Horrorkino is back on the menu, boys

Horrorkino is back on the menu, boys.

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I like the poster

Is this the white version of Get Out?

Honestly it looks like a ripoff of wicker man.

inb4 seething /pol/tards

Preferably the original

torrent when

A fucking turd on a plate would get 90% on rotten tomatoes if marketed as a 'subtle' commentary on the everyday racism of white people

Just found out Ari Aster also made the Strange Thing About the Johnsons
Explains why his films are as good as dindins

>a movie that depicts traditional european culture as a bad thing gets enormous praise from rotten tomatoes
Imagine my shock

wypipo are evil

It's not possible to be racist against white people.

Pagans are good now?

based but bluepilled

>White people

Only in the movies, eh bros?

Pagans built the greatest known civilizations so yeah.

Its fine, but the more you think about it the less sense it makes.


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I'm waiting for the superior Dafoe & Pattinson kino

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Pagan isn't even a real religion.

>no release date yet

But does it have jumpscares?

Unironcally triggered by this blatant slander towards our comfiest holiday. Is this how brown people feel when they bitch about cultural appropriation?

With a critic score of 95%, I'm I right in assuming there's some hamfisted political message?

Yeah. It's white people bad and European culture bad.

Only anglos are white. White and European re not interchangeable. Please do not slander my white heritage. Thank you.

oh yeah? what civs?
>China: Confucianism/Buddhism
>Spain: Catholicism
>Britain: Protestantism
>Germany: Cath/Proti
>France: Catholicism
>Turkey: islam
the only ones you can argue are pagan are Romans, Japanese and Greeks.

It turns out... Get this right.. we were the bad guys all along

>this is Sweden

If you want your movie to take place in Sweden, then film somewhere that looks like it.

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You don't really except the people making these propaganda films and the audience that consumes them to know this right? That's still the message they get from it.

any time i see this, i know its something i wont like. hard pass, the critics are fucking mentally ill mostly sjw faggots.

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yeah they should've filmed in fucking karachi

Trips of truth

Horror, you say? But is it dark, eerie, with engaging character development, suspenseful build-up and a bone-chilling slow-burn? I sure hope it doesn't rely on cheap jumpscares.

this nigga knows
critics live in their own little world surrounded by others who think just like them
imagine if Yea Forums had that much influence, it's the same concept

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When did horror become pretentious 2deep4u shit? Are movies not scary anymore? Is this because of the trend of badly written torture porn films of the 2000s? modern horror either has to be overly psychological or muh nostalgia/stephen king crap

i read the script. it doesn't have any race/political commentary. in fact is has strong (for 2019) pro-family values.

It's true, what can you really say? They just chuckle and go back to mowing their lawn

>It's not possible to be racist against white people.

The word racism is a meaningless word that is nothing but a bell to the Pavlov's dog of the mind controlled masses.

It means nothing now. Hasn't for the past 7-8 years. Having said that, Hereditary was GOAT and I'm looking forward to Midsommar

White boys are gonna get triggered as fuck by this so I’ll prob see it just to support and maybe hear some bitching in person.

>any time i see this, i know its something i wont like. hard pass, the critics are fucking mentally ill mostly sjw faggots.

So true. Critics score in the 90s usually means that it's hamfisted, anti-White, anti-Western garbage.

>imagine if Yea Forums had that much influence, it's the same concept
Oh god. I can see it now
>Instant 0% if black person has speaking role.
>anything remotely "leftist" results in deductions
Would be pretty funny honestly.

Brown people never bitch about cultural appropiation. You're thinking Blacks.


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Let's see Ariminius loyalty

Meh, hereditary was pretentious but was actually pretty good. Sure this will be the same

waiting for that prick who posts the daily basedboy horror fan thread to show up

>Critics score in the 90s usually means that it's hamfisted, anti-White, anti-Western garbage.
So what are you going to do about it? Whine more on the internet or go out and march. Pic related. White men out in Italy are marching to defend their western civilization.

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How do I learn about european pagan traditions?

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thanks for the laugh

nice try fbi

hi, just here to state that florence is terrible at acting, but she's the new indie it girl so hollywoo will force her down everybody's throat for no reason besides the fact that she is tied to product(s) that they expect a profit from

Or you know, it could actually be a decent horror movie like Hereditary was.

Nope it's anti-white propaganda just like Star Wars 7. Remember the white cuck ball? I do.

>in fact is has strong (for 2019) pro-family values
>(for 2019)
what did he mean by this?

Ari Aster and Jordan Peele are cancer for horror

The Wife's Kid and the Husband are within 2 skin shades of one another

>Luther! Cool it with the anti semitic remarks