

Attached: Cujo.jpg (282x179, 11K)

awful movie okish book

wat do?

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I like how King has no recollection of writing it, he just did it on drugs

King was on such drugs he admits he doesn’t even remember writing it

how inspiring

What would happen if Cujo contracted a rare form of rabies that would make him rape people instead of kill them?

My favorite part of Cujo is how it ties into the Dark Tower series when that guy accidentally stumbles through a closet into Mid-World.

>not hop in

I read that doujin

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my favourite part about stephen king is how he fully admits to spending his children's developing years TOTALLY coked out of his mind, but he recently has come to think that he can lecture other people on morality via twitter

What a coincidence, I was watching it this morning for the first time. I thought the idea of a crazed big dog is scary.

okay well for your next watch imagine this:
trucks for about 20 min and the rest is just angry southerners bickering

If you can read the final line in the book without crying just a little bit, you should probably kys yourself right now.

Drugs are like 90% of being a writer. Unless you’re just churning out unimaginative corporate genre garbage.

oh look, i'm a retard and only spoilered about half of what i meant to
haha guess i'll die

Yeah, user, we know. He insulted your orange daddy.

>listening to the moral advice of a man who wrote a book containing an underage gangbang

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Well why not? If Hitler says that murder is wrong, the validity of that statement is not affected by Hitler's actions.

I like King, but he did talk about his drug and alcohol abuse in his autobio. He was quite a heavy user.

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>hop in user, we're going butt sniffing

stephen king is pretty ugly bro

>own a St. Bernard
>asked at least once a week "Is that a Cujo/Beethoven dog" when walking him

ha ha duck :)

Hitler never murdered anyone.

So is the movie really that awful?

You know the guy that did Alice in wonderland. Despite popular belief he never did any drugs when writing it or any other of his works

I think so, couldn't even finish it. I also could only find it in awful quality, it's very old.

But people often disagree with my taste on here, so no idea really

wouldve been more believable as a pitbull

>wouldve been more believable as a pitbull
You know the reason he kills all the people is because he contracts rabies, right

>Recently read the book again
>It featured a mailman BRAPPPPPPPing constantly

King was so obviously high as fuck.

Bullshit, he becomes evil because his dog house is built on an old native american burial ground

Only white Europeans.

he's shit on a lot more people than the person who it's trendy to shit on

>Bullshit, he becomes evil because his dog house is built on an old native american burial ground
No, you're thinking of the ghost of the town serial killer who resides in the closet of the kid whose family Cujo belongs to.

The same closet that a character steps into and accidentally briefly travels to the world of the Dark Tower series.

Showfags will probably assume I'm making these statements up.

Nah I believe you.

At what point did hard drugs enter the picture?
>It was probably about ’78, around the same time that I realized that I was out of control with drinking. Well, I thought I was in control, but in reality I wasn’t.

That was cocaine?
>Yeah, coke. I was a heavy user from 1978 until 1986, something like that.

Did you write on coke?
>Oh, yeah, I had to. I mean, coke was different from booze. Booze, I could wait, and I didn’t drink or anything. But I used coke all the time.

You had three young kids at the time. It must have been very stressful to keep this huge secret while balancing all your responsibilities.
>I don’t remember.

>No. That whole time is pretty hazy to me. I just didn’t use it around people. And I wasn’t a social drinker. I used to say that I didn’t want to go to bars because they were full of assholes like me.

I’m trying to comprehend how you lived this whole secret life of a drug addict for eight years, all the while churning out bestsellers and being a family man.
>Well, I can’t comprehend it now, either, but you do what you have to do. And when you’re an addict, you have to use. So you just try to balance things out as best you can. But little by little, the family life started to show cracks.

>I was usually pretty good about it. I was able to get up and make the kids breakfast and get them off to school. And I was strong; I had a lot of energy. I would’ve killed myself otherwise. But the books start to show it after a while. Misery is a book about cocaine. Annie Wilkes is cocaine. She was my number-one fan.

That book was amazing, highly recommended.

this is from a rolling stone interview

>movie has pitbulls

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He says pretty much the same things in the book