it's fascinating seeing the weta workshop effects apparatus basically in training for LOTR.

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Serious thoughts on Sophia Coppola??

I liked the virgin suicides, planning on watching lost ins translation

Pandorum wasn't directed by Paul WS Anderson

No need to roast you, PTA, Coppola, Refn and Kubrick are pretty good, the rest is okay when you want to chill

>Bram Stoker’s Dracula

I've only watched Lost in Translation, i liked it (6.5/10) but i don't think i'm gonna watch anymore from her, didn't interest me enough

Braindead is so fucking great.
Virgin Suicides and Lost in Translation are alright. After that it goes downhill, Somewhere and The Bling Ring are terrible. Her remake of The Beguiled was decent but the original is much better.


One of the best female directors. Her sense of ennui and handling of youthful character and themes are special highlights to appreciate. LIT is probably her best, but watch the whole filmography, it's still a short one.

>Bergman, Fellini, Tarkovsky, Truffaut, the list goes on!

The hallmarks of the tasteless and the uninitiated. It's okay if you're just getting into the medium, but there are some (even here, on a so called ''film'' board) that actually believe they are cultured or have a snippet of taste because they like these directors, when in actuality they are nothing more than embarrassing cringeworthy copy/paste babbies with no opinion on the medium they claim to love whatsoever.

For a cinephile like myself, it is truly disgusting to watch, and the main reason I, and many others, steer far away from this pit of despair and depravity. You are everything wrong with this board.

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I liked Somewhere desu.
I think it's the second best study into ennui she's done after Lost in Translation.
Dorf from true detective dem keedz and elle fanning are fantastic.

Yeah it's slow and about a rich prick and is a pretty obnoxious form of rich people problems so i can get why someone wouldn't like it but i did.

You’re right. Mods pls delet my list

You're not wrong lol but lets hear your list so i can tell you if it's based or not


In no particular order:
>Sergio Leone
Once Upon A Time In America
Once Upon A Time In The West
For A Few Dollars More
>Sam Raimi
Spider-Man 2
Evil Dead 2
>John McTiernan
The 13th Warrior
Die Hard
>Richard Lester
The Three Musketeers
The Four Muketeers
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum
>Oliver Stone
Wall Street


>Yeah it's slow and about a rich prick and is a pretty obnoxious form of rich people problems so i can get why someone wouldn't like it but i did.
I don't mind slow, but the rest is correct. It was so fucking obnoxious.

Bergman, Fellini, Tarkovsky, Truffaut, the list goes on!

>Mario Bava
Blood and Black Lace
Black Sunday
The Whip and the Body

>Howard Hawks
Bringing Up Baby
The Big Sleep
Red River

>Billy Wilder
The Apartment
Sunset Blvd
The Lost Weekend

>Rob Zombie
The Lords of Salem
House of 1000 Corpses
The Devil's Rejects

>Raoul Walsh
White Heat
Objective Burma
They Died with Their Boots On

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Oh my god what a FUCKING HYPOCRITE


Do you hate the rich, buddy? Do you think they are problemless somehow?


I hope it's a dumb samefag, and not this many people responding to decade-old pasta unironically

Nice one, i love Blood and Black Lace and Bava in general. But i don't understand what people see in Rob Zombie.
No and no. I just find the film to be absolutely obnoxious and pointless.

They might be cultured but still keep "Bergman, Fellini, Tarkovsky, Truffaut, the list goes on!" as their favorite cause they are emotionally linked or they still prefer them, even if you are clearly baiting, it's a weak bait and let people enjoy whatever they enjoy

Is there anything more pretentious than this spelling?

Bongs just are that way, nbd

That's the correct way.


>Edward Yang
Yi Yi
A Brighter Summer Day

>Hou Hsiao-Hsien
Millennium Mambo
Three Times
A City of Sadness

>Krzysztof Kielslowski
The Double Life of Veronique
Three Colours Red

>Alfred Hitchcock
The Lady Vanishes
Shadow of a Doubt
North By Northwest

>Tsai Ming-liang
Rebels of the Neon God
Vive L'Amour
What Time Is It There

>>Hou Hsiao-Hsien
>Millennium Mambo

when u liek master clsas director but pick his worst emo shit to fawn over

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Where to start with New Taiwanese Cinema?

Rebels of the Neon God

David Lynch
>Mulholland Drive
>Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
Stanley Kubrick
>Eyes Wide Shut
>The Shining
James Whale
>Bride of Frankenstein
>The Invisible Man
William Castle
>House on Haunted Hill
>The Night Walker
Orson Welles
>Lady from Shanghai
>Touch of Evil
>Citizen Kane

You think Imaginarium is better than Brazil?

>Yasujiro Ozu
Tokyo Story, Autumn Afternoon and Late Spring.
>Sion Sono
Love Exposure, Himizu and Why Don't You Play in Hell?
>Andrei Tarkovsky
Stalker, Zerkalo and Andrei Rublev.
>George Romero
Might as well cheat and say the original Dead Trilogy plus Martin.
>Shinya Tsukamoto
Tetsuo the Iron Man, Bullet Ballet and Adventures of Electric Rodboy.

I'm a weeb

You're coming across as an insecure faggot here user. Fix up.

>Sion Sono

>But i don't understand what people see in Rob Zombie.
He makes fun splatter movies with ridiculous characters, and bottles the spirit of 70s exploitation far better than Tarantino ever could. He's also ambitious and experiments in interesting ways.

I don't know user, they both manage to make me feel a lot of things through their films. Whether it's ludicrous violence with raw emotions or a calm and quiet room with two characters talking about their relationship.

Sion Sono and Takashi Miike are unironically great.

koreeda is the only contemporary nip worth a damn

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> muh drama muh slice of life muh gf/wife allegory muh oedipus

she’s great, all of her films are worth watching (lost in translation being the best) and her last film, a remake of The Beguiled, was one of the better films of the year

ebin takedown of four of cinema’s greatest directors

Not even the best FNW director.

Didn't Cinebro become a literal real life tranny

I never said that and don’t believe that to be true.

Lee Chang Dong is good too. Sion Sono is very hit and miss.

Lee Chang Dong isn't Nip

Fuck, you are right. Tsukamoto is pretty good.

But he was way better in For a Few Dollars More.

Dong lol


>Akira Kurosawa
Throne of Blood
High and Low
>Ridley Scott
Blade Runner
>Alfred Hitchcock
The Birds
Rear Window
>John Carpenter
Escape from NY
The Thing
Big Trouble In Little China
>John McTiernan
Die Hard
Last Action Hero

>Rear Window
>The Birds
>Drunken Angel
>Seven Samurai

Don't think I've watched enough by others to pad out (or I forgot the less memorable stuff).
Bresson, Lean, Hawks, Ford, Kazan had some stuff I enjoyed.

>most your most ostentatious and phony claims to be some sort of smart or interesting person