Its time to admit that it was a good movie

its time to admit that it was a good movie

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it was a good movie but it wasnt a good alien movie

it wasn't an alien movie
it was a prometheus movie

I like it. Ridley Scott has clearly lost his touch though.

Prometheus > Alien franchise

its part of the alien franchise

I don't remember much from it actually

It really was.

thanks to fags like you we never got a proper sequel to prometheus and got Covenant instead

>Damon Lindelof

>hmmm, hey weiland yutani what do you want in your escape pod? One of those medical bay things?
>yeah those are sick get one of them
>breathing apparatus? Comms equipment?
>yeah all good. Don’t forget about our space axe
>an axe?
>In space
>yes a space axe
>how else am I going to chop down space trees?

>good movie
the entire plot hinges on every character being unbelievably stupid

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It was okay. It kind of ruined the whole Space Jockey thing for me.

No it doesn't, you're the stupid one

It's absolute kino, and I fucking hate the Ridley caved into braindead alien (((fans))). Paradise Lost was going to be a great extension of the first film, but instead we get something completely neutered to appease people who can't be appeased. Every single second the movie refers to the ideas of the first (Shaw, the Engineers, the civilization of the 'people' that look like the Engineers, etc), I get excited. But then it comes back to the story of these people randomly stranded on this island. 'Disappointed' doesn't do it justice. How senile does Ridley have to be to not understand that the reason Prometheus did so well is because people thought they were getting another Alien flick? So many normies criticized the film, yet Ridley just looks at the money and then unironically goes 'hurr Prometheus was good but people wanna see more of this guy [Alien]'. Then he gives it to them and surprise surprise, no one fucking cares.

Whatever, at least I'll always have to first. Rewatched the fucking thing like 10 times, I don't know why I enjoy it so much but I do.

It was well directed, but it had a subpar script written by proven hacks and the theatrical version was purposefuly left more vague and confusing than it should have been in order to hype up the extended home release which was basically the video game DLC strategy applied to a fucking movie. I hope all the executives who made this decision / approved it die of cancer.


its not up to me

i only watched it an hour ago, for the first time. i was kind of waiting for the space axe the entire time. when it showed up, i realised the image was already permanently imprinted on my brain because of constant posts of it here back when the movie came out.

honestly the shot of the chair from alien really got me, but its all i would have wanted for references.

It was a bad HP lovecraft movie.

starts good devolves into shitfest
still has some extremely memorable scenes, probably some of the most memorable to come out of big budget hollywood this decade like the ceaserian and the meeting with the engineer
was eager to see the sequel but they just killed the main protag and made another generic alien movie for whatever godforsaken reason. either way it's pretty obvious the film contains a lot of scotts inner thoughts as he's nearing his expiration date

Maybe it belonged to a space fireman

fuckin reverend X would do a better job than that senile hack

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who ran weyland utani for the main series if the father and daughter both died already in the prequel? a space lumberjack?

killed the alien series

utter shit

they couldn't even get a straight axe

maybe david? or his legacy he leaves behind and the power he has over the company with his research. there was some bonus stuff on the covenant film that had him sending a threat to WY to not fuck with him so he could keep doing space/goo science

if you hadn't noticed, aliens 3 and 4 already existed before. prometheus is better than those two flicks at least.

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Prometheus was good with some dumb crap, covenant was shit. Both were good theater movies though

What the fuck, what's wrong with a space axe?
You're not gonna cut anything in space or what?

>and got Covenant instead

As someone who hasn't watched this yet, I thought it took place after Prometheus?

He means less "Making of Alien" and more "Lol another Alien"

He looks so happy and so full of potential
Too bad all the potential goes no where

its time to admit that it had the dumbest scientists ever

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yeah it's decent, has some great moments and ideas but they aren't fully realized. Wasted potential movies are more frustrating than shit movies because you see what they could have been

they use another space axe in the beginning of alien covenant, it couldn't break space glass.

got dumbed down to make CGI works easier

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that's a girl.

Prometheus 2 was horrible. Prometheus 1 was pretty good. You have to go into it with a desire to look at it as if the aliens created mankind. Otherwise you will find it completely idiotic to view. It´s more like a religious movie than a sci fi movie. Massive religious over and undertones to everything in it.
This is why i think prometheus 2 was so bad. But then again prometheus 2 is very hard to make without somehow digging yourself a hole you can´t get out of by trying to explain too much about the engineers.

>its time to admit that it had the dumbest scientists ever
Yes. And shaw saying no weapons this is a scientific expedition.
ANY scientific expedition on a foreign possibly hostile planet should be accompanied with soldiers with TONS of fucking weapons to protect them..
Not like our biosphere is kind either if you just decide to randomly walk around in jungle in a fucking hazmat suit.

That pic.. it´s like he never saw a snake before. If some alien organism was doing that. I'd fucking run, not pet it! Prod it with some kind of metallic probe from a safe distance..

So like the whole franchise?

it was retarded, but its not like it would make a difference. for some reason there was that stupid fucking zombie event.

Just like Kingdom of Heaven.
If you can't tell the story you are trying to portray within the 150 minute theatrical release you are making films wrong.

God it was so dumb. Had some cool set designs and art direction everything else was just shit.

It WOULD have been a classic if that no-talent hack Lindeloff had never gotten his hands on the script.

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An axe is one of the most basic tools along with the hammer. Always useful to have one in emergency situations when electrical equipment fails.

why would they program robots to be such fucking assholes?

>It's an axe, a good old axe, but it's also the future, so it's curved now

This fucking axe perfectly summarizes this stupid piece of garbage movie

Didn't they get lost even though they showed that guy having a map?

Yes. The movie is fucking retarded

I don't remember much about it except that it had gorgeous looking scenes in the caves and shit but from what I remember it was at least better then Alien 3 and Resurrection and possibly better than any AvP movie but then again, I don't remember much about those either

I hate them and I am not sure.
Maybe visually.
@OP: Kill yourself.

He didn't have a map, he had robots that uploaded a topographical map to the ship, the storm cut comms so the crew couldn't guide them, and regardless they couldn't leave because the storm would have killed them. This concept was too complex for some of the audience to grasp ().

I did not want an alien flick. I did not even care to have a decent continuity.
I cared about a good movie. The movie has just good visuals.
Characters are good in concept but horribly executed.
Themes are excellent in context but horribly executed.
This is, very simply,because the writers are not smart or cultured enough to write something that is above capeshit level. Is really that simple.

i like the very first alien movie, but the same kinda shit happens in that one. if you went onto an alien ship and walked into a room with eggs, would you stand directly over one if it opened? if an alien is loose on your spaceship, would you go looking for your cat by yourself?

>one of two of their star doctors was just completely useless.

another thing, idris elbows accent was awful.

you already @'d me with that quote, discordfag. its retarded to claim the alien franchise wasn't shit already.

No. It's still a terrible film that:
>completely fails to solve its own mystery
>has a detective that automatically solves everything or destroys everything using zero logic or evidence for any of his actions
>features nameless characters who only exist to be killed off randomly to fulfill a gore quota
>has an arbitrary action scene every 20 minutes because the producers said so
>the space cobra scene featuring space Crocodile Hunter
>completely pointless plot twist that Weiland is still alive because surprising the audience is more important than telling a cohesive story
axes are used to hack through walls to save people in the event of a fire

It's not going to work buddy.
Stop spamming this stupidity. The movie had potential, good concepts and visuals, but is an utter failure.
Is true that Scott caved in with the second, because the usual suits did not get that people did not want "another alien" but a consistent movie.
Now kill yourself you fucking child.

>>completely pointless plot twist that Weiland is still alive because surprising the audience is more important than telling a cohesive story
This is what happens when you have tv writers on board.
See SW, etc etc

twatter then, whatever. take your @ and nonsensical point and shove it up your ass keyboard warrior.

Pretty sure he gets lost before the storm since he gets stuck on the ship during the storm.

>axes are used to hack through walls to save people in the event of a fire
Nigger it’s a space station, not apartment drywall.

Spaceship walls don't need to be thick to be airtight or insulate

I was just not bothered to quote your immensely stupid OP.
Now go, and stay go.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was fucking drywall considering how idiotic everyone on the expedition was.

>You have to go into it with a desire to look at it as if the aliens created mankind.

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i'll be staying right here buddy boy.

I've been saying this for years. I can pull up the archive posts.

>Lets make weirdest aliens imaginable and hire this pervy swiss artist to design everything they make as organic and weird as possible
Lol we make Alien prequel where aliens are not really aliens but bald giant humans. And they live in stone caves lol.

>undergo major surgery involving slicing through abdominal muscles
>no recovery period
>up and running and jumping around within the next 5 minutes
not to mention the nonchalantly breathing of an alien atmosphere

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She also got alien goop inside her fucking wound, then sealed it up. Was a cool scene though.

This. Alien was at it's core, a space slasher, and like any good slasher, it has tons of "DON'T GO IN THERE YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" moments. What made alien famous wasn't the realism of how it unfolded, but the insanity of just how far-out the basic premise was, coupled with the absolutely god-tier production design.

Given its similarities to the original, Prometheus is far more like Alien than any of the other Alien movies, and while the premise is a little less cool than Alien, and while the production design is a little less incredible than Alien, at it's core, it's still a space slasher in which you get to watch a bunch of dumbfucks in space suits get offed one by one by nightmarish space creatures like teenage girls in a Scream movie, against a cool-looking sci-fi lovecraftian horror backdrop. For that, and that alone, Prometheus is the best Alien sequel ever made.

People aren't that stupid in the original, they act in a believable manner for their situation

That alien grew up fast.

>it was a good movie
The production design was good. The lighting was good. Some of the acting was good.
Everything else was crap.

This, Parker was right about everything.

This is what you brain damaged idiots cannot grasp.

Did you watch the first movie? If you did, you are incredibly stupid.

they acted like a crew who was unsure about the bonus situation. can we talk about that?
i think having a small crew like that helps. in prometheus they even had redshirts.

Like a lot of things about Prometheus, I like the engineer concept independently but trying to retcon it into Alien lore where it didn't really fit was a mistake.

I can kinda picture them wearing togas and doing a sort of greek god thing like in the opening scene, but I really don't see them doing the biomechanical creepy-looking ship thing. It feels like their tech should have been a lot more sterile and clean, not a dank cave filled with goop.

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will bleed to death in minutes - i need to re-watch this to remember all the dumb moments

In first Alien Kane attempted to shoot egg with blaster, unlike scientists in Prometheus.

It sucked bro.

i do love alienS but as far as recapturing the original goes, you're right. for movies anyway.

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They are both an "at the mountain of madness story".
But the characters in the first movie are well written, albeit the second movie is closer to such theme.
But prometheus sucks. The potential was there, but Lindelof gotta Lindelof.

Are you me? I have exact same thoughts.
Prometheus is an absolute kino and the best sci-fi film of the last decade (I prefer FanEdit over theatrical cut though).
I would've loved further exploration of engineers and origin of life, but instead we got this mediocre Alien film shoehorned into Prometheus timeline, with David as a main villain. What a shame. Covenant fucking sucked, I give it 4/10.

Is there anything hotter than having an alien octopus monster in your womb? Jesus fuck

Would you be afraid of a snake while you're in a futuristic hazard-proof spacesuit? He did not know he was in a Alien movie, and he had no reason to be cautious.

Conceptually amazing and visually stunning but the execution of the actual story is full of really dumb and cliche action/horror flick tropes. It feels like he put loads of effort into the aesthetic but just phoned it in when it came to the script.

>You have to go into it with a desire to look at it as if the aliens created mankind.
That's exactly what the movie fucking shows us in the first fucking scene of the movie.

>Are you me?
Probably yes, yeah

i'm confused as to why they even made covenant. it was obvious what was going to happen with david anyway. feels like a completely unnecessary cash grab and filler, but why bother? especially after the possibility of new stuff after prometheus set it up.

Its a rare movie where the sequel made the original worse.

>Would you be afraid of a snake while you're in a futuristic hazard-proof spacesuit?
Yes, the space suit clearly wasn't alien snake proof.

imagine the smell

I have enjoyed David and unironically liked the engineers

>he didn't anticipate that never met before life form would have super-strength
What an idiot ikr

>Then he gives it to them and surprise surprise, no one fucking cares.
People wanted a good alien film, not trash like Covenant.

>Let me just piss off this obviously agitated alien organism when I have no idea what it is capable of
Clearly an idiot as he died moments later.

>That's exactly what the movie fucking shows us in the first fucking scene of the movie.
Really user. Yes i know. Yet at the same time when the movie came out. Lots of people were going..
>what the fuck is this movie about i don´t get it.
The entire movie is about the suggestion that alien species made mankind. So if you are not constantly accepting that premise. The movie is idiotic to watch. That´s what i meant.
Every dialogue and thing in the movie is about that. The question the movie asks is how and why.

It seems like normal suits just to keep the temperature / oxygen level normal, not to protect against attacks. Even earth based creatures should be able to bite trough it and when you encounter alien lifeforms and you have no fucking clue what their abilities are then you stay the hell away from them.
Its as dumb as diving and touching every fish you see. Maybe you get lucky and finger a clownfish, maybe you get killed by some poisonous sting.


>a fucking SCIENTIST tries to pet an obviously aggressive alien snake on an alien planet
>an interstellar ship's captain didn't think to (oh, I don't know) RUN TO THE LEFT, instead of comically running directly in the path of a rolling space ship
>a woman gets a c-section, performed rather hastily, by a machine not designed for said operation, but takes 2 hits of morphine and is running around like nothing happened the rest of the movie.
>several chatacters are introduced in the scene they die in, most of whom are never named
>every character does at least one stupid or pointless thing, most do a lot more.
>Weyland sneaking himself aboard the ship was improbable to an extreme, as well as a huge gamble. He had no idea anything would be there and was dying, yet took the chance and snuck along for ha has? And not even the captain or pilot knew he was there? NO fucking clue, what with all the extra staff, equipment and supplies. Not to mention a mysteriously inaccessible portion of their ship...
>characters we're clearly supposed to identify with often get most, if not all development moments before death. Like the black pilot and his buddies. We get a moment with the guy earlier on, then his big character moment as he crashes and dies. That's it.
>for that matter, there's too many characters in the film. Not a sin in and of itself, but in a cast this large, introducing characters in previous movies helps a lot. You end up getting away with spending mere moments on characters who are already developed and known to the audience. Prometheus just throws characters at you and kills them off quickly, offering no real development or attachment.
>this one's a nitpick, but Prometheus openly goes against the events of the other Alien movies, placing itself in a fantasy, fanfic universe. Sadly, a fanfic written by the series' creator...

It looks nice, has some good shots, is cast well and the special effects are decent. But it's NOT a good movie.

>what the fuck is this movie about i don´t get it.
I believe that was in reference to the plot going nowhere. Everyone can see the obvious religious themes, that's all characters talk about in many scenes, it's that the overall script is a mess.

>he had no reason to be cautious.
Why would expert space scientists not observe absolutely rigorous health and safety protocols when encountering alien fauna they know nothing about? This is just turn off your brain trash right here.

A good movie ruined by phillip k dick tier plot

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hp lovecraft was a cis, white racist and it be good to never read any of his books again.

Given it the future, it could've been some super strong material we don't know about. Ofc it's never mentioned in the film, but that could've given him a false sense of security. Plus having the first contact ever with another life form is the most significant discovery of all times, so he got excited.
In any case this scene didn't bother me in the slightest, but it's always the first thing being brought up when shitting on this movie.

This, the last one was crap

It's normal to expect star trek to do that, it's your typical space opera with space naval warfare and green skinned bitches.

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compared to the dogshit covenant it is good

one of my favorites from this decade. Found it thought provoking and ground breaking

That's a lot of headcanon you have to think up to excuse bad writing.

it bothered me that it clearly looked a lot like a blown out vagina on a stick but thats geiger, baby!

Covenant was worse?! (i didn't see it)

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It's both a shitty followup to prometheus and a lazily executed alien movie. Worst of both worlds.

>hp lovecraft was a cis, white racist and it be good to never read any of his books again.
Screamed Dagon

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black user here and I still read his stories, lol

Is it star wars tier bad?

Which star wars are you referring to? It's not as fun to make fun of like the prequels if that's what you're asking.

GoT seasons 7 and 8 had bad writing. This is just a minor, insignificant scene lasting 10 seconds.
Stop pretending it ruins a 2 hour long movie.

>Blood makes the medical bay dangerously slippy

>Stop pretending it ruins a 2 hour long movie.
The movie has many more problems than just this one scene user.

And then it spontaneously grew with out any time skip or ingestion of biomass.

They repeated the same mistake alien 1 made.

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Nuwars mate

I haven't seen those so I can't help you with the comparison.

We don't know time between alien escaped from diner and attack on Brad, he could eat a lot of supplies and waste.

yes, bring up the pic related now

Everything else made perfect sense in the its universe, as far as movies go. People seem to hold Prometheus to a very high standard for some reason, so everything it did is wrong now.

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see or


weak points that could be applied to literally every movie in existence.

gonna quote myself here:
>People seem to hold Prometheus to a very high standard for some reason

>weak points that could be applied to literally every movie in existence.
Both posts reference characters and events from prometheus, and are specific to just that movie. It's ok to like the movie, but to say it has no flaws is just retarded. Other movies don't have these problems. Prometheus does.

To be fair they were wearing protective equipment and probably didn’t expect the snakes to have the strongest acidic venom in the universe

>weak points that could be applied to literally every movie in existence.
This is where it's clear that you either
- don't have any intention of discussing honestly
- you are Damon Lindelof

curved axes give you better leverage, pleb

I'm not saying it doesn't have flaws, I'm saying you could pick apart literally every movie and find minor details that don't add up.

>minor details
user, you're being disingenuous and you know it.

>find minor details
Hi Damon

It's good if you can forget logic

Senility had already set in for Ridley Scott.
Only dedicated fanboys defend this piece of shit movie.
Directors need to know when to leave their own franchises alone, remember how George Lucas butchered his own creation? Same deal.

>you could pick apart literally every movie and find details that don't add up.

here, better you fags?

>muh hicks and newt

Alien 3 was fine

Yeah but the film makers didn't bother to indicate in the slightest any time was skipped.
They initially wrote a scene where the alien raids the kitchen stores in it's intermediate form (1.5) but they never made the scene due to movie length.

George fucked the prequels up because he had too much cash, ass lickers, money sharks and too many commercial constrains.
If he did the phantom menace trilogy first, i guarantee you New hope would have been a fucking mess.

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There is always an amount of suspension of disbelief needed, but you must be INCREDIBLY disingenuous in order to think that all movies need it in a comparable manner, even within the same genre.
Liking something everybody hates does not make you sound interesting user, FYI.


>>muh hicks and newt
As if that is the only issue of that shitshow.

Hating something that a lot of people like doesn't make you more interesting too.

Hey remember that scene where the zombie guy attacks the cargo area of the ship, and kills like four characters who we’ve literally never seen before? That’s real suspense.

>i'm too fucking retarded to save the map and give the ship a copy.

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It took the At The Mountains of Madness story and used it as the basis for, you guessed it, a slasher movie, right down to the "plucky heroine manages to kill the slasher and escape the spaceship/summer camp on her own" trope. The only twist is in the lovecraftian setup and origin of the slashing monster. Otherwise, once the chestburster scene happens, the alien might as well be Michael Myers or Jason.

But that's not my problem. People explained with points and observation why the movie is a disappointed wasted potential with nice visuals.
Your answer to this is "nothing is perfect".

Imagine thinking this is a defense of the script.

>Alisha Klass

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The only good thing about that movie is getting to see Noomi's tight little body.

This does not address the shit characters and inconsistencies in the slightest, tho

>As if that is the only issue of that shitshow.

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I find it kind of disturbing people actually like absolute shit like this. There are so many films available to watch in the world and people latch on to completely indefensible half-assed dreck like this and say "yes... this is the one".
What terrible things happened to these people?


>Would you be afraid of a snake while you're in a futuristic hazard-proof spacesuit?
Because this fucker was the BIOLOGYST of the space expedition. And I have to believe that the first lesson of Introduction to Space Biology is "If you meet with an unknown species (mainly if seem like an uncircumcised albino snake-penis) do not try to pet it"

Should I pick every point part by part? I know it will just lead to more pointless discussion.
And yes, nothing is perfect. It's a spinoff from goofy Alien movies, but it's being judged as It's a sequel to Godfather

Weak bait. Lovecraft was a damn good writer, with only occasional racist references/
SJWs hatred of white males that aren't trannies is far more toxic to society than H.P. Lovecraft having a black cat named Niggerman.
Go back yo your Tumbler hugbox.

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Alien is not goofy. The movie is supposed to ignore what came after.
Your argument is invalid, disingenuous, and blatantly stupid.

I don't have to admit shit, it sucked

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it has an interesting premise with philosophical questions you don't usually see in blockbusters
then the rest happens

I admit that it had many good parts. I remember having my own interpretation of the beginning that made me feel overall OK with the movie in spite of its stupid shit. Then I found out that the director himself meant it to be an entirely different and stupid way.

He convinced me. It isn't a B- movie with lots of dumb shit, it's a D+ movie with lots of dumb shit.

I don't understand why people are so perplexed by the axe. firemen use them to chop open walls all the time for ventilation reasons.

I think the movie was fantastic. I don't watch movies to have everything explained to me, i watch things for the amount of mystery it gives; plus it has some of the best concept art i've seen. Carlos Huante is awesome.

I really loved prometheus


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That's Vicker's escape pod. She probably picked some cute designer axe online.

It was also the first movie i seen in 3D as well, so the star map scene holds a really special place in my heart.

>white woman goes to the other side of the universe
>Gets blacked
>Wonders why father hates her

Have you heard of those researchers on the Prometheus? They have curved axes

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A3: C+
A4: B-
Prom: D+

You defined the original Alien"goofy", retard.
Words have a meaning you shallow imbecile.

I said entire fanchize, not one movie.

it's trash

But that is not how franchise is spelled, and Prometheus is supposed to ignore everything but Alien you minus habens.

>space trees

Covenant had trees up the ass. And Vicker's struck me as a practical to the point of being anal person. So not having the right tool for the job would probably autism her shit up. I mean if you positivity needed to chop would for something what would you use? Besides it reminds me of a stupid news story: "Crew of researchers freeze to death because no axe to chop wood"

I don't care it's supposed to ignore. It was based on Alien movies, half of which are goofy shit, and even Aliens would be considered garbage by todays standards

Playing with the space snake was pants on head I'll give you that.

>Use Wayland's personal automated medical pod
>Wayland, the amoral corporate suit seeking immortality has an AI restriction on abortions so the Pro-Abortion writers can literally compare human fetuses in real life to the alien squid parasite and make the statement that restricting abortions kills women

Enjoying your propaganda?

I want her to sit on my face

Now you just lost any chance to be taken seriously.
Prometheus did not try to go in that direction. Is actually a pseud drivel in the guise of cosmic horror story - too bad the writers are idiots.

No. It wasn't

Why is the axe so weird looking?


it was the studio that demanded the rewrites. blame them.

It did but it wasnt really a followup or real sequel. It's like a whole was skipped in between the two. We learn nothing of the engineers or their homeworld, Shaw is long dead and experimented on, and David somehow creates full blown Xenomorphs because Ridley is a senile coot who thinks hats all people wanted despite Xenos clearly already existing in Prometheus

Lindetard IS the rewriter.

A bladed instrument, more specifically an axe, is almost always useful. One of the best tools to have in an emergency. This argument is dumb.

This. We needed a sequel that focused on the goo and the engineers.

>Im being a faggot and nobody can stop me!
Have fun with that loser.

>remember how George Lucas butchered his own creation?
No, that was Disney. George only improved it.

They thought the alien was a tiny fucking lizard when he went looking for the cat. The first argument is solid but that's one person being an idiot not the entire crew.

The movie sucks, but the presence of an universal tool in an isolated human outpost cannot be questioned.

Like s8 of GOT

>into a room with eggs, would you stand directly over one if it opened?
They show ONE mistake from a guy that is not a space biologist. The rest is a plot point about conflict for the procedure, with Ash being Ash.
>if an alien is loose on your spaceship,
It's 3 ft max for what they know at that point.

Prequels were 1999 - 2006
Disney acquires lucasfilm in 2012

>implying the prequels are bad
Low IQ brainlet detected.

There's no implying.

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No it isn't.

It was an exquisitely well *made* movie, however.

It was shit.
This and Alien Covenant ruined the Alien lore.

it was an average movie
it was a terrible excuse for an Alien movie

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It sure as shit ruined the Lovecraftian sense of the horrible and unknown by explaining everything. It was like being a little kid and having an awesome magic trick explained to you. It sucks all the mystery out of it, and therefore the fun.

>aliens look like humans
>aliens hate humans because they killed Jesus
It was terrible

The prequels were objectively bad
But they still felt like Star Wars, somehow
The sequels are completely fucking soulless

Yes. And even the SJW hags who ADORE GoT now despise the shit show it turned into. Meaning that everyone but apparrently you is able to see flaws and change their vote on something. Or see flaws at all, for that matter.

Prometheus isn't totally unenjoyable, but it's still a bad movie. It's in similar territory to the original Evil Dead: it has many flaws, but it's fun in it's oddball ways and is well shot.
Other than that, it's got nothing.
The plot is asinine, every character is retarded (even the inteligent ones), it plays at being a higher concept, but watches like an 80's slasher movie, I can go on.

And this is comming from a guy who considders Prometheus and Covenant to be guilty pleasures. Also, the poster ofBut I, unlike you, am able to recognise when something I like is actually bad.

Hell, Covenant is asses, but I enjoyed it a lot more than Prometheus. Except for people saying "my wife" every few minutes, and more totally retarded scientists doing things a child would be smart enough not to do on uncharted, potentially dangerous alien worlds.

Just admit to yourself that you enjoy it in spite of it's massive flaws, and move on. There's nothing wrong with having guilty pleasures.

You forgot the great soundtrack

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i liked that two different people slipped on the same massive smear of blood within minutes of each other - hilariously horrific

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It's an alien and evolved on a different world. The last time you should have been mystified by anything was in Aliens.

It's almost as if humans have had a need for basic tools for thousands of years...

What a fug.

>Geologist expert in mapping gets lost
>Biologist expert in alien fauna starts touching everything
Who hired these retards?

The only alien movies are Alien and Prometheus. All of the others don't come close.

I'm just going to say that charlize therons death wasnt that stupid. At least, its low on the list of occurred stupidities. Turning to the left would have decreased her speed forward and she might have gotten squished anyway. Turning straight left would have guaranteed her squishening. A trivial point in a movie with many greater errors

The arbitrary nature of minor offenses cause disaster while big offenses did nothing. All of this though pales in the light of the giant self-fulfilling paradox on which the entire plot is built and which the characters involved don't even question. Everything could have been averted with a couple of questions before anything really got started. Most of the plot is driven by the stupidity of spacefarers whom were supposedly hand-picked to be cautious, intelligent, prudent and predictive; none of the characters showed any light of cleverness or brilliance.

>Wayland, the amoral corporate suit seeking immortality has an AI restriction on abortions
>AI restriction on abortions


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>a lot of people like
kek, this pleb cope

Prometheus is such a good pleb filter. The movie was so good it didn't need any plot, people who complain about plot are the ultimate brainlets.

why is the axe bent like that?

>>how else am I going to chop down space trees?
Why would anyone stranded on an unknown planet for years at a time ever require material such as wood?

If the Derelict from Alien turns out to have been sitting there lying in wait for ten years instead of an ancient evil then I'm going to be fucking pissed

good taste.

I don't know why everyone bitched about helmets, it was the least of the problems

Didn't people hate the axe too?

Beautifully produced and shot, but bad characters and story.


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>slices right through her abdominal muscles to self perform a C-Section
>laser stiches herself back together in under 20 seconds
>is immediately able to run and bend afterwards