What the FUCK was his problem?
What the FUCK was his problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
Keiko eats kale, but not ass.
Why are all the engineers in Star Track either Irish or Scottish?
The jews are trying to force us this notion that Celtics are able to science on the same level as Spaniards and Anglos
Or niggers
Ah yes, famed Irish folk hero Levar Burton
He was too cool to live and had a bitch wife
no english women and children aboard to kill with improvised explosives
He didn’t fuck his loli wife, Kira or the Cardie scientist.
>have more space and ground combat experience than most crews put together
>be marooned on a planet surrounded by Jem Hadar kill teams
>go out at night, alone, and hunt down Jem Hadar because your bored
Guy was a stone cold killer trying to masquerade as an average Joe.
the aliens inceptioned him that he was a danger to those he loved
>be chief petty officer on the flagship of the entire federation/star fleet
>operate that transporter like a fucking boss, even beam yourself directly through shields once to go sing a song with your former captain
>for no reason at all get reassigned under the personal bitch duty command for an angry space negro who won't shut the fuck up about baseball
>he's not even a fucking captain, he's a commander, and your duty station is on a backwater space mall nobody really gives a shit about
You would be suicidal too.
Level 999 deluded by internet /pol/
This is now a series ranking thread, posting the correct one to start us off, if you disagree you're wrong:
Top tier: DS9
High tier: TNG
Mid tier: TOS
Low tier: VOY
Bottom tier: TAS
It's been a long road, getting from there to tier: ENT
Not Star Trek tier: STD
ENT is superior to TOS, VOY and TAS.
>have a sweet job on the Federation flagship chilling all day and doing minimum work, then going home and fucking the mouth of your hot slant wife
>transfer to some shithole former mining complex in the boonies where you have to bust your ass all day and you regularly get captured and tortured
Where did it all go wrong, lads?
>Sensors are detecting a kike off our starboard bow, captain
its celts you mong
why do people have jobs at all in the star trek universe when theres no money
He really scarfed down those potatoes with Roxann Dawson.
BASED and spoonpilled
theres no good explanation
I remember that episode. He got sentenced to the equivalent of 20 years in prison (to be served in a matter of minutes, time-dialation) he had a cell-mate and killed him.
Passion and work ethic. Not everyone's a NEET who would never leave his bedroom if he wasn't forced to by threat of starvation.
Irish and niggers are basically the same thing.
They hand wave it with "self motivation" but then they have clear ranks and command structures that gatekeep. Also fuck ups like Barclay.
Studies have found that you only need 8 hours of work a week to get the feeling of satisfaction and fulfilment that work gives.
karaoke night at Quark's