Directors that are great at one thing but horrible in other regards

Blomkamp for example, I can't think of anyone that has a better sense of realistic futurism. But when it comes to his movies they're usually very shallow and even if they are fun and visually impressive they're severely lacking in many aspects.

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I get a sense he'd be happier making vidya

Is that Neill himself doing the artwork? He probably just has a really good concept artist/team.

So he's the quintessential "i'd be the idea guy" meme

how are any of these cybernetics supposed to work or know how to hook up to a nervous system?

George Lucas, great worldbuilding, shitty plot progression

so essentially these directors should've been production designers/art directors

Na, he just wants to tell cool stories in cool settings. He would just end up making movies with "gameplay" stapled on top of it.

Blomkamp wrote, directed and produced his three movies.
Honestly, I think he could do better as just director or working with another writer(s) with veto power.

Shyamalana knows how to film a scene and build suspense.

>He would just end up making movies with "gameplay" stapled on top of it.
so he would fit in perfectly with the modern AAA developers

he's better with a limited budget once he's given free reign he goes overboard and can't bring it back

Peter Jackson is good at a lot, less good at some, but he has one real genius - casting.

90% of the LotR casting was perfect, and for all the problems the hobbit movies had, the casting was on point.

John Carpenter's special ability was doing a lot with a little. The less money he had, the better his films were. (Also always wrote kino theme music.)

Not so shallow, just simply provocative. I was pulling for mommy the whole time.

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This too. But I would like to see him just directing just once or twice.

blomkamp pays Aaron Beck to do all the art for his movies.
the only """talent""" blomkrap has is pointing a camera in a way that makes cgi look real

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>Blompkamp never got to do a full Halo movie

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Chris Nolan.
Visionary ideas, used in incredibly stupid ways.

He should team up with Fincher and make a Love, Death and Robots style regular episodic show

he should team up with alex garland. let alex write and he can direct
could do some sci-fi kino

Fincher is really good at conveying the right atmosphere for a film, pretty much has every ingredient on the table to make a great film and has great comic timing.

His negativism can grow really stale though. Like a emo twin who never got around growing over that phase so his films fail to reach an audience outside of his typical niche

The guys on Elysium were objectively the good guys, securing a future for themselves and their children. The mutts on Earth just wanted to drag them down to their level.

So he'd be a Sony first party dev?

earth was a mess because of the people on elysium

Have you even watched the movie, you nigger apologist? The opening text says Elysium was created because Earth was an overpopulated, polluted shithole and the rich wanted to leave it and get away from the hordes of subhumans that were causing it.

Science. You'd know that if you loved science like I do. Checkmate, Christians.

It was everyone retard. It’s just that a lot of the people that could get away with it and thus were a able to leave the planet in shambles while they fucked off.

Elysium really might have been better if they'd:
>suggested that Elysium was a place of such excess that they could easily stand to share what they had,
>made more clear that part of the problems on Earth were due to the elites of Elysium allowing the problem to fester and worsen rather than trying to fix living conditions even a bit,
>maybe not been so cartoonish in its politics by showing that the solution wasn't quite as clear cut.

Came here to post this.

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Del Toro

Not sure if I appreciated the action and CGI when I first saw this, was too turned off by retarded SJW plot
I ought to give it another go

>retarded SJW plot
Blomkampf is a master troll, the message is very much anti-immigration

I'm a pleb and like Matt Damon. The film itself was average but I liked the sci-fi element and how it looked.

>suggested that Elysium was a place of such excess that they could easily stand to share what they had,

Every single person on Elysium had their own personal miracle bed that could fix all of their health problems.

And I don't get this "cartoonish" complaint. Capitalists in central America used to chop off peoples hands when they couldn't meet quota. There's even that famous photo of that guy staring at the severed limbs of his dead baby daughter who was mutilated as "motivation" for the workers. Elysium was actually way too even-handed in it's portrayal of the rich and poor.


Not that I'm an expert or anything, but I haven't seen a more realistic depiction of what Earth, especially the west coast, will look like in a hundred years

>Directors that are great at one thing but horrible in other regards

Tarsem Singh. He does great work with his production designers, but all of his movies are shallow tripe. He never evolved past doing the music video for Losing My Religion.

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Cringe leftist negroid

>shallow tripe
He just need a good script that's all .

shallow? in what sense?
his movies just focus on class struggle and revolution. The more his movies focus on this theme, the less the (((critics))) like them.
Go on, try to deny it.

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i never noticed, but why are the titans chewing rebar?

>The more his movies focus on this theme, the less the (((critics))) like them.
All you westcucks can't thing of nothing but MUH DRUMPF MUH FIGHT DA POWER

Kevin Smith is only good at dialogue and even then it's still mostly cringe.

>Aaron Beck
Didn't Yea Forums come up with a series based around his artwork where a bunch of social justice cyborgs try to help the """"""""""""""""""oppressed"""""""""""""""""" lower class work oriented cyborgs and wind up destroying their entire society?

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prove me wrong, and don't bring in trump, since his movies predate the trump presidency.

Elysium, his most overt revolutionary work, has a working class joe becoming fucked by his managers at the factory he works. He ends up leading a revolution to tear down the rich and putting the power back in the disposessed and weak. Good portrayal from matt damon, his character isn't even that noble, but very working class in the sense he's only looking out for himself, he's got no ideological training, is dirty and an ex-convict.

a "liberals" favorite (((woke))) movie would involve something like a smart, powerful upper class woman who gets beaten down by her upper class peers but ultimately wins by her wits and ideological correctness and takes her place in the upper echelons of society.
Elysium, by contrast, has a much scarier theme. SJW's don't actually want to talk about true working class joes or the dirty masses. These people don't exist as more than window dressing in their movies.
it's always upper middle class/upper class people wanting to succeed.

A bloo bloo rightoid pedo

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he does the best charaters development ever but the photography is awful mostly and gives zero shit about production.

He have great and weird themes but always makes everything looks superficial.

>SJW plot
jesus fuck, when did 4channel become a bunch of corporate bootlickers

based and uhhh yeah i'm thinking redpilled as well

imagine a videogame with Blomkamp as the art director

Science, aint gotta explain shit

The original 3 star wars had excellent plot progression though.
Only in the prequels did he fuck up.

Imagine saying this in the middle of Pride month. Socialists, commies and the rest of SJW blight are the biggest corporate bootlickers on the planet. Go buy tranny Gillette razor, watch Young Turks, listen to CorporatePoints and cry to MasterCard about hatespeech, you antiestablishment warrior you.

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Stop with this fucking headcannon shit about him being redpilled.
Blomkampf is white rich elite from walled off neighborhood in South Afrika, people like him are exactly the ones who teach this marxist shit in SA universities. Every single time you hear someone from SA grandstanding about lingering legacy of apartheid, it will be a rich white cunt.
If you think he means it as some underlying message and not direct criticism of muh racism and colonialism, then you need to get your head checked.

>central America

His wife and the producers reigned in his autism during the original. He was given a blank check and full control for the prequels.

>neonazis are already up in arms about mastercard

Ooof, let's unpack this - what will your comrades in LGBTQIAP+ think about you and your hatred?

>leftshitoids love sucking Wall Street cock just like their hero Lenin did before them

>thread devolved into political shitflinging
every fucking time

why director though
why not any other design jobs that actually lets him explore his ideas fully

>getting racist shitlords deplatformed from the whole internet has something to do with Wall Street now
Find a better narrative Adolf.

“Plot progression” is such a fucking meme nitpick
You virgins are never happy with anything

Elysium was written because blomkamo went to Mexico, looked around him and thought "jesus christ inagine if all these subhumans made it north of the border". Its telling that the last personal with will to power on earth is shown as a white man.

the reality was far more scary, during the shooting the helicopter was blowing human feces into everyone's face and mouth, that's right mexicans don't even have proper sewerage they just throw their shit into the landfill.

>Wall Street doesn't run every single company that deplatforms people

Deluded leftshitoid. Go throw 25$ Starbucks milkshake at some working class schmuck to fight da Powa.

What he though was 'Jesuschrist, we need to get all those oppressed dears north of the border.'
Slap yourself.

>hitler is racist

then why was he friends with arabs and japanese?

Ridley Scott's notoriously horrible film releases.

Just make a 4 hour kino for all the Hollywood jews to launder their money in lmao.

Remind me again how actively making big corporations do the moral thing they're dragging their feet about because it's in direct conflict with maximizing profit is somehow corporatist dick sucking.

Go ahead, I'll wait. I'm really curious to see you show your work on this one.

>great world building
He stole everything from Dune and dulled it down to better suit his retarded audience

The same reason Trump is friends with black people and women.

Black people are racist as fuck

>SJW plot
>the only healthy and sustainable people left are robbed and exterminated so that literal hordes of brown people can live forever as they overpopulate the already dying planet


>realistic futurism

Theres nothing futuristic about ribbon cables sticking out of necks and random modern industrial parts glued together to make robots.

It's really fucking boring.

I agree. Working Class people should be prioritized
Fuck every managerial type and over-educated cunts, whether they be in STEM or sociological studies

Because he wasn’t racist against their races? Are you retarded?


Right wing scumbag.

Neill Blomkamp got the call to direct star wars and turned it down within seconds. could have been awesome

nolan has good scripts and plots
his cinematography and diallogue is ass


you mean the world of Frank Herbert he watered down for dumb cunts like you?

In a sense yes, but he also predicts los angeles BECOMING mexico. Max is literally an american working class guy. The people who fucked him (and you, the prole Watching the movie) is NOT immigrants but rather the rich, rootless globalists. Saying its about immigration is ignoring the root cause of all the problems in the movie and real life: it’s capitalism

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Not really. I have nothing in common with modern communism, it’s highly suspect and tainted with faux activism and corporatism hidden as empowerment (see: the tranny movement).
I know who my enemy is

>whether they be in STEM or sociological studies
The real problem is market speculation. Stocks and bonds have gone from a legitimate capital loan and debt management system to a rigged printing press for funny money. It's never the mathematician or economist who ships two thousand jobs overseas, it's always the third generation trust fund coke-fiend with the bachelors in business he bought from an ivy league school with daddy's money.

The economists are complicit in the system, since their job is to deliver enough propaganda to make it seem like the current system is the correct way to go; and there is no other option.
These types often serve as libertarian useful idiots that support the status quo of capitalism,

>the root cause of all the problems in the movie and real life: it’s capitalism
Capitalism won the cold war and made everything worse.

so like Kojima?

>The economists are complicit in the system, since their job is to deliver enough propaganda to make it seem like the current system is the correct way to go
>and there is no other option
When Reagan cut taxes and used the laffer curve as justification he never raised the taxes back up the way that same curve said he should. There's only so much you can do when you're not actually instituting policy.

>big corporations
>moral thing
Ahuahuahuahuahua, the delusions on this one.Corporations tout progressive talking points is because progressivism is directly beneficial to corporations - erosion of wages, of upward mobility, of worker protections, of wage negotiations, import of cheap labor, of massive gov subsidies, destruction of small businesses and competition, all with the thunderous applause of woke middle class dipshits.

Other annon here
>deplatforming people I disagree with
>witholding service to people I disagree with
B-but make that fucking cake you biggot!

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The economic policy of austerity is eating Europe from the inside out, benefitting the rich and stealing from the lower classes. This policy is “objectively correct” going by the bloody economists.
That’s enough for me to never trust a single word coming out of those shitheels

why did they put the implants on while he was still wearing clothing?

it's like in johnny mnemonic

the idea they could just sudo into the space station and take over was retarded too. if they lived up there they'd have engineers capable of resetting shit also I agree the politics were fucking stupidly mishandled

And this is why Mastercard is actively trying to sabotage the effort to deny racist rabble a means to obtain capital?
I'm not saying you're totally wrong, I'm just saying you're fucking stupid.

Yes, I am sure that the 'Fluchtlinge Willkommen' western crowd was able to gleam that message out of it.
I bet you also believe that Black Panther was a critique of ultra isolationist monarchist patriarchal black ethnostates.

>I don't know the difference between disagreement of perspective and literal inhumanity
Maybe you deserve it chief.

>I want place for me and my children away from you
Just admit the truth shlomo

If it were everyone, they would have turned Elysium into chaos, too. But no, everything worked out perfectly fine without THOSE people.

Admit what? That racism and xenophobia don't deserve a platform and hate doesn't deserve money? There, I said it.

MasterCard is doing it because little bolsheviks like you in useless positions like HR is whispering in their ears and the more cynical bosses see this as a great way to test waters to see if they can get rid of anyone they like with the thunderous applause of little drones like you that will run damage control for them.

>do your labor for me or else I sic hordes of scumbags on you
>talks about inhumanities

Reminder that Oberlin college was slammed with 43 million dollars in damages to a bakery last week because of trash like you.

michael bay explosions go boom

Dude AI lmao


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My country has banned display and promotion of communist symbols, when can I expect the purge of socialists and communists from platforms and financial services for the spread of hateful ideologies? The Day of Remembrance for victims of socialist regimes is approaching again so I believe it would be appropriate to make it before that date.

He's great at banging chicks in exchange for roles.

soviet union symbols not communist

>this is not the world that Trek promised
Confirmed for never having watched the show. By this point in the Trek timeline, things are meant to have degenerated considerably and cities are supposed to be filled to capacity with foreigners.

>Mastercard is resisting because people are telling them not to
You're so clueless there's no point even speaking to you. You're everything that's wrong with democracy operating under an "informed electorate".

>place that wasn't actually racially profiling gets a monetary apology after being accused of racially profiling
It's amusing that you think I have a problem with this.

Fucking do it. They stole most of their land from the Palestinians anyway.

>I can't think of anyone that has a better sense of realistic futurism.
James Cameron is far superior in this regard.

blomkamp's a hack. everything he's worldbuilt has a better counterpart that he's aping or flat out ripped off. none of the original concepts his studio develops can stand more than a 6 minute video.

>communism and xenophobia are basically the same thing
Try again.

>kill every non-communist
Not xenophobic at all, no.

Maybe if the Richies weren't sending food and aid to shithole countries they wouldn't have reproduced out of control and then invade America.

Who said that? Antique communists from Soviet era Russia? They were wrong. Spoiler alert: genocide has nothing to do with communism anymore than it has to do with national socialism.

>leaving terrible countries for a chance at a better life in a new one is an """invasion"""
It's a wonder you twits haven't shot someone delivering your mail.

Kubrick was great at being the best director of his time, but bad at not getting assassinated by the Illuminati.

>up in arms means posting on Yea Forums

around 2011

De Palma is a genius at telling a bad story in an interesting way and has honestly never appeared to have cared about anything else. Only exception might be blow out (maybe)

Also casualties of war was almost genius. The campy acting ruins it

George Lucas is great at plagiarism, and not much else. See the prequels for an example of what happens when George can't steal other people's work.

Prequels are high quality works. Try again

Put your trip back on.

Guillermo Del Toro - Production design, but horrible at everything else
Lucas - Supreme visual sense and some great editing, terrible at writing drama/dialogue
Scott - Powerful visuals when he's not phoning it in, no sense of quality story/screenplay
Ruben Östlund - Good screenplays/satirical writing, direction is too Kubrick-derivative, needs something more intimate/intense to really amp up the impact of his scenes imo
Jodorowsky - Great visual imagination, but too reliant on blunt metaphor bombardment, needs someone to actually writer characters and story for him, I want to see what he could do with a mid or even big budget though
Tarantino - Good at regurgitating cinematic and cultural references, which is important to get people to watch older and better films, but otherwise his material is much better directed by someone else or even rewritten and directed by others ie Oliver Stone's Natural Born Killers

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Bloomkamp has a similiar style to Cameron when it comes to production design, but he can't write a good script for shit

Well, considering Weta Digital is the same company that did visual effects for Avatar that should come as no surprise.

This is why I don't want Blomkamp anywhere near Alien 5 other than doing the special effects. Visually his stuff is great but his scripts and dialogue are fucking terrible. He uses his actors poorly too. His filns are like visually high quality B-movies

Check out Oats Studios on youtube, it's basically just that.