Why is Hollywood so dishonest?

Why is Hollywood so dishonest?

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This looks like something that would be on my grandpas facebook

Because it's full of jews who have no other purpose on earth but to turn their host countries into shit

your grandpa sounds based

liberalism is mental illness

Well he doesn't have a grandson he's proud of so he has to post pics of something

He's a good man.

whats the bottom picture of?

I have no idea what the context of that picture is and I feel like I'm better off that way

The Bastille Day terror attack. That's one of the victims.

the fruit of diversity

Truck attack in Nice(the place is called Nice)

Can we show people the videos of what mexican cartels do?
They'll want to build a wall then

Attached: 1485479330360.jpg (600x450, 46K)

why should the punishment for illegal border trespassing be different from the punishment for jaywalking or tax evasion?

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that's their culture you racist!

That’s not Nice

there are no borders, nazi

a lite fine? i agree. especially since illegal crossing is currently a civil offence and not a criminal one

last i recall, there was plenty of coverage of that event

Jaywalking and tax evasion deserve the same punishment

jaywalking isn't enforced as a law lol. tax evasion will get you shit though I don't know why you chose those two as examples

Let's be honest. Even if normies and libcucks were forced to watch funkytown they'd probably still blame Trump

>walk into chinamarket
>tv on the wall
>listen to mainstream news while I pay
>new scary white nationalist groups in canada
>please look at this photo of the border crisis
>all in 2 mins

The Nice attack was exactly as publicized.
Also it happened three years ago, while the drowned parent/kid happened yesterday and is completely unrelated in almost every way

I'm honestly not even sure what the OP's pic is trying to say, other than the standard "JEWS ARE BAD" bullshit

Lmao is that Thanos bottom?

There's gangs already here who do stuff just as bad. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.

delete this

goes against their leftist narrative

Through deception thou shalt make war

You mean MS13?

except you don't see any picture of these events in the press unless they want you to feel bad to fit their interests.

This is how a fucking liberal deals Islamic terror attacks

t. person who has never seen what cartels do

bruh top pic was from the syria meme and they're bringing it back as a meme resurgence
kinda retarded

A little dead girl who's name /pol/ doesn't know and will do nothing to avenge her

what sort of soundtrack were you thinking?

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