*knock knock*

*knock knock*
who's there?

Attached: who.jpg (226x223, 8K)

user, z-zero


Weedlord Bonerhitler... Who?

Jon Arbuckle, two!



user, 15.


eedsnay eefda

Can anything ever top this?

Zero, one or two, depending in how you define sexual intercourse.

I never watched the video. Can I get a quick rundown?

probably around 50, i dunno

>tfw you had the opportunity to be in peak youtube kino but ya blew it not knowing what it'd be

The pipe strip video. Done by the same guys. It is unironically the best thing ever put out on youtube.

Garret Hunter, 35

No joke my old friend from high school is the first clip in this video

So.....I got really into AIM, and that's a whole nother thing right there.

My name is user and I have had sex with four women

Attached: My Name Is.png (744x724, 870K)

Stanley Kubricks's final script


Max Landis

Psychotherapist, 413

user, four

Attached: df23c115d3b0ff1470a7ea50f2ce4be3.jpg (640x413, 33K)

*slap bass*

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 13K)

michael, your mom

Heh, John Arbuckle zero.

user, Brie Larson forever

>That chatroom dude who leaves a 4 and a half minute message
Can you get any more based?

I kept seeing people say it and I kept not watching it because I didn't want to spend an hour watching a guy ramble on about Garfield, but I finally watched the whole thing and it truly is fucking incredible.
Everyone needs to see it at least once, it's quite literally like nothing else you'll ever see.

Attached: let me die.png (736x586, 1.2M)

Show of hands, did any of you faggots call in for this and if so, timestamp your message in the video.

Now where could my pipe be?


user, Zero. Three in a Dream.

Attached: a5f.jpg (640x466, 49K)

did any autist make a list of all the names and numbers in the video?

These guys unironically introduced me to some great songs.

>Congratulations for your cat cartoon

I own every Garfield book published to date, but Lasagnacat is funny as hell.

>I own every Garfield book published to date

My older brother loved reading them as a kid, so we had the first ~35 because of him, then he introduced me to them when I was young, so I kept getting them until about Book 50. Then we realized we literally had every main series Garfield book published over the previous 30 years, so we felt compelled to keep buying them for completion's sake, and kind of as a laugh/gag Christmas presents. I do have great nostalgia for Garfield to this day though.

Now where could my pipewrench be?
*Zoom in
What was that you just said!?

>*Zoom in
Zoom in is right.

the part with the swat team busting down the door is absolute distilled kino


Attached: rocco-botte-59392f80d72f6.jpg (320x240, 10K)


>that one guy your submits his answer in Morse code.
Absolutely based.

So you're saying, this would be like some sort of--cat rage room.

user, zero.

Unless you count Second Life ERP.

Nathaniel. 1 1/2

*Game Grumps Dan Avidan exaggerated faggoty Jew laughter intensifies*

this one was one of my favs

Attached: Pipe Strip.png (2085x605, 844K)


i knew max landis was a wrong 'un when he said his count was 85 or something. why would you know the exact number at that point?

Tyrone Washington

>I said no, say it again but like you said it before
>and he said "now where could my pipe wrench be?
>I slapped him on the back and said GARFIELD!

Attached: spanish guys.jpg (480x360, 22K)

post collection user