Why yes, I do disregard "the" when listing movies alphabetically, how did you know?

>why yes, I do disregard "the" when listing movies alphabetically, how did you know?

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inb4 250+ replies

what is uyh whgn its floyrsaui

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Based strokeposter

well you could do it that way or you could do it the wrong way too

FtM trans is sadder than MtF

Movies are categorized by year retard.

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>Watching movies

>he doesn't sort by coolness of cover

>t. totally not soiboys

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>poison young men with estrogen
>point at them and tell everyone to laugh
Why is the media so evil bros?

>walking skeleton
>double chin


Wrong, movies are grouped by year but ordered alphabetically

why does xir skin look like it's rotting

Fool, then you just have one giant block under the T section, with it's own alphabetical subsection

>this sheeit write it self

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No, it's always by release date.

What does he mean by vulva love?

Fucking kek

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How do you have skeletor's body and Walter Matthau's jowels?

We truly live in the end times.

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>Women expect every man to literally die for them in a dangerous situation.
>Women say they don't owe you shit.
Why is there so much misogyny in the world? It's a total fucking mystery.

it's a girl pretending to be a dude

Different forms of OCD.
I organize by how frequently I re-watch.

>Sex/Kink Positive
>Animal Lover

Attached: 1rJTjh.jpg (665x681, 54K)

I still don't get how it works.

yeah, I'm thinkin he based

>tfw I sort movies based on file size
You don't actually still keep hard copies, do you?

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I used to live in rural Oklahoma for several years and the internet was too shit to make piracy work.

>Buying physical copies of films

Attached: 12510413_562938600537108_5927595378814096628_n.jpg (190x153, 4K)

>not having boxes full of unnamed dvds so you have no idea what you're going to watch

This is the only way to live

>listing movies alphabetically

>>point at them and tell everyone to laugh
more like embrace as heroes

We used to have one of those wheels where you put your CD's in. We spun it like a roulette wheel and whatever came out was the thing we'd watch.
Shit was so cash.

Totally not an insane person

Its a trans man. It was a woman before and supposedly suffered from bulimia, that could explain its tiny body

This is what she looked like before the mind virus got her.

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>sex positive

Yeah like a fat person is food positive

Get back to work, Jay

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How do you figure you should be a dude looking like that? I mean she clearly took great care appearing feminine in the past.

>There's people in this world that orders their movies by anything other than release date.
And I'm forced to share the same air these subhumans waste.

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She cute.

Alphabetical, keeping "the", with year in parenthesis. Fite me.

Oh God. Tell me you at least separate genres.

no, I separate letters.

Dear god, that's just a fucking pity. How do you go from a 7/10 woman to a 1/10 man?

>>poison young men with estrogen
>>point at them and tell everyone to laugh
>Why is the media so evil bros?
When did the media do that?

Why is it always white people

>animal lover

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I've seen this picture for years, and it's baffling. It's like those starving African kids with distended bellies.
How can someone so malnourished and frail have such a pudgy face? Is this what /fit/ calls "skinnyfat"?

He is now 37 years old

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>not having a dedicated movie poster library

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>not editing every movie to be layered on top of each other so you don't have to choose

>FEMME transman
wtf is the point, why would you get surgery to look like a man if you already looked feminine before?

Wrong. country of origin sub grouped by director, year and then name (disregard "the")

This is now your son and you only hang out with him once every 5 years, what movie do you watch?

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The patrician way is sorting by genre first and then alphabetically
Box sets are stored separate

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>at some point his ancestors hunted mammoths

humanity needs a hard reset

what did he mean by this?

By length, retard.

It used to be a girl?

I'm honestly shocked.

Yes, it's the worst case scenario for skinnyfat. Someone who eats under TDEE but gets little protein and absolutely no real exercise.

weak faggots were always a thing. life just used to be hard enough to weed them out.

I fucking hate applications that disregard the "the" when sorting. The very first place I look is in the Ts if a movie starts with "the"



Do you guys seriously categorize your dvd's alphabetically by name? That seems dumb, if you have 25 woody allen films then they are all over the place. Categorizing alphabetically by director (and then year produced) is much cleaner.


lmao this thing is sickening as a woman as well

>that ROM
>that weight
Why bother at that point