Shit/bullshit plot

>shit/bullshit plot
>good visual
>great music
What are some more of it's kind?

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>Ethan Hawke
Holy shit. Somehow my brain logged it as a Christian Bale movie. Granted I haven't watched it since 8th grade biology back in '06

>shit plot

pick one

Saturday Night Fever

Star Trek motion picture

You shouldn't go into space if you don't have the physique. That's what I figure.


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Batman v Superman

but he had the physique, by today's standards he would have been one of the fittest men in space

GATTACA is the best sci-fi movie ever made.

There quite simply isn’t more of its kind.

Hey i watched it in my biology class to

I think it was more along the lines of "in 30 years you will have heart problems which means right now in the present we should treat you like shit".

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Gattaca was quite an interesting and thoughtful sci-fi flick. Vincent originally worked as a janitor. But against such great odds; contrary to the beliefs held by all those he knew and loved that he would never amount to anything of worth, he fooled them all into thinking he was a valid, elite, genetically superior member of society.

Of course, what makes Vincent’s feat such a remarkable one is that we as viewers understand that those who end up working in menial, janitorial positions, are generally mental and physical degenerates with little purpose in life; quietly and sullenly going about their empty days cleaning up after others; lacking the intellect and the strength of will to change their fate; condemned to a life without meaning, without joy, without hope, without love.

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>when you watch it while on LSD and make up your own plot

well that was kind of the grander mechanism of the story, that just because he had a 99% chance of heart issues doesn't mean he's going to get them and just because someone is designed to be the greatest swimmer ever doesn't mean they will get the olympic gold

I could have sworn it was mat damon

Queen of the Damned

I disagree with your assessment of the film, but if you want something that fits your criteria, I'd say look at Tron Legacy. The plot is more plain and uninspired, but just about everything else is amazing.

>8th grade biology back in '06
Way to make me feel old. Thanks for that.

Vincent wasn't actually able to make it in GATTACA on his own. He was silently helped along by Lamar, the straight faced doctor who regularly took blood and urine samples. Lamar was unhappy that his son was rejected from GATTACA for not having "good enough" genes, so he rebelled in his own special way by helping Vincent in his subterfuge of the system.

your not wrong

beyond the black rainbow
only god forgives

This. I was just talking about this with some friends tonight. awful movie, but amazing soundtrack.

It wasn't just Lamar. It was many people who believe that the non-GM people could stand u the the GM people

There are two lines of thoughts, and films, that your post came to mind

(1) Vincent was kind of condemned to an existential dead-end, but managed, through ingenuity, and a level of luck, to break out and achieve what he wanted. That reminds me of the Shawshank Redemption, as well as Its a Wonderful Life

(2) Vincent had a dream to begin with. Most janitors don't have such a dream. Vincent had the dream since young, and kept pursuing it no matter what. Its only a part of why he broke out, but its relevant. There's a difference between giving a random homeless man on the street a million dollars, and a similar homeless man crawling out of the mud to make his own million

The plot was shit. Itis all fake leftist propaganda. No amount of nurture can trump genetics. Might as well say blacks put in a stable environment can be just as capable as whites

It gets close to being redpilled by discussing the benefits of creating a homogenized orderly society through fascism and eugenics but it falls short due to its liberal feel good “you can do anything and defeat your genetics if you try really hard!” propaganda. Also love how there’s still nonwhites if they’re supposedly culling inferior genetics

vincent had to cheat in order to achieve his goal
1/10 next time apply yourself

Tron Legacy, Oblivion, the FF7 movie

1/10 made me reply

>those who end up working in menial, janitorial positions, are generally mental and physical degenerates with little purpose in life; quietly and sullenly going about their empty days cleaning up after others; lacking the intellect and the strength of will to change their fate; condemned to a life without meaning, without joy, without hope, without love.
Well, at least Vincent got paid.

>"by the time we were playing blood brothers"

this is the only bit that sounds kinda weird to me, he says it like cutting your thumb to mix blood with your brother is something every pair of brothers do at some point.

That aside, Gattaca is comparable to Rocky when it comes to "Chase your dreams" type of stories.

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That part near the end where it’s revealed (despite being telegraphed throughout the movie) that his brother is the cop and then they go for a swim was pretty retarded to me

Absolute dedication like Vincent's will get you pretty far if you are at least average to begin with. You might not become a pro athlete or a revolutionary mathematician/physicist but you could definitely be an astronaut or a lawyer or an average scientist in most fields.

>Might as well say blacks put in a stable environment can be just as capable as whites

Will you say that whites raised in a nigger school will do as well as other whites?

You confused it with Equilibrium.

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>Eugenics are Bad!
It's so beautiful with great actors, fantastic atmosphere, great wardrobe and yet the actual message made me cringe.
>Abloo bloo, isn't it horrible that no one is born with horrible defects anymore?

>eugenics are bad
this is why we need to inbreed so we can keep our race pure

you're right but Yea Forums has bouts of so.y running through its veins

>anti-abortion movie
>leftist propaganda

I just wanted to dab on faggot jannies

>Eugenics are Bad!
You’re genuinely retarded if you think it’s the message of that film.



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I swear, the waifufags were not this retarded. this board is in shambles

It was a huge part of the message

>omg humans are making their babies have fair skin that's so racist
>omg they're literally hunting for people with inferior genes just like Nazis hunted for Jews in WW2
>oh look at these nice people who secretly help out the main character just like people who gave safe harbor to Jews
>eugenics and vaccinations are bad you should leave it all up to God
>we're living in the future where the "genetic lottery" is no longer a lottery but let's still seethe at the "normies" whose parents had the sense to give them modern medical care i.e. screened diseases and birth defects out of their genes
>technology is bad and evil except for the kind that lets me surgically lengthen my legs and fake my heartbeat on a treadmill test


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But i think he already had heart problems - his heart went into an overload mode when he was on a fucking treadmill

The movie is literally anti abortion and anti genetics

This. The movie is about a selfish faggot.
What a onions logic.

He deserved because he worked for it. Probably something most people on this board will never understand.

Yeah, if you have shaking hands, but work for being a surgeon, you should do heart operations.

Vincent actually could do his job and he was better at it than the rest of his peers. Nice analogy retard

>lacking the intellect and the strength of will to change their fate

Plenty of people did break the law though and pretended to be someone else. That's why there was an entire network for facilitating the swapping of identities that Vincent used.

Was a good movie. Last scene was diamonds.

this guy gets it

I think the brother being a cop was a pretty great way to show how fucked the system was. Instead of using his genetic privilege that could have sent him to the stars, which Vincent was denied simply due to his genetics, his brother basically wasted his potential just to become a local cop.

You think that the fitness tests were for shits and giggles to humiliate weak people? Do you know how space travel works? Do you know that if you have shit health you can literally die and doom the mission? This is why main character is a selfish piece of shit. It's all about an ego trip. What, safety of the rocket and other people who may be on board? Eh, who cares. I gotta get what I totally deserve, bruh!

Yes, but the issue is that he's got a heart condition and you cannot send astronauts on long missions where you endager everybody on the mission if you could suddenly drop dead from a heart attack.

The movie does celebrate will of the spirit getting past your physical limitations, as IIRC he had already outlived his initial life expectancy, but in the end he was still selflessly endangering people because of his dream. It's not entirely black and white issue in the movie, it's shades of grey, as it is unfair to deny all range of jobs, including being a cop, just because of your genes.

I miss cunnyfags myself

Love Exposure

>b-b-but he could die during the trip
Every fucking time, every thread there is this retarded argument. The probability of him dying on the ship because of his "heart problems" is basically equivalent to dying from any other cause. Of course he could fucking die on the ship, so could anyone else from any other reason, its a dangerous mission so obviously there is a chance that it might not succeed, everyone knows that. Just because everyone except Vincent is genetically modified that doesn't mean they are 100% resistant to sudden and life threating conditions that could potentionally endanger the mission yet they still choose to do it

>Of course he could fucking die on the ship, so could anyone else from any other reason

Except he's got a clear heart condition and his heart was shown to not being able to handle the physical strains that every other fucking person on the mission could, because he had to do tests that tested their physical aptitude. You saw it when he used his heart rate faker, instead of having a steady rhythm his was beating like it was on overdrive. He passed by cheating. There's a very real risk that his heart could just stop because he couldn't keep up with everybody else.

He was good enough to pass all their tests. It’s not like he hacked database and modified results. Argument ‘he could die’ is fucking retarded.

>Except he's got a clear heart condition
No he doesn't. They don't explicitly say that in the movie. Also the reason his heart was beating faster when he was on the treadmill could be because he was listening the conversation of his brother and the director.
>He passed by cheating
that was not a test, he was simply training

All plots are shit/bullshit to some/extent Anony/mous, so try to suspend/disbelief and enjoy/a/film for it's merits.

Just accept everybody without an exception because anybody can die for a random reason! Yay, inclusion!
You must be a woman, user.

>>You must be a woman, user.
And you must be a complete fucking retard. If you can't understand that the benefits of having Vincent on board outweight by far the slim possibility of him suddenly dying then you should watch simpler movies.

He had same chances to die from heart attack as any other crew member

It's an amazing movie. The man didn't exceed his limits, he merely met his full potential, which is what most people never will. Surely you can have amazing brains and athleticism, but one must will to be more, and that is to say, there is a component that sets people apart: guts, daring, will -- call it what you may, but he had that. It's about thriumph of the will. It's about pushing as far as one can and seeing how far can you really go. Most will never take themselves very far even if their body is sound and their intelligence well above average. Most will never think to stop and do anything but slave away in some cubicle farm or to expend their limited time for some more time. Who says that last men have to be some human slobs, they could be perfect specimens of humanity, but without any fire to them they'll never do anything to challenge themselves or what is expected of them. I'm sure someone will come up with some argument going along like, "What if a man in wheelchair wants to be Olympic sprinter". Sure, some things are beyond your reach, but Vincent could actually do all of what was required of him. It was just within margin, but it was enough.

>Do you want to know how I did this? This is how I did this, Anton: I never saved anything from the swim back.