What Louis CK did is reprehensible even if it wasn't illegal. When did the bar for not being a perverted asshole become "well it wasn't illegal." Yeah he asked for consent, but its still a weird thing to do and must have made those women extremely uncomfortable. It's entirely possible they felt professionally intimidated by him, and with good reason because his manager threatened to destroy the women's careers if they told anyone about it (granted there is no evidence Louis CK put him up to that.) He doesn't deserve to be ostracized from society. He deserves to perform comedy again. But he's being held up as some kind of anti-PC culture champion who dindu nuffin and its just disingenuous. God only knows what else this fat fuck has done. I say this as a Louis CK fan and if I feel compelled to pay for his comedy in the future I'll do it.
What Louis CK did is reprehensible even if it wasn't illegal...
Other urls found in this thread:
I can't even remember what he did
he did nothing wrong except pander to the wrong crowd
>being a perverted asshole
When did that stop you from being an international star. Aren't all rockstars perverted assholes?
Since women are incapable of agency, they shouldn't be allowed to vote.
>his manager threatened to destroy the women's careers if they told anyone about it
Proofs. Is this another bullshit made up by Gawker?
he asked, they said yes. no points for regretting your sexual choices, ladies.
it’s less about the women and more about Louis himself. we can argue day and night about the power dynamic of a producer on HBO’s Chris Rock show asking a PA if he can jerk off in front of her while they’re alone in his office - she is quoted as saying she said yes because she felt pressure of not knowing what the outcome/punishment would be if she said no. would she be fired? But either way she technically consented so it’s not worth focusing on.
what nobody wants to talk about is just how fucking odd it is for Louis to even do that. i know there are a lot of incels on Yea Forums but you don’t have to be a normie to see it as bizarre behavior. i wish the focus was more on that and not rather or not the “roasties said yes”
guess what? human beings are bizarre
loui ck is a sex addict
>how fucking odd it is for Louis to even do that
It's also odd to stand on stage and tell jokes. What the fuck are you on about femcel?
if your wife/girlfriend/or daughter came home from work and said “well today was wild. boss asked if he could jerk off in front me. obviously i told him no”
would your response be
>whoa that’s some truly bizarre behavior! at least he was kind enough to ask for permission first. so what should we do for dinner?
or would you want to smash his fucking face in? or at the very least see some sort of repercussion.
>he tells funnies so i am okay if he harasses my girlfriend
louis wold have to be a mind reader to meet your lofty, unrealistic standard of morals.
Asking somebody if they want to have sex is not harassment, femcel. How the fuck would people have sex if that was harassment
"let's beat people up for asking for consent"
He wasn't their boss so nice fantasy. Keep making up lies, that's the only way you can "win" an argument, seething femcel
Keep repeating that femcel, not like you can come up with arguments with your little peanut brain.
Why are trannies allowed to cut off their dicks but men can get off to jerking in public?
Fuck you nigger
thanks for the concise concession
one of the girls was a PA while he was a producer. that’s hollywood hierarchy 101.
louie is the victim. if he was handsome we'd never hear about this.
>hey do you want to come to my hotel room
>do you mind if I jack it?
>in public
It's not in public if everyone who sees it consented to see it. Can anyone not lie about this for a second? Did he make anti-Clinton jokes or something, why is there so much lying happening
>a PA
Was she his PA? Or are you saying people aren't allowed to have sex with anyone who doesn't hold the same job as they do?
>she is quoted as saying she said yes because she felt pressure of not knowing what the outcome/punishment would be if she said no. would she be fired? But either way she technically consented so it’s not worth focusing on.
More like saying yes means progressing in her career. You're thinking backwards, these women know that their vagina can get them very far very quick in the corporate ladder. It's not a fear of getting fired because they won't get fired. When you fire someone because she doesn't want to suck your dick, you will have problems because she has no reason not to speak up against you. Roasties of the metoo movement never spoke up until their career was dead and buried. They had nothing to lose.
He wasn't his boss. Nice try though.
fine i will take the bait
so both of you would be okay with your girlfriend or daughter going to work and a man in a more powerful position
asking if he can jerk off in front of them?
yeah pretty based i guess
What he did was gross and shitty but not something that should end the career of one of the best comedians alive today. Should it have permanently stained his image and hurt his popularity? Sure, but the "disgraced comedian" status that he has now is a bit ridiculous. And I'm sorry but I can't help but feel bad for the guy. He's probably not a very good person but jesus with all of this shit I'm surprised he hasn't blown his brains out.
>is reprehensible even if it wasn't illegal
>Yeah he asked for consent, but its still a weird thing to do
the backpedaling in the second sentence is just too painful, do you form any coherent thoughts?
if he asked for consent, he probably got consent
"b-but that's a weird fetish I DON'T LIKE"
no one likes your fucking scat fetish op, so why judge anyone on this very personal topic? it's just fucking retarded to think that even after asking for consent and almost certainly getting it, these women misused the trust louis put in them by asking for consent. If they actually didn't want to they just have to fucking say it
>his manager threatened to destroy the women's careers if they told anyone about it
after they fucking consented to it you fucking retard, literally no one claimed they were forced to consent
if you have psychosis and kill someone, you're still a murderer. nothing I heard about this case makes it seem as if their whole career was on the line by not consenting.. they probably thought louis would help their careers if they consented but didn't, so they got mad
Producer on HBO’s Chris Rock’s show isn’t a boss to a random PA?
again I repeat myself: it is not about the girls saying yes or no or the power dynamics, it’s the fact that he did it. are you guys that pathetic that you think asking a coworker or acquaintance to jerk off in front of them is how you initiate sex? lmao
hmm yes strange fucking behavior from louis ck, who always seemed like the pinnacle of logic and reason
bro, everyone has sexual desires and fetishes and everyone gets fucking retarded if their horny, stop pretending like this is so baffling to you, that you can't wrap your head around it
>h-how could he perform such a vile act, I just can't understaaaaaand *sadface*"
grow up, bitch
Yes, people are allowed to ask for sexual intercourse. Imagine that. What his position is has no relevance. Unless he fires them for not having sex.
Also, would you be okay if somebody FUCKS your daughter in the ass? See how that question has no relevance to the man fucking your daughter in the ass? He has the right to fuck her in the ass and of course you won't like it, your little baby girl is getting fucked in the ass after all. But every father so far somehow learned to live with that.
the reading comprehension some of you have is astounding. i am not talking about rather or not people are surprised by his behavior given the type of person he is. i am talking about people giving him a pass and ignoring the scummy behavior of it due to “consent” and “muh funnies”. even Reddit was defending him when all this broke.
>Producer on HBO’s Chris Rock’s show isn’t a boss to a random PA
Yes. Is this a trick question?
>you think asking a coworker or acquaintance to jerk off in front of them is how you initiate sex
Yes, why not? What exactly is the problem, seething femcel?
lol so if you were attracted to someone you work with - would you take the time to bull relationship with her and see where it goes, or just randomly walk up to her at work and say “hey...hey can I fuck you?”
if he knew she wasn't single i'd have a problem. i would not go beat him up.
What the fuck are you talking about? There were two comedian sluts that were drinking with him after a show and afterwards they came to his room and he asked them the naughty question.
Unnactractive betas aren’t allowed to do kinky sexual shit. Unrelated, I recently saw a 18 year old Swedish girl use a high pressure suction cup to inflate her labia to 10x their normal size in what I assumed caused irepreparable damage. She made $5000
>ignoring the scummy behavior
What is scummy about asking people if they want to have sex?
>would you take the time to bull relationship with her and see where it goes, or just randomly walk up to her at work and say “hey...hey can I fuck you?”
That depends on whether or not I want a relationship or I want to fuck her. Which part of this is confusing to you, femcel? Asking people if they want to have sex does actually often lead to sex. If that's what you want, that's what you should ask, maybe they want it too.
> (You) #
>>Producer on HBO’s Chris Rock’s show isn’t a boss to a random PA
>Yes. Is this a trick question?
yeah 100% bait. producers fire people for nothing. lots of power - especially over random PA’s. two months ago i watched a camera assist get fired because a producer asked him to help lay a couple mats and (not knowing he was a producer) the kid chuckled and said “yeah not my job”
user you might need to read more into it all. Louis C.K. didn’t lose millions because of just those two comedians.
Yeah, he lost millions because Gawker made up lies about him that retards like you believed. People still repeat that he held the door. That's just a lie. And being a giant cuck, he doesn't sue Gawker. He'll probably kill himself soon
>muh anecdotal evidence
just go ahead and shove that up your ass
I love how the same board that is convinced actors and actresses only get roles by fucking producers, that Singer fucks kids, etc. are so quick to say ALL LIES! when it comes to Louis. Virgins.
do you want more stories? you think that is one single sorry and I and nobody else have anymore about power hungry hollywood producers? how old are you?
Louie was a writer. Producer is a title they give to writers.
oh user. that’s not how it works.
i am seeing myself out of this thread and i thank you guys, this was just the thing i needed to realize i shouldn’t be wasting my free time here anymore.
i hope the naive, inexperienced bunch here find ways to better yourselves down the road.
The poor dude fell into a trap. Ugly guy finally has women start to fawn over him for the first time in his life and assumes they're genuinely interested in him sexually. Having such a hard fetish to be realised, previously in his life, he saw the opportunity and went for it. Also it sounds like the women are the dominant partner in the act itself so i dare say he assumed they would walk away without any concerns for their well being, especially as he sort permission first.