So what the fuck was that ending? Nancy beats Freddy, but thirty seconds later he wins anyway?

So what the fuck was that ending? Nancy beats Freddy, but thirty seconds later he wins anyway?
Also are the next five hundred Nightmare on Elm Street movies worth it?

Attached: elm street.jpg (271x400, 27K)


Didn't the studio make them put that in last second?

its still a dream, it really couldnt be more obvious
>step out the bedroom door at night after "beating" freddy
>suddenly shes outside the house, its daytime, sunshine, her mom gives up alcohol, everyone is happy
if anything the studio ruined the ending with the stupid freddy grabbing her mom scene

>child murderer kills 20 people
>is about to go to prison
>"oh haha we forgot to sign the search warrant correctly you're free to go :D"
the FUCK

She never pulled Freddy out of the dream.

It was supposed to end with Nancy driving off with her friends and the girls singing the jump rope song. But Miramax wanted sequels do they added the awful dummy scene

They butchered the ending because the producer wanted the bad ending and Craven wanted the happy one.

First one is best of the series, 2 is worth watching and funny because there's tons of homophobic undertones to the film (google it). The 3rd is really fun 80's Punk movie with over the crazy costumes. The rest kinda suck but New Nightmare is good, it has the original cast playing actors in a Nightmare movie as it comes to life.

Attached: nightmare3.gif (500x281, 968K)

Dream Master isn’t bad, Dream Child I can’t remember but remember not liking it, and Freddy’s Dead may be the worst of the series but it’s pretty fun. Freddy vs Jason has not aged well

She didn't beat him, she temporarily trapped him in her asshole.

Attached: Freddy turns into blue sparkles and gets sucked into Nancys ass.webm (720x384, 2.94M)

Attached: hqdefault[1].jpg (480x360, 29K)

4 has some kino dreams and a jokey MTV '80s atmosphere. It's not very scary but it's entertaining. Good soundtrack too.

1 > 3 > 7 > 4 > 2 > 5 > 6

Who is the best girl of the series? For me, it's Taryn.

Attached: Taryn.webm (720x384, 2.36M)

>So what the fuck was that ending? Nancy beats Freddy, but thirty seconds later he wins anyway?
The first movie is shit, the second worst in the franchise, don't worry about it.
>Also are the next five hundred Nightmare on Elm Street movies worth it?
Yes. Dream Child isn't good but its worth watching for Freddy and because it leads directly into Freddy's Dead, which also isn't good but a lot of fun.

Two is the best in the franchise.

Only 3 and 4.

Which one is the one where the guy gets fused to his motorcycle as a horrible abomination? That one grossed me out

Dream Child

Attached: NOES ending.webm (720x384, 2.88M)

>slasher movies are shit
shocking discovery user

Attached: mate.png (871x633, 419K)

Attached: 83597763.jpg (700x395, 29K)

Seems like a perfect movie for one of those "a police detective reviews movie logic" videos.

Even with all of its dumb shit, the first one is the only one that is any good at all. the rest are progressively more and more idiotic. Stop now.

Attached: NOES2.webm (720x384, 2.93M)

>implying Halloween, Scream and Candyman suck
holy cringeola

For me, it's "actual doctor reviews Cells at Work"

Craven wanted the movie to end with her waking up and everything was a dream. The producer didn't like that ending though so changed it so Freddy comes back and it ends in a cliffhanger for a sequel.

I think the producer ending is better though.

producer wanted an ending and craven made a bunch to choose from. its still a craven ending.