How did he learn Japanese in two months?

How did he learn Japanese in two months?

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It took her two months to want to fuck a white man after he killed her husband.

That's not long at all, no wonder asians are so pissed when they see whites with their women.

He sat in his bedroom and watched all his favourite shows on kissanime for 2 months

to be fair tom cruise's height resembles a japanese man's

Immersion in a hostile camp.

the WMAF pairing is pure fiction, I'm afraid.

She probably had an arranged marriage and secret ly hated her husband's guys desu.

The White Man is better suited to all tasks.

he was an incel

someone told me it takes 15 years to master japanese.

Rosetta Stone

He was white.

It's not as if he became fluent. He hardly speaks any Japanese at all in the film and what he does I expect he (the character) rehearsed e.g. when he speaks to the japanese girl briefly and when he speaks to the emperor.

I watched this for the first time a few days ago. Honestly it gave me pretty insane feels. One of the only movies that ever made me tear up (along with the end of Band of Brothers)

He didn't have internet to post on an American gun selling periodical.

I'm surprised no one has said it: he's Clear. You can do that kind of next-level shit once you're Clear.

This, contrary to racist stereotypes white IQ's are the highest.

Why aren't women able to understand this movie?

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DuoLingo app

but that's racism user

you're a huge faggot.


my gf loved it

lol sorry little guy, white men take who we please


From my cold, yellow hands.

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My sister loves it. She started crying in the scene where he keeps standing up while getting beat.

whites are second lowest actually

What? Women adore this movie, no joke. It's one of the only 10/10 kinos that women seem to enjoy.

Lol? The only people who can contend with whites are east Asians by a small margin and Jews by a decent margin. Everyone else is well below.

You could too, just gotta purge the alien parasites from your brain

user, it is the most popular interracial relationship in nearly every country on the globe.

>How did he learn Japanese in two months?
did you forget that at the begging they established that he was very good with languages and learned indian really quick?

He also probably didn't start learning it after he was captured but as soon as he found out he was going to Japan or at least as soon as he got there. He explicitly states that he wants to know his enemy which would entail learning at least some of their language, bits and pieces. Being captured and living in the village for a couple of months, trying to prove yourself to them, is a situation which would effectively force him to learn as much as he could as best he could and as quickly as he could.

this shouldn't have happened
>Let me tell you something that might be a bit dangerous. I was raised in Japan. I was schooled in martial arts. I was given the title of master. They take a movie “The Last Samurai.” They have a 5-foot-2-inch little guy, whether he was straight or gay, I don’t know. I don’t care. He had never been to Japan. He doesn’t speak Japanese. He has never held a sword. They make him the Last Samurai. We got 450,000 phone calls [laughs] from everybody in the world saying, “That role was perfect for you. How did that happen?” Most of the people I know didn’t like the film and didn’t go see it. It’s just a classic example of Hollywood and the politics.

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fucking the men that killed their husbands has been an essential survival skill for women throughout history

They don't care much

they care if it's shit skins

What these guys said. He was a linguist, if you'll recall, even before he was captured he told the soldier to fire at him in Japanese, as well as congratulating him when he hit the target. And it was more than two months, he was captured on the eve of Fall and let go in the Spring

Some American POWs in WW2 became fluent in nipspeak, likely some combination of a natural talent for language combined with nothing else to do plus a tremendous incentive to gain any advantage you can.
If the character has all those traits (which I'd say he does), it's not unreasonable that he'd learn japanese (or any language) quickly

Honestly, with no other daily distractions (no internet/media age) and an inability to function without starting to learn, the human mind can become decently conversational in even difficult languages in a few months. The key is not having other things that eat up your time, having people willing to deal with you speaking like a moron to start and helping to correct you, and you being willing to sound like an idiot trying. I seriously doubt anyone with a modern life could pull it off. This requires that kind of time that people only had before the 20th century in modern countries.

This is Cruise's best movie

You don't speak for all white men nerd

Yes he does you moron, we just elected him to be the speaker for all whites at last month's meeting. Were you even there?

>not Magnolia

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She may be the only woman to ever understand that scene.