Star Trek is dead.
Janeway is a woman driver edition
Star Trek is gay and every single fan of it is a virgin and quite possibly a homosexual
Has any Trek dork bothered to throw up an in-universe explanation for how the transporter device doesn't get used to avoid gun fights and such?
It's a beam that sucks anyone or anything up and can store them as an electrical pattern.
Why shoot at the bad guys when you can beam them up and leave them unmaterialized, or without their weapons in another location?
I know you can't beam through shields but if you transported your dudes over to have a gun fight, as they do in most cases, shields aren't involved.
Don't tell me everyone wears a personal anti-transporter shield that never gets mentioned.
thats actually a good point. It'd be kind of funny to see an episode resolved that way. Most of the time it's about getting people out of a situation, although Enterprise established getting shot mid-beam kills you
They have to lock on to transport. Thats what the com badges are for. So they can and often try to beam their own personel out of gunfights. Often a dues ex machina prevents them though. But it would be much harder to beam the bad guys out since they arent wearing com badges.
This is pretty apparent if you have watched a single episode.
where's Bash?
Re-started watching the OS series the other night with the intent on seeing every episode. The last episode I watched Kirk became an Indian. Is the rest of s3 this bad also?
You need a lock on individual signals to beam people back up, like other anons said without com badges to help its complicated. It can be done though, as they consistently show them beaming up gear and misc people on planets/ships. Guess its not used because idk maybe it would be boring to transport every antagonist into oblivion
you are trolling
s3 is the weakest season. If you can sit through the tribbles episode, you can manage it through s3.
The weakest season of OS is leagues better than the bad seasons of TNG
What about the Jem'Hadar?
TNG has no bad seasons though.
is data a android or robot?
>you are trolling
I'm not
I will admit I'm a casual trek fan. Grew up watching tng, ds9, etc with my dad. Watching the OS has been to my suprise fantastic at times but when an episode is bad it's REALLY bad and hard to get thru. Also thought that Tribble episode was great :^)
s7? Every episode felt like the main crew just phoning in their performances excusing Finale
>Star Trek is gay
You don't say
what about? sorry not a big fan of ds9, don't know much Their cloak?
>I will admit I'm a casual trek fan.
Listen, we'll see you buddy.
DS9 was the perfect ending for Star Trek, the mistake was continuing it with prequels/alternate universes/sequels
Not every episode age'd well but the ones that have are must watch making s3 a mine field
pro tip: skip ep 20 entirely of s3, Every time I rewatch OS, I try to get through ep 20, only to skip 5 min after the intro
Didn't Hitler die in a cave or something?
DS9 was the perfect ending for Star Trek but DS9 didn’t have a perfect ending
So yes, Space Hitler/Satan died in a cave because the showrunner was seething
star drek is just so lame and cucksoy. its themes are limpwristed.
I take it you have a dog in this fight?
Star Trek saved many nerds from suicide.
What do you expect when the exec producer for Star Trek was a lefter than Karl Marx communist autist?
Its a fun show with a neat future despite that.
Garek > Dukat
>The LA Times recently ran a story about the Child Exploitation Section of the Toronto Sex Crimes Unit, which contained a mind-boggling statistic: of the more than 100 offenders the unit has arrested over the last four years, "all but one" has been "a hard-core Trekkie." Blogger Ernest Miller thought this claim was improbable. "I could go to a science fiction convention," he explained "and be less likely to find that 99+ percent of the attendees were hard-core Trekkies." While there may be quibbling about the exact numbers, the Toronto detectives claim that the connection is undeniable.
>In fact, Star Trek paraphernalia has so routinely been found at the homes of the pedophiles they've arrested that it has become a gruesome joke in the squad room. (On the wall, there is a Star Trek poster with the detectives' faces replacing those of the crew members). This does not mean that watching Star Trek makes you a pedophile. It does mean that if you're a pedophile, odds are you've watched a lot of Star Trek.
care to explain, /trek/?
no gays in TNG
Dukat should have had Damars story. He should have died defending Cardassia not as cackling space-satan.
Only because Garak is in the show way more
I love how this is basically the plan that saves the Federation in the end. DS9 is dope.
This but he shouldn’t have died. Same goes for Damar
why does kira help terrorists? she is in starfleat
Trekkies are child molestors
this ep makes so much sense now, based.
these implications lead me to believe that Trek writers aren't intelligent and never have been
>use marker light on targets
>beam them out of existence
worff quits and then he is back in federation then other episode he quits again.! why is it allowed?
I feel like it's run its natural course. It may be time to end it, but it'll live on in syndication and harddrives indefinitely, until humans destroy themselves or something.
it was literally the same ending as lord of the rings.
If we get to mars and populate it we can survive.
PM me after.
fuck you guys.
>its a Barcly episode
Barclay always hit too close to base for my comfort.
We all know it's you, B.
Because the Federation is a principled organisation that forbids the use of transporters for anything other than transport. Using it in the way you describe would constitute a war crime.
Also the Heisenberg compensator has it's limits as to determining the position and momentum of the objects it's transporting. It isn't magic, it's technology.
>CAPT’N! The reflux indicators are off the charts and the traction coils are all shot to hell and the transfusion receptors are acting up and the nacelle oscillators are all over the place and the metagenic bio-filters are all in pieces and the subspace inhibitor’s got sparks flying out of it and the transporter buffers are off line and the photon infuser is not responding and hull polarity is at 9% and the trilithium pods are unstable and the axionic transwarp carrier is down for the count and the magnesite-nitron grappler is about to blow and if we don’t get the electroplasmic buffers up and running, there’s no telling how long she’ll hold!
>n. If you can sit through the tribbles episode,
Hang on mate. Hang on. You don't like The Trouble With Tribbles? Get out of my bloody galaxy.
When will they do caitians correctly? Once we see Cameron's work in the next Avatar trailer?
That's not something Scotty would ever say. He didn't techobabble. When he's talking engineering business he says stuff like 'the engine's all bunged up!'.
I've watched loads of episodes where they beam all kinds of shit that doesn't have a com badge on it with no more effort than usual. I'm fine suspending my disbelief, I love Trek in spite of unrealistic technology, I was really just asking if anyone bothered with a ten page long complicated retcon excuse. That would be fascinating.
Don't reply to him. He spews this at will to farm yous.
take your bestiality and go
You've got 10 minutes.
>anything that isn't a human is a lower animal
talk about blind arrogance
It's some kind of subspace anomaly
Take care, buddy.
Shouldn't they be saying things like "Star Trek is for everyone" or "Star Trek is about being the best human being" or something like that? Rather than telling 50% of your potential consumer-base to fuck off?
Thanks, we'll see you around.
Is STD a good place to start? Or is it worse than the Orville?
ITT: Other /trek/ villains besides Dukat who did nothing wrong
The only canuck in Star Trek objectively did nothing wrong
Orville is better than STD, start from the OS or TNG
Yeah, they should probably be making good shows too but fuck it
If humanity in Star Trek's future is all equal, why does Michael Burnham get talked down to like a black woman in 1964?
The Orville is matter of fact current gen Star Trek. The numovies are okay too but mostly just the first one
I just listened to the Midnight's Edge interview with Alec Peters and holy shit is it infuriating. That Axanar was killed for STD is unbearable.
Because blacks STILL haven't learned to assimilate, even by the 23rd century.
Voyager would have been much better if, little by little, they were forced to abandon everything they held dear about the Federation in a series of agonizing moral decisions for their very survival, and were forced to be destroyed by the Federation on their return to the alpha quadrant because of what they had become in the process.
>Star Trek is gay
Well, I know O'Brien is definitely gay. In "Rascals" that nigga hit the jackpot and showed the world his wife almost certainly had someone else's kid.
he's the token full blood Klingon in Starfleet
just one more...statutory rape
Unforgivable. What a cuck.
>display model of 12 year old Ensign Ro
>lock doors
>Lieutenant Rank Access Lock Barclay 4692
what a progressive show
because it's unethical
kantian ethics
Friendly reminder that Data is a computer, nothing more. No divine spark, no empathy, no consciousness. Just wires and microchips, nuts and bolts.
What old Star Trek movie should I watch first? I think I’m gonna go for part 3, I don’t care about watching them in order
would you pirate an android?
2-4 all build upon each other so you should at least watch them in order
just watch highlights on YT. No one cares anymore
I wonder who's behind this post
Transporters also make doctors obsolete. Because they do a bioscan for parasites and pathogens and shit. Also they cured some people by just transporting them and removing the disease.
Ok I’ll do that
just watch the new one
Don't tell me what to do.
You'll do as bid and that will be the end of it.
not true, Data is/ourguy/
He is fully functional.
V is actually a good comfy and funny standalone movie.
Technically, he is a computer.
S3 has the best episode turnabout intruder
so the jemadar don't need the drug? why they fight then?
>>In fact, water and other liquod beverages has so routinely been found at the homes of the pedophiles they've arrested that it has become a gruesome joke in the squad room.
That settles it. Everyone who drinks water is a pedo.
Could someone be Batman in the Federation? Would that be illegal?
yes ..I mean no
>50% of your potential consumer-base to fuck off?
Trek is wayyyy to liberal for most republicans to sit through without throwing their monster can through the screen. The federation preaches communism.
I voted for Dubbya twice, McCain once, abstained in 2012 and Trump once and love Star Trek.
Federation eliminated crime, hunger, and poverty, at least in their space. What purpose would he serve?
>What purpose would he serve?
Captain of the Enterprise, ofc.
>The LA Times recently ran a story
Waiting for the link
I support a literal nationalist party in my country and I still think Star Trek is the shit. People aren't just their political perspectives you know
He fights elitism
>Display Model Troi
>Set entity Troi position to leapfrog bondage position
>Sub command, when I ejaculate transfer sperm to artifical womb 11 located in my personal chambers
There's a lot of corrupt admirals out there.
>I voted for Dubbya twice
I hope you have PSTD and lost your home when "W" crashed the economy
That may be the worst attempt at a shoop i've ever seen
L'tak Terai strikes again
Adrian Brody?
he is being ironic
comfy is back on the holo-menu
All Communist countries are conservative and the traditional family structure is promoted, also Stalinism is based.
I like /trek/ because it's so sexually non threatening.
How would you attempt to beat the no-win scenario?
Just because you're a fan of medieval fantasy doesn't mean you support monarchy.
>sexually non threatening
I disagree.
can't bat a no win, frendo
What do you think "no-win" means, captain curveball?
It's a test of character mate.
I said /trek/, not trek.
>doxxed the gap toothed barista into hiding
I'd say we're fairly sexually threatening.
some of the memes are dated
If DS9 is so great, why did they never explain how they got new Runabouts all the time?
I know, I just wanted to post Ro
B is eternal
they build them at dock
Yes, but how? They never go into detail on the logistics of runabout construction, just seems like a missed opportunity what with all the Ferengi cross dressing and lounge singing.
*exhausted voice*
Just go with it, dude.
Again, these are stale memes.
Star Trek is not for you Bubba.
Fuuuuuck... where will I get my spicy cream cheese wrap fix now?
Japanese cartoons for children aren't for you but I bet you watch them
sent ;)
s e e t h
I don't watch Star Trek how the fuck did they get that far away?
I'm not the one policing what people should watch
wormhole like in deep spase 9
take a sip for lost brothers. for cardassia!
for cardASSia!
Why are all Q episodes automatically Qino? How does he do it?
DeLancie has talent and chemistry with Stewart and Mulgrew.
he's handsome and clever
this makes fanbase drool with envy
Yeah, but not everything. They've mentioned how the bioscanner doesn't necessarily catch new diseases. It also means the stuff that isn't caught is more complicated or deadly than the transporter can handle.
Tarantino is going to make a Star Trek film. Will he revive Star Trek or the franchise cannot be resurrected?
Hitting it a little early aren't we, Damar?
Star Trek doesn't work as feature films, they should be episodic television entries. 40 minute morality plays with fun sci-fi.
He's right you know.
star trek works best as feature films. TNG films were shit on their own merits.
Good point.
besides, I don't watch movies.
*looks back down at phone*
The best Star Trek episodes are more entertaining than the best Star Trek movies.
so chlishe
seen to
What was his endgame?
Always do your best to kill as many Klingons as possible.
>escalate border skirmish into a full blown war
This cadet's got admiral material written all over him
A war just means more dead Klingons which is always a good thing.
Fuck ridgeheads
Fucking kek
The space battles were all over the place. What's with these birds of prey exploding after one hit? Then every time crew members would go out in a runabout and take multiple shots from a Jem'Hadar fighter seemed silly.
just...just go with it brah
Tilly, her face fat, her hair red
It is unironically a fitting end for a series written by a disgusting communist atheist pig for it to be overrun by niggers, shitskins and faggots, run by women, and then fail dismally while dishonoring everything it once stood for.
Star Trek could be considered a sort of microcosm of left-wing thought. Starts with an idea that sounds noble to middle class white kids, then ends with a cockroach-infested shipwreck of cringe, and the distant howling laughter of Capitalists as they feast on suckling pig.
I didn't like that episode. They had obviously learned English, as they were now saying their silly phrases in English, but for some reason they couldn't get past that silly way of communication. How could such a species have built spaceships and so on?
it's not english.
I don't like that people enjoy stuff. It makes me feel more lonely.
The universal translator could decipher their language, but not the idioms. Troi even explains this in the episode with the romeo and juliet analogy.
>universal translator
Damn, I had forgotten about that, indeed. I still don't get how they'd become a spacefaring species though.
and now we know
Watch them in order, brainlet. It won't make sense thematically otherwise.
You're a meat computer, nothing more.
humans have souls
false equivalence
Drinking water is guaranteed, liking sci-fi/fantasy is extremely common, being a hardcore trekkie is not. It's incredibly unlikely that a rare hobby would be massively represented in a population unless there was some connection.
only white people
Data has a soul, too. Prove me wrong, you can't.
eat my shorts
That's only because Data is a white robot
>Left-wing masturbatory commie propaganda attracts pedophiles
I can't imagine why an ideological fandom of Jews and faggots would produce sexual predators.
formerly alive
>largest organized pedophilia ring is a conservative cult
I can't imagine why a religious order of white supremacists and mentally ill would produce sexual predators.
Are you retarded?
things that make you go hmmm
>>largest organized pedophilia ring
that's the House of Lords.
Any nice bums in this thread?
>it was okay when I was doing it tho
blow up the ship yourself killing everyone on it thereby depriving the Klingon"s of an honorable kill it's the worse thing you could do to the Klingon's yet it would probably give them a new respect for humans that one would be willing to do that
Every single thing you just said was wrong.
-The Catholic church isn't organized
-The Catholic church isn't conservative (I wish it were)
-The Catholic church isn't a pedophile ring
-The Catholic church DEFINITELY isn't white supremacist--though again, I wish it were.
There are more priests than school teachers, but the latter are overwhelmingly more represented in sexual crime. As, apparently, are left-wing people in general. In America alone, they're 80% of felons.
there's a lot of priests who are schoolteachers. jesuits especially are very very education centric and thus tied into all the academic politicking.
It isn't the 18th century anymore, the Jesuits haven't been a substantial body of the church since Richelieu was alive.
>The Trudeau Maneuver
>le kirk le cheated and he still got le promoted
Cringe to be honest
>18th century
The entire point of the story arc was that Kirk could cheat the simulation, but not real life. He refused to learn the lesson of Kobayashi Maru, which is that there are some scenarios which are unwinnable, and you need to avoid getting into those in the first place instead of getting into them and then trying to win.
Kirk learned this the hard way when Spock sacrificed himself. It was a no-win scenario, but there was a way to lose less badly, and Spock took it.
>The Catholic church isn't a pedophile ring
Not only her face.
>cheat at school in modern times
>get expelled
>cheat in Starfleet
>get promoted to captain
whoa such fairness much enlightened
>get expelled
no its
>never get caught because nobody actually cares
to this very day.
Just finished watching season 2 of STD
When did Starfleet have 50 shuttles per ship and drone fighters?
never, canonically.
I don't think you know what canon means.
Truly based and redpilled
Picard tards seething
3rd one was very action driven but I still think it's better than the 2nd one.
Cumber lanklet as Khan was a huge let down, worse than the J-law reference in 3
I gave STD a chance lads I really did but it’s just gash. Who names a fucking character Michael and why is she so annoying and wh did they shoehorn her in to be specks sister and why is there a fat fuck as part of the crew and why is it so boring and shit? Why is Shiite effects 80’s Trek better than this? Even the shit episodes weren’t that bad but I was still pretty invested in the characters. I honestly could not care if any of them died or left this shower of piss. What a fucking disappointment. Fuck sake
Inaccurate. Essentially all child molesters are Trekkies.
>This does not mean that watching Star Trek makes you a pedophile. It does mean that if you're a pedophile, odds are you've watched a Set A=Trekkies
Set B=Pedophiles
Set B exists almost entirely within set A.
If set B therefore Set A=Valid
If set A therefore set B=Invalid
Is there somewhere I can stream Deep Space Kino as a plebian or do I have to eat my own ass and get netflix?
Data fucks. He's more of a functioning human being than I am.
Download it, you plebeian.
Deep Space 9
Why was every alien in STTNG just a human with a funky forehead?
Anyone else a right wing guy who loves star trek
Budget. One particular interesting episode also stated that all these humanoid species share a common ancestry, this is probably the case for the Barkonians as well.
Thank you based user.
>everything I don't like is propaganda
This, but also because alien races in Trek are usually analogues for human cultures or issues, and having them played by recognizably human actors makes them more relatable.
They did that because the showrunners were upset people liked Dukat so much and wanted to make him more blatantly evil.
>this technology is actually going to exist someday
We’ll be well on our way to starting a Dyson swarm by then, though. Human propagation will transition from being a necessity to a curiosity.
>Worf, is this your idea of sex?
Yep, Ripubblicun here. I love huntin', fishin', beer, an' Star Trek. Me an' the fellas at the huntin' camp set roun' an' argue 'bout our favrit cap'ns. Me? I'm Picard all the way but Ol' Skip goes fer Kirk. Dicky always makes the case that Archer's the best but we jes' call him a faggit. None of us like DS9 'cause a that nigger. We don' like Voyager neither 'cause a woman don' have no bidniss bein' onna bridge.
your mistaking the cause and effect
the only correlation between startrek and pedophelia is they both appeal to leftists
Paleoconservative republican reporting in.
but TNG fans are the least vocal about STD
dukat did nothing wrong
Because there is literally nothing wrong with it. Aliens are fictitious which means they can all just be humans with funky foreheads.
because they are played by human actors
They're the only ones who care enough to complain about it.
TOS fans know that TOS and TNG are as different as TNG and DSC so there's no point in complaining ONLY about DSC.
DS9 fans can appreciate the darkness and character development (even if the characters are insufferable and the darkness is in your face).
Voyager fans don't exist.
Enterprise fans have no right to complain about 21st century prequels.
I'm an australosnowflakithus neo liberpublican
>the religion of Mexicans is suddenly white supremacist because you say so
I just finished VOY last night as I'm working my way through the series. I heard it was rife with executive meddling and actor hate, does anyone have a resource or list of specifics?
My dad's a nice bum but that's only because my mom got all of the money in the divorce.
>good example of conservatism or even christinainty
at the vatican level they are a satanic cult dumbass
>-The Catholic church isn't organized
Wrong. You're a retard.
>-The Catholic church isn't conservative (I wish it were)
The Catholic church is conservative. The Pope isn't.
>-The Catholic church isn't a pedophile ring
Clearly false. There's no reason to defend their priests. The reason other churches don't get a bad rep is they actually turn over their offending priests/pastors/bishops.
>-The Catholic church DEFINITELY isn't white supremacist--though again, I wish it were.
Ron Moore's Voyager rant is a fun read.
The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after Voyager is hailed as cancer.
Kate Mulgrew killed Tuvix's actor after filming.
When is the Federation finally going to solve the Ferengi problem?
They already installed a feminist neosocialist Grand Nagus
>so fat
Where's a good streaming site that has all of TNG episodes on it, with good quality?
I'd like to start watching the series soon after Mad Men.
I don't have netflix.
literally most fans probably as the younger generation (excluding college students) is far more right wing.
Then get it? You should be able to binge it in the free trial month.
wrong. im a TOS fan.
there is nothing wrong with hating on STD. If they didnt have such a crazy marketing presence here during the seasons, i wouldnt really hate it so much.
The problem is the marketing guys and trannies come here and tell us this show isnt for us and we are all ebil nazis
>the younger generation is far more right wing.
You realize the only people who are doing that are people who hate Discovery and are trying to push a divide right
CBS doesn't want less viewers that's fucking retarded use your head for once
>trannies come here and tell us to watch STD
What the fuck are you talking about you absolute shithead?
Fuck off nigger.
I'm not going to support a company that likes and supports niggers.
>the cbs shills who attack us are actually just right wingers with a plan to make us hate STD
I mean maybe, but it seems more likely that the marketing company cbs hired is just full of clueless progressives who have no idea that they're doing damage.
oh geeze.
There are a lot of streaming sites and you can always pirate it
>wrong. im a TOS fan.
You're missing bingo night grampa.
I'm just gonna mark this up as a fake post.
obvious strawman mask. pretty much everyone who speaks this way is a tranny faking that they're pol but playing entirely to the progressives strawman of Yea Forums opposition to progressives.
If you think that's their marketing team then you're retarded
TOS is great. I'm in university and it's a breath of fresh air to get morals and philosophy from an age where men knew they were men and had their heads on straight.
It's honestly a lot deeper than anything we see on tv or in movies today.
You're a huge fucking faggot dude.
>free month
You would actually be hurting them, albeit by an infinitesimal amount.
I'm just going to mark this up as an actual tranny nigger.
Whats your physical address?
Do you
A) believe that tv companies dont market here and that everyone is just crazy
B) just believe in this case there are insidious right wingers hiding among the marketers to make them look bad?
I think you might be projecting if you think B, and you are a complete idiot if you think A
hi tranny
pol doesnt speak like that. dialate
Whats your address.
15 winton street lindfield nsw sydney 2070 what are you gonna do tranny?
Kek you got owned.
Whoever lives there is about to get a lot of pizzas
B with a hint of A. Yea Forums isn't a primary target for marketing a sci-fi television series that's hidden behind a paywall. You're a retard if you think it is out of all of the sites in the world.
lol that'll show em
They market on many sites. Yea Forums is among them. It's an important one too as if you studied marketing you'd know that something like 90% of the internets "viral memes" come from Yea Forums. That makes this place influential. Their opinion matters a lot. and if you want a source, open up google, type in "google scholar" and go find yourself the peer reviewed scientific studies that support it.
There’s an explanation in canon:
Right wingers dont really do the evil false flag planning thing that the left does. Right wingers whole schtick is being the good guy.
You think marketers come to a right wing site to tell right wingers not to watch their own show
You're legally retarded
Don't respond to me
They do though
I've shitposted that stuff here
Though it's less evil and more shitposting since who gives a shit if someone doesn't watch a space show
Liberal false flags get people killed
>"Hey we need to get 4channers to watch Discovery."
>"Let's tell them not to watch it because they're Nazis and Discovery is for liberal trannies."
This doesn't happen.
>mirror Kira
Oh god my balls have never been this tight.
Mental Illness is a real thing
star trek hasn't been consistently good since TNG
yeah that's the particularly intredasting episode I mentioned; it's obviously a post hoc explanation after writers were bothered about how they all looked like humans with strange heads and could interbreed, but still
companies contract marketing companies, the marketing companies distribute campaigns all over, but mainly places with influence such as reddit, twitter, facebook, Yea Forums, etc.
When marketers arrive here they are employees that may be given the same script/talking points or even spend their time on multiple different sites. needless to say in non censored environment their left wing talking points and zingers they copy paste constantly don't fly as well.
For example, "startrek was always progressive" is one that you would see them copypaste.
They also tend to utilize tactics that work on reddit such as political shaming. The shit has the opposite intended effect here as there isnt a bunch of left wing morons ready to upvote those zingers and ban anyone too right wing. It breaks down into the marketers offending people here by basically implying the audience here are nazis.
On Yea Forums though you get a mix of trannies thinking they're influencing culture by being here instead of just increasing cultural hate for trannies by being here. These ones do make the situation even worse for marketers who were already politically opposed to most of us here.
by they I mean the aliens, not the writers
you are a dull witted individual, collect your spoon fed answer here
I love how stupid people like this poster look. you take something said, misinterpret it in bad faith them run with it LOUDLY as an accusation. We arent morons. all you do is announce how moronic you are.
Nice Quads! also, nice post!
Star Trek was always progressive.
>rrrrreeeeeeee not forr uuuuu naaziiiss
Imagine being this retarded. Learn some marketing you chimps.
fucking HD DS9 W H E N
I take pride in the fact I helped torpedo STD generals by acting like a stronk black womyn that don't need no man. Space is black the future is black etc.
I'm going to pick up my check now.
But he/they are right.
>The problem is the marketing guys and trannies come here and tell us this show isnt for us and we are all ebil Nazis
>Marketing guys
>tell us the show isnt for us
You guys need to lay off the NEET life.
Holy shit almost perfect rendition of what you wrote. put me in the screencap
HAHA you got btfo
Hey guys I got paid by Alphabet to tell you evil Nazis not to use google anymore, nor any other Alphabet services. You should use bing or duckduckgo instead.
Hello fellow 4channers. I am here with the Joe Biden for President initiative and I'm here to tell you NOT to vote for Biden. Tell your friends and family NOT to vote for Biden. Actively encourage people to vote for Donald Trump. Donate to Trump-related campaigns.
are surely the same person. too perfect.
you can stop you got owned by your own post
Hey guys don't watch DSC
why do i suspect you are from aznmasculinity or rhapas? might be the persistance in samefagging to press your point?
Yeah man the nazi 4channers are hating this. keep going. imagine how butthurt your making these actual real life nazis who unironicaly use Yea Forums to discuss tv shows comrade.
>gets btfo
>keeps digging
yep. this is /trek/ alright
I'm actual CBS marketer AMA
youre forgetting the sleeper orshills embedded here.
Nah you're not. its off season and they (hopefully) arent making another season
>PICARD coming 2019
>DSC season 3 confirmed in the works
>Section 31 on its way
>Lower Decks in production
>the NICK show in development