Euphoria General Thread

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is she /ourguy/?

you mean /ourgirl/ user. respect the transition.

also, she looked even cuter in the second episode, especially in that scene where she opposite sides of pole with zendaya and she's giggling like a qt pie in that short skirt of hers

First episode was good. Second episode, not so much

mental illness general

someone post the webms pls
yes, Xir!

30 penises

uh no. don't do that. this is a blue board

do white people really do this?

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Please do not post or think about my girlfriend, thanks.

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if there's no AC on and it's hot, then yes

2nd episode was better user, catch up.

Nope. Show is pure distilled cringe.

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do you have a webm of the scene where she's giggling with zendaya up against a pole?

s(he) cute

Mr Hickey will be punished for DIRTINESS.

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anime turns you into a gay/tranny

not really. the writing is pretty good actually, especiallly zenaya's monologues

sorry user, nope

doesn't the white drug dealer look like the white rapper who OD'd a couple years ago?


It bothers me how he's not passable at all but gives me feelings anyway. I want to hurt him and to protect him and to make him feel nice and to use him like a fleshlight.

probably, most rappers look alike

would just a blowjob make me gay?

Only if you're the one giving it, user.

Keep it in one thread, you already have one

yeah i can tell it's a boy but she's still cute as fuck and i would legitimately date them in real life even though he/she's 15 years younger than me.

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nothing would make you gay user. She is a woman.

thx for the bump qt

link? I honestly didn't see the thread in the catalog when I made this one.

the other thread must not have euphoria in the title

>this thread AGAIN

holy shit why is Yea Forums so GAY for this? first it was the black gay guys now this

imagine if all traps were so captivating and not 99% gross men in drag

to be fair, I've seen biological women that look much more masculine than that

Thread theme song:

yeah, she's a diamond in a sea of nickels

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A dude with long hair, cool.

This is a man

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a lot of it has to do with her having fair skin, blue eyes and blonde hair

men with those features look a lot more feminine naturally so it's easier to transition and look like a legitimate woman.

t. blond guy with pale skin and blueish green eyes. I've had several buff muscular men come up to me and try to fuck me in the ass

A *pretty* dude with long hair

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i'm a solipsist so they're whatever i consider them :)

lmao she's better-looking than at least 80% of all women


I want to cum on her tummy and suck her penis

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I want to get her pregnant with a butt baby

>that shoulder to hip ratio

really bad angle

You guys watch some absolute shit

I want to marry Zendaya and then force her to watch me fuck Jules on our wedding night

die discord trannies

He works because he's already got a real killer femme boi look from his facial features alone and would probably make a killer twink if he hit the gym and laid off the HRT.

As a mostly straight man, he still doesn't register as a woman to me, but he comes off as the kind of captivating femme boi that I might hook up with and engage in some non-anal play with if I was drunk enough and he was into me enough.

It's okay, Jules still has the benis and it's super feminine

Just pretend you're dating a gymnast or something, lol.

it's a mentally ill man who takes female hormones and has breast implants

I want her to monologue on my face

same. is this what they mean by "this is what progress looks like"?

Soon she'll be a rope in an empty closet

>As a mostly straight man, he still doesn't register as a woman to me, but he comes off as the kind of captivating femme boi that I might hook up with and engage in some non-anal play with if I was drunk enough and he was into me enough.

I'm straight too and I might not do anything sexual with her, but I would definitely still cuddle with her.

it must be cool hanging out with someone who is cute like that but also has a guy's sense of humor

Fucc, why are you doing this to my dick, user?!?!?

whoa I didn't know she was a tranny. The bulge in her panties should've been a dead giveaway, but I just assumed she was weird or something

imagine having to frame every shot well enough to make this monstrosity look like a female

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one of the other "girls" in the show is also transgendered. I'm surprised no one in this thread has mentioned "her" yet.

this is what every extremely-online guy wants: someone who looks like a woman and retains some semblance of femininity but without the garbage culture they buy into and the moody bullshit.

unfortunately, trannies are mentally ill and there's no way in hell this shim isn't a complete mess of a person. shame, too.

you better lock those windows tonight son cuz i'm suckin' that dick.

>it must be cool hanging out with someone who is cute like that but also has a guy's sense of humor

This. Imagine her inviting you over to her place because she wants to call people niggers on the internet with you.


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i don't think so, she's a popular model/actress and has a life better than 99% of suicide trannies

>"Don't be weird about it user, just kiss me."

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Dude your wrong, quarter back going 007pyschopath was pretty cool

Did they transition post puberty? Poor girl has no hips.

>that nose
Is she part Jew?

are you a retard or pretending to be one? did you grow up on /pol/?

Unironically the most attractive person in that image. I have a new mega celebrity crush Jesus.

the scene where he kicked the shit out of the statutory rapist was a bit disappointing.

i thought he was going to make him suck his dick instead. I believe he was debating it and that was the intention the writers had in mind

These sexy fembois are gonna turn the whole internet gay soon enough. The next one's gonna be even hotter, just you wait.

yeah, how crazy she would have supported the 1 of 2 candidates that would have treated her like a person

I wonder what the Muslim woman thought of her.

Is she our new queen?

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Looks like the autist from the act

yep, hormonal treatment is getting more advanced too.

there is also experimental research being done in genetically engineering trannies


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Yea Forums is full of faggots, just like /pol/ and stromfront

>it's a boy

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is he 18?

TayTay status: DROPPED

>it's a boy

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yes, 20

she was so cute in that scene. i wish there was a webm with sound. her lines in it made it even sexier

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With bad taste evidently. Either that or it's a bunch of shills.

why wont he shave his arms

he has cute blonde hair on his arms. he doesn't need to. it looks adorable!

they're far less hairy than most real women

Cause cis women have hair on their arms.

>muh shills

get back to your safespace

just pretend he's your average mediterranean mongrel

this show better be renewed for a second season

I'm a cis gay guy and Hunter is probably the first transgirl I've ever been attracted to.
I do hope she doesn't plan to have surgery though.

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i don't think there's anything gay about admiring one's femininity.

I agree, believe me, and I'm mostly attracted to femmey guys but Hunter is the most feminine and identifies as female so obviously that's very different for me. As well as the having breasts part as well.

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I'm a heterosexual male, therefore I am attracted to cute girls, therefore if I want to fuck a trap then she must definitively pass as a cute girl, and if she passes then you are politely requested to respect her pronouns OP


>literal tranny shilling

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those are not transgendered ppl. those are just retards

how dare you imply jules is anything like them