One of the best villian's of the last decade

One of the best villian's of the last decade

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what was her endgame? why she was a villain?



the best "sorry hon" face i ever did see

Yes. came buckets to her desu

I love her rule 34 stuff. Especially when she's fucking her fairy godson.

Shrek 1 and 2 are unironically good movies and are better than most animated movies released in the last few years.

The fart jokes are very compelling

What do you mean unironically? There's no doubt about it, Shrek 1 and 2 are god tier and only literal brainlets disagree.

Shrek is the finest example of anime in the western canon

Kung Fu Panda too.

Forcing people to fall in love. Stealing a kingdom from someone for her spoiled son. Attempt at murder

God I wanted to fuck her so bad.

shrek is the greatest film ever made

user, I...

my childhood best friend knew every word to shrek 1 and would recite it as it played for the lulz. we spent most of our free time together for about 10-15 years. last year he lost his mind. the cops called me telling me he assaulted a family member and he had a kill list with my name on it. fuck shrek

The Dreamworks Rule of Two-Thirds states that every attempt by Dreamworks at a trilogy or larger series conforms to the 2>1>>> rule.

sounds like the intro to one of those shrek is love greentexts. Did shrek blast in and kill him with an onionade before roughly buttfucking you?

I wish. Life imitates art.

My nigga

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>that scene they invade the castle with "I need a hero" song in the background

Based. KFP trilogy is Heavenly Eldritch Tier.

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i've never seen kung fu panda before but i can confirm that it is kino of the highest degree purely off of having jack black involved and for its ability to btfo china

cast her

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had my first kiss while watching shrek

KFP is actual art.

i think shrek memes are very unfunny but im glad they exist since they give the films more exposure.

meryl streep

Every Madagascar past the first was dog though breh

live action remake when
nikolaj from got as prince charming

She just wanted her son to have sex.

Sounds like someone we know

Madagascar is one of the only trilogies where each installment is progressively better than the last one.

Any examples?

This scene is what made her so great. Legendary scene in animated movie history.


Mind if I add to the list?

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But HTTYD3 was the better than 1

Kung Fu Panda 2 is worth watching purely for Gary Oldman's performance as Lord Shen. His acting style translates perfectly to animation.

>the Chinese were actually assblasted about it since they thought a American animated film told about their culture better then any animated film they ever made

Antz, Shrek, and Kung Fu Panda are all absolute home runs

>HTTYD3 was better than 1
No, it wasn't. HTTYD1 is considerably better than both 2 and 3.

A lot of people think of the Shrek movies as just being stuff like fart jokes. Also the animation has aged slightly, like it's on par with what may would expect for cartoons on TV now. So it's like you have to look past the animation to see how good they are.

This movie is redpilled

In hindsight, I like that they made Princess Fiona be a kung fu master because she spent all her time in the castle learning skills, rather than because of some copout excuse like "girls can fight too you know".


yikes, user. Who let you post here?

>tsw Puss hops on the ground, waives Shrek away, and fights guards to repay his debt

>the last decade

2004 user


>tfw you see the giant gingerbread man die while I NEED A HEROOOOO blasts in the background
I was not prepared for those feels

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the fart jokes in shrek, as stupid as this sounds, actually fulfil a purpose. In shrek 1, they're one of the things that show that shrek and fiona have stuff in common, and in shrek 2, they make king harold resent shrek even more (since he sees him as responsible for making his daughter so unladylike).

>watched it in the cinema with my granny
>started crying at 'Be... goooood...'
>granny obviously didn't know how to deal with it
>let out an audible sigh of relief when it showed mongo was still alive in the musical number at the end

bugs life a shit, Antz will always be the supreme Formicidae kino

She had KINO porn.

Making his son the new king

*her son


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>Today, I repay my debt

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>Kung Fu Panda
Somewhere in a Chinese movie studio, a team of writers got absolutely chewed out by their bosses for not coming up with that idea first. It even had Jackie Chan lol.

I've never seen anyone say those two movies aren't good, they were insanely popular and well-liked (which unfortunately led to progressively more terrible sequels).

Shrek 1 still holds up today animation wise and joke wise and has phenominal character design, voice acting, and use of music. Also there are a ton of jokes that only adults will get but jokes for kids too. Quite possibly the best "family" animated film of the 2000s.

Call me a faggot but that sequence gave me chills as a kid

The quality of the animation is obviously dated but the art design is exceptional.

Are you me?
Also Im glad everybody realizes the "I need a hero" sequence is kino.

the song is called holding out for a hero you fucking mongoloids

>doesn't know what a decade is

I'm glad you made this post so I didn't have to

>he doesn't know