How is this possible?

how is this possible?

Attached: how.jpg (634x951, 68K)

Not from a Jedi.

goddamn. zoomers seriously never rode a bike before?.

I do this all the time and I am out of shape

It's easy when you go outside and try it

the more you look at, the less feasible it looks.

>imagine being bamboozled by 180+ year old technology
What are you doing with your life?

Wow, can you really balance on a bike? Impressive, fellow /r9k/ piece of shit loser

Attached: ChadPitt.gif (634x932, 484K)

"Darn contraption is in cahoots with uncle sam I tell ya."

kek I think that’s the tip of the zoomer inexperience iceberg, fellow boomer

Attached: 2A80F014-C23D-47C3-BC9B-6FB8EA71EA9B.jpg (444x794, 57K)


see here’s what I don’t get, once you put your leg over there would be more weight on one side than the other which should cause you to fall (gravity)


how is this possible is the real question

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Do you honestly not understand what balance is?

Attached: 1561095498907.gif (365x400, 551K)

Lose weight
Have sex

>implying weight has anything to do with your sexual market value

Women only care about bone structure, height and phenotype.

Have you ever rode a bike? You absolute autist

Attached: 671155D9-5FB4-4008-B324-2CB61C613064.gif (257x193, 1.68M)

Adobe Photoshop.

wait... wtf?! that's photoshopped, right?

>tfw I'm a boomer who never learned how to ride a bike

You sure showed him, reddit

Did you not grow up in the suburbs hanging out with other neighborhood kids? Your parents failed.

Its pretty easy to do as long as you're not fat

yes we usually played final fantasy x, kingdom hearts, and animal crossing at our buddies house. bikes were before my generation.

but isnt he fat now?