I cannot live another day without air conditioning

I cannot live another day without air conditioning

Attached: 21-commercials-that-will-give-anyone-who-grew-up--2-12400-1504117571-4_dblbig.jpg (625x415, 33K)

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>white couple
Why was this allowed?

another scorcher, I think I'll spend tonight at Jamal's

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This commercial is important. The heat represents the patriarchy's abuse over women that has plagued humanity since the beginning of time.

>mfw he says he'll call tomorrow

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>the scene where the womyn asserts herself and forces change, demanding that the man calls now

I'll call now

Why doesn't she call herself? Doesn't she now how a phone works? Was that how life was in the 90s?

Maybe you need the actual homeowner or some kind of account info ?

yes. she wasn't allowed to use the telephone without permission. it's amazing she was able to demand her husband called now without getting backhanded

the landline is in the cuck shed

Women operating machinery in the United Islamic States was haram back then. This commercial was a point of heated controversy because of the woman showing too much skin, which is perfectly acceptable in the setting of the commercial since she was with her husband. However since it was a televised advertisement aired to the whole country, it was deemed unacceptable. The actress was dragged into the street and stoned to death by court order shortly after it aired. Amazing how quickly times change.

she needs him to be stuck on the phone with sears so she can run out to see jamal





why dont they just open the fridge

why dont they just not live in the souf

the time is extremely fucking nigh for this based sears commercial

>"You'll suck it now."
>"Yeah, you see how degrading that tone is, Catherine?"
>"Don't speak to me that way, I'm your husband,"

how did raimi get away with it?

Air conditioning is a tool of the patriarchy. This poor woman clearly suffers from internalized misogyny since she desires it.

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>I cannot live another day without air conditioning

Americans. The rest of the planet does just fine without it.

Imagine working at Sears in the 90's

In middle age they couldnt live without only a piece of bread per day...

Gonna be hotter!!!

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>because the projects he lives in has any kind of AC

I cannot live another day without sneed.

they said yesterday is going to be feed

like chuck's

Here we go again... again.

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yesterday you said you'd suck and fuck

>Why doesn't she call herself?
Married homeowner here. You don't seem to understand women.

The wife knows that the reason she's hot is because "the air conditioner" isn't working. If you told her to go outside and point to the exterior unit, there's a 50% chance that she would be able to identify it, despite being the only piece of equipment attached to the exterior of the house. If you took her into the basement and asked her to identify the air conditioner, she would probably get confused about why there's only a furnace. If you told her to make the phone call herself, she'd have no idea what kind of unit the house needs, and would probably end up buying a used window-mounted unit from her local Facebook flea market because it's easier.

This is why she wants the husband to make the call.

Tropic Thunder was a based flick

>jack black astill hasnt made fatties irl
fucking why

>tfw almost 90 here but AC still hasn't kicked on cause i have it set to 78. I don't know how this house maintains the cold.

>not taking the heat and marinating in your own sweat

dumb zoomers will never know what it's like

Let me guess, your wife is white

They sure do.


I remember when a "heat wave" of 96 F hit canada and a bunch of those retards died

Projects? He lives in a brand new suburban home on a 60 year ARM paid for by your tax dollars

>implying A/C isnt the most oppressive thing men have created.

This oppression feels great.

Until that AC breaks and nogs too stupid to fix and can't afford HVAC company

The world didnt pass the point of no return until 2007

When was that? lol

Except for those 15,000 french people

It was the 90's. You could have black actors playing criminals too back then.


Can confirm as fellow married homeowner. Women instinctively flee from major home projects while simultaneously coming up with an endless stream of new ideas for them.

Women also lack any sense or spacial awareness. No shit my wife tried to convince me we could fit 2 cars in our 1 car garage if we parked right.

If that were true, you shitskins wouldn't be flocking to our countries.



Why doesn'r she go in the basement where it's cooler and do laundry?

Most houses even old may not look like it but they do fit 2 cars

based muslimbro

Maybe their house doesn't have a basement

uh sexist much incel?

I have an actual old house built in 1956
not only was it rare as fuck for old houses to have a garage and most are built later on
my garage door isn't even tall enough to park my SUV in there but my wife was convinced it would fit

>I have an actual old house built in 1956
No you don't. You have a house built in 1956.

>tfw 1956 was 63 years ago

Honey don't bring this up again in public.

I thought it would be more than that desu


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>t. woman

fuckin yuropoors

miami has some fun billboards for central air

Only fat people need air conditioning, us skinnies never sweat or smell bad on hot days! A fattie genocide would solve all th worlds problems lets be honest