this must be one of if not the most kino series of 2019.
How did krauts make this?
it sucks
What’s it about
>How did [GERMANS] make this?
It really is odars magnum opus. Also he´s swiss (the director) not german. But some might say swiss are much like germans. But the cast is all german.
>What´s it about?
Time travel. And one of the best ones i have ever seen dealing with this issue. It manages to combine a blend of actual accepted time travel theories with religious symbols of not too well known origin aswell as fiction. pic related.
It´s not like germans aren´t used to doing innovative and outstanding things through history pic related. I actually have no idea why anyone thinks germans are stupid and incompetent. There´s no historical evidence that even remotely points towards that sort of thing.
I think it´s just with regards to movies and series, people almost equate it completely with hollywood in USA.
I just haven't seen any German movies/series with this level of kino before.
Mostly it's just Jews/Nazi propaganda shows
It's written by a woman lol, Yea Forums btfo
hannah best girl
Also let´s not forget Jantje Friese. She did along with odar a heck of a good job.
it's written by a woman and a man who is supervising the woman, checkmate
a man of taste
>It's written by a woman lol, Yea Forums btfo
Yes it´s created primarily by friese and odar. With a few cowriters on a few of the episodes they brought in to help them.
Silly girl, nobody is pretending women can´t do great things. There´s never been a fight with women vs men other than in the heads of idiots trying to tear our societies apart.
It´s combo.
Also please stop watching this in dub you retards! For once you have a really kino series that is entirely in german with german actors. Also, even the most anti german idiot have to admit that some of the dialogues effectiveness, particularly with noah is ruined if you dub it. It just sounds awesome and serious in german. Give a whole different feel to it than if you listen to it in dub.
Who is your favourite actor/performance in this series Yea Forums ?
A severely underrated one i think, is this guy who plays michael kahnwald. A gentle father figure and father to jonas.
The actor is called Sebastian Rudolph. He gives an awesome performance as Michael Kahnwald (who is also mikkel nielsen).
It’s unironically Netflix’s best original series. Too bad it’ll never be as popular as shit like Stranger Things/Bojack/Orange is the New Black/whatever
At least we can be thankful that the writers are claiming they intended it to be a 3-season show and they’re getting to make all three seasons. I was honestly really worried after the end of season 1 that it could completely fly off the rails and season 2 would be trash, but the second season managed to be just as good, if not better, than season 1. The show has strong performances from totally unknown actors (younger Jonas and Ulrich being the two standouts imo), an excellent composer with great choices for licensed music, and very talented writers that have some fresh and interesting ideas for a somewhat tired sub genre of sci-fi.
It’s probably the only thing that’s made me want to keep my Netflix subscription lately desu.
>It’s unironically Netflix’s best original series. Too bad it’ll never be as popular as shit like Stranger Things/Bojack/Orange is the New Black/whatever
I agree, but that doesn´t matter. Quality always finds its audience. Let the other ones be super popular if that´s the case, i don´t personally care. I really enjoy the series and i´m glad they made it, and as you said that it gets the 3 seasons as it was planned. Atleast it got enough viewers to allow it to get its 3rd and final season as planned.
What i am most surprised about is that netflix even allowed it on their platform. With how much they want to make everything diverse and stuff like this. It has pretty much an all german cast. As in actual germans. And there are essentially no other ethnic groups represented in it. And it´s ofcourse in german language and not in english.
Must have hurt for them to allow it anyways. I guess it´s because they realized that inspite of this, that the script was just too fucking good to take a pass on. Hehe.
>the writers are claiming they intended it to be a 3-season show and they’re getting to make all three seasons.
I don´t think that claim is bullshit at all. If you see how it plays out already now in season 1 and 2. It´s very hard to just wing that shit without making massive errors, because of how interconnected it is, which is part of why it´s so awesome to begin with, and very very well thought out, and the characters and their background stories are also an enormously good blend at the same time. So i believe them when they say that they had all 3 seasons almost entirely nailed down before they even started filming the first season.
Ofcourse it´s very cool to say.
>yeah we had that planned all in advance.
For PR like...
>look we are fucking brilliant..
Who doesn´t want to say that. But i think in this case it´s actually true. Feel free to prove me wrong though.
buncha netflix shills in dis thread
Yeah there are so many good actors in this that people outside germany probably don´t know. I sure didn´t. And that´s also what makes the series so cool. Rather than familiar faces you have all new faces i guess. And this makes them so much part of this story. More than if it was actors you are very familiar with from so many other movies. They become more synonymous with their character in this particular series. And makes the story more compelling aswell.
Um, where is the people of color?? I thought that was something Netflix always did
Are you reading this thread, we are shitting on netflix and claiming this is the only good series they even have at the moment. And at the same time underrated in popularity. How exactly is that shilling for netflix buddy?
>Um, where is the people of color?? I thought that was something Netflix always did
Yeah that was what i was saying. That must have hurt. But their desire for potential money won them over because they recognized how fucking outstanding the script was.
I am also quite frankly tired of the people of color narrative. That people from other countries have to be bunched into hollywood movies. Simply because they don´t have their own movie industry. I think it´s so refreshing that germans come up with this on their own. Rather than it always being USA and hollywood that comes up with something movie and series wise. Those other nations where there are TONS of these 'diverse' people should try to do similar things! If africa made a series (1.2 billion people in africa, some of them must be capable of pulling something off), it would easily be all black all the time for instance. And i´d be just as fine with watching that as i am watching this all german series. If the quality and script and performances are just as good.
it's kino
No, I’m with you. That was where some of my reluctance came from at the end of season 1. I was half expecting that, despite really loving season 1’s writing and its attention to detail, that all could’ve gone out the window for S2. I was worried it would take a path similar to Lost and become bloated with tangents unrelated to what was introduced in S1, for the purpose of extending the show’s lifespan.
But after S2, I don’t feel that way anymore. I have total confidence that they know exactly how they wanted this show to be structured from beginning to end. It’s made me even more excited for season 3.
Also, fuck Hannah.
Yeah it´s what made lost so bullshit is that you could tell eventually that they were just winging it and making stupid explanations to 'patch' things together in a nonsensical fashion. Why everything was so cryptic all the fucking time. Just cryptic enough that they could wing it from season to season..
But dark is a totally different creature. It´s what lost wanted to have been.. in terms of mystery that gradually unravels in a spectacular fashion. It was always 3 seasons. Before they even filmed the 1st one. It´s not going to be any more than 3 seasons. It´s 3 seasons that´s it.. no more no less. So even if you want more, you are not going to get any more. And i think that´s EXACTLY how it should be aswell.
And there´s enough in dark that deals with actual time travel theories. such as relying on bootstrap paradox, the illustrious symbol of the triqueta aswell as books like the fourth dimension by rudolf steiner, that deals with time travel and how time and space could be constructed.
There´s enough in Dark even with 3 seasons, even now with 2 seasons, there is enough. That people will talk about this stuff for years to come. Even after season 3 is concluded. It´s just 'real' enough to potentially not be entirely fictitious or implausible.
>sic mundus creatus est.
It´s also clear that odar and friese themselves are fascinated with these concepts as a hobby. Why they wanted to write this story! It really is like their hobby study or something written into a tv-series where these things concepts and theories 'play out' in a plausible fashion. That´s what it feels like anyways. Maybe that's not what it is, but that´s what it feels like. Especially if you rewatch dark season 1.. Notice every dialogue that you think is irellevant to what is going on, and things in background refers to these theories. Which you don´t really notice too much first time you watch it.
>germans are stupid and incompetent
No one thinks that. Germans still have a high reputation around the world.
Germany has been a joke for seventy years, that's why.
I just mean. It surprises me if some people think so. Just because wwII happened which was ofcourse a very bad thing to occur. Does not mean that germans now or prior to that, are stupid incompetent individuals.
>Germany has been a joke for seventy years, that's why.
We have definately been 'told' that germans are shit and a joke haven´t we.. And all kinds of other not so nice things about germans. That´s for dang sure. I think that´s hard to deny that that has been the narrative. Which you also show by saying that.
>germans been a joke for 70 years.
I don't think they're shit, just self loathing cucks. The final form of western white guilt. Not for me, thanks.
the fact that they haven't done it in 70 years supports such a reaction. germans are weirdos
one of the rare shows that made me shout "¡KINO!" out loud other than the young pope
Germans dub all foreign media content and only a small percentage actually watches undubbed. Just imagine on how much they missed out due to translation issues and bad voice actors. Only when you actually understand the language you'll realize what you're "missing" or not. Till then watching the dub is a reasonable thing to do.
Helge's mother
>I don't think they're shit, just self loathing cucks. The final form of western white guilt. Not for me, thanks.
Well, didn´t you just say yourself the reason why they are as you say 'self loathing cucks'.
Imagine being told for 70 years straight and the rest of world told that germans and germany is total shit and a joke.. Imagine what that would do to you. Would you not become atleast a part of your group. Self loathing? It´s what you are telling them to be!
And as you point out. The rest of the world is told also germans are joke.. seventy years germans are joke. I think you underestimate what that does. And i am not saying all germans hate themselves. But probably a few of them do. And there is your explanation. You explained it to yourself! I just deliver it to you so you can see it from another person what you just explained to yourself! hehe.
So can you really blame the few of them that are, for that? No not really if you want to be honest. So be careful what you say then in that regard, how much you blame them.
Oh yeah she has a really good performance aswell. Actor name is Cordelia Wege.
Little helge
>tfw your only purpose is to suffer in a dirty cell for decades
>the only ones who ever come to check up on you are a thot who literally travelled through time just to achieve a new level of thot, and a confused cop who is convinced you’re a satanist because of one song you liked when you were 13
>also the only reason you’re in this situation is because you tried (and failed) to murder a child, because you (mistakenly) assumed it would somehow bring your son back
Is there any character in this show that gets more btfo than Ulrich?
>Just because wwII happened which was ofcourse a very bad thing to occur
Why tho
His wife, Claudia. see
>Germans dub all foreign media content and only a small percentage actually watches undubbed. Just imagine on how much they missed out due to translation issues and bad voice actors. Only when you actually understand the language you'll realize what you're "missing" or not.
Right. That is why i think you should want to atleast watch all kino material in subtitled and not dubbed no matter what language it originally is in. Germans do it same as others do it, to not have german language anglified for example. Many other countries do that aswell and that´s understandable.
But kino connoisseurs should do themselves a favour and throw the dub away! Because it does ruin the characters and the actors genuine expression as intended by the directors. And you can still understand what is said because of subs.
This is why i find it funny that you say all that which is so true. And yet contradict yourself by concluding.
>this is kino, but i´ll go watch the dub anyways.
What are you doing user?
I prefer sub above everything, because then i also learn partially different languages at same time. Many people from other countries than english speaking, learn english via subs in their own languages!
Yeah, really good job by that little kid.
>Is there any character in this show that gets more btfo than Ulrich?
Probably not.. And then he BTFO himself by giving Egon the worst fucking clue ever.
>my aim is to take many lives, the more the better i feel
After he´s accused of killing a bunch of kids.
>are they satanists
Can hardly blame Egon.
Also brilliant performance by character who plays ulrich. Actor name Oliver Masucci. So many good performances in this series it´s awesome.
Does it have actually any bad actors that are totally shit? What do you think Yea Forums ?
>Is there any character in this show that gets more btfo than Ulrich?
I just want Jonas to be okay bros
I've been watching subbed anime for decades now and don't really understand that much more of the language. You can use subbed tv or movies as a tool for learning but unless you're a child or a linguistics genius you'll still have to put in the work and actually learn the language using books etc.
I don't watch shows dubbed but I understand people who watch them and don't think bashing the dub will do much good.
I actually dislike the 2053 characters, the girl and the woman do not do a good job of portraying veteran guerilla fighters. But maybe thats me with my /k/ autism.
The rest of the cast is absolutely awesome and perfectly picked. Also, is a miracle with the job they did selecting the old/young versions of characters, they 100% fit.
>I've been watching subbed anime for decades now and don't really understand that much more of the language. You can use subbed tv or movies as a tool for learning but unless you're a child or a linguistics genius you'll still have to put in the work and actually learn the language using books etc.
Yes ofcourse you are right. Go watch it in dub.
I will say that some languages are harder to learn in dubs, if they are just totally fucking distant from your own. European languages if you are european. Tend to not be that far away in comparison. So they are easier to learn that way, than what you are using as example.
Hannah did (and will do) nothing wrong.
>I actually dislike the 2053 characters, the girl and the woman do not do a good job of portraying veteran guerilla fighters. But maybe thats me with my /k/ autism.
Nah i think it´s a valid critique.
But you also have to think that elizabeth aswell as silja (future girl) is not really hardened guerilla fighters. Elizabeth represents sic mundus in future, and leads the others. But she´s a frail person who needs interpreter (silja). Not a hardened combat veteran so to speak. So that´s also important to understand about their characters. Her role in 2052 is to prevent anyone from going to the particle. in the 'forbidden zone'. The ones who follow her are however hardened combat veterans. Who have accepted the prophecy of sic mundus. Who do the actual execution stuff/grunt work.
Silja is also not either combat veteran, and has a portrait of her as she is in 2052 hanging on wall at sic mundus hq in 1921. Also something to consider.
It´s the ones who follow elizabeth and silja that are hardened combat veterans and brutes. Who do the gruntwork, not so much those two. They protect those two. Not other way around.
So really with that in mind. Your reservation is both valid and invalid. But i think you misunderstand. Those two characters were never supposed to represent hardened guerilla warriors. It´s the guerilla warriors who follow them who protect them. This is why elizabeth she says when jonas see them hang this guy saying.
>you cannot hide god from us
That she goes.
>He has entered the forbidden zone. You know the rules. We are the future. Sic mundus creatus est.
And the actually hardened guerilla fighters who follow her and silja and protect her who have accepted the prophecy go in unison.
So that´s who the real guerilla warriors are. So you have misunderstood that silja and elizabeth were to portray those fighters. Just a simple misunderstanding that is now cleared away.
But ofcourse you see they have also gotten hurt in some fights. But it is the ones who follow them who has done the most of the fighting, under orders from elizabeth and silja her interpreter.
Sorry, too many white people for me.
Also the actual 'guerilla fighters' (not elizabeth and silja) also have tanks and stuff like that. Or an APC atleast. So that would infer active or ex military possibly or people with military training. That are protecting elizabeth and silja. And killing people who try to enter 'the forbidden zone'. So i hope that is cleared up now. So then the characters are not so badly played afterall then taken that into consideration. What do you think now?
Because you are right they don´t play as hardened warriors. They are both pretty scared very easily. Means it´s the others that are protecting them, and all the things point to that.
Okay, I'm watching this. Hope it's not the usual glorified crap you faggots recommend.
I understand now, but why bother giving them rifles then. Anyway, are you guys clones or something? lol
>I understand now, but why bother giving them rifles then.
Because they still need to be able to shoot back, eventhough they are the ones giving the orders. Also when did you ever see after a mass devastation event a bunch of hardened combat vets take order from a woman who is deaf need an interpreter to tell them what she is saying. It is because they have accepted the prophecy of sic mundus which she has told them.
>are you clones.
No you are talking to same guy. I did all the replies to you. Sorry about the confusion.
Should I rewatch S1 before hopping onto S2? What's the pertinent info I should remember?
>Should I rewatch S1 before hopping onto S2? What's the pertinent info I should remember?
Yes. Absolutely.
>What's the pertinent info I should remember?
Pay very close attention to everything. It´s all connected is the theme of it. Even things you think are irellevant and happening or said in the background.
>Have to wait another year to see my boy jonas finally get his comfy life with his aunt-girlfriend
F. Mikkel was a good parent. Totally the opposite of Hannah.
Ulrich is the most btfo, but Egon also got dealt a bad hand:
>Wife is lesbian
>(Probably kills herself?)
>Daughter is narcissist
>Get cancer and think your daughter finally cares about you
>Be haunted by the memory of gruesome murders and having punished an innocent man
>Daughter does not care after all it turns out that you are just a slow witted man, mit cut out to be a good detective
>[Spoiler] even worse, she actually fatally wounds you and watches you die [/Spoiler]
I can't fathom what kind of agony Hannah will add to this.
What I want to know is whether this shot is going on anywhere else.
Since it’s said in the show that a reactor accident was what (provided the energy?) to create the Higgs matter then its not a stretch to assume that it’s been created in other places. Chernobyl for example could’ve created some, and the whole thing was a massive cover-up from the Soviets.
It makes the series infinitely more interesting to think that there’s a million different other loops occurring around the world and the winden one is just one of many.
>Have to wait another year to see my boy jonas finally get his comfy life with his aunt-girlfriend
I like how odar and freise timed the seasons, with leading up to the last cycle being when last season is released. Most likely near june 27th 2020 for obvious reasons.
>What I want to know is whether this shot is going on anywhere else.
Since it’s said in the show that a reactor accident was what (provided the energy?) to create the Higgs matter then its not a stretch to assume that it’s been created in other places. Chernobyl for example could’ve created some, and the whole thing was a massive cover-up from the Soviets.
>It makes the series infinitely more interesting to think that there’s a million different other loops occurring around the world and the winden one is just one of many.
There is no doubt that they are alluding to two things. Powerplant accidents, aswell as the CERN experiments with finding the god particle. And it´s brilliant they get these things into the story aswell.
And odar and friese are both fascinated with books such as the fourth dimension by rudolf steiner, and bootstrap paradox and time travel in general. But particularly those things mentioned. It´s all over season 1 in the background. Including things like the minotaur in the maze and stuff like this.
It’s funny because I thought egon was just some diphit guy and didn’t really like him in season one, then we get more of him in season two and I just started to feel sorry for him. He’s a well meaning guy but just nothing goes right for him.
It´s just plausible enough that this sort of thing could potentially occur given official recognized theories on the matter.. This is what makes it so eery.. And so extremely interesting to watch eventhough it is ofcourse just entertainment. And they are playing with these things.
I find it interesting to think that they add a whole new layer of consequences that the viewer can imply from using time travel.
One that I like to imagine is that if you start using time travel, you lock yourself into a place, unable to leave. Notice how no one in winden ever left winden, even when they easily could’ve. Maybe it’s like a containment measure by time to ensure that time travel never starts fucking with shit as a whole.
Nah, you don’t steal another man’s aunt from them. No matter how hot they are.
>One that I like to imagine is that if you start using time travel, you lock yourself into a place, unable to leave. Notice how no one in winden ever left winden, even when they easily could’ve. Maybe it’s like a containment measure by time to ensure that time travel never starts fucking with shit as a whole.
Do you want to theorycraft with me at this point? Because it´s extremely fucking interesting and CERN are experimenting heavily with trying to reconstruct the big bang to find the 'god particle' that set it all in motion. It´s not implausible that time travel could be discovered in that process by a fluke accident. Which is really the basis for the whole thing. and aligns with accepted theories. Because how did something come out of nothing..
>sic mundus creatus est..
How did it happen so fast, and what caused it.
A closed loop they use for dark the triqueta, an ancient symbol that we don´t fully understand the true origin of. That is used to represent the triune godhead. But where they go with it in dark is what if it represents TIME ITSELF.. and if you make a closed loop of past present and future. And you cycle it enough you can accomplish millions of years of development by bringing in shit from the future into the past.. making everything gradually improve each cycle. But outside in linear time, for a spectator/observer it all happened in an INSTANT..
So then what adam is doing. The closed loop has occured and it is RECURSIVELY/Retroactively putting itself together. Which is why the past is already stuck in the loop. Before the loop is created they are already in it. The point of origin is reassembling itself retroactively to reach the point of origin where the loop was made. Everything they do ends up gradually creating the loop. Recursive self assembly.
Like.. If you discover time travel. it has already been utilized from the point that you do. But it takes time to 'trickle down'. But if a loop is formed, you are in the loop already eventhough the origin is yet to come to pass through the time travel. The bootstrap paradox.
Threadly reminder Hannah is a stupid fucking whore
Also as future elizabeth says to silja why she hide it from her. Under order from sic mundus.
>why did you lie to me. WHAT IS THIS THING? I SAW IT..
>they say the particle is part of god, but it is really a part of the devil
So she is having significant doubts about what sic mundus is doing and what she is doing on their behalf.
They shouldn´t be messing with it..
And adam also says aswell that it´s part of god, a piece of god, a power that is behind all things.. As he explains how the darkmatter node (god particle) or whatever it is, is twinned in 1921 with the one in 2052.
I love the themes in this series and the dialogue. The more you think about it it leads you directly to studying these very real theories. That is playing out in this series.
I still don't get why he let Magnus and the others chimp out on him and steal his suitcase, leaving him behind to potentially suffer of hypothermia. I'd have taken a rock and smashed bis head, the moment they untied me. The girls were no threat.
They Had No right to abused Bartosz so.
Because they are fucking kids you sociopath, and his friends.
It’s already implied from the gun malfunctioning during the finale that someone key to the creation of the loop cannot die and will be there to see the loop open.
So I ask you anons, with your newfound quantum immortality, what kinda shit do you do.
They sure as hell did not treat him like a friend, leaving him behind in a fucking cave while knowing that his mum who's dying of cancer is waiting for him to come home.
Enjoying this thread lads. Thanks to everyone.
Do German girls really do this?
It's not that he cannot die, he knew the gun would misfire (or at least not get killed by the shot) because his younger self already saw Martha being shot by himself.
S2 is confusing me. without remembering S1 again it's hard to understand so much. I just don't have the time to watch it again. How are anons in this same situation handling it?
Only young idealist type girls, they always change their mind when they get older.
Quantum immortality lad, a gun could be working perfectly but happen to misfire every time it’s pointed at you.
I'm 15 minutes in and for now it's been cringe writing and cringe acting one scene after the other. My hope for this show is crashing down by the second.
Why is it that no one can write dialogues anymore? Everything feels fucking unreal and alien these days.
Pic related helps a bit.
>she said she would help people in other countries and goes on hunger strike till they get something to eat.
if that´s your gripe that´s the last time in dark you will be hearing about what to desire to help people in other countries. Hang in there.
Also did you forget the parents reaction. Aswell as mikkel. i´ll have it then.. it´s stupid. (you won´t help them eat by starving yourself).
So this is old? we know who the stranger is.
So let me know if this order of events is somewhat correct:
1) Young Noah is recruited by his older self to help further Adam & Sic Mundus’ goal (which Noah believes is to create an ideal, non-looping timeline)
2) Older Noah kills older Claudia because he believes she is acting in opposition to Sic Mundus & Adam
3) Upon killing older Claudia, older Noah finds “pages” from a book on Claudia’s body. These pages reveal that Noah’s daughter, who he’d been looking for, is Charlotte.
4) Older Noah instructs his younger self to seek shelter in the 2019 bunker, but does not reveal to him the details of Claudia’s pages (likely because he doesn’t want to interfere with / potentially influence his past decisions)
5) Older Noah attempts to kill Adam (believing Adam kept this information from him, making him easier to manipulate) but fails to do so
6) Younger Noah stays in the 2019 bunker with Elisabeth & the others, helping to build toward their future as Sic Mundus members, and inevitably having a child with Elisabeth (who, again, ends up being Charlotte).
This is how I piece it together in my mind. The only questions I have are: why does Claudia have pages from a book detailing information about Noah’s daughter? What book are the pages even from? How does Charlotte end up in Tannhaus’ care, and how is it possible that Noah is completely unaware of this for 33 years?
I suspect that some of these questions will be answered or elaborate on in S3, but I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss something obvious
Yeah it was a mid-season 1 thing, but it helps me with the relationships and with "who the fuck is that little girl oh yeah it's that character".
I am on the fence. I liked season 1 and midway through season 2. The series has some serious issues. The intricate story kills the breathe of the plot. It drags as fuck, and because of the amount of characters, it never truly gets enthrailing. That being said, the plot itself is beautifully constructed. But I dont have the feeling i am watching an engaging the series, more like the forming of a puzzle. Which makes it fucking boring at times.
thanks, senpai
The show practically hasn’t even started yet. The complaints you’re having right now won’t matter starting with episode two.
No, I'm talking about the dialogues overall. People don't talk like that. The writing is bad. Like very bad.
>more like the forming of a puzzle.
That is what you are watching. You have to be interested in the concepts in the first place that they try to plausibly lay out to you in the tv-series. I recommend. The fourth dimension by rudolf steiner. Aswell as looking into bootstrap paradox, aswell as cern particle research.
They are trying to make it plausible enough that this could happen in reality according to accepted theories on this matter. Now if you don´t approach it that way it can still be an entertaining mystery story. But you will just have a lot of noise in the background so to speak that deals with this that you would be like. Oh cut that out.. i want to hear about the teenagers, and how they are doing, or whatever.. But then you miss the point of the series. BUT it can still be entertaining but not as enthralling as if it was the other way round.
I have a german friend who said the way they talk is pretty artificial and that normal, everyday germans don't talk like that. But she still likes the plot of the show. Honestly the acting thing is the same with every non anglo country. Anglos are the only ones who perfected acting to the point where actors can sound like normal, every day people to the rel life normal, everyday people watching. Close second might be the french.
>No, I'm talking about the dialogues overall. People don't talk like that. The writing is bad. Like very bad.
That´s cultural and ethnic difference you are running into. You are not very used to germans.. Total different mannerisms and responses to things.
You don´t appreciate biodiversity user.. In this case german diversity.. That is maybe not like how you are.
Yes i am being cheeky but you kind of delivered that one on a plate..
>I have a german friend who said the way they talk is pretty artificial and that normal, everyday germans don't talk like that.
It´s theatrical and each of them has their own background of their characters. They talk very appropriate in comparison.
>They talk very appropriate in comparison.
Yes, just not like real life people.
>Yes, just not like real life people.
When did you ever see that in hollywood either. It´s a fucking tv-series. But it´s much more realistic and sincere reactions, than it is in hollywood desu. But that´s typical of foreign movies. Because they don´t conform to some stereotype. That usually hollywood tends to set for instance for their movies, of how to behave and talk and react in certain way. So foreign movies their expression and behaviour and reactions are more honest to their ethnicity in general.
jesus christ, calm down. I'm just saying what my kraut friend told me. I personally like the show, so see if I care about details haha
While this is true, some of the actors/actresses especially the younger ones are really bad at delivering their lines. As if they're reading from a book.
The most down to earth german is probably michael kahnwald who plays this gentle father of jonas.
Like where he calls jonas sleepyhead.
He´s probably the closest to how average german behaves. If you are looking for some kind of bar to set. Minus the neurotic things that he ofcourse has because of his character. Being mikkel that travelled through time.
But the other ones are more theatrical i totally agree with you.
Strict but kind, that´s average german.
>live among germans
>get told you're not used to germans
Top fucking kek.
They just don't feel like real people.
It's not about the language, it's about the content and the way they express themselves.
>it's okay to have stage acting in a tv show
>While this is true, some of the actors/actresses especially the younger ones are really bad at delivering their lines. As if they're reading from a book.
valid critiques.
>jesus christ, calm down. I'm just saying what my kraut friend told me. I personally like the show, so see if I care about details haha
I am calm, it´s just the stereotype that germans are in a specifically bad way or super serious all the time etc. And i doubt that is what he meant either.
Finished season 1 some minutes ago... I thought I had things figured out on episode 9, but whoah that's too many new things at once.
Am I supposed to already understand the significance of the notebook Noah and Claudia have?
Also, how does Helge get back to 1953 after being sent to 1986?
How did Jonas think his briefcase was going to end the wormhole and not start it?
And Tanhaus, what's his deal. He has a briefcase that Claudia gave him the blueprints for, but he needs Urlich's cellphone to get it to act up?
This sure is confusing. Those Germans, they want to work even when they watch their TV series.
>It's not about the language, it's about the content and the way they express themselves
Yea, that's what I was aiming for. You get that uncanny valley vibe from it
>They just don't feel like real people.
Maybe it´s because you are not german yourself. They haven´t 'let you in'. And with sentiments like that, i can hardly blame them. Foreign intruder living amongst them saying they don´t act like real people. You are truly a prize to behold.
>>it's okay to have stage acting in a tv show
I didn´t mean theatrical like that. But they don´t exactly perhaps talk and react in a way a cosy german would.
>Wendel has been a 100% German for whole of season 1
>apocalypse happens at end of the season, and suddenly half the extras are black or maghrebi
Is this subliminal messaging?
Ihr Kinder betreibt hier keinen Satanismus, oder?
>Yea, that's what I was aiming for. You get that uncanny valley vibe from it
You are so full of shit. What ethnicity are you?
>germans don´t act like real people, i live with them..
Fuck are you to judge anything with that mindset? haha. No wonder they don´t appreciate you. Look what you have to say..
Alatm für cobra 11 has more realistic dialogue than this show.
Krauts :/
Listen nigger it's not a matter of being German, French, Italian or African, it's a matter of the dialogues being television ad tier, okay? Do you get it now? People (not just Germans) don't talk like that in real life. The fucking characters regurgitate all their background and personality to the viewer. That is bad writing, it's soap opera tier.
They are all on edge because they know something is wrong about winden. It´s like you can´t even into the characters and how some of them come from the future and don´t know it.
>why don´t they talk like the average kraut when he´s totally comfy, i thought this was just a story of like a small town in germany conducting its business.
Every single one of them have secrets almost. Because of what winden is.
>btw. i live with german people they don´t act like real people. Let me tell you how german people are. They are not people. Fucking germans..
Abdul enough already.. You don´t like germans, we get it.
>it´s bad writing.
Ok abdul.
>People (not just Germans) don't talk like that in real life. The fucking characters regurgitate all their background and personality to the viewer.
Because it´s a puzzle series that the viewer is supposed to figure out.
my theory is this:
The author (she) of the series was bullied by a generally nice blonde dude named jonas in school and this entire series is revenge porn where a dude named jonas has to suffer as much as possible
>>germans don´t act like real people, i live with them..
I'm not the guy who said this. I just said that Germans from the show act different than Germans in real life. It's not a bad thing, but other than in anglo countries, a number of times you can feel when people are acting.
>What ethnicity are you?
lmao what does this have to do with anything? I'm Croatian, living in Croatia and I have German friends and one of them told me the vibe that the acting in Dark gives off. Otherwise it's a great show. Why are you so salty about a show, which by the way, I'm not bashing?
>i-it's supposed to be b-bad! You don't get it!
I think the line that made me outwardly cringe was Mikkel talking about the big bang and evolution.
imagine if winden had a good therapist
I am obviously 'salty' about the other guy who said that he lives with germans and says germans don´t act like people you idiot. Because he´s obviously some foreigner in germany, and i thought i asked him what ethnicity i was, when i was replying to you. Thinking you were him.
>i live in croatia i have this 1 german friend who lives in germany. I know this now.
Great analysis. 10/10.
the dialogues in dark are pretty decently how germans behave. But ofcourse they are in the story in character where they are on edge because winden is not what it seems. So it´s ofcourse going to be at the same time very off.. for obvious reasons.
As i said if you want to see example of a casual german, probably michael kahnwald without the neurotics of him being mikkel from the past..
>>i-it's supposed to be b-bad! You don't get it!
t. abdul shitting on germans claiming they are not actual people and saying script is bad.
Write your advice on toilet paper abdul. Thank you for your review.
Just don´t watch the series.
I'm out of this thread. Your negativity made me feel nervous. Take a chill, friend. Not everyone is out to get you.
>Your negativity made me feel nervous.
That´s how it is being called out abdul. Don´t come to a dark thread and turn it to shit and talking about how germans don´t act like real people, because you know cause you live in germany. Go fuck yourself. What are you doing.. you are right to leave.
fuck off faggots, talk about time travel and shit
>fuck off faggots, talk about time travel and shit
>says germans don´t act like people you idiot
Lmao I explicitely said the actors don't act like people. I am not in Germany.
Why are Germacucks always so insecure?
Took too many estrogens today, Franz(iska)?
The Crown is by far the better Netflix Original
>Why are Germacucks always so insecure?
Why do you come to a dark thread. on Yea Forums board. To shit on german people. There is a better question!
As for your why don´t people like assholes who constantly use any excuse to shit on germans. Here´s your answer from earlier in the thread.
Pretty self explanatory.
You come here you do nothing but shit on germans. Well mostly the other guy. Then you say.
>haha it´s joke why you so insecure.
What the fuck. Discuss the series instead. Is that too much to ask?
Magnus's actor is terrible. He got like only one facial expression and he never modulates his voice.
Fuck off you insecure little bitch, you faggots hyped me about this series, I started watching it and the writing was bad, so I came here and said that, never have I shat on Germans.
Read through the fucking thread. It´s not bad writing it´s dealing with a very possible unravelling of time travel utilizing accepted theories. Aswell as current research and books.
>i don´t like dialogues because germans don´t talk like that, 1 german guy told me.
>supports the guy who said germans don´t act like real people.
>shits on me for scolding him.
Fuck off croatia.. You are good at soccer but my goodness you are not good at this.
You are turning this thread to shit.. stop talking. if you don´t want to talk about the concepts of the series.. Why did we start talking about german people, because of you and that fucking abdul asshole.
Loved the part where it repeated alt versions of events from s1
Definitely gonna rewatch the fuck out of all 3 seasons back to back next year
Same here. I didn’t rewatch season one when season two came out but I imagine it’s infinitely better if you just blow through all three seasons back to back so you get the continuous storyline.
you watch this with subs or is there a dubbed version for english viewers?
There were multiple people replying to you, you absolute cretin. I'm not Croatianbro.
I have a good kino memory but yeah I can't wait only 55 weeks to go!
The dub is beyond bad for s1
S2 no idea I watch the subs
You're the one who keeps mulling over that one line and by that turning the thread into shit. Just let it go. You give Germans a bad image. And for God's sake stop using the accent for the apostrophe.
>Loved the part where it repeated alt versions of events from s1
Now we are back again on track. Season 2 utilizes season 1 events to setup events in season 2 that solidify the loop even more. Notice what happened to helge and jonas. And what happened in the end of season 2. Charlotte and elizabeth. Are both essentially twins (if you don´t want to say they are daughter/mother of eachother at same time). Twins like the two particles in 1921 that is twinned with 2052 where jonas jumped through by connecting 1953 with 1986 through the portal by touching helge. They touch eachother across timelines on top of it in season 2 elizabeth and charlotte. Two twins touching two twins. No point of origin without time travel. Beautifully crafted by adam, the loop is recursively/retroactively putting itself together to reach point of origin. It could not be done without season 1 ending. It opened to 2052.
It´s all happening in reverse. Recursive self assembly.
Well just going to ignore you for now then. Since you are here to cause trouble and derail. And so now germans are bad because of me. And i´m not even german, but sick of retards spewing anti german bullshit in dark threads.. You have a nice weekend.
Is this the bootstrap paradox? I thought it worked like in donnie darko where it was just one self sustaining loop or 12 monkeys (the movie)
Yeah it’s a bootstrap thing. The time machines and “a journey through time” themselves have no real origin as the both the book and the blueprints are bought to tannhaus by the future selves of people who receive the devices from others.
>Is this the bootstrap paradox? I thought it worked like in donnie darko where it was just one self sustaining loop or 12 monkeys (the movie)
Yeah. This is much more advanced and far more plausible. This is almost uncannily close to reality of the recognized theories of books and research of the matter, of a thing that could potentially cause what adam wants in the series. This is why the series are so interesting. It´s not some ficticious shit someone thought up in their basement. This is a plausible unravelling based on cern and recognized time travel theorems. How this could potentially play out. And they are having fun with it.
Elizabeth like the two particles, are twins without origin. They exist because of eachother. And only exist because of time travel. Daughter/mother relationship that both have are resolved by calling them twins. The dark matter particles in 1921 and 2052 are twinned to eachother. As adam said. Now two 'twins' touch eachother from 2052 and 2020.
What happens.. Whilst the other two twins (the particles) are active.
Elizabeth and charlotte pardon. Twins without origin. They exist because the other exists. Otherwise they shouldn´t. They both give birth to eachother. This gives them a unique connection.
Since when people this weak were allowed to post on Yea Forums?
>How this could potentially play out.
In endless incest?
So in s3 the loop/paradox ends and then what? does it all start over again just slightly different or will they stick the landing and literally break the concept of time space and matter and make this temporal utopia old Adam was talking about
Kinda getting half life vibes from this show.
If this has a dyson sphere and a time travelling boat we know where they got that idea from lmao
So according to this shows own logic and mythos wouldn't this series just end where it started either slightly different each time or they go full 2001 universe Babby tetsuo kaneda?
Giv German cyber time travel Punk kino
I hope they do a movie desu it's such a neat concept executed so well
Basically a streaming remake of dd with less cringe
>Since when people this weak were allowed to post on Yea Forums?
Since there were people so obsessed with trolling this thread for your own reasons.
You dumb fucks are so dumb that really nobody did notice that young regina and young alexander look 100% like the couple from stranger things. dumb fucks everywhere, now go back jearking off to adam
I agree, i liked Season 2 more than 1 because for me every character got a development, even the prostitute
Give me 3 reasons to watch this show.
>>How this could potentially play out.
What will most likely happen is that there is a endless feedback logic loop every 33 years forever
What might happen is that time breaks and Adam just keeps travelling and never dies
>In endless incest?
Oh sweet give mummy daughter gfs
>You dumb fucks are so dumb that really nobody did notice that young regina and young alexander look 100% like the couple from stranger things. dumb fucks everywhere, now go back jearking off to adam
Not jerking off to the 80s and 19s version of Katrina and 20xx goth martha
Absolutely Uber gay fritz
Time travel boobies
Great mc
Solid concept
Minimal to nil sjw shit
Suprisingly good acting production and execution for a made for tv drama.
Imagine donnie darko meets the room except its literally people fucking themselves
>I hope they do a movie desu it's such a neat concept executed so well
It´s fascinating isn´t it.. They clearly know what the fuck they are doing. Because the script writers both know the official theorems and cern research and these things. And they are having fun with it.
But no.. 3 seasons is all you are going to get. It´s 3 seasons from the start it is 3 seasons now. It is going to be 3 seasons. Even if you want another season. It´s not going to be, because it´s 3 and that´s how it´s going to be. And that´s perfect.
You forgot granddaughter
what if every 33 years they remake dark with small tweaks and differences just to fuck with the audience
First reason: Its a good tv show from Germany. Germany doesnt have many good tv shows, so as a german i say this is our 2019 prime series and i think we wont get a better series from germany soon
secando reason: the actors are top notch, you dont get any political nonsence, sjw shit, or "ITWAS ALL A DREAM U ARE DED THE WHOLE TIME"
last reason: Elisabeth+Franziska
>it sucks
Yes, for brainlets not understanding the series because of the complexity.
Must be frustrating to be locked to murricanian marvel superhero shit tier simplicity in order to understand the story.
WHY is it only 3 seasons. And precisely 3 seasons.. The triqueta. The closed loop of past present connecting to the future. They thought a LOT about this.. and i LOVE IT. HAHA
yeah they just wait until they get the script for season 4 from the future u very dumb fuck
>he thinks the time travel in this series is fake
Bigger they literally invented time travel and are doing it for real there's no cgi in this series
And if we "un-joke" us, you guys shit your pants and go rampant on us again.
Seriously, how do you mutts want us to be?
You are either salty on us or fear us like hell and fire.
Why is the chad police officer betraying his wife with the thot? Is she bad a suckysucky?
The dude found out his wife was lez for the renter so he’s just gonna fuck the time travelling psycho succubus
>Bigger they literally invented time [...]
>Bigger they
are your fat obese american fingers so fat that u just cant reach the N?
>jesus christ calm down
fucking neck yourself redditnigger
They can't resolve their plot and their paradox.
So they make it last and double down on complexity everytime.
I liked watching this show but it kinda feel like the author have no idea how to untie their knot plot in a coherent manner so instead of untieing it at the end of a season they just add another knot on top on the precedent one and think "Ok that will keep the audience hanging , we gained some time".
>They can't resolve their plot and their paradox.
That´s where you are wrong. They are utilizing this paradox on purpose because it does not violate causality unlike other paradoxes. When mikkel becomes father of jonas. It does not violate causality. Because little mikke play with jonas. And is at same time his father. But only because little mikkel goes into THE PAST to grow up and marry a woman and have a child, who he then discovers is jonas, who he as a small child was playing with. But the causality is not broken.
You can run that loop a thousand times it doesn´t break causality. Because when mikkel dissapears he goes into past. So he can both be there and play with him and be his father his entire life. BUT.. when you TWIN something utilizing that paradox. Something different happens. (both being eachothers daughter mother)
So the idea is to utilize this paradox to create 'twins' who have no origin. And then use them to cross timelines like an 8, symbol of infinity.
To create a closed loop where they can bring in things from the past. Once the loop is created. Past present and future are constantly maleable.. Thus you can create a universe inside it, and outside it it would look like it was created in an instant. sic mundus creatus est. Thus the world was created.
They are not stuck in a paradox. The paradox is being created on purpose to destroy linear time and create paradise by being able to essentially hyperjump to a sophisticated society by constantly bringing in stuff from future making past more advanced thus future more advanced and keep cycling through it. Outside linear time.
And they bring another element into this because there is someone who arrives from a parallel reality. And she uses a circular device. This is a big hint to rudolf steiners book, the fourth dimension.
What does the end device she uses, it doesn´t utilize the dark twinning technology like the stuff noah and adam has. But it has a bright light, same as the bright light in the cave that katharina sees. During the apocalypse. This is a big hint to this.
It´s like, hint to the cover.
You can't make that loop without the loop already existing. That's the paradox.
You can complexify it all you want you wont resolve it unless you chose like, what an anime cartoon like DBZ author chose and say "Ok when i go back in time i create an alternate universe and everything that happen there has no impact on what happen in my present"
It's like how the author choose to use every buzz science word they can put their hand to make it sound legit.
Derjeniche hats verstanden.
>You can't make that loop without the loop already existing. That's the paradox.
Wrong. The loop recursively/retroactively puts itself together to the point of origin, so once it has been created they are already stuck in it even if it happened long after. Because the loop is caused by time travel, so in a sense, they are already in the now, everything is now because of the loop. This is why there is an entire episode in season 1 called everything is now. That is what is happening in dark. The loop has already occurred. That´s what is happening throughout season 1 and 2 to prepare for the twinning event at the end.
It´s just stupid to say that they don´t know what they are doing when they wrote the script. It´s very complicated so i understand how it is difficult to grasp.
Can someone explain to me exactly how the time travel through the cave system works in this show?
For the record I haven't watched season 2 so if they elaborate on this then just lemme know that they do.
My question is if you through the door to a different year then do you always end up at the exact same time. I mean for example I go to 1953 and it's the 29th of May 11 A.M. Then I go back to the present year. And I go back to 1953 again.Do I still end up at 29th of May 11 A.M. Does it take me to a specific date or to whatever the date is in the present year but only in a different year...
Habt ihr Tronte mit in die Höhle genommen?
All three time periods are in sync, so yeah the only difference is the year.
Don´t you notice why everything they do puts the loop together. Because it´s happening in reverse. It´s recursive self assembly. It´s putting itself together in reverse. EVERYTHING THEY FUCKING DO, makes the loop happen. And they seem to have free will but they don´t, they are being dragged against their will, thinking they are stopping it, they are infact helping it occur.
That´s how recursive self assembly works/retroactive self assembly.
It´s an affront against free will. and in the series they are desperate to change it, but everything they do just makes sure it happened. Why didn´t i do nothing. No matter what you do it will happen. It is decided. Because the future drags the past and present towards its destination. To achieve structural integrity of causality.
It's not complicated or anything.
They are saying , and you are saying "ok there's this paradox, but this is how it is and just accept it"
They don't resolve it because they cannot.
Think of it like this. You have an object going through a glass window.. witnessing it from the side in slow motion shattered glass thousands of pieces.. NOW.. All the shards are forcing themselves back to where they belong in the window. Do the pieces of shattered glass have a choice. not much. They can try to struggle, but the window will be put back together. That´s how the 'future' events (caused by time travel) drags the past present and future in this scenario.
Well i tried to explain it to you. But it appears i am dea you are a genius. Have a good day sir.
Dealing with a genius pardon.
>it's plausible
Its not, seek psychiatric help
How does that exemple resolve anything lol.
You just made the time goes backward.
What we have here is.
I see the glass being broken . I go back in time , trying to stop the glass being broken but in fact i realise i m the one breaking the glass in the first place.
And this is the loop.
How did it began in the first place?
We really have high quality going on here..
It is i just explained it to you. Look up the bootstrap paradox. It´s a paradox that is unique in that it has in its enclosed perimeter (loop) CAUSALLY CONSISTENT events. But at the same time you end up with 'artifacts' people or objects, that don´t exist except for travelling through time. But you can run a causal loop. Yep.. Fits together. Mikkel and jonas doesn´t break causal loop, nor does charlotte and elizabeth. It´s when they touch eachother across time through a time portal on top of it.. is the issue. Time is 'broken'.
You don´t get recursion do you?
I just used the glass as an example to illustrate it because you can visualize the shards if you put that video in reverse. The loop has already happened. So the glass is not broken. BUT.. it´s as IF it was broken, and now all the shards are placing themselves where they belong.
Everything is happening in reverse to reconstruct itself retroactively to the point of origin.
The 'shards' are recieving through time instructions for new alignment due to time travel altering their configuration. So to maintain causality and integrity. The shards all 'run' or are forced to the new alignment.
In the exemple of the glass, what would be the point of origin?
I just realized something:
If Martha dies, she can't be alive to save Jonas from another world like she did, because the only way it could happen is that she already went to this other world before dying, but we see it didn't happen.
Therefore the only way she's alive is that she's another Martha who was born in this other world, and the only way she could be born there is that her parents had her. That means Katarina HAS to end up in this world at the end of season 2, and that they somehow manage to send Ulrich there too so a new Martha can arrive.
>In the exemple of the glass, what would be the point of origin?
That is what adam is trying to find out! Have you even watched the series. He finds out he is also a shard. Doesn´t he.
>what is the origin of this. It´s time, we must destroy time. What he is doing is trying to destroy time.
But that IS what it´s doing. The origin is that someone broke time.
Has he given up and accepted it. Is he just a pawn in a much larger game being played.
Adam is simply part of time reorganizing itself because someone created a loop.. so far distant.. it´s trickling down and activating the shards for realignment. Adam has role to play that he has so far played out perfectly reorganizing the shards, he decieve noah, noah thinks he is in charge, and adam knows what he is doing. Who is the origin. What is the origin. or rather WHEN is the origin and WHY.
I assume this is bait.
How could Martha be alive to save Jonas if she gets shot?
Does it mean the other world had always existed?
It's a Marta from the past
So i think i follow you there, but my point is, the author give the feeling they don't really know
"Who is the origin. What is the origin. or rather WHEN is the origin and WHY"
And instead of trying to finally resolves what we are waiting for. This point of origin Adam is looking for.
I claim you can't find out in a coherent manner.
So they'll double down everytime in complexity and in the end i fear that they'll ressort to what they already ressorted to give us a shit ending.
>muh dark matter, higgs field, black hole
Aka random unknown to the public scientific concept that is completely unrelated with the the story and hold a stance "just deal with it"
Oh you want to know what this is?
*shuffle cards, draw card* It's Dark Matter.
How is that possible ?
*shuffle cards, draw card* It's Dark Energy or higgs field w/e lol nerd stop asking question and deal with it.
It's always like that
Martha is not from the recursively developing loop. She straight up says so aswell. The device she uses is circular and looks very much like the cover of this book. And does not utilize dark twinning technology. So this is something different. And katharina sees the same strange light in the cave.
>Topics include:
>The relationship between geometric studies and developing direct perception of spiritual realities
>How to construct a fourth-dimensional hypercube
>The six dimensions of the self-aware human being
>Problems with the theory of relativity
>The Trinity and angelic hierarchies and their relationship to physical space
>The dimensional aspect of the spiritual being encountered by Moses on Mt. Sinai
>The point, line, plane and solid objects represent the first three dimensions, but a kind of reversal of space is involved in the ascent to a fourth dimension. Steiner leads us to the brink of this new perspective--as nearly as it can be done with words, diagrams, analogies, and examples of many kinds. In doing so, he continues his lifelong project of demonstrating that our objective, everyday thinking is the lowest rung of a ladder that reaches up to literally infinite heights.
You have a lot of misconceptions about a lot of things. I understand you are frustrated. If it frustrates you that much how stupid you think it is. Man go watch something else. Don´t waste your life with things that doesn´t make sense to you.
this is the first time the germans have made anything but scat porn, idiot. you don't know what you're talking about.
tfw no germanfu
>this is the first time the germans have made anything but scat porn, idiot.
Here to ruin this thread again?
that line that goes something like, "A man dies 3 times - first his innocence, then his naivete, and finally his physical death" is one of the best i've heard in a TV show. if she wrote that, good for her.
They wrote it together, and jantje friese is a fucking brilliant writer. Whilst many praise odar, we shouldn´t forget her. This is teamwork at a very high quality level. And i agree btw. with what you just said if that be the case. It´s totally brilliant.
I love how you avoid my point.
You are such a fanboy you can't even accept that they are using unrelated scientific concept in order to try to add some credibility into their story because they know those concept are just globally vague in the eye of the audience.
Instead of explaining it, you claim it's me that have misconception and you say the very thing i claim they would say.
"lol stop asking questions, go watch something else"
You are talking nonsense i can do line segment after line segment responding to you and you´ll just twist me for more and ruin the thread. It´s just you are wrong about too many things to count.. And i capitulate you in the hopes that you won´t drown the thread in nonsense.
That speech Adam makes about every man losing 3 lives was kino
Nu-Martha is obviously from a dimension that has not achieved time travel but instead achieved dimension travel, allowing them to hop between 3 separate timebranches. Or at least, they were separate. Now these technologies are colliding. I wonder what the third dimension has to offer.
Can we talk about how fucking amazing the actor is that plays Noah is. Why is he not going international. But at same time, i want him just for dark. Because he just IS Noah. So perfectly. Perfect jaw cheekbones, well almost. His voice crips and amazing. That elegance between beauty and seriousness. So it´s like.
>i need to pay attention right now..
Delivering lines with so much conviction. The guy is brilliant! For that one part. Some say actors get one part where they are just brilliant for. Like they were made for this. THIS is his.. It really is.. unbelievable..
Crisp pardon. Tonality everything. He IS.. the fucking Noah. He´s like made for that part.. that part found him.. to make a dark related joke.
filtered :)
I really hope the fact that he's dead doesn't mean we won't see him at all in S3
Accept that they use concept like Dark Matter in a deceptive way.
Once you accept it. You'll understand why my concerns toward the end of the story is leggit.
If you see the author use a easy writing shortcut.
And they did, Dark Matter is a buzzword they use. The concept of Dark Matter is completely unrelated to what is happening in the show.
It's exactly like those who claim to have superpower use electromagntism as a vague concept to make it sound beliveable.
So once you understand that they have no remorse to use deceptive way for the sake of their plot you can have leggit concern about the end of the stories like i expressed earlier.
You are just too fucking dumb to understand this shit.
You hear a word like Higgs field and because you read an article about it a year earlier called the god particle and you masturbate saying "fuck yeah hmm that make sense keep going"
Don't project on me retard. If your stance is "Deal with it nerd" just gtfo
>I really hope the fact that he's dead doesn't mean we won't see him at all in S3
He´s not. When he gets killed by agnes his sister. What does he do before.. He tells his younger self. I am going to stop you from becoming what i am now.. or something like this. So he´s very easily going to be there in s3.
Noah has recovered last pages of the book. And realize adam is not going to save his family (charlotte and elizabeth) because they are part of what he wants to do.. the twinning with the particle nodes in opposite directions.
He promised noah, you do all this shit i will save your family. This is why he try to kill adam. But maybe adam can deliver and noah doesn´t realize this. But noah clearly realized. I can´t trust adam, for the information he had.
Yeah but I mean adult Noah, it's likely that now they will mainly focus on the young one
Your comments. They are just not very good. However. Keep making them.
>Yeah but I mean adult Noah, it's likely that now they will mainly focus on the young one
Well.. noah does a lot of shit for adam, so not necessarily. But. It would be nice to see noah. But it´s preplanned so we might not. He was brilliant though!
Noah and helge. Such a powerful moment. Especially with what we know now.
You know why you keep avoiding my points, because dealing with them mean that you'll have to deal with your own stupidity.
You can't do that.
You act like the writer of the show.
In front of an unsolvable problem, delay it.
Don't adress it. Add another layer unrelated.
He asked me about point A ? Ok, so let's create B so he doesn't ask question about A anymore.
Oh now he's asking about B. Let's create C.
row row row your boat gently down the stream..
Each season was preplanned you fucking idiot. The dialogue and script was near complete before they shot the first season.. Dark isn´t lost.. you get 3 seasons that´s it. Not kikes trying to milk it with cryptic notions. Also you seem to understand nothing of the concepts. Shut up and read more. There is my advice to you. You can barely hear yourself think for all the drivel and nonsense you spew trying to one up me like some fucking nigger. Like i am taking away your pride by not responding to you enough. As if me being correct and you not somehow undoes your masculinity.. As if it is about me and you. Get out of your hole you dig yourself into.
>in die Höhle genommen
>Each season was preplanned you fucking idiot. The dialogue and script was near complete before they shot the first season.. Dark isn´t lost.. you get 3 seasons that´s it. Not kikes trying to milk it with cryptic notions.
Finally that's an answer.
But still, you know how i know that you are retarded.
I asked simply and humbly in the exemple of the glass THAT YOU GAVE what would be the point of origin.
I said "In the exemple of the glass"
You said "That's what Adam is trying to find out"
You are retarded and can't follow your own exemples. But you project that it's me that can't hear myself think.
In just the course of 2 question answer you already lost your premise. You are stupid dude. just accept it
>what is point of origin.
Are you trying to theocraft or insult me. If you want to theocraft demonstrate that you have some understanding of what the fuck you are talking about in the first place. In that case i´d be happy to. But why don´t you do the novel thing of read the thread first. Many of your questions might be answered. Try it!
You gave an exemple to explain to me what you view doesn't create a paradox.
I said ok , i try to follow you in your exemple and to dig further to reach that critical point so i gently asked you what was the point of origin in the very exemple you gave me, not DARK. But that glass that is broken.
And at this point you are just going apeshit crazy on me for this question
>In just the course of 2 question answer you already lost your premise. You are stupid dude. just accept it
This is peak nigger. this is peak cultural difference. Nigger thinks it doesn´t matter what is correct. It´s who has last word.. He´s insulted because he thinks i am challenging him to a duel. It´s like fucking watching national geographic.
It is not about me and you. We are talking about a thing where you got it wrong. And you don´t want to lose nigger fame, by getting it wrong. So you pretend you got it right. And you won´t shut up till either you get last word (which in your idiotic mind means you are right) or i 'face you'.
This is the level of idiocy..
I am not trying to put you down as a person. Me disagreeing with you and me being right and you being wrong is not personal critique. It´s what is called a productive dialogue. You understand something you didn´t before. Now you can tell me something i didn´t know before. And i gain from that. It´s not a fucking contest of masculinity you dumb fuck.. This is how you learn NOTHING.. On YOUR side.. because i tell you something, you don´t acknowledge it and try to trounce me with your bullshit. Unacceptable. You have a logical error.. Let´s call it.. CULTURAL DIFFERENCES.
Will we see Mads‘ smile again at the end of season 3 when he just returns home from walking Franziska to her house?
You gave an exemple to disproves the paradox.
I don't see how it disproves it because we didn't reach far enough in your exemple to reach the paradox.
So i asked you IN YOUR EXEMPLE, what would be the point of origin. And you are taking it as a personnal attack because you have to think beyond what you had preconceived and you took it as a personnal attack
>just going apeshit crazy on me
The irony.
This is hard for niggers because they don´t understand time at all..
He´s still at the glass is broken part if you notice. Africans had no word for time or a process through time, or morality.. till others introduced it.
Adam is orchestrating the shards, we don´t know fully yet if he is the origin of it. But the 'twins' (elizabeth and charlotte) touching eachother through time in reverse. Had something to do with helping it.
They are 'twins' (both eachothers daughter and mother through time travel, resolve it, they are twins with no origin). Same as the dark matter at 1921 and 2052 are twinned.
It´s happening in reverse. Time in reverse recursively/retroactively assembling itself. No you can´t find an example in reality of it nigger, because it doesn´t exist. It´s not like in the reverse glass shard through a broken window. But it´s similar. Past present and future. When future drags. Past and present have to follow. And conform to it.
It´s because it breaks a linear timeline. Which you don´t even understand in first place. (everything is now to negro mind, why consequences of actions are not understood). Then it changes something there. And retroactively the other ones are dragged towards it involuntarily. Hilariously it is creating a loop where everything is now. Now that´s something a nigger understands. If you have something nigger sees it, in split second nigger goes for it. What are the consequences. Nigger doesn´t understand. If he gets caught though. HE WAILS AND MOANS.. not that it was wrong but that he got caught.
Adam in the series is trying to create an infinity loop using bootstrap paradox to create a twinning type of technology to 'end time' in order to be able to bring future things into past constantly in a rapid fashion. So he reverse the shards he broke and turn them into a new window.
>So i asked you IN YOUR EXEMPLE, what would be the point of origin.
We are really getting somewhere here.
Did a black man stole your bike user?
I don't understand causality : the post
What if he did? Wouldn’t that defeat your argument, libcuck?
What's my argument?
IN ORDER TO.. break time. He has to position them each cycle in a specific way to end up with the twinning. So then everything (that has already happened because point of origin is of the travellers future selves) has to happen EXACTLY as planned. Or he can´t end time. He is successfull with the twinning in season 2 ending.
They are already in the cycle eventhough it hasn´t happened yet, because they by their own actions are recreating the cycle. Like a 'robot' it falls into pieces.. Then it self assembles itself. Maybe that´s better than the broken window. Each place falls neatly into place because it´s being dictated and orchestrated from their future selves and they are all pawns. The future is dragging them along.. and everything they do ends up creating it. Because they have no free will, because it happened in the future. And they are in the past. The change happened and now the past and present is playing catch up.
Thus begins the final cycle. Time is now broken. Sic mundus creatus est. Now adam can go through 'time' without paradoxes and create reality exactly as he sees fit. And it would appear to happen in an instant.
THE CLOSED LOOP, the triqueta.. they all helped make it, thinking they were trying to undo it. It put itself together because its origin was ahead of them.
And the whole theory of dark is that this is how god created big bang.. the entire universe. Because you can constantly bring things in from the future to enhance the past.. cycle it enough. You could create an entire universe in 0.00000000001 second or whatever. You could go as far back as you want, and as far in the future as you want.. If you fucked something up, go back fix it.. ultimately quality control. end product could only be. Absolute quality. Because you can fuck things up and go back and fix them. and you won´t be wrecked by it because time is ended. in the direct timeline sense. The whole thing why young noah can stand next to old noah means time is already broken! but the broken origin has not yet occurred.. but it trickles down across all the spheres.
And what adam says he declare war against god by ending time (he´s making a new creation). And he has figured out how god did it.. WEW..
Why do you think he changed his name to ADAM the first man in the bible. And noah (his helper) he noah's ark.. all connected.. DEEP DEEP STUFF
Except Noah realized and told him that he's not declaring war against god but against humanity
Niggers dindu nuffins, racism is bad, etc.
This is why old bartosz is scared. Adam he looks very scarred. He says it is from the device. Where did adam really go to be so scarred?
Season 2 episode 1.
>somehow i wonder if the paradise adam wants to create, and hell, are not the same thing..
Nobody know where adam has been..
Where did i made that argument?
I think you brought nigger in the convo yourself
Is this rambling idiot Yea Forums's own anischeral Lain shizo?
>Except Noah realized and told him that he's not declaring war against god but against humanity
But noah doesn´t know what is going on, he realize that adam from the missing pages noah recovered from claudia, that adam does not want to save noahs family (elizabeth and charlotte) But that is because noah doesn´t realize what they are. They are the 'twins' to connect with the dark object twins in reverse. But even noah is freaked out. And that should tell you something.
Notice in season 2 everyone of sic mundus is freaked out. Elizabeth in future is freaked out 'it's piece of devil not god' bartosz is freaked out 'what if paradise and hell are the same thing', and ofcourse noah is freaked out. So much that he try to kill his master that told him to do all these bad shit he done. And he only did all the bad shit because he thought it would UNDO it and all would be safe. And then he find out adam don´t want to save his family as he promised.. Why he try to kill him.
>Is this rambling idiot Yea Forums's own anischeral Lain shizo?
sup chaim. Hating this netflix show where there are only german actors and the script is amazing yet. I KNOW YOU DO...
Don´t worry it won´t be as popular as stranger things and other such shows. So.. you can still brainwash children with your nonsense.
So I tried so hard watched, and this for the first second and third and fourth and fifth time but no matter how many time but in the end it doesn't even matter: I cannot find an answer for my question? Is he does (Adam) Anischeral?
I mean, really. can somebody PLEASE help me out for answers..? instead of pushing me away and ansculting every time I try to discover.
This a a show doesn't help me for discifering the story, like a baby crawling in nets of ropes, instead confusing, especially at the end, where in confusing me. All the episodes left me confusing what is future in the show and what is just past. Does he an actual anischerality, simply or meraphorical for anternal loop?
For anstanc eadam shows to the equals and to the ones who have lost it a dissconnect? For years I have a belief that such an exozation characterizes his Anischerality, but perhaps after all the dedthes and envents of the show, he instead has become so numb to the nature of such envents that he dodn't connect? Many people say it has does without impact, but I can't feel you there.
Penchance anstead of Adam, of Anischeral, penchance Dark's Adam simply was a symbol to Us that even time run on Bootstraps is will be subjective to all the loops, and the same vices rutines that time has become routine and penchance his development is about breaking the loops?
I feel close as one step closer to solving this mystery. I'm about to break through, any help??
Maybe it turns out egon was right. Maybe they are 'satanists'.. More than he could even comprehend. But not for any of the stupid reasons he on a wild goose chase thought. Wouldn´t that be a twist.
But this all revolves around very plausible things that COULD occur with cern and according to time theorems about these issues. Like leave it alone. you think they will leave it alone? haha!
Die bieten jetzt Intensivsprachkurse für Nafris an, vielleicht bewirbst du dich mal
I noticed Netflix tend to leave foreign productions alone. They just bully Americans and Brits.
>fuck Hannah (loli)
This show makes me want to move to a comfy German town
You typed all that out in this stupid fashion? Helmet award for stupidity goes to you. I just made it up. Like you did. The monkey brain inside of your head is laughing, maybe your testicles are still laughing as they travelled down your spine into your ballsack when you were a fetus. They are laughing. Big fucking eyeballs of laughter. HA HA HA..
Go jerk off somewhere else.
>für Nafris
Dann bin ich die falsche Zielgruppe.
>You typed all that out in this stupid fashion?
No, it's pasta.
Is there even a world outside of Windem? Noone ever leaves it, noone ever talks about being in any other places.
Alexander/Boris appeared out of nowhere in the woods, what even is there in the woods to rob?
The new cop arrives at Windem and we don't know where was he before, we only know he lost his brother in there.
The apocalypse originates from Windem, does it destroy the whole world?
What if it turns out to be some small-scale experiment similar to Wayward Pines or Stephen King's Dome?
The apocalypse only strikes winden. And surrounding areas. Why you see all those military goons later protecting elizabeth and silja (sic mundus 2052) who have accepted the prophecy that if they protect them the gate will open and they will walk into paradise. And this situation is undone.
Winden is a very strange town.. where nobody seems to leave. The excuse is that power plant provides a lot of jobs for winden. A plausible excuse. But there is something wrong there..
>Wayward Pines
So bad when you find out what it is.
>Stephen King
Anything with stephen king should just be dumped on the trashheap. It´s always something slightly wortwhile perhaps. That then turns into some kind of sex orgy with a minor like it, where 4 boys have to fuck beverly and come doing so.. to achieve manhood as they are running from some clown apparition..
Dome.. piece of shit.. it just takes a short while then stephen king in it is revealed. Piece of shit as usual.. It´s garbage..
>only appears for 5 minutes in one episode
>best performance.
There is the French delegation.
Nah winden is the city and surrounding area.. and rest of germany.. they think the nuclear powerplant exploded. But apparently some military commanders get in contact with elizabeth. So she´s got a fucking half army there going SIC MUNDUS CREATUS EST. But they have to be aware of the drones. so it has to be regional not from the top. Like a secret program.
They think it is contaminated area, or they pretend it is in some parts but it isn´t. It´s not contaminated. They think the powerplant blew up. But that´s not what happened. COVER STORY That´s why they are safe as long as they avoid the drones.
>Who is your favourite actor/performance in this series Yea Forums ?
2019 Ulrich is my favorite performance of the series.
I said underrated i didn´t say best. But it´s one of the more emotional scenes however. Which is very hard to pull off as a guy. Women they can just cry over fucking anything. A guy actor. It takes investment. I am mikkel, i play with jonas, jonas has found out who i am.. I have been his loving father a gentle father and love him so much.
>please forgive me..
He really gets into the character.. This rebellious idiot who acts before he thinks. Means well but man does he create obstacles for himself with his rash outbursts.. Wrong thing to say to egon. It´s like the worst fucking thing. he´s pissed off and make sure that egon doesn´t recognize him at all but thinks he´s a lunatic.
what i dont understand is are thery still in the same time dimensions ? like if jonas is going back in time theres still the "right" jonas there but wouldnt that mean there can be infinity jonas´s being at the same place at the same time?
Why didn't Ulrich have tests run on Mads body? He figured it out at the end of S1E6 and then just danced around it when he met with the forensic examiner in S1E7.
Since the loop is retroactively putting itself together jonases from different points in time (which is broken) can stand side by side. This is what adam wants. So that future and past become mutually aligned. A closed loop allows for this. So bring future into past improve each one step by step. A world without time a loop in time a hole in time. That within the construct you can create millions of years of technology and other things. They are struggling to find out why things are this way, and to bring normalcy back. But learn that adam is a shard that wants it to happen. Claiming he tries to undo it. but he lies. Even when he lies to them, because of their lies they do these things.. What is right what is wrong.. He and those whom he takes directions from, wants this to occur. And the past is simply catching up. They are being dragged along like driftwood made anew on a part of a bigger ship as its foundation.
Yes ye where's the porn rule 34 boys? I wunna see big titty German milfs time travel to be my mummy gf sister and fren
Why was she so mean to little Helge?
>Why was she so mean to little Helge?
She was raped, and helge is an partly unwanted child.
>season 3 will have a rape scene with one of the travellers
I wonder who's going to be
Helge being product of rape also is timewise a slight reason why noah says he was chosen.. He was only half wanted. Only half rightfully brought into existence. Helge being product of rape is not irellevant for incurring the loop.
>When Helge vanishes without a trace, Greta is burdened with a heavy conscience. Did he run away because she was too hard on him? Or is Helge's disappearance a punishment from God? Greta seeks guidance from Noah, who is serving as the parish pastor in 1953 and going by the name Hanno Tauber. She admits that she begged God to take her child away because he might not be her husband's. Helge was not conceived in love. Was Greta Doppler raped?
This is why she become lesbian. She was raped by vile assailant, and become lesbo with doris, fulfilling netflix quota for lesbo's.. HAHA and at same time fits with dark premise.
Agnes is Doris' girlfriend, not Greta.
Im gonna have to restart it because of all the wacky schmakity family time travel bullshit.
Ignore him, he's being a nigger.
No wait that was agnes and doris that had the lesbo sex. Wasn´t it. my bad.
But yeah, helge is only half bought into the world. Because mother didn´t want and the father did.
Helge touch jonas send him to 2052 via the touching from 1953 to 1986 timeline. And help noah improve chair device where he tells helge he is chosen by god. Because he could do this, being part unwanted and part wanted. He propelled jonas into future when they touched through timelines.
>Agnes is Doris' girlfriend, not Greta.
You are right, i just corrected it.
Or was she virgin.. Oh my goodness are they going to go there with helge.. She is not sure who the child is the father, did she sleep around or is helge just in her womb.. nah i think she was probably seduced but by whom?? who is father of helge? she is embarrased and this is why she treats helge so badly sometimes? but she loves helge ofc. At that time it was VERY BAD if you go fuck somebody else.. she beg to have helge taken away and to not carry him to birth.. something is going on.. especially of how noah says to helge he is special.. oh man.. they thought of everything.. HAHA. It must have been so much fun writing this.. stupidity is not a word i would use.
The year is 1953, so Germany is occupied. The easiest assumption is that Greta was raped by Russians.
makes sense. That´s of the big shames of wwII aftermath. When russians took over germany. Their soldiers raped every germany woman they could get their hands on.. Even patton was disgusted. It´s like what is going on.. Trying to destroy their people or what? Bombs and shit, doesn´t destroy people like THAT.. people DIE, but the people are still alive that ethnic group. they recover gradually. That shit is something else entirely..
This also makes sense why she hated him but still loved him as a mother should as duty of care.. Somebody fucking rape you. You are supposed to love a kid you didn´t want. Who has a father that raped you. Nah.. it´s going to be conflicted!
Unwanted wanted.. Partially wanted.. 'half real' . With the twinning stuff and the rest they are doing. It does make sense doesn´t it.
>Trying to destroy their people or what?
Yes, that's the entire point of postwar Western civilization; destroying Germany. I have to admit it's rather amusing watching it fail in this late hour, even with all the damage they were able to do getting to this point.
As much as i like to hate Netflix, it takes some real balls to commission 3 seasons of a sci fi german show that you ACTUALLY have to watch without checking your phone.
Also god damn this show is beautifully shot.
Rooting for Adam desu.
Is season 1 good? watched like 2 episodes then took a break. Should I continue?
Season 2 is shit and only firs two or three episodes of season 1 were good. You are a low IQ person that is too easily impressed by epic time travel paradoxes.
So what would be high IQ Entertainment then by your definition?
He just didn't have the safety on, he notices that when his sister takes the gun
Not that user but it is anime-tier
Or regular Anglos are just dramatic and fake to the point you can't differentiate between acting and real life
>>Trying to destroy their people or what?
Yes, that's the entire point of postwar Western civilization; destroying Germany. I have to admit it's rather amusing watching it fail in this late hour, even with all the damage they were able to do getting to this point.
When you put it like that it is bizarre. But are you wrong? And why don´t people ask some questions?
When will they release the fucking sound tracks?
>What book are the pages even from?
I think it was a notebook that belonged to Jonas? I'm not sure.
the pages are from one of their future selves. Adam himself claims to be unsure. But at the same time, did he want noah to find them. As he instructed him to, so that noah would read them. so he would try to kill him recognizing he had lied to noah to save elizabeth and charlotte (atleast as he understood it, because they are twins like the two dark objects to do the reversal), so agnes his sister would kill him aswell.
The pages are written by someone who has seen both past and present fully atleast within the expanse of the current loop. Which as you notice, is growing in dimension. As in first it was 1953 1986 and 2019. And now it is 2019 and 2052.
Noah retrieves the last pages from claudia. And kills her (future claudia is the white devil, cause of her hair) The missing pages. From the book that carries the triqueta. After which he tries to kill adam but is unable to. And adam knows he is unable to.
Sorry now it is 1921 and 2052. And with the reverse twinning. it has further expanded.
Just finished Season 2, overall great show:
>plot is good and there is attention to details that convince the viewer that all connections between events are intentional and not improvisational
>there are several outstanding performances from the cast and a lot of them can actually convey emotion well
>costume and set design are top notch, not extraordinary but good
>music is great, favotire is "Familiar" by Agnes Obel
>cg effects are not obnoxious in a science fiction show
>cinematography is also top notch, great shots all throughout the show
>the show is well written but as previously mentioned by anons in this thread the dialogue can feel a little unnatural at times, this is only expected in a show that has to explain concepts to the viewer and uses a lot of exposition
>some shots linger on for too long and the show is susceptible to becoming a tad dull
>sudo science that can wear out the viewer at times
bretty good review lad. except the last bit.
agnes obel is underrated.
Also VERY private person.
>want to watch s2
>too lazy to rewatch s1
am i a brainlet or do others do this too
They do, and there´s a decent flashbacks to s2. But you´ll still be missing way too much.. and you will run out of excuses to do so.
I did exactly what you did at first. Then i was like. Nonono.. i don´t get it fully, what the fuck is going on there. Go back watch season 1. AHHH. Exactly..
watch s2, youll be confused who's who for a few minutes but it will all come togeher
go watch it mon
on saturday i found out s2 got released on friday, so i watched the whole fucking thing immediately
dont be a nigger
Very comfy and has a good plot/10
out of respect for the show I'm gonna rewatch it. but the idea of spending 10 (?) hours on something I've already done is making me resilient
If you want to know what happens in season 3 you need season 1 to understand what season 2 does.
You can watch season 2 without having watched season 1 or you don´t recall it cause it was so long 'time' ago. But after you do, you want to go back to season 1 to understand what the fuck happened. And you´ll be able to see what is going to happen in season 3. To a massive degrees. Season 1 is loaded with all these time travel themes in background. Even when they are sitting in classrooms and you are focusing on oh she is cute yeah.. You are MISSING IT.. distracted. what is said in the background. images and things on walls and stuff like that.
Ideally all 3 seasons are to be binged together. But are released seperately. Scripted in advance. Utterly connected to eachother in ridiculously minute fashions where you think.. they missed a spot.. no they didn´t.. that´s what´s so nice. It´s so finely crafted.. even netflix had to agree to an all german cast. HAHA
jeez you never rewatched a show in your life? This one is necessary anyway, and next year you'll have to rewatch both seasons as well
so this may be an obvious answer but watching s1 and s2 back-to-back is the best way to do it?
Basierender Lappen
when me mum was in the hospital we rewatched sopranos strangers things and black sails but never would have done it alone
good shit
>so this may be an obvious answer but watching s1 and s2 back-to-back is the best way to do it?
Yes. And when s3 comes out you´ll be wanting to go watch s1 and s2 and s3 to understand how s3 connects to s1 and obviously s2. It´s built up like the triqueta symbol that it references in the movie which factors into the whole story.
They don´t exist independently. They exist only because the others exist.
on the other hand Dark is one of those things that are definitely not a waste of time
or just find some summary on YT or go through wiki