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I loved that show. They should make another season

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I found this shitty corner shop run by asians and they had American Gladiator chewing gum (with collectable sticker inside) still on the shelf a good 15 years or so past its use by date.

Attached: gyro.png (1814x1276, 994K)

I found some Batman Returns birthday party set at a similar store recently

Jet got even better looking.

Attached: jet.jpg (480x360, 12K)

>Inhales nosebag filled with experimental steroids

I'd play the shit out of a modern take on a 5v5 American Gladiators team game or some shit like that

I just wanna shoot some niggas with the tennis ball launcher

Why did they always won? I always suspected there was some kind of cheating involved.

I mean some of the contestants were pretty good, ex military and stuff.

I think they would have too many competition from sport channels, considering they have basically the same audience.

winning was rare for a reason, it was extremely fucking hard to win as a challenger. they all ways have to do a task while the gladiators just play defense.

They had a massive skill advantage. These plebs are showing up and playing games they had already played a thousand times, both on the show and practicing. Not to mention they were all on steroids.

>its a wolf episode
unironically what was his problem

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i've still got the annuals

Me, i‘m a Zap guy

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Little tiny Itty bitty white cocks

I wonder who could be behind this post.

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excellent choice, AG was top kino

He sounds like Steve-O

For me, it's Malibu.

Attached: malibu.png (486x351, 186K)

he's his father

Based Big 'Bu is 220 pounds of twisted steel and sex appeal.

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Was there ever an American Gladiators porn parody? I want to jack off to something weird today.

this is probably the biggest chad I've ever seen

I suppose the answer to that question depends on what your definition of porn is.

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imagine being one of the actors in this as their agent excitedly tells them about the job they got

You think any of these people have agents?

For me, it was Jet.

Attached: JET - Diane Youdale 1995 Gladiators.jpg (980x1470, 264K)

every wannabe actor in LA has an "agent".

nothing is less sexy than white tube socks and high top reeboks

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She makes it work because she has the legs and calves for it. You picture doesn't.

If your all time fave gladiator wasn't the Wolf Man, you had a queer childhood

Attached: wolf.jpg (1024x915, 167K)

who are you to question the aesthetics of Nigel Pepper Cock?

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what a life

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Is that the foreign version?

They had a remake with Hulk Hogan as the host. Best part was Gina Corano as a gladiator.

Phoenix was underrated

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She was cute, but she was no Wolf.

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>*chops you up*

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>Is that the foreign version?

It's the British version. It was very popular in the 90s.

What was the best event?

That one that you had to swing from the rope and try to drop kick the gladiator off the pillar

Explain this to a pleb.

pakis are scum. Try to save up some money so you can buy that shop back. Your community will thank you that they are being served better than by some mudskin rapist.

So what was it called? British Gladiators?

flyover cows compete against roided LA gym rats in obstacle course style events
it captures the late 80s/early 90s aesthetic perfectly

It was just called 'Gladiators.' Literally everyone used to watch it on a Saturday night during the mid 90s. As a little kid, I didn't even know they had an American version.

He was based and he knew it.

American Gladiator
Amber Deluca
Based in Las Vegas



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