What did you think of Only God Forgives? Pseud cringe or classic Refn kino?

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it looks really cool, it's a good movie, pusher is better

Retarded ass movie

i watched 15 minutes of it and got super bored

it's one of those movies that's better than the entire top 5 of anyone who dislikes it, don't even (you) me

I didn't find anything compelling enough to keep me engaged not in the underdeveloped characters nor the paper thin plot. From what I can gather most claim its the symbolism in the film which held their interest but I don't think that alone is enough to carry a film

Gnostic Refn kino that’s a bridge between Valhalla Rising and Too Old to Die Young.
>One Eye


post height and jaw

Sorry OP, I didn't think much of it when I saw the lead was both white and male

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its the movie that cemented in my head that Refn is a total hack

I don't think it was either of those. I just liked it and didn't think anything more of it. Was just entertaining.

its the movie that cemented in my head that Refn is a total genius

Literally one of Refn's best movies period, and far superior to Drive which was literally bad.

Coming off of watching Bronson first, then Drive, this was my third Refn film. I did not like it at all and thought that the only good scene was when the Goose got his ass kicked by the best character in the movie.

stop making everything about race dumb zoomer

>Was just entertaining.
What did you find entertaining about it?

yeah the movie was shit overall. cool neon light aesthetics and symbolism, but other than that, it was a snoozefest.

it was already part of the equation when Refn set his film in Thailand and had a main white character who wasn't a pedo sex tourist, sweety

the main character was an old asian man though


It's a shame too because I really wanted to like the film even watched it twice because I thought it flew over my head the initial viewing I just don't think there's enough substance to it. Like I said previously nothing in the film got me invested in it. Aesthetics were pretty cool tho

'drug peddling interloper is destroyed by local deity' is intrinsically racial

Nothing complicated I was just interested in what was going to happen to the characters. I never felt bored even though that seems to be a common complaint about it.

I've talked to a lot of anons that really like Valhalla Rising but hate Only God Forgives why do you guys think that is? Personally I thought the relationship between One Eye and The Kid was much better than any dynamic in OGF and the descent into hell sort of atmosphere was enough to keep me engaged throughout as opposed to OGF whose symbolism alone was meant to carry the film. What do you guys think?

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>I was just interested in what was going to happen to the characters
Personally I thought the movie didn't develop the characters in the film enough for me to have a vested interest in what was going to happen to them.


Refn is the definitive director of the 2010s

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loved the film because gosling's character is literally me living in SEA from a feels standpoint.

I unironically like Drive and other autismkino and thought Only God Forgives was trash.

now this said, the scenes that resonated with me the most were :
- the scene where hes spooked and looking at the mirror in the blue light , then slowly turns his head
- the scene where his hands are tied, Mai fingers herself and his feels intensify.
- the scene where he autistically shouts at Mai to take her dress off

my nanny took the pic

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I liked it. It was like a movie playing out from the perspective of that one sympathetic henchman for the villain that the hero let's live, or at least let's have an honorable death.

>watches a film once and it goes over their head
>think's their opinion is worth anything to Yea Forums

its good


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pleb filter of the decade


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>Pusher III, Pusher, Fear X
>Drive, Pusher II, Valhalla Rising
>Bleeder, Neon Demon, Only God Forgives

As much as people love to shit on him here, all of his work is worth watching.

it's classic refn pseud cringe kino

This desu

Fear x is peak refn.

I like valhalla rising but i think it's too empty of a film. It really needed to turn even more hellish and surreal in the third act.

It's one of my favorite films. I feel like people disliked it so much because Drive was their first Refn-film, they saw the goose and neon and thought they would get more of the same.
Pusher, Valhalla Rising and Only God Forgives are Refn's best.

The dynamic between him and his mother made it worthwhile, there was so much weight on him trying to impress her, it was pretty sad.

Refn kino. Only people to disagree objectively have no taste.

>watching for plot


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Refn is pretty garbage but this was one of his only watchable ones, although some scenes suck still

watched 2 times and still dont get it what's the point of this film
probably because i am a brainlet

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Dude oidipus and santa sangre lmao

There you go brainlet friend

A necessary average flick for him to release too old to die young kino

>too old to die young kino
Holy fucking reddit this board is so gay lmao