How is he not in prison? He was responsible for the deaths of 2 other comedians...

How is he not in prison? He was responsible for the deaths of 2 other comedians. Do they think he would have too much fun in prison so don't view it as a punishment?

Attached: andy dick.jpg (780x439, 132K)

He gave her the drugs but SHE pulled the trigger. He didn't kill anyone.

Kinda like Patton Oswalt. He gave his wife the pills, yes, but SHE swallowed them. Not his fault.

God I miss Phil Hartman

He didn't kill anyone. Roasties are still responsible for their own actions. Andy Dick is a huge fag and a complete jackass but he didn't tell the psycho cunt to kill Hartman.

his wife certainly didn't

Bouncing, bouncing, vodka Andy Diiick

Hi! I'm Troy McClure, you may remember me from such reminisce sequences like "Dad from Matt Foley skit" and who could forget "Houseguest"!

Andy Dick put the Phil Hartman Hex on Jon Luvitz ten years ago and Luvitz isn't dead yet.

Clearly, Dick has no real powers and thus isn't responsible.


I hope you can take solace in the fact that he is reviled, pathetic, and lives a worthless life.

I think about Unfrozen Caveman lawyer all the time. That's how it should be.

Please don't make any more Andy threads as we don't need to remember him at all.

I'll never understand how a blonde man could be so cruel.

He gave the drugs to Chris Farley the night he died too

Patton Oswalt?

Lovitz hates him with a passion. hope he beats his ass next time he sees him.

>John Landis gave Vic Morrow the helicopter, but MORROW is the one who chose to get chopped up by it.

All Landis wanted to do was give a guy a helicopter, Jesus...

Andy Dick. Hartman and Farley are dead because of this degenerate.

If I hand you a gun and you shoot yourself or someone else with it it is entirely 100% your fault. The same applies to the Hartman situation.
Nah fuck off. Drug addicts are scum and are responsible for their own actions. I don't want to defend Dick but it seems like people want to shift all the blame onto him instead of Hartman's cunt wife.

>Not his fault
Sure user, sure.

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we all do

Patton was just helping his wife get into character for her role in the new Ghostbusters movie. He was a very supportive husband.

Why didn't Chris say no? Is he a fucking helpless baby?

Hope Lovitz beats him into a coma next time to settle it once and for all

Doesn't he live in a literal cuck shed now in his ex wife's backyard as she takes all his money?

According to these people he was. Feeling pity for addicts makes me fucking sick.

you aren’t alone user

If your wife is a pill-popping drugged out bipolar junkie lunatic, you are well within your rights as a husband to walk out on her. If Hartman had done that, she wouldn't have been able to shoot anyone but herself. But instead of chose to be a White Knight and tried to "save" her. How'd that work out, Phil?

Interesting how fast he moved on from an 11 year marriage.

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Happens, my uncle got remarried within a year after my aunt died, they were nearly together 25 years

Ok guys this is an Andy Dick hate thread, responsible for killing 2 ALL TIME GREATS

What Patton did doesnt compare


Phil Hartman was an all-time great, I'll give you that, but Chris Farley? He was never actually funny, he just died quick enough that we all felt obligated to remember him fondly. His whole shtick of being fat, screaming and falling down is no better than every Melissa McCarthy movie ever.

The first time I saw this I spit my drink across the room and laughed for 15 minutes straight

>Andy Dick put the Phil Hartman Hex on Jon Luvitz ten years ago and Luvitz isn't dead yet.
Because Lovits grabbed him by his head and bounced if off a table, repeatedly.

Some people just can't be alone