For me, it's Clarissa

For me, it's Clarissa.

Attached: clarissa.gif (500x377, 498K)

>explains on my face

>letting a teenage boy crawl into your daughter's room unatended
was Clarissa's dad the biggest cuck in the history of television?

he's a good boy, he dindu nuffin

it was definitely the decade of pop black culture taking over on a mainstream level

Was he /our guy/?

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I blame the semites

I never had a cool 90's room. Probably because my authoritarian dad hated fun and wouldn't let me put up any posters because they'd damage his walls.

You sound like a total pussy

He shouldn't have let you sleep in his house.

for me it always was her

Can i get an invite to the discord?

>incel tries to meme

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Et pour moi, c'est Alicia Silverstone

Attached: MV5BNDQ4YTY2YzAtZTA0MC00YjU3LWFjYjEtODU1NTdjZmVkMTc1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,17 (1777x999, 148K)

>missed out on having a geeky 5th gf

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Is this FUCKING BLU TACK in your socks drawer? Who sold you this you little fucking vandal!!!?

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post the other pic where you can see under the desk where her brother is being used as a footstool


this is her nowadays

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