Be born as a skinny asthmatic manlet with every disease under the sun in a cruel, uncaring wartime period

>be born as a skinny asthmatic manlet with every disease under the sun in a cruel, uncaring wartime period
>poor as shit
>bullied and beaten up all the time
>both parents dead
>only have one true friend
>only friend dies before his eyes
>sacrifices himself knowing he'll never see his loving girlfriend again
>go in 70 year coma
>wake up to a world completely alien to the one he knew
>intense feelings of isolation and insecurity that no one could possibly understand or relate to
>everyone he loved is dead
>get derided by some faggot manlet with daddy issues for being from a different time
>find out girlfriend is still alive but has Alzheimers and doesn't remember him
>find out best friend that he thought was dead is still alive, but is now horrifically tortured and evil with no memory of him
>has to fight said best friend
>has to keep losing him over and over
>now a hated war criminal
>faggot manlet with daddy issues won't stop being an annoying whiny faggot

If you think about it, Thor at least got to have a blissfully happy life for several hundred years and Tony at least had vast privilege no human can ever dream of.

But Cap has never had any periods of privilege or happiness. Even when he got the serum, he was made fun of and mocked. He is the true suffering character of the MCU, only beaten by Rocket.

Attached: avengers-jacket-900x900.jpg (900x900, 135K)

>6'4" chad
>a bloo bloo he's got no friends! how sad!
Go fuck yourself.

Did he ever fuck though?

Being a lonely handsome man is agonizing. I'm quite the same as cap

hello incel

have sex

Not until Endgame.

Brb gonna return the stones real quick hold my shield brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb

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>several hundred years
Wasn't it more like over a thousand? I mean I guess at one point he grew tired of the cycle of feasting and fighting

I wonder what it smells like under her breasts?

>captain america
>80 year old virgin
how can someone be so pathetic

OP here. Forgot to mention this: I haven't seen Endgame yet so I don't know if he finds happiness in the end or dies fighting Thanos.

The character of Steve Rogers in the MCU lived most of his life as a genetically inferior incel, give the man a break.

Incel Captain America would be a good one shot story.

Incel. Calm down. It isn't an attack on your shitty unproductive life.

No wonder I prefer him over iron manlet. I can relate to him on many levels.

hail hydra

>lived in the 40s
>gave up his shield to a black guy
okay marvel

Do you think he kept the reality stone so he could act out every sick sexual fantasy he had bottled up?

>Sam... It's yours now
*Sam holds the shield*
>Officers..! This man stole my shield

Crazy how quicj he moved on after the snap, shows that overcoming hardness is normal for him

He's lost everyone he knew before, so losing half of that is a cakewalk.

he barely knew them. Remember that all of the OG avengers survive the snap.

better than giving the shield to commie assassin desu

>6'4" chad

Chris Evans is 5'11.


Keep calm warwick

Just looked up her age. Looks damn good for 37.

The assman at least was genetically american(at least the fictional person) the nigger is african.

he's 6'0" max shut the fuck up

>Captain Africa

>have asthma
>be beta loser
oh so that's what its from

>>find out girlfriend is still alive but has Alzheimers and doesn't remember him
Stopped reading right there. You obviously didn't watch Winter Soldier.