...what the fuck were they thinking?

...what the fuck were they thinking?


Attached: dick.png (816x830, 619K)

found the trump voter

>are you winning son?


the libtard was a faggot, trump supporter also had POC on his side

>Film is about how neocons planned the invasion of Iraq
>Post credit is attacking Trump who campaigned on pulling out of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan and not starting any more wars
>Doesn't start a war with Iran
>Gets shit on by both the neocons and Democrats

>tfw I have that same body and I’m 29

>facts have a liberal bias

When will these meme end? Liberals are the most deluded people when it comes to cold hard facts.

>racial disparity in crime rates
>health care policies that are MATHEMATICALLY impossible to sustain
>delusional foreign policy that if we lower carbon emissions china will
>confrontational attitude towards russia, a nuclear power


you're only allowed to have that body if you have power user

honestly the most cringe thing ive seen in months
glad i never watched this trash