Did anyone even watch this?

Did anyone even watch this?

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I got it downloaded, haven't watched it yet, But since it's a remake of the 80's version I'm sure there won't be many surprises.

I watched it at a free early screening with my (then) girlfriend and some friends. It was a massive fucking disappointment. It dealt with the same themes as Hereditary, and while you could say the book came first, Hereditary dealt with the themes way better than this movie. The movie also took a hot minute to pick up, and when it did, it wasn’t even that scary. The ending was whatever. We agreed it wasn’t a good movie.

It's decent but you can clearly see they were aping Hereditary

I haven't even seen Hereditary looked too reddit

This is sort of a spoiler, but it kinda abandons certain parts of the book and og movie

Get your head out of your ass with that “it looks to reddit” shit. What the fuck does that even mean? Anyhow, watch it, it’s one of the best horrors in recent years, and Aster clearly did his research before making the movie.

Pet Semaphore

lmao buttmad

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Based uncultured swine

there's literally only one good scene and the cast has 0 charisma.

>"looked too reddit"
>no legitimate response to criticism of stupidity

The state of this board.

I didn't bother. I love the original movie too much.

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Pet Semantory

watched it twice because I figured I must have missed something the first time. Nope, still bad. And the movie is 100 minutes long and it feels like whole 3rd act is crammed into 13 minutes.

I'm only watching it for the zombie loli.

>it’s one of the best horrors in recent years

No, it isn't.

The state of you for giving a shite lmao

>the directors had to find eight of this one-of-a-kind cat, and train them to act like pets from hell — but only onscreen. It turns out they didn’t need training to act demonic in real life
>"They were like this pack of divas on set. You know, the cat would get on set and have to get acclimated, so all the actors would have to shut up and just kind of let the cat sniff everything for like ten minutes. So, we just sat there, and watched the cat.”

fucking movie stars

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That's kinda funny though

hell yea loved it!

It does look too reddit though and heredditary was a bad joke, AARGHH A PIGEON HEAD HOLY FUCK HELP!

You have to go back

>heredditary was a bad joke
It literally was. It was about the lord of mischief and bad jokes.
>LMao son it's just a prank lolololo

This level of cope to defend a horror movie that wasn't scary

Excuse me? How is it defending it?

choke on your dad's dick

After you.

>perfect actor for jud is dead
>there will never be a decent adaption of my favorite king book

Fucking shit.

>horror movies have to be scary

Scary movies have to be scary. Horror movies just have to horrify.


How? Can you explain using spoiler tags?

>Get your head out of your ass with that “it looks to reddit” shit. What the fuck does that even mean?

It means it looks like poorly made cliche garbage that only appeals to brainlets, which is exactly what it is. The father is a dense brainlet, the mother is a hysterical head case before Charlie even dies, the brother is an atypical "uncool" moody teenager who somehow manages to be invited to parties and have cute girls chasing him and gets to smoke weed without some hyperactive beta trying to make him pay for his share or kick him out of the room so he can be the only guy smoking with the girls.

The characters are all uninteresting stereotypes and "le ebil devil cult" is overplayed stupid horror garbage that always winds up being a bunch of nonsensical images and scenes that are only shocking to 80 year old conservative grandmas. Oh no mommy is levitating so spoopy! Oh no naked old people just hanging around the yard so spooped! Fucking stupid.

I give it props for the seance scene though. That was gneuinely interesting and well shot, it's just too bad the characters are too 1-dimensional to react to it and the rest of the plot is dreck.

you just made the thread even more retarded with this post, gg.

I saw it. It's just trash, no one should watch it

We get it dude you're assblasted everyone thinks you're retarded for liking your retarded horror movie. Instead of seething and reposting to every comment, make one blogpost about what you think is good about it and then lurk or fuck off. You'll get better reponses and won't look like such a Mongolian reddit tourist.