How did this not make 60 billion dollars...

How did this not make 60 billion dollars? Isn't this one of the most popular and well known commercial/mainstream franchises in the world, and to ever exist?

What happened?

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The "dectective" part made it seem like a carny knockoff and not canon. should of stuck to a traditional pokemon story

i saw a pokemon movie, then i didnt understand the trailer. ill see it eventually, but pirated and slightly drunk. meh.

>What happened?
Yea Forums said it would be a success.

Attached: tv was wrong again.jpg (720x480, 154K)

I remember when people laughed at me on here when I said this wouldn't cross $500 million

It hurts man

Kind of weird that Pikachu and Alita had around the same gross

If I had friends to go to the theatre with I would probably would have seen it

it sucked. The pokemon looked good, but the plot wasn't worth rewatching. My son asked me to see it (I already saw it once alone when he was with his mother) and I said no.

All the neckboards torrented a camrip

those movies "were" successes though, but anyone who seriously thought it could go up against an MCU spectacle was delusional

Turns out you can't make absolute shit, brand it and make it sell magically. You still need substance.

Selfish piece of shit! Who cares if you think it sucked, if your son wants to see pokemans you take your son to the pokemans!!

isn't the kid black in this? I'm sure asia loved that.

his mom can take him when she gets custody. I'm not sitting through it again

It was let down by being Detective Pikachu instead of being about Ash and/or Pokemon trainers.

Of all those movies, I only really enjoy Shazam. The rest are just meh.

Far too much melodrama. Most of the film was the main guy crying about his dad abandoning him to a CGI object.
When the story everyone knows is about setting out to live independently on an adventure and basically forgetting about your parents. Not being emotionally damaged and having your life revolve around them.

It's supposed to be a fun adventure.

Have you seen it? A nigger is the reason.

i was satisfied with shazam, but god damn did they spend a ton of screen time on "lol look i can shoot ightning!"

less of that bullshit

no ash, instead got a nigger

also they essentially removed every interesting mechanic from the world.
There was no catching pokemon, except one attempt at the very start which ret-conned what catching pokemon even meant and made it some 'mutual trust' thing rather than drugging and beating them into submission.
There was no pokemon evolution, atleast not in any way significant to the story. The magikarp evolution was just a scene transition. It didn't matter.
There was no typing relevance. No pikachu btfoing a water pokemon, no water btfoing a fire pokemon. No strategy with the main guys party and typing. That wouldn't even need explaining to a new audience. The basic typing is all obvious.
There were no evil goons. Atleast not ones to battle along the way. No nod to jessie and james or team rocket.
There wasn't even any pokemon battling, not really. The main pokemon couldn't even use his powers until the very end. Almost all of the action, was just running away from 'crazy' pokemon.

And for adults, the ethical questions raised by the whole thing, even though the story sort of revolved around them, with the city setting of 'mutual harmony' and the main guys plan, weren't explored in any interesting way. Many of the games had far more interesting takes on the ethics of the whole thing.

It's like they inserted superficial nostalgia-bait pokemon into a generic bottom of the draw melodrama script and had someone with no knowledge or interest in pokemon clinically rewrite it while leaving out any of the actual fundamental elements that they had available and making what is only superficially a pokemon film.

Yeah Pokémon is insanely popular, however no one wanted to see pokemon in this format. And the movie doesn't do anything interesting with its concept. The problem is that despite being a huge franchise, the movie itself is just painfully mediorcre

Because no young and handsome protagonist.

I think everyone's been waiting until they had the technology to do the world and the designs justice with live action and they did. The art in the film is actually pretty cool. It's the best bit.

I reckon if they had of actually used it well it would have been a HUGE hit. They could have attracted a whole new audience and easily won the entire nostalgia bait millenial and gen x crowd.

I think the final battle is the one that feels dragging on too much. It's basically like Man of Steel battle scene but with more quips. I feel it goes for half an hour at least.

>muh the casting was bad
you dipshits really have no clue about what makes films good or not do you lol

Bad marketing leading up to the release. I don't get why they did it so poorly. With every Disney movie people wonder why there's no marketing until the last couple weeks when every hour of every day there's an ad shoved in your face to the point that it's sickening. Also the lead actor was fugly.


>only good movies make money
capeshit faggot spotted

but the actors were actually bad, and I'm not just saying that because the main character was black.

His character was by far a bigger problem. I don't think anyone could have salvaged it. All of the melodrama was so badly written and boring. And he's delivering most of it to a CGI object, not another actor. That's really hard.

All things considered I think the main actor did an ok job.

Kathryn Newton isn't a great actor either, but she has charisma and screen precense and also could have been good in a better film.

Well this bad movie certainly didn't and changing the casting wouldn't have changed anything.

There's like a billion examples where what you said 100% works though. Transformers makes tons of money, for example

Not sure why you felt the need to tell us that you're a shit tier father, but okay.

You're a special kind of retard if you don't think casting matters at all.

Not the last few movies, they didn't. The novelty of sentient cars that become robots and wreck cities wore off real quick. Hell, this movie doesn't even have spectacles like that.

>No type advantage
Gyarados did emasculate Charizard

what's it like having a kid to watch stuff with ?
There's so much genuinely kino stuff for kids.
For example, have you shown him all the ghibli films yet?

I don't intend to suffer through any bullshit that I don't like myself if i have kids. There'll be no tellytubbies or the wiggles. They'll watch Babar.

Attached: Babar-Spats.jpg (1632x1224, 659K)

>What happened?


>Selfish piece of shit! Who cares if you think it sucked, if your son wants to see pokemans you take your son to the pokemans!!

It's most likely not his son!!!FACT!!!

Yeah, but it's not part of the plot though.
The same with the gyarados evolution. The same with the gengar v blastoise fight.

It's utterly irrelevant to the plot.
there's no stakes associated with it.

Like imagine if say there's an evil goon charizard, with a trainer, which is stopping them at some point in the story. And psyduck steps up and btfos it. And the water is super effective but charizard is still too strong. And psyduck evolves and stops being so useless and btfos it with water. And the main team are all saved! and then the story continues.
Every element should be like that.

>isn't the kid black in this? I'm sure asia loved that.

Yep, when will (((Hollywood))) realize that their SJW pandering doesn't wash in Asian where they HATE niggers and can't be guilted into liking them unlike cuckedUSA!!!FACT!!!

normies expected ash and his friends
and /pol/ didn't like it because of ryan reddit and the mutt

I am

Actually a decent movie beside the dumbass part with the giant turtles

I reckon that the guy's friend from the start should have tagged along, as a thirsty goofy comic relief brock-esque character with a rock or fire pokemon.

cos the girl has a water pokemon and then it would kind of be an ash and friends dynamic.

I think their marketing or executive decisions might of actually backfired.
Heres some things the writers probably realized from the onset
>this needs to be a franchise, therefor it has to appeal to EVERYONE and the budget will be FUCKING HUGE
>People standing next to pokemon inherently looks fucking weird, non core fans wont be interested unless it adapts S1 of the anime
>hm what kind of protagonist will appeal to everyone? Well, we cant race change Ash or fans will flip soooo.....
>well, it cant just be "Pokemon" or people will expect the Ash kachum story or an adaptation of the first games
>collecting gym badges is a fucking awful format for a film, it will be prone to a strange story structure not suitable for starting a franchise
>after you get all the badges then what?
>will people really watch a movie where they just get one badge?
>ok fuck it lets do something else
>what else is there
>Well we do need a star

I think movies that actually give good fanservice are proving to be profitable now, I think people like what they know which has been proven, I think if this was the Ash Ketchup movie people would of been flipping the fuck out because nostalgia. Just imagine them playing "you trust me and i'll trust you, POKEEMOOOOON" while Ash battles Gary.

The Pokemon wilderness and trainer content was actually thrilling to watch. I think I felt a small part of the kid in me back in '98 and '99 get excited while watching it. If they based a movie around that and marketed it accordingly, I'm sure the movie would do well.

One of the stupidest thing ive noticed in retrospect, is how he never actually uses the lightning against Sivanna, which I thought would be the only way he'd do damage to him.

Ryan Reynolds’ gay voice

ugly nigger mc

t. not even a racist

I think they decided that all of the central elements of pokemon were problematic

>beating and drugging them to catch them
>keeping them in tiny cages
>making them battle each other
>trying to be 'the very best'

the anime was trash though, take off your nostalgia goggles.

was brock a chad or an incel? i can't remember

Of course you can. Look at the MCU

>My kids will like what I tell them to like
You would be a shit father

Incel. Gary was the chad

Would a Pokemon Ranger movie have worked well?

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The pokemon look like shit. That's it, that's all there is to it.

they should have just gone with the pokemon trainer trajectory just like the original videogame/anime.
also they should have cast ash as an asian american/hapa

>mystery meat lead
>poke' spin off as main plot

not just going Ash, Misty and Brock you know the thing that has worked for decades and is still very popular.