Who will play him in the biopic?

Who will play him in the biopic?

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Rainer Winkler

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can you achieve this natty?

I wouldn't consider what is in Big Macs natural

Mike Myers.

Idris Elba

Gosling of course

Alder haider

Emma Stone

The guy who plays Randy on Trailer Park Boys


Himself, obviously
He will have assembled an entire team of people dedicated to reversing the aging process to keep himself alive

Big Macs will take the place of pills when ingesting medicine

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Your mom

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Me, just have to slim down a bit.

Damn he skinny compared to me.

Got him.

Armie Hammer.

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Go back to discord, all of you.

calm down, incel

Seth Rogen in a fat suit

More like bio break pic lmao

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Chris Evans is the only choice obviously


obviously The Goose

Christian Bale

Mike Myers already did.

everybody always makes a huge deal of actors gaining or losing like 50 pounds for a role.

a true method actor would gain 400 pounds to play the role of a lifetime

guys should I fomo into crypto (again)?

god no not yet.

Rick Waller

any kinos about a guy making wrong decisions and getting financially ruined?