Where did directors get footage of deaths and executions before liveleak, rotten and shit

Where did directors get footage of deaths and executions before liveleak, rotten and shit

Attached: Faces_of_Death_(movie).jpg (200x314, 31K)

They didn't, there is no available footage of US executions, just a bunch of obvious fabrications. Even pictures of execution victims are hard to come by, only one was ever legally authorized as far as I know.

Stuff like Mussolini being executed has been around for decades

Well, there were some real deaths shown, at least. Where did they come from? I know some is news footage, but the others?

literally comes down to "knowing a guy" who has archives

Did any country ever use to show public executions on TV?

Remember comic book guys secret video stash? A guy like that

Most of the stuff was fake. Stop being newfags.

You could just ask cops back then and they'd show you. They used to give videos of graphic content to schools to show kids for health class.

not all of it retard

>Hey, I heard from a guy that you got some stashes

The videos of shit back then were done with purpose. Videos today aren't the same, everyone has a cellphone to record shit. Back in the very early 2000s and earlier you had to bring a huge fucking video camera to record shit. If one of those cartel videos of being being vivisected while alive existed it was because the cartel intended to send a message. Likely the video was sent to the family and they handed it off the police who copied and spread it in underground circuits between other police and interested parties.

It was debunked decades ago. Do you even cinema?

>the stock footage is fake
literally kill yourself brainlet

Please substantiate your claims and i'll join you in mocking this person

Even the wiki page talks about the most of the film being fake. Look at all the camera angles for the guy pulled apart by a truck.

What so you mean? Faces of Death wasn't a hoax or anything. It didn't even pretend to be all real. It fucking tells you which are reenactments in the films, retard.

keyword being most. stop being a retard.

they filmed them

VHS mixtape sharing. I miss mixtapes. There used to be a few groups that still made some and distribute them via torrents, but they're mostly dead because of youtube and liveleak.

theres still new ones that get ripped every so often. i think they distribute them through irc or something.

Yeah, but I can't be arsed to look up for hours on different IRC networks when I barely have time to down my own shit first.

me neither. i just get the re uploads off torrent sites.

I love this movie (along with Shocking Asian) and fondly remember renting them along with other atrocity strewn flicks at my local grubby mom & pop video shops who always had the best selections. Back then seeing stuff like this was like finding treasure. I miss those days. Sure, I can watch cartels chopping people up right now but it isn't the same feeling as seeing this shit back in the 80's!!!FACT!!!

I remember hearing years ago that Bryan Singer, of all people, was producing a new Faces of Death flick. I'd love for someone to do that with fake ultra-violent make-up effects. Kinda redundant with the internet but it could be fun if done is a dead serious docu-drama style!!!FACT!!!

They should, pack out stadiums for executions, it should be a big event.

A lot of the real shit in these movies they bought from ambulance chasing journalists.