Mr. user, you told us that you were alone in the local Kinoplex when the muder happened...

>Mr. user, you told us that you were alone in the local Kinoplex when the muder happened, but we checked that and the Kinoplex claims they use a very strict no-singles policy. Well?

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>I was with my falcon

what the fuck is a kinoplex

the place where everyone on this board makes love to your mother

>Well Lieutenant, I think you'll find that they allow the designated shooter to be alone, and in fact I have this receipt right here proving that I was in the middle of failing the penis inspection during the crime. Now if you're done wasting my time, I have a volunteer position with a Mongolian cave painting board I'd like to get back to.

the area above the popcorn mines

a crime scene stupid

You can ask my good friend Robert, who happened to work that shift, to verify my whereabouts. Or even that cranky old jap who sells popcorn and for some reason forced me to buy raw kernels and butter for 300 dollars.

>dont snitch on Robert
>dont snitch on Robert
>dont snitch on Robert
>dont snitch on Robert
>dont snitch on Robert
>dont snitch on Robert

>Just one more thing Mr. user, about this message board business... is it true you receive no monetary compensation?

>Well, yes, I mean it doesn't have set hours or anything, and I like to believe it let's me make my community a better place.

>two Colombo threads
for what purpose?

So let me get this straight: not only were you aware about the relationship between Tyrone and your wife, but whenever your wife and Tyrone had uh, "relations", you went into your shed out back?
And you say you were in this shed at the time of the double homicide of Mr. Tyrone and you wife?

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One is for discussion the other is for autistic roleplaying

no wonder you weren't invited

Welcome to the autistic roleplaying thread, fren.

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8

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>A philanthropist, I see, I see... it’s just that, and you’ll have to forgive me for saying so, some would find a grown man doing this sort of thing...well they would most likely consider it a rather queer affair

>That may as well be, but I'm sure many people say the same thing about a man living with his mother. I've never been one for expectations Lieutenant.

I seem to have no recollection of such an event, Lieutenant.

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>So, you are working for free, and now you mention still living with one’s parents. Isn't that a coincidence! I'll tell ya, this case is just full of 'em.