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are neet frog posters left wing activists?

>that projection

daily reminder that the left is your ally and the rich your enemy

in the US it's the right-wing that's this way

>idealists who think communism can he feasibly implemented have never left mom's basement
where's the news?

makes sense, and I bet you would find similar numbers for right wing activists. politics is for losers with nothing of value going on in their own lives.

Is this why you fags keep spamming rent free shit all the time? /pol/ really is more reddit than Yea Forums.

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Nice cope

Are we getting raided by /pol/

every day since the LOLKEK of 2016. sad fuckers

Really rent free.

You would think if /pol/ was raiding they would be posting the article from The Atlantic that was published today titled "The Boomers Ruined Everthing".

have sex

>Doctor, I think I have cancer
Are we supposed to just pretend you little freaks don't exist?

They literally can't, that's why they are basement dwelling commies. The closest thing to sex they have is LARPing as a girl while dilating.

the left is full of faggots and trannies

>Are we getting raided by /pol/
Reddit recently "quarantined" their trump board, so expect a YUGE surge of redditfaggots showing up on Yea Forums over the next few days.

Imagine being employed and still defending your boss from any critics.

> the left is your ally
then why do they hate me so?
Especially the rich ones

wow, they are just like me!

/pol/ is a reddit colony that stole shit from storm front

>Protest happens during working hours
>People wonder why this is the case
really makes you think

Either go NatSoc or NoSoc, brah. That faggot shit the left has made essential to their ideology isn't a good look.

All activists are fucking losers. Left or right, you're a faggot.

i'm a right wing activist from europe and know a lot of other (well known) activists and writers and none of them is neet. most of them have families and all of them some kind of employment.

They can still post there, the only difference is now there's a warning screen

I mean, isn't that just because they're mostly millennials? and it's been proven that it's harder for younger people to make a start in life than it was for older generations?

this is your brain on capeshit

>Having an opinion on things that affect you is bad
if you don't have an opinion that's fine, but stfu while the grownups are talking

>I am incapable of considering the cause and effect might be in the other direction
t. (((Ryan Saavedra)))

Kill yourself


>live in taxation hell

daily reminder the left is in the pockets of the rich and both are your enemy

Yeah, because they need help and the right isn't gonna give it to them.

no idea you tell me

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>be american
>get shot
>go bankrupt from hospital bill

Mostly because the left are also young? I am liberal and I make nearly 70k a year as an auditor. I still live with my parents because I'm fucking 25 and I don't own a house yet. Meanwhile, three of my close friends are still in school for their masters and PhDs or going through residency so technically they are unemployed.

Price of freedom, bitch.

Well. I don't. I live in an apartment.

>I still live with my parents

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>n-no u!!
Cringe. Waste of trips

Jokes on you. I voted for Bernie.
We're gonna get that free college one of these days.

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Yeah commies are pathetic losers, everyone knows this. Not Yea Forums related.

I'm not going to waste several grand a year just to get an apartment lmao. I plan on buying a house in the next two years.