Friendly reminder to all posters here

If you see any racism or other problematic stuff always make sure to report it. Keep Yea Forums trash free thank you have a good day everyone :)

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>another nigger bait thread

k-word? c-word?

Faggot nigger kike

What about the s-word?

kike and chink


that's it. I try to start a thread explicitly requesting that you don't use racist words and you've gone and done it anyways haven't you. You went and said the N word. Do you feel like a big man now? Huh?

I do this regularly, shame it only occasionally works.

no point. Yea Forums mods are 2015 incel losers who will always let their Yea Forums/pol/ discord shit up this board with a slap on the wrist

you're welcome.

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OP is an ugly nigger.

Would anyone like to discuss my favorite film?

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What about gook? Zip? Fish head? Nip? Bugmen? Are those acceptable?

lmao kike jannies cant even keep sneed out of simpsons threads they will have no chance removing NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER

>am I fitting in yet guys? XD

Pol really has killed this website

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Don't forget the "f-word" slur against gays too OP.

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based and upstandingpilled
report and forget cringeposters

You're taunting people that volunteer their time and their hard work to help make this site a better place. Grow the fuck up, I mean that and stop attacking your superiors/

any suggestions to replace them with non-baqnnable ones but still insluting enough?
i was banned for n-word once, so now use 'groid', blackie' or 'darkie' but they are not as cool

I was just explaning to him what the k-word and the c-word were, idiot.

Of course. I always do. But thank you for reminding everyone else.

moon cricket

Jews are unironically based and redpilled. Most Alpha of any ethno-nationalist group in the world. Jewish people divide and conquer and dominate every realm they are found. If they were nothern European Scandinavian people or Germanic people, you would admire them. But because you can't achieve their level of intelligence, dominance, ingenuity, and success, you are jealous and you embrace an irrational hatred of them.

You're free to go back to Yea Forumsmblr

this post needs to be stickied

Assuming what you say was true, hating those that are dominant over you isn't irrational. Especially if they abuse such a privilege.

consider ending your existence you nincompoop kiwi combatant

For you

If you see any racism or other problematic stuff always make sure to report it. Keep Yea Forums trash free thank you have a good day everyone :)

Thanks for reading I hope I could have given a helpful response that may improve your own situation!

If you need help just feel free to drop your email in

Thanks to

- I'm going to use this to ask about some of the questions that i answered in

- I'm going to use the chat so we dont have to fight when people join!

- This may be a bit new but please keep up the great work! (Don't worry - we'll let you know what to do when i don't reply to your questions!)

If you need help please feel free to ask me here : @

- If you're still having trouble please get in contact!

Thank you to everyone who's responded and thanks to everyone for watching :)

- I really love all of you. Your support keeps us going :)

- I'm sure your problems might be solved if you just did what i told you.

- And of course i could use all your suggestions for stuff to do if i forgot something...

I slit niggers throats in their sleep

Nigger. I'm black, by the way.

Easiest one is nogs for me

>I'm black
Bruh don't say that stuff it's against the rules

based black man

Yeah, I can't wait for the entire internet to be a boring SJW hugbox like reddit.

I want to kick you in your nigger cunt, kike.


based black dad but white mom zoomer

>tfw you've been warned for 'nog'
absolute state of mods/jannies
now i m going to use scientifically accurate "negroid" and since it's anthropological term, there is nothing wrong

As I said before, there's a war going on between based jannies and tranny jannies.

This is pretty fucked, although I’ve been warned several times for just saying the harmless word sn**d

What rules does antitransism fall under? The constant and hurtful transphobia on this website is sickening to my stomach.

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