Mid-credits: The mid-credits scene picks up immediately where the movie ends as Spider-Man swings through New York City with MJ. After setting her down and leaping on top of a nearby lamppost, a news reports starts playing on one of Madison Square Garden's big screens with a breaking story from TheDailyBugle.net.
The site has acquired an exclusive video from the movie's final battle and the anchor then passes things over to J. Jonah Jameson...played by J.K. Simmons!
He shares a video Mysterio recorded which he's manipulated to make it appear as if Spider-Man was the one attacking the city and claims that the wall-crawler has taken him out because he wants to be the new Tony Stark. Jameson brands Spidey a menace and blames him for the murder of the world's greatest superhero before sharing the second half of the video.
In that, Mysterio reveals that Spider-Man is Peter Parker and a photo of the high school student is shown on the screen as the hero watches on in horror and we return to the credits...

Post credits: The after-credits scene kicks off with Nick Fury and Maria Hill driving together and it's then that they transform into Talos and his wife! They've been Skrulls all along, and while you might think this is the start of a "Secret Invasion," we quickly learn that Talos (who hasn't aged a day) is covering for the real Fury. The REAL Fury is taking a much needed vacation, and after receiving a call from Talos, we learn that the former S.H.I.E.L.D. Director is chilling out on a beach which turns out to be a simulation on a spaceship full of Skrulls! It seems Fury has decided to spend some time in space with Captain Marvel (who isn't shown) and the scene ends with him asking the aliens if they've seen his shoes.

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Other urls found in this thread:


JK Simmons at the movie's premiere.

Big if true
Movie plot still sounds like shit though

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So Spider-Man is effectively turned into a fugitive unless he can prove that he didn't attack the city. Is that basically going to be the plot of 3?

>In that, Mysterio reveals that Spider-Man is Peter Parker and a photo of the high school student is shown on the screen as the hero watches on in horror and we return to the credits...
This sounds awful. Peter's double life is one of the biggest reasons that he's such a compelling character. Other super heroes can work without a secret identity, but not Spider-Man.

I think that is the scene that wil piss fans off

Sounds like a good set up for Osborn to form the Dark Avengers aka the Sinister Six to hunt down the Spider Menace.

>have important event (Peter's identity) be relegated to the credits, instead of making it the ending of the movie
If this is true, that's fucking retarded

Fuck the post credits. Seriously Fury is a fucking cunt.

>Oh I need vacation. Skrull, take it over.
>Don't let the high schooler who died and fought in the greatest battle in the universe who also lost his de facto father take a break like me though, little bitch doesn't deserve it

rather than using him as comic relief and a humorous antagonist, marvel is going to use JJJ as a Muh Drumph Rush Limbaugh analog
It won't be good or funny

It was hilarious in the video game. JJJ as an Alex Jones style conspiracy nut was fucking great.

What in the fuck are mid credits scenes?

There is no secret identity in the MCU

You mean Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh

and this will set the stage for a civil war II remake on movies with peter against captain marvel, she lose, decides to gtfo to space with the skrulls and kamala appears as ms marvel.
pls don't happen


Will Peter sell his marriage to the devil in this version too?

>Iron Man
>the world's greatest superhero
kek nice try Marvel

>reminder we know these are fake and pushed by the studio. If you guys want the real spoilers you know where to look. dont say it on here

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This job of directing an organization to ensure humanity is properly defended from aliens and other meta-level threats is hard. I know what to do! We can let the aliens handle it for a while!

He’ll sell his marriage to Mephisto to bring Iron man back to life lol

If true, this is fucking retatded. The Avengers and every other super hero would vouch for Spidey.

wow it's somehow worse than I could have ever imagined

Where did you get the amazing footage?

So what's Mysterio's motivation here? The spoiler mentions he's still alive at the end of the movie, but no details, nothing before that.

>So what's Mysterio's motivation here?
He is Gay for Spider Man

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I'm Zack Snyder

This. Its hard to have a spiderman movie if everyone knows who he is. Mysterio turning on him is cool, but a mass reveal is a bad move.


I don't blame him.

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They're turning our spiders gay!

Get triggered you cunt

They outed Spider-Man?! Are you fucking kidding me with this? Its bad enough they are turning him into Iron Man 2.0 but now they want his identity exposed when thats the biggest draw of Spider Man? Its like if they outed Bruce Wayne. I knew things would be bad post Endgame. I fear its all coming true

It won't change a damn thing with their version of Spider-Man. In Homecoming he never struggled with the dual life and he never faced any consequences for his actions. He never has to struggle or worry about anything because he has Iron Man tech and hes a teenager. I genuinely don't understand the praise that MCU Spidey gets. It's one of the most boring portrayals of the character that strips away all drama for a cheap laugh.

Yeah...but where's the real Maria Hill?

One of the best castings if you ask me, they wanted him to be closest to the source material at least physically

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What did Cap draw?

Exactly. Only Raimi's version is the only one that got Spider-Man. I don't reconize Hollands Spider Man but normies is eating his shit up.

Raimi still made the best Spider-Man movies

Except SpiderMan 3. Spider Man I shit you not, I saw 10 times while it was in theaters

I hate that mutt so damn much

Agreed. Setting him up would have been good enough. This would have created a viable reason for the public to turn on him and JJ to be out to get him. But the identity thing just complicates shit.

not reading this thread until the movie comes out

Skrulls are good boys they dindu nuffin

Nude men.

Fury had a hard life

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he deserves a vacation

Attached: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2.webm (888x500, 2.93M)

>credits show major names
>credits stop and then shows a scene
>scene stops and then continues to show names of people that worked on the movie

not really hard to figure out, dumbass.

a penis

I legit don't care.
I hated Homecoming and have no interest in the MCU post-Avengers (not that they were great, but they were at least watchable)

All bullshit, why would you troll with this?


Harry Osborn visiting a scientist who is revealed to be Dr Octavius. He mentions Toombs (The Vulture) too, so most likely setting up the sinister six for Spider-man 3. It sucks it's not Norman Osborn though.


It's just Peter bringing home Aunt May souvenirs from Europe and she makes some comments about Fury not keeping him safe. Ends with them hugging in the middle of their apartment,

Proof or BTFO

While they're hugging, Carol Danvers walks out of the shower wearing a towel, her hair wet
Peter stares at this in shock.
She says "Hey Peter Parker. Got something for me?" and drops her towel
Aunt May doesn't see what's happening behind her and asks Peter what he's got stuffed in his pants.

Literally everyone knows Tony died saving the universe. What the fuck is this shit writing

She would never want anything from a man, especially not his twink penis. She drops the towel and a dragon dildo strap on is revealed. Peter slowly gets on his knees and movie ends with a close up of his face as she enters him.

I mean maybe the Revengers do, but the rest of humanity not so much.

Does it at all address the five year age difference between the people who were snapped and those who weren't?

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Fuck, from the thumbnail it looked faggy as fuck.

I'm going to need context for how Peter ended up with mad stacks of cash.

He accidentally robbed a bank

And it wouldn't take a lot for everyone including Tony's family to vouch for him lol

Just that easy, huh.

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>noooooooo don't make fun of clownwoooorld. it's real to meeeee dammit

>mid-credits and post-credits scenes

there's making capeshit, then there's taking it to a whole new level of pathetic.

i want them to put in a 3 second shot of a purple hand, 1 hour after the credits. just so those freaks have sit there with their fat mouths agape for that long.

>movie ends
>go home
>the next day receive a whatsapp message
>it's the post-post credits scene

>second post credit
Oh what a piece of garbage. We can’t have Secret Invasion because Marvel Studios decided to turn the Skrulls into Muslim refugees. Fuck you, Disney.

Yeah. Doesn't Strange have some MacGuffin that can show humanity the truth?

>wanting Secret Invasion in live action

We don't need a "dude, _____ has been a Skrull since ____" completely invalidating years of that actor's time as their character.

Spidey can resolve this by revealing Mysterio as a bullshitter, thus by implication disproving that Spidey is Parker.

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>whitewashing MJ

What did you mean by this?


Mary Jane

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The mid and psot credit scenes are an integral part of the movie, people who leave before seeing them are basically walking out 5 minutes early

He should have died in Winter Soldier

That would unironically be excellent. MJ is repulsive and ruins every scene she’s in. Jake G and Spider-twink would be a God tier couple


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These movies don't have great plots. It's nice to see this Peter's life be so low stakes though.

Stfu nostalgiafag, I like both versions because I’m not a weirdo who can only enjoy one vision

Same, she’s fucking terrible. Rihanna should have played MJ like an older woman, if they had to blackwash her, some local actress or something, that teen Peter has a boner for.

Riri could still play Black Cat.

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I’m so fucking sick of these credits scenes. Its gotten to that point where I’ll even take my grandfather to see a movie and he will always ask if there’s anything in the credits even if it’s not capeshit. FUCK!

That’s an improvement on Carol pedo posting at least

He means he has a high IQ and taste

Tom Holland confirmed gay, there is no way a 10/10 twink would fuck that.

Based, she’d also btfo Zendaya’s pathetic poor black girl done good schtick

Pretty much everyone else already knew he was Spider-Man - the Vulture, Aunt May, not-MJ, Ned, Fury, Stark, every single Avenger, Happy, Pepper, your mother, so what a fucking anti-climactic revelation.

Oh yeah, and Skrulls, too. What a fucking shitshow.

That and I don't see JJJ knowingly going after a kid and staying a sympathetic character.
They may have just ruined JJJ.

JJJ isn't supposed to be sympathetic. He's an asshole antagonist that Peter has to work around

t. never reads any comics


only after punching a pregnant MJ into a wall, cracking the wall, after being told by some random dude that he's a clone even though he's being okay with seeing clones as real people and hanged out with a clone for weeks before that and called him brother

I'm still pissed about that one...

I hate you

Meeting your mother.

The practice of putting women on pedestals began to die out when it was discovered that they could give orders better from there.


I don't understand, where am I?

Keep following the backlinks, there's a prize at the end

Expect a mindwipe of some kind or he does something to trick people into thinking he isn't spidy like a Stark Suit Stark made before dying that pretends it is him.

A wild Miles appears in a Spidey costume to save Peter in front of a crowd of people and journalists.

>Riri too


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1 was perfect, 2 was good but I never had any needs to see it again so maybe it isn't that good if you judge worth of how many times you watched it. If that is the metric for a good movie then Demolition Man is the greatest movie ever made for me.

>1 was perfect
No it wasn't
It's you who's out, user

Now that they own Super Skrull they can just make him an evil leader with his own army of loyal Skrulls. Not that hard. I mean it's nothing like his comic character but whatever fuck it.

Raimi won

Wow Skrulls are such good people
We need to let more of them in

they even work in our place while we go on vacation
don't know what we'd do without them

Daily reminder a thing they didn't adapt from Iron Man is his constant need to trick people into thinking he wasn't Iron Man and IM was just his body guard. This created all kinds of antics where they had to be at the same place at the same time constantly. Spiderman 3 will end like this with Peter somewhere and the Spider Suit also showing up on it's own to trick people into thinking they are two people. Hell I bet MJ is the one who remotely controls it and makes it say stupid things to joke with Peter. Screencap this.

Why can't they just bring back Tugboat Maguire?

>literally shape shifting immigrants whose goal is to take over their host country

I wonder if Marvel is aware of the irony

MCU Parker really sucks at keeping his true identity in secret. Even in first movie his friend knew who he is, his first enemy knew who he is, not even mention about that Shield and Tony Stark figured it out in Civil War movie. It loooks like a natural result of MCU Peter incompetence. He's just a kid who wants to be a hero.

Daily reminder in he DC cinematic universe Lex Luger knew the secret identities of every Justice League member so they are just as bad.

lol at that black dude.

shitty deflection

In every universe Lex is a Master of 5D Chess.

Do you think they did that as a huge fuck you to the audience for rejecting the last ugly troll they wanted to shoehorn in as MJ?

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Shailene was a prime qt a few years back, you take that back damn you! She was gorgeous!

MJ's main characteristics are being really into Peter Parker but also being fiercely independent and self-confident.

MJ's race is irrelevant, stop being such a bigoted whiner

Fuck it, I just want Pete and Betty, is that so much to fucking ask for?

>credits start to roll
>credits pause and show 60 seconds more footage to lead into sequel/other MCU movie
>credits resume
stupid fucking nigger

Quit coping, I'm ethnic and that's just fucked
MJ needs to be a hot white redhead.

>I'm ethnic
Sure you are /pol/. KYS racist