why are jews so cool, God tier voice, funny, constant memes, based, professional
Why are jews so cool, God tier voice, funny, constant memes, based, professional
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This is now synagogue of Satan HATE THREAD
if im a jewish sacrifice so be it life well lived!
>imagine spying so hard you get the death penalty even though you are a jew
I wonder what they really did.
>my brand of authoritarianism is better than yours!!!1
wow this 1930s agitprop poster is so convincing wtf i'm a nazi now
yikes Yea Forums is jew friendly i love jews know many of them and theyre great people
>I wonder what they really did.
They passed nuclear secrets to the soviet union. Hollywood made countless movies to explain that they were wrongly accused although soviet archives reveal that they did it. But hey jews can do no wrong.
There's also this thing were cops knwo that someone is a criminal but have no proof, so they use illegal techniques, deception and setups to arrest him. It's basically propaganda for a police state. One example is The Dark Knight, he uses a mass surveilliance system to find the Joker, promises it's the last time, it's just against the boggeyman.
Pretty sure Deadpool 2 hits most of these
. Damn I really don’t like WOKE culture
Based. /pol/ trannies eternally btfo
>God tier voice
Seinfeld had the most insufferable jewish voices
im tired of fucking anti antisemitism
> imagine trying to alert people to the Yewish menace by spamming poorly-shooped memes to a Mongolian Tapestry board
Hes georgian not jewish. Any proof he killed children?
Imagine defending jews. For FREE.
fucking scammed goyim
yikes! i thought i left /pol/
>realization hits him hard
>whole site is already /pol/
>soon whole world
Back in the day it kind of made sense, but it's a boogeyman at this point.
Ice T put it best. No lives matter. Or only the rich lives matter I guess.
I like jews though but i know how history goes but i will defend them for as long as i can
>soon whole world
People in the world still get shit done, despite the vast majority of young people being lazy snowflakes, so no.
When I see /pol/ I see a 34 year old dude on disability money with a Sig Sauer in a display case above his head, jacking off to traps.
good. Anyway you had no other choice. Serve Israel well goyim.
>People in the world still get shit done
Difference between /pol/ and normal people is that when /pol/ starts to get shit done it hit news. /pol/ was right from start and already won.
my boss and his boss were jews they were great guys treated me very well i see its all bs
>when /pol/ starts to get shit done it hit news
You mean when a bunch of aspies go on a killing spree and bite the bullet or get jailed? That's what you're proud of?
what the FUCK is that guy's problem?
>That's what you're proud of?
Could be very well possible that your jews were not the one who push multiculty ideology and were just different enclave of jews who want to just live and thrive. Have you heard jews jewing jews?
Notice how they’re all pornographic...
why hate jews why not judge individuals
takes long time to identify them. Better to get them all in one big swoop.
Just because someone shoved their dick up your ass when you were still in school doesn't mean you have an excuse to play God.
You're a nobody, faggot.
>That's why
Because Jews are the smartest
I hate Jews as much as the next guy, but these boomer Facebook tier memes aren't convincing anybody.
>Just because someone shoved their dick up your ass when you were still in school doesn't mean you have an excuse to play God
projecting your insecurities on me?
Tall order to talk about insecurities when you're insecure to the point where all you think about is things you'll never change.
Why don't you do something for your society, you fucking mongoloid? Plant a tree at least. Stop living off my back, and MY money.
Seething Amalekite.
you okay? Dont get stroke
>you okay?
The best I've been in years, thanks for being so concerned.
his fucking face and his skull is enough proof you jackass. that faggot literally looks like a jewish sterotype and acted like one.
>capitalism is bad
>authoritarianism is good
pinkpilled fag made this one
sorry anons OP here one autist has destroyed this thread
>being this buttmad
ITT: seething kekoldstanis blaming others for their shitty lives.
Too much crime? It's the niggers.
Nobody wants to hire you and you don't want to work for chump change even though you consistently vote for the party that supports corporations? It's those damn spics taking your jobs.
Can't get your little dick wet? It must be the jews importing tyrones so they can cuck you.
Can't get rich? Must be the jews controlling the world.
Imagine actually living with these beliefs eating away at you, and all the impotent rage it brings. No wonder white americans need pills to get it up.
Thanks for so many redpills user
Only good post ITT.
Whitest posts i have ever seen.
triggered jew detected
imagine walking down the street and seeing a two year old dressed like you
holy shit lol
red and black is a jew psyop color
it's supposed to be a joke like all the posts in this thread BUT NU-Yea Forums DOESN'T GET IT
what the fuck am i even watching lol someone please explain
Lizard masking as jew throws up acid on black female. No joke she got like 2-3 degree burns and barely survived.
This is a cringe thread, dummy. GTFO with your red pills.
>he seethed enough to reply
I'm not angry, I'm actually having a hearty laugh at all the cringe white genocide propaganda posted ITT.
>/pol/ makes you retreat to your imagination and forego reality.
yea it's all in head. Schizos
>iz all in hed.
Of course you're ESL
JIDF cunt
>124 replies
>28 posters
>one subhuman mentally ill NEET spamming nazi propaganda
nice thread
I hate kikes more than you do, Ivan
Thats hot as fuck. I will cum so hard if some chick im chatting up turns out to be very feminine boy. Not homosexual. Just find it hot.
more like Manette lmao
Can someone please explain?
what a waste of a perfectly good spaceship
this can't be real
that is bad....
nigga u gay
wouldn't have crashed if it was perfectly good
How does that kid already have major balding
are you joking??!!
ok faggot
Fuck you schlomo not even giving you a (You)
Ready kyle odom manifesto and find out more.
>151 Replies
>33 Posters
really makes you think
>high verbal IQ
>no scruples
>kosher standards
>culture is based on law and prestige fields
>culture is based on finding loopholes in their own laws and literally jewing their own God
> muh 50s murica
>too scared to voice your own opinion out of fear of being """plebeian""" while shitting on everyone elses opinion
>Still somehow voices racist views
Yea Forums is Yea Forums and /pol/s retarded child.
Ice T’s entire career exists because of Jews
That guy was a federal agent
Wow democrats in the 1940s were really pushing for race mixing.
>jews are subhuman
>they also run the entire world
what if I jack of on Deviant Art and e-hentai art ?
Supes is right tho, you are really a retard if you judge people purely by their appearance instead of their character.
That doesn't mean tho that you can't call out power that be, and mention their race.
Correct, they are very good at being parasitic
This retarded shit logical fallacy again. No one thinks jews are subhuman. Just ugly but very intelligent. Also scums and will cheat, scam and backstab you.
Now fuck of libshit before i dab on you once more.
as if it would be different with Nazis
Larry David is the only based Jew
Oh yeah? So Jews who get countless Nobel prizes are parasitic, but you with your bed full of crusty tissues are somehow vital to the world?
> why are jews so cool, God tier voice, funny, constant memes, based, professional
unironic answer: they lived in a matriarchal(at least comparatively) society, meaning women were selecting the kind of men they wanted to be with, and they usually went with funny/charming/intelligent(these traits are all interrelated) guy. jewish religion required universal literacy thousands of years before the rest of society, compounding this effect by making it easier to tell who was smarter.
sage for seething /pol/tards
is this the reason they look like ugly weak goblins? Charisma wont save that fucked up face.
>>culture is based on finding loopholes in their own laws and literally jewing their own God
examples please
fucking kek
what is this phenotype called?
bump, i wanna learn
>looks like a backstabbing dirtbag who'll screw you over without even blinking
>they're so cool and funny haha
sounds about right
>always without justification
it's pure coincidence that all those countries wanted them gone for no reason
>he thinks jews were the only religious minority expelled from countries
>muh """coincidence"""
It's called christcuckery, your literal mong
Jews = based
Goyim = unbased
Whats your point?
>Nobel prize
yeah I remember Obama getting one for being brown
i know a great jew too, his name is jesus and he loves you all. praise him
what else is being part of the lgbtq community even about besides sexual deviance and playing the victim? And using needle drugs and getting aids
sorry user, religious diversity is our strength as our current world would suggest
Almost came close in the 40s didn't ya goy? Never again, you're gone in 100 years tops, while we have a ethnostate. Once no one remembers anymore, we'll build housing for more Nu-europeans on war graves.
>he thinks the nobel prize for peace is the same as those for physics and chemistry
>grrr it was jesus
why dont you turn into a lampshade or something
there's certain activities that practicing Jews must refrain from doing during their Sabbath (holy day). sometimes the rule comes down to location, that is, x is permissible indoors, but x is not permissible outdoors. so Jews will look for a loophole to distort the word "outdoors" to mean something more abstract and subjective. they come to the conclusion that any "enclosed space" could pass for indoors. so what do they do? they take literally miles of rope, and tie it all together to make one giant loop to fit around the perimeter of their entire town. this way, they can be in the middle of an intersection, in broad daylight, and argue that they are not breaching any indoor/outdoor Sabbath law because they are standing within "an enclosed space," and so justified to do something that is only permitted indoors.
Yeah, literally jewing their own God.
Are you literally retarded? You deny that Christians persecuted religious minorities throughout history? It's not just Jews. Look at the persecution of Catholics by the Protestant majority in Germany or the destruction of the Cathars in the 13th century or the 4th fucking Crusade. Medieval Christians when in a majority oppressed everyone who wasn't them.
No cultural marxism: Character is a foreigner
with: Character still is, but uglier
Why the fuck are you complaining about jews on a board about a Jew owned entertainment
Not Yea Forums.
coincidentally, this culture trains them (from an early age) to excel at creative interpretation of laws and to thrive in the legal profession
they should have chosen to live in the non christian places that loved religious tolerance
>thinking things would be better if a cult of incompetent retards who thought that draining the Mediterranean was an epic plan weren’t stopped
A lot of them did. During the Spanish Inquisition, 150,000 Jews were resettled in the Balkans by the Ottoman Empire, and gradually accepted into Prussia, peaking in the 18th century. A lot of it had to do with mercantilism in order to shore up finances following wars. However Jews weren't equal legal citizens in Europe until 1791 when those rights were first granted by Napoleon within France. A number of German states followed in the early 19th century while others like Prussia emancipated Jews only to revoke those rights a few years later.
It really is no wonder why God came to BTFO them.
>meaning women were selecting the kind of men they wanted to be with
>Jews are predisposed to loads of mental illnesses
Makes me think.
>Look at the persecution of Catholics by the Protestant
The Catholic Church literally burned Protestants at the stake for reading the bible.
>burned Protestants at the stake
what else do you do with heretics?
not really, there are some evidence he diddled kids, but mostly he really only liked to rape young women, then give them a bucket of flowers afterwards as a sort of apology. He was weird that way.
Ya see?!
We have a problem.
Don't get me started on Japan.
the "recovery" was a smokescreen created by hidden war rearmament. but you knew that already.
You know what that means goy?
When shit hits the fan it's the death switch for you cattle.
>200 posts of seething /pol/tards
The interest has risen IN HIS PANTS!
This guy isn't fucking Jewish. His name is Con O'Neill.