Where did the old Yea Forums go to? It's impossible this board has the same posters from 5 years ago

Where did the old Yea Forums go to? It's impossible this board has the same posters from 5 years ago.
Looks like all we have are /pol/ retards that watch 1 movies a months that is on netflix, and it must capeshit always.

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Oldfag here from 2014.

These fucking zoomers have no idea how much better this site used to be.

They seriously need to fuck off back to where you came from.

First post, /pol/ butthurt.


>Hehe remember when we went to reddit and did baneposting in tom Hardy's AMA??!? SO EPIC xD

Maybe it just summer posters


It's the shitposting. There's more shitposting now than actual discussion. People just post nonsense in threads now, things far too stupid for a genuine person to actually believe. The newfags never had the lesson of "I WAS ONLY PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED" drilled into their head I guess. Now I can tell which posters are only there to shit up the threads for fun.

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>pretend oldfaggot falseflagging with muh /pol/ boogeyman

the culture was compromised after the election, CIA using the site as a platform for their culture creation initiative introduced slot of people here that wouldn’t hsve been otherwise

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Yea Forums is almost exactly the same as 2007 except people are less creative and post frogs instead of OC, like you

I remember when Yea Forums was having the same problem, no one creating OC and was filled garbage repetitive threads.
That was 9 years ago. Yea Forums truly is dead.

Fuck trump and fuck white peopo

Yea Forums has always been a shitposting board

I agree. Let's discuss Les Encombes.

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People are less creative because they just sit here all day refreshing the catalog, as they've done for years, hoping to be the first to make the same meme response anytime a thread pops up. Gotta get those precious (You)'s. Ironically, the only time something new gets posted on the board, it's by someone who took it from another website.

spoken like a true 2016 cross poster

I know

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Only difference is that it was way slower ficve years ago. Like it or not, the increase in shitposting brought the numbers.

>Where did the old Yea Forums go to? It's impossible this board has the same posters from 5 years ago.
This may come as an absolute surprise to you, but people and the habits that they have change as they get older.

If you and your fellow trannies just kept your pozzed horse shit out of games and movies, we wouldnt have had to vote from trump and genocide all the fags and jews.

This been the case for years newfriend. And no, Yea Forums 5 years ago basically dumping ground for waifu/forced meme/feetfag threads. I guess if I had to name a new fad it would be Twitter screencap posting and the general notion of outrage as /pol/ redpilled everyone into spotting agenda casting and writing.


r/T_D just got quarantined on plebbit so expects things to be worse.

old fag from 2010. came here when i was senior in college at 22. now i'm fucking 31.

almost a decade on this site. can't believe it.

> There's more shitposting now than actual discussion

I've been on Yea Forums since 2007, It's always been this way

we never left

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How old are you

If you wanna argue that having threads about Jews and newest normie movies is worse than threads about best Emma and forced Messi memes from Yea Forums then who am I to stop you but don't crawl in here pretending that Yea Forums used to be this pinnacle of imageboard culture that talked about obscure foreign movies.

>And no, Yea Forums 5 years ago basically dumping ground for waifu/forced meme/feetfag threads
lol nice blatant history revision

HAHAHAHA '04 actual oldfag reporting in. You're here forever


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hi r.eddit

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/pol/ is a newfag board

Keit-ai reporting in, won’t start browsing this site until 2024

Another reddit moron crying about /pol/

How sad are you?

as true today as when it was first posted
they didn't even have terms for "c.unny" or "baneposting" yet

>my opinions are identified as Yea Forums, and if you disagree it's proof you are redditor
Meme spammers are zoomer cellposters who play videogames and come here by social media trends.

That chart and "basedhorror" not being banned, shows how toxic this board can become for not expelling outsiders such as /pol/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /cel/.

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been here since 07 when I quit high school
I mainly posted on Yea Forums until like 12-14 before cross posting then staying here full time

>never ending Summerglau spam the likes of which you newfags will never experience thanks to captcha
>24/7 Bella threads (still laugh at how that turned out)

Ok retard

memepill me on cia doing culture creation and what it is

it was just loli. I honestly forgot when cunny was first defined as a substitute for it. I wanna say early 2018 but it might of been a bit earlier

i've been here since 2009 and I'm still a newfag.

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this chart never fails to make me sad

Anyone making oc figured out other web mediums actually pay for content.


i can kinda remember the threads where it was first coined
it was during the Jordyn Jones/Banji period which started when Brighton Sharpino hit the wall

Why can't you accept change?

Have sex, btw.

Fucking smartphones were the worst thing to ever happen. Literally gave easy internet access to every dumb faggot normie to shit everything up.


Smartphones with browser capabilities have been around since 2007. That chart doesn't even make sense and if you go to the site the numbers are different now anyways. People are so fucking gullible.

In /pol/ terms, it is.

This. You had your time.

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that is because all the low hanging meme fruits had all been plucked by ca 2013. everybody is too lazy to reach for the higher ones, so it's all sneedposting now

choose one. i have been on Yea Forums since 1999

wtf i love reddit now

2005 Yea Forumsfag here
4chin was only good when it had gore and pedo posted every 10 minutes, it kept normies away. Now it's like slightly incel reddit in here

based and redpilled

What used to happen here that was so good? Less incels?


I've ACTUALLY been here since 2007. You're wrong. The only truly 'dumb' board was Yea Forums, and even that place was at least dumb in an interesting way. Nowadays it's just true drooling normie brainlet shit, wall to wall, board to board. Fucking phoneposters.

Why don't you leave then? You do have other people to talk to... right user?

I have been on 4chinks since it was created by Steve Jobs in 1986

I'm a 2005/2006 user of the site. While each board has had and still has it's own personality, the old Yea Forums was defined by freedom of speech and libertarian type values meaning "do whatever you want and say whatever you want as long as you're not hurting animals"

what you guys are calling pol posts were commonplace and normal posts here even moreso than now. The biggest difference is we didnt have people trying to argue with those posts like spergs.

That's because we didn't have people here who organized and fought to change Yea Forums culture for some dumb culture war.

We all made the same jokes that pol makes, the difference is the lefties and trannies here today forgot they were jokes and believed when the media started calling Yea Forums users nazis.

Then inevitably two things followed: the 4channers double down and say even more "naughty words" because people are calling them nazis for making jokes, and that's retarded, especially now that the world is getting so radically fucked up by progressives with trans kids and shit.

The second thing that happens is, you get called something long enough you look into it and realize this shit has been happening throughout history. You start to question whether there ever was an age when women actually were oppressed etc.

i havent been on Yea Forums in a while but last time i checked it was filled to the brim with loli.

I've been here since it was called ebaums world

>Why don't you leave then?
I did. This is the first time I visit in like a week and it's just because I'm waiting for my stool to harden enough to take a shit before I go to bed.

Good analysis. But there's also unironic nazis on this board, so it's not just ironic argument from one side.

If you take the "I'm a 2005/2006 user of the site." out, it sounds exactly like a /pol/ phoneposter bitching. Funny, right?

less shitposting
less reddit (you could treat each other like shit for a joke and noone would spam "have sex")
no sneed
robert threads/cinema visit threads

>Yea Forums will never have a thread asking if Ryan Gosling is autistic and another asking what Tom Hardy meant by the line "for you" indefinitely on page 1 again

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>less women and gays

>implying the women on here arent larping as it always has been

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Been visiting since about 2010. Way before banepostogn started in any event. This board used to be solely about cunny, tripfags, Disney shows, waifus and celebs. Massive image dump multiple times a day. It changed, but in my opinion for the better.

I remember when Yea Forums was a 50's radio show

he's not completely wrong though.

>being triggered by havesexposting
i bet you complained in 2014 about being called a fag as well, amirite?

I know 2 biological women who post here, one of them introduced me to Yea Forums.

It's the edgelord election tourists. Political discussion has no place here, no matter how much people want it to be. Laws are laws.

>1 movie a month
jokes on you the last movie i watched was in 2014

I'm 30. I became /pol/tard because I have lived long enough to see things change for the worse as demographics changed.

>wrong ! things have never been better since I left Mexico/Africa/the middle east/the closet
For you.

nope, and before you give me my (You) please read what my post says.

you know the rules, then.

>quit highschool
how's that been going for you?

>when the media started calling Yea Forums users nazis
The proof is in the manlet pudding my guy. The media isn't an excuse anymore.

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>my guy

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If you insist people are nazis, when they say they are not, are you not just pushing them towards that camp?

If I want all non white people out of my country because they are blatantly inferior and you think that makes me a nazi then I dont know what to tell you.

>please read what my post says.
so you ARE new here after all

I sincerely hope I'm pushing losers into neckbeard Nazism with my internet posting. The thought of single-handedly causing incels to descend further into being weird, isolated, brainwashed basement-dwellers that nobody likes makes me hard.

edgy kids latch onto nazis like beta losers latch on to anime.


pick nether faggot

Yeach, but now it's filled with twats who jerk off to trany hentai. In 2005 it was all about being illegal and disgusting for pure sake of pulling middle finger to normies. That was website for funny punks with thing for computers. Today IT all is politics, instead social

>political discussions have no place here
They have since cinema and tv are more and more cancerous in their leftism, leftypol.

Election tourists/zoomer faggots who decided to stick around.

ofcourse this op and thread are just ops they've been making these threads for weeks

This board really goes to shit during American hours, I have to wake up to this shit every day


Yeah, people piss on Canadians and Australians for the shitposts, but it's mostly Americans shitting up the boards. Go to pol, use a script addon like 4X to censor meme flags and American flags and all of a sudden you have threads and anons having semi-rational discussions instead of endless blacked/tranny/demotivational/degenerate threads.

it's a strange thing late nahours/euro mornings
most shills are american go figure

Le leftypol boogeyman. Go kill yourself and get off my board you wimp pussy.

>everything i don't like is "political"

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>are you not just pushing them towards that camp?
I don't care what camp I'm pushing them into. They're all shit.

>he says while complaining about pole

I was complaining about people who post off topic political garbage on a board dedicated to film and television.
Only poorfags and virgins care about politics anyway.

Just stay on /pol/

I've heard many left for reddit since there's less desire to watch movies here.

>Le leftypol boogeyman
Only people from leftypol talk like this.

Is there any subreddit which have no capeshit, and decent daily posts?

And as reddit got more popular for boards that talked about the general topics people were interested in, like Korean movies which used to get talked about here all the time, we gradually just had that stuff talked about less and less here. It was never due to some migration to Yea Forums, but rather people here actively being against anyone talking about things they weren't into.

Also didn't help to have all the banning that went on since the mods despised people for talking about no-no subjects.

>the reptoid shapeshifters are pretending they have huge tits again.

I wouldn't know, never been a fan of Reddit's setup. But the timing of Reddit's rise in popularity does coincide with the lowering of Yea Forums's posting quality.

we don't have to take any part of your posts out and you sound like a twitter bugman crying. funny, right?

>I dont care
Then why did you make this thread whining about nazis?

>"where did old tv go?"
>posts tourist frog

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>... old Yea Forums...
>... five years ago.

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all phonefaggers should be IP banned, if you want to post something get a fucking PC, you can actually see in the chart how phonefaggots are taking over

>nazis are dangerous!
>nazis are just loser betas.

You sure are seething. Lol

>what you guys are calling pol posts were commonplace
nah. the racism was funny before actual racists started flooding the site.

the nsdap disbanded in 1945 i don't think there are still left

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>its the chart that attributes the fappening spike to gamergate

every time

This. Yea Forums used to be the Joker. Then it became a seething Alfred with schizophrenia.

>Oldfag here from 2014.
Haha no I've been here since 08 (lurked since 06) it's always been bad but the quality of content droped significantly since before your faggot newfags showed up and normaled the fuck out of this site
>These fucking zoomers have no idea how much better this site used to be.
The memes where better.
This board might as well be Yea Forums or Yea Forums
>They seriously need to fuck off back to where you came from.
Don't call yourself an oldfag next time you post
Bleed through from shit boards with more normies
/pol/ isn't souly to blame I think Yea Forums and Yea Forums are mucH worse
Pol was never my main board and outside of the auspol generals it's shit

>Looks like all we have are /pol/ retards
Go to /lgbt/ if you wanna discuss your degenerate tranny and art house movies.

/film/ fucking when?

everyone on Yea Forums used to be at some point on this chart or they were quickly overwhelmed by the lack of support they'd find here.

now the site is filled with unironic christians and people who follow US politics like a religion.

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shut the fuck up zoomer


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I've been here since 1999 the day I was born any gotta say this place and Yea Forums are beyond saving

awe you poor daily show fedora baby :(

moot kicked out everyone in 2013 when redditors bitched about waifu threads
fuck off you're one of the fags that cried to moot

>everyone was a waifufag!
you have autism

Been coming to Yea Forums since 2012. Remember Tons of end of the world memes everywhere. The last year and half has been pretty shit. '18-'19 The lack of satire and actual film/tv discussions has decreased dramatically. People honestly don't give a fuck about movies like they used to. And also like a year ago the Mods hid the Red boards like Yea Forums. Yea Forums in general has kinda gone to shit sadly.

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Yea Forums has always been a shit board. It was most fun during TDKR spam, and it was still shit when that was on the go, just fun shit.

who are you quoting?

i think i came to Yea Forums first back in 2014, thanks to the ol' /who/ leaks and only really ever stayed for /who/. a shame it's dead now; the threads that were up during s11 were nothing like the classics, but of course that's because the flavourposters all fucked off to the other chan to make themselves a little hugbox.
i think it's just a sign of the times; rational people are getting driven out by the normalfolk and the political extremists. the internet will never return to its prime.

>rational people are getting driven out by the normalfolk and the political extremists.
Fuck that. It ain't over. We rebel.

>Where did the old Yea Forums go to?
>immediately cries about /pol/
Nigger you weren't even here during the reign of the King, fuck off back to

May as well attempt to rebel against the tides. As any sentiment that's against what our ruling masters desires is quickly flooded out by idiocy.

Completely agree. That was the shit with the "Big Guy" memes and constant Bane spamming.

wow did you guys used to post dumb frogs and whine about shit like a ten year old girl? sounds epic.

The elections ruined everything.

the site was ruined long before

the most devastating blow was occupy. As once arab spring revealed a social media campaign could overthrow a government, our ruling masters started stuffing every corner of the internet with inane garbage in order to undermine any current movement and prevent any future movements from gaining traction.

We're still here but we're silent, what's the point of starting a conversation or participating in threads when the entire board as been overrun with retards who don't care about film.

Yea Forums is becoming better. Slowly evolving. All liberals seethe hard because their unga bunga ideology is failing and they are losing their minds.

Little do they know this is only slow begining of something terrible.


Kelly C made it to the front page of reddit and from then on, screencaps of us were all over reddit. When something of ours hit their front page, millions of normies were seeing it. They loved us, and other boards. Yea Forums and Yea Forums just so happen to be the most accessible boards.
What a coincidence that in the next few years, a bunch of retarded anons campaign to get Yea Forums moderated. Feet? omg ur weird lol. Banned. Pedos? Banned. Oval? Gone. Actress discussion? omg waifuists are weird. Banned. Movie discussion? Ignored. They begged for moderation. For anything not forced memes to be purged.
Reddit came here to spew their shit. This was their place where smear shit on the wall and not get banned. They get off on smearing shit on the wall, waiting for the home owner to come home and laughing when the owner freaks out. Why would they discuss movies here? They discuss movies on reddit, their home. Yea Forums is for memes and memes only. Yea Forums to them was a place famous for being shit, so they came here to shit.
Once the teenage reddit mexican Yea Forums and Yea Forums faggots realized you could create any meme by spamming it for months, this place died its final death.
tl:dr: bane and Yea Forumseddit cancer killed Yea Forums

news and pol ruined this site muh containmeeent barod
brought millions flyover hicks and welfare state neet euros thinking this is their output and answer to twitter and tumblr leftist hooting about genders and minorities

Paedo shit was always hated.

Reminder that the mod gave a minor illegal substances and sexually abused the same kid

When did you first realize you were outgrowing the site and maybe it was time to move on?

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they are all at your moms house OP

this. i got here in january 2016, fresh off the boat from reddit, and i've noticed there was a definite shift between the first half of 2016 and the last 3 years

8 years ago
but I'm still here

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it was both

Both increased traffic user.

well to be fair, in 2019, it's gonna take more than gorez/little gurls to scare normies off

There is nothing interesting on in the summer, hence people will be bored and go troll.

>hating on euros.
You jealous non white boi??

Go back to your nursing home, grandpa.

wrong, it was neither

Read through the thread
"old Yea Forums" is now cancerous 2014 bane redditors

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The site went to shit with gamergate and the US election. People turned into culture warriors and culture warriors from reddit/twitter/facebookflooded the site turnig absolutely everything political. Pure cancer.

I’ve been here for more than 5 years, pal.

are you hillary Clinton?

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This, the board went to shit after that.

Yea Forums? The board went to shit before the election and gamer gate

That's fucking nothing compared to gamershit and trump, we always, complained about Yea Forums being shit but it was heaven compared with what have now, even the tripfaggotery from 2011 was better than this shit.

no, no nobody cared about gamergate tranny, gamergate is not this massive event that elected donald trump like your schizophrenic queen zoe quinn told you so

Ironically, tripfags made it even easier to filter out/pinpoint the cancerous elements. Now everyone's an anonymous wannabe class-clown

Gamergate was huge and is still constantly being brought up by journos.

Faggergate should've stayed in Yea Forums.

It makes me sad to think that there are people here now who don't understand the old concept of "for the lulz" and instead use it as en excuse to push for their side of whatever the flavor of the month argument, politics or culture shit is. They laugh when their opponents fuck up, they don't laugh at people taking life and all those subjects seriously. There aren't supposed to be any sides, only laughs. Taking life seriously and actually being passionate about stupid shit is antithetical to the culture of the site in my opinion. It's to be ridiculed until those people get mad and embarass themselves, so we can all have a good laugh at their expense. /pol/ did bring lots of laughs, especially with the trump thing. But I was only on the train for the laughs, and many tourists think they're at home here. Much of what's left of that original idea is just cheap and shallow shitposting, which gets in the way of the occasional more serious discussion on a shared interest, which also is (or used to be) a part of the board. Newfags who don't know or care about films try to push away when confronted with that discussion, they don't have any interest in it. They can try to be sincere in entry-level threads but will attack and belittle users who actually watch movies and accuse them of postering. This is just a social forum for them, and I don't know why they chose this board of all the ones available. I guess because every person has at least seen some shows and movies.

Moralfagging usually isn't called out anymore, and neither is normalfagging.

>Yea Forums was always about being antiestablisment
>Unelss the establishment is neo liberal.
>fucking nazis!

by whom buzzfeed?

It brought in a lot of traffic and you can't prove otherwise. Take your strawman bullshit elsewhere faggot.

They're all Buzzfeed now.

>some dumb culture war
Fighting against nazism and for trans right is «dumb»
Post of the year NOT

>for the lulz
No one does it for the lulz anymore, that ended a long time ago, with newfags and all the shills, things became rather serious around here.

>mfw this post

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>There aren't supposed to be any sides, only laughs. Taking life seriously and actually being passionate about stupid shit is antithetical to the culture of the site in my opinion.
"Ironic" behavior is cancer, especially when it's fake (I mean more fake than it already is) and turns into "I was only pretending to be retarded! damage control.

>news and pol ruined this site muh containmeeent barod
brought millions flyover hicks and welfare state neet euros thinking this is their output and answer to twitter and tumblr leftist hooting about genders and minorities

just go to reddit