Name a better black comedy, I dare you, faggots

Name a better black comedy, I dare you, faggots.

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his reflex should be on the other side of the knife, no?

that's a stoner comedy, not at all black or dark.

Were there any black people in that movie? Op is a fucking retard.

my life

Taxi Driver

Terrible bait.

That's my reflex. We look a lot alike

the first guy who he kills dumbass

he is holding it tilted in toward himself

Obviously want terrible bait if he got a (You) out of it

It's my favorite film so I really can't


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Can't be done

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Any of Tyler Perry's movies fucker

Death at a funeral

lmao kys

It's in my top 10 for sure, it's the most quotable movie of all time in my mind

giv meh dubs plox

those dubs

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Idk but check my digits

I gave up trying to watch this like 15 minutes in. Does it actually get good?

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Name a better get, I dare you

>friend invites me out to lunch
>it's a shitty BBQ place
>realize I could have gotten us a table at Daria
>mein fromage when

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Heathers isn't funny though. It's an interesting movie but completely fails as a comedy.

>Does it actually get good?
Not if you're looking for a laugh, I'd still recommend it though.

when he got shot in the face I laughed until I cried

shut up and check'em

Arsenic and Old Lace

peter jacksons earlier stuff is underrated
especially meet the feebles that muppets parody never fails to make me feel sick, anything from vore to scat to hiv

Attached: death of stalin.jpg (960x540, 172K)

These three are my favourites

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Not better but def runner up.

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watch the musical instead

>MFW me and you are the only ones in the thread to get your joke.

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how about you check me instead faggot?

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Fight Club



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Based anti-Jew dropped poster

Such an underrated movie.


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A Clockwork Orange

A Serbian Film

All memes aside, American psycho is an absolutely terrible movie.

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Let see Paul Allen's dubs

New dubs. What do you think?

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very cool Bateman, but that's nothing

This is pure kino and no one on tv talks about it

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Dubs of truth

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meet the feebles is the most fucked up thing I've ever seen

Fuck off
Ohhh fuck, you could be right.
Definitely a runner up though

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based, it's also my favourite film

Dr. Strangelove.

Why does everyone say it's funny when it's just depressing


Does Lock Stock count as a black comedy?
Anyway, Death of Stalin was pretty good.

There isn’t one

Also check em

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the blade is being held horizontally towards his own neck

it still doesn't look quite right