/bb/ Big Brother 21

HoH: Christie
Veto: TBD
Noms: Cliff, Kemi
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


tommy and nicole confirmed picked for veto

kemi is not nominated you stupid fucking nigger

this season is leading towards a Jack-off

tommy is the host. nicole, jack, and sam are picked for veto. stop fucking posting

boomer btfo

Anal and Auras getting hype for the N-bomb removal.

they are going to bang in hoh room. i can feel it

just got hexes for the first time in Yea Forums history fucking iconic my buddies

hope the veto gets used on the bimbo so no bullshit happens

that'll probably only happen if she wins

will kemi chimp out when she gets backdoored?

holly looking like kate beckinsale

We can only hope.

whoever said biologically female audrey last thread, thats been bugging me

especially when holly wears the glasses

no matter what happens, they have the numbers to evict kemi

mate, are you blind or something?

goodnight /bb/

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I don't like the lesbian

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hoh room looked much better in the preview.
with this lighting it looks like a gypsy shack

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twitter is going to be exciting when twwo blacks go home one by one

Yay! Samsung 1TB 860 QVO SSD

ovi slapped jacks ass!

>that pic
God damn it you’re going to make me buy a subscription...

what are these fucking glasses

oh no no no

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Ovi is awkward as fuck holy shit

oh noooooo

for fuck, bimbo. stop going full rachel.....

how's kemi not freaking out, everyone's calm including the noms, no one's telling her anything about plans, she should at least be worried about an ally
also how bad did she fuck up to have everyone but 3 people independently trying to backdoor her

people actually chose ovi as their winning pick lmao

did you watch her interviews or see her DRs on the episodes? she's a retarded bitch.

lmao never mind

>didnt talk to jackson and let him put her up
>is throwing the veto
>is telling china about knowing who is in jacksons alliance
she did it to herself


she’s playing a bad game, she literally said earlier if she was picked for veto she would throw it

night cutie

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race wars 2019
all white or honorary white by jury

unless you've literally played big brother we dont want you tripfagging

any lewds, lads?

I wanna kiss Sissy’s thighs

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they keep saying I love you to each other

aquaman has potential to win the whole game

hahahaha ovi slowly backing out the door and holding it open thinking mimosa was gonna follow him but he doesn't and ovi has to worm out slowly

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Ovi keeps touching Sissy and she’s uncomfortable lol

She's looking more indio with each screencap. in her intro packet and early pics she looked like a castiza. now she looks like a straight up mestizo.

>the state of Ovi

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well, i guess we know who is going home next, another brown

>superfan is an incel that looked good on paper but gets bullied for the entire season

veto may be happening

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i tripfag in anothrr board.i don't want for it to be known that i watch big brother.
bb viewers are major yikes

it's probably not nick is pretty dumb

what's that?

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analyse is hotter but paras is cuter

>Jessica- I'm still getting a good read on Cliff. He is a genuinely good guy. He is smart and he is a good competitor. Nicole- Extremely competitive. Jessica- He could easily have the power

there's some secret power

they’re not gonna do veto at 1am

a mirror

Nighttime veto hype?

Yeah it’s from that Whack comp or whatever

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>They like cliff.
Hogg Heaven is a place on earth :)

wow how did you figure that out

fuck we doing bb20 again?
well at least they evicting the duds early

One year you'd think the ugly outcasts would have a showmance
I want to see some Ovi and Nicole cuddling

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>Christie- He (Ovi) wasnt as annoying today. Analyse- He annoyed the fuck out of me. Jack- He annoyed the fuck out of me too #BB21

this nigga is gone

one year you'd think the ugly outcasts would make an alliance instead of get picked off one by one

lmao idiots

nick doesn't know who bugs bunny is

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nick is fucking retarded he woke up cliff because he thought they were gonna do the comp now

his arms are really short

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After a night of seeing what Ovi is really like, how is he pulling that smokeshow of a gf? is that a sympathy situation where she pretends to be in a relationship with him in exchange for cash?

what the fuck sam put some clothes on

that's odd because he's so tall

damn he really is winston

they woke cliff up for this veto. poor guy

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christie and aquaman will take down bimbo if they win it

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is ovi fucked


he'll be gone next week or the week after

jesus christ what now I keep switching cams

>1:30 AM veto

Is nick retarded? has this ever happened? I know vetos have run this late before, but have they ever STARTED this late?

same, what did he do now? has he been like this the whole time, even before feeds?

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the girls are so stupid they don't know that there's a light switch. they're asking production to turn them off so they can go to bed when they can just go do it

kinda cute without the clown makeup

there needs to be a dedicated cam that follows ovi
he's so cringe that I can't help but watch the trainwreck

nick is retarded

can we get a feedfag to do this? just follow his cam no matter what? i can't take it or else i would

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they always do veto in the afternoon
i remember they pushed it back to night time a couple times if it's too hot outside, but that's usually like 7 or 8pm. never 1am

i meant this

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is anal's ethnicity known yet? Italian? or persian?

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What's the 1 month free cbs all access code going around again? Forgot to save it when I saw it before.

nick told the loud mouth faggot what his real job is

this meme is stale

based nick playing himself
>one of us has to put up christie

i like lesbo.
thankfully her voice is not as annoying as i thought it would be before the season.
she is nothing like aura

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her last name is Talavera so it's pretty obvious

Sam - kemi going up no matter what

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she has the same ginamarie staten island voice just deeper

this house is so bad at hiding who they're working with. like anyone in the kitchen or the sky bridge or walking around could figure out that nick and sam are working together

you really gonna reply to it for another 3 months?

>on Day 2 Kemi went up to Kat and said “just so you know if you go up I have to vote with the house.”

she’s an idiot

nick said Ovi is fake while ovi is in DR. ovi also seems to believe that nick is a pro poker player

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hope the veto ends soon, so i can cap some kumi booty in the bikini before she goes home

>could figure out that nick and sam are working together
Nothing wrong with that

that's how they end up on the block sitting next to each other and winston goes home


Hidden alliances can have their advantages, but also numbers freak people out


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what the fuck is this? whos this?

>this is gonna be the best season of Big Brother EVER

where is the bingo sheet?

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I kind of don't like any of them

What's going on, man. Stable Genius was supposed to be unhinged. instead he is really chill and Nick and Jack are the ones overplaying.

give one (1) non-racist reason as to why kemi deserves to go home

nipple sighting

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nick goes to this bar 2-3 times a week. it's in a mall parking lot


he said that to tommy lmao

she's black

boat room is talking about the kardashians

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at this point I'm just gonna call it quits and try again next year
I'm not surprised but its still disappointing

Why is he obsessed with making a side alliance F2 with the gay in week fucking 1. jesus christ.

>Holly- He (Jack) is so good at making people feel special. He is literally a master manipulator, and he is beautiful. Analyse- As soon as it came down to the eight, I would fucking take him out first
8 person alliance

wonder what he's gonna do when he finds out she's gay

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its funny how everyone in the 8 person alliance is already talking about people within their alliance they want to boot



nicks a tool he was just talking about how he goes clubbing every weekend

Daddy Hogg soles

it's almost 5a. i'm going to bed

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jesus christ, is Ovi that bad? ahahah

i hear yah. i should wrap it up myself

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>arm sleeve tats

pick both

what the fuck LMAO

anal and holly called jackson immature and attention seeking. jackson mentioned 'thad came out earlier. I think he got drunk and embarrassed himself before feeds

Night, /bb/ros. Hopefully some better feeds tomorrow.

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ovi is dead in this game....

some legit bullying going on
I'd hate to see what they'd to do BB17 Steve

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How many times has Anal said Jack is hot?

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she literally said she stares at him all day. remember when we thought nick was in?

She's in love

>remember when we thought nick was in?
no I only remember one autist trying to force that

>he's so hot, why does he have to be so hot (x25)
alright I'm out
good night with you all, I think it'll be a fun season, especially with the minority purge early leaving crazy people and players along ambiguous lines

I can't write one song that's not about you
Can't drink without thinkin' about you
Is it too late to tell you that
Everything means nothing if I can't have you?
I can't write one song that's not about you
Can't drink without thinkin' about you
Is it too late to tell you that
Everything means nothing if I can't have you?

at least 5 times. but he is a hunk

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is the game rigged for the fag because of pride month

>anal thinks aquaman is hot
>aquaman has the hots for the dyke

what the fuck is wrong with you people

she has rubbed lots of the houseguests the wrong way and it’s week 1

>bella making out with nick


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the fag and the dyke have a final 2

but then the dyke tells holly some of the stuff that tommy told her. these idiots just tell everyone everything

aye. must be that 7 years of knowing each other to help build that trust.


wow how'd you figure that out
what do you think spurred it?

haha it’s just like camp! some people know each other!

did holly just call their alliance "The Gr8teful" ?

what symbol ?

First BB21-ism: M A N I F E S T

Well boys I've been watching the feeds since they launched and I've spent 75% of that time watching Sis. I haven't showered in 3 days, I dropped out of college, I haven't woken up before 3pm in a month, my "friends" have made no attempt to contact me, and I can't think of a single reason not to kill myself. How fucking pathetic does someone have to be to stare at some random stacey through a screen for hours on end. Seeing how much Ovi disgusts Analyse I can't even fathom how repulsed she'd be by me. How am I so pathetic, my ancestors managed to get laid for generations and then an autistic abomination like me came along and single-handedly ended my bloodline. Anyways goodbye /bb/ I'm evicting myself from life.

i don't understand what are they talking about in the hoh right now

you are like little baby

its a nice pasta but i shant be using it user

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You have friends?
I lost track with all mine when I graduated college in 2008. Haven't really bothered making any new ones

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Well not really, I have a gym buddy, and that's it.
He is all I have, but I honestly don't think he'd miss me. He's probably my closest friend and I doubt he ever thinks about me outside of the 2 hours we spend together 4 times a week.

Nice trips btw.

One last barrel roll


>If you’re hot you can touch me

tfw I will never touch sis

>he shits a lot too


poor ovi

like POOetry

>This guy is a therapist

>either fuckbois, married or ovi

You sound like a faggot. If you had higher testosterone you'd know Jessica is the superior waifu.

jacks name rings out with everyone. he ant gona get to far

The Nolan twins would put an end to this Ovi harassment

fatty chaser

>t. Pierce Brosnan

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christie just called us creeps for watching 24/7.

god damn i hate new yorkers

she forgot to add with their pants down at their ankles

I’ll make sure her inevitable nip slips are everywhere like the creep I am then.


>if I could have a hot guy with Sam’s personality I’d marry him


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I want a season of Big Boomer
everyone over 50

>everyone goes to bed at 8

he saw that ass zoom in lmao based cameraman

Jesus christ, the Stacys are just shitting on everyone right now


now on bimbo

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wtf, stop shittalking my bimbo, you bitches.

holly and anal are going down lol

>mfw watching stacys make fun of everyone at their sleepover

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i bet jackson has a nice penis

these girls are catty, I can’t wait for them to all go after each other

it's square

stable genius is growing on me now. seeing him tonight be pretty chill makes me think he can keep his shit together

someone snoring like chicken george

think that might be tommy. just saw cliff come out the other room

Before Feeds I would have said Stable Genius and Sam were goners. Now they honestly look solid. Momosa/Nick are generating way more heat long term.

probably jessica

goodnight /bb/

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night boo
me too. she is soo mature!


>Vapid skanks

>Team Twitter


epicly awful list, fattylover

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I like Holly, Sam, and Tommy's chances so far.



is this a parody?

this is no laughing matter blacks might ruin bb like they do everything else

i was asking myself the same thing

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She fits into no one plans.

to be fair, i'm kinda with him on some of this shit.
that comp was for sure rigged.
there is no other possibility a blackman would fail 'in the dark' challenge. excet based david was actually the furthest thing you could find from an N, no it's actually legit

unironically twatter is going to kill themselves. 3 bronwns are going home one by one and the only gays and the woke dude is in the alliance with the biggest white chad

Imagine having 0 respect that early.

was this actually aggressive or one of those playful bumps. i mean, look at ovi. he is shadow boxing sams belly

Don't think so. His entire channel is him talking about how Reality shows are rigged for black people to lose.

Look at his reaction to Nick he seems shocked then defeated right after.

reminder that ovi is banging this

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at this point, i think he's just a beard.
she's probably a lesbian and getting the brownie points too

>that jaw
is that Jackson in drag?

off to a good start, graveyard shift cappers. keep it up, more webms though.

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My buddy fucked her.

fatties are just like the rest of us, you guys. they an do anything they set their eyes on.

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unless someone does something blatantly racist, they’ve got no legs to stand on

Any reviews?

moby is going to 'throw' the next hoh comp too, isn't he?

I want her to stick around because I feel that it’s gonna be difficult for her to keep those big titties contained. Thick Latina Elena

no thank you

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Does anyone have a link to that old car honk for fat people.

There a bb discord? Especially one ok with some nsfw

dont think it matters for him. The Gr8teful want to keep ovi around to use him as a vote.
The Gr8teful (hollys name for the 8 person alliance) include Jack / Jackson / Christie / Holly / Bella / Anal. I think the others are tommy and nickorsam

and with this. i go to bed. good day /bb/

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nick is part of the 6 person alliance.
it doesn't matter if they want his vote now. the way he annoys people constantly, he will go next

No judgment lol, just hoping there’ll be cam addicts capping all the titties.

go away.

i forgot how confusing it is to wake up, put my headphones on and hear people snoring when feeds are minimized

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I haven't watched since they started doing Celebrity BB in America. What's the gimmick this summer?

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Anyone knows if there is working CBS all access with live feeds plugin for Kodi? With this awful heatwave I want to limit the PC use so I won't die, so I'm looking for an alternative

Summer camp

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just woke up and every body is sleeping. did I miss much? I went to bed as anal and holly were talking about how hot Momoa is

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no. just some ideas of who the house outcasts are (ovi, jess, kat, kemi)

Later lesbo came in and they talk how hot mamosa is

ok, knew all that already. went to bed at 5 but woke up early anyway. checked twitter and kemi is trending still too. is that sam snoring?

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They bring Christmas back?


the dyke looks more like xmas

what other houseguests were disliked house wide due to their social ineptitude?

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What's wrong with Ovi?

is that rain in the background? shower? A/C?

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>Woodrow Wilson
>Willy Wonka
>...Walter White
>you got me...

jesus fuck. what the fuck is nick's problem?

3rd world hygiene

I’m gonna go there and fight him. just for funsies.

why am i extremely, extremely bored and not into this cast?

i'm gonna go there and suck his dick in the back alley
want your dick sucked too?

I don't like any of them yet either

I, for one, blame women

cause you're a twittershit and belong in the dumpster

this hundo p

what do you think Stacies do when they’re alone together?
shitting on uggos and fatties is literally all they do

holy fucking based

Posting for Nick bashing Ovi's face in after a race fueled hate rant

uhhh yes please
do you think he’d be into a double team bj?
sounds way more funsies than kicking his ass, now that you mention it.

why is everyone so obsessed with race?
why can people only empathize or invest in someone of the same race as them?
I like wang but I’m white, I liked David too.

i hope he wins next hoh and bullies moby out of the house and fat cow too

then he’s gonna get stomped by Obie

>I like wang but I’m white
what's with so much homosexuality in this thread today?

reminder that kemi is not nominated and OP is a faggot

gay pride month

frig off bigot, it’s 2019 for Pete’s sake

Aman is guesting Taran's morning update today, should be a fun one!

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i fucking love twatter.
this is comedy in it's purest form

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>what's with so much homosexuality in this thread today?

It's current year! Why are you not accepting?!!! You need to be more progressive and tolerant to desires of having shit on a cock.

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Has Christie fingered Holly yet?

can't wait to hear about brown people and homos

Lol..that is funny but honestly I feel bad for that little girl, that jump cut was pretty fucking ruthless

he is just from the future and knows what the final nominees are.
do people actually watch that crap?
i thought it's just a meme

when is white pride month?

We're all girls here.

i actually think aman will be fine on taran's update, he tends to be reasonable unlike the majority of twitter users
i also think taran is going to spend at least 30 minutes of my time complaining about the fact that he picked ovi first

i'm not
every month, i would imagine

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>i'm not

Yeah, I like Aman. That said I think he seems a bit upset about both David and Kemi going so early - but I wouldn't blame him. I mean a night 1 twist is just shitty, and now there's 0 black rep for the entire season - if he airs greivances about it I'd understand, as long as they don't dwell over it too much or anything.

Agreed about Taran who is internally reeeeing right now

Did they have sex ?
Vids please of her naked

Yea, Christi could get it.

Imagine the tip of your penis at a few inches of her mouth at this very moment and about to drop all your semen

here you go

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Hogg is awake and just drained the main vein

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What's the point of this ? Where is the sex ?

right here baby

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Watching the feeds.

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time for a Hogg shit that audio was gross lol

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lol he is singing in there now Georgiaaaa



time for some oatmael. gotta be regular for those hogg shits

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microwave. not even stove top. i am disappointed hogg

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The house deco a kino.

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birthday wishes and i love you's. thanks Hogg

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Honestly, I think Hogg can do decently. He was the first one out of that Camp BB comp, and people in the house seem to like him enough.

agreed. I went in thinking he would annoy everyone but he's just a chill dad living life in the BB house

Hogg scoping the memory wall. who will be his target?

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Ian, Steve, Josh

the dirty darkies who's relatives pulled guns on him


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>8 person alliance

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his gulping is making me queasy

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Hogg new thread

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shit, now I want oatmeal but I’m too lazy to actually get out of bed
missing slavery desu

Why don't you get your wife or girlfriend to bring it to you user

Come get it

i fucked up the spoilers. i am ashamed

I’m not a lesbian and my boyfriend is at work