That’s actually pretty impressive

That’s actually pretty impressive

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You thought death was an escape from the Mouse?

he spoke like four words in the entire movie, that isnt impressive

>as per his families request

Not seeing it because of the subliminal lesbianism in a children's movie. Fuck Disney. That was fun watching the shills get BTFO in the other thread.

wanted one last paycheck eh

>I tell ya, even in death I get no respect.
>Take my likeness and iconic voice, please.

we need more money please

>bo peep doing some karate or some shit in the back

>we need more money please
That's what Disney said.

I love when he does that bit


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Nobody's ever really gone.

>"We had our satani-, I mean our imagineers, bond his soul to a see & say!"

didn´t the guy who voiced slinky dog also die?

>the year is 2020
>coffins now include 24/7 feeds of Disney movies broadcast to your corpse
>can opt out of this for only $500

Not even the void is too deep for the Mouse.

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And this is precisely why Robin Williams added a section to his will that forbids Disney from using his voice because they screwed him over so much when he was alive.

I literally cringed.

Yes but they replaced him with Bill Murray's brother back in 2.

Dancing around dead people for a profit is nothing new or impressive.