What is your most rewatched movie?


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Maybe American Psycho, though I don't know how many times I've scene it. I got it on dvd right when it came out and watched it over and over because I was an edgy teen, I thought Bateman was cool and funny and I wanted to be like him apart from the serial killing.

>watching movies
hahaha fuck off you goddamn nerd

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this movie blew my mind when i was 18

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Is Fight Club worth watching is I already know the twist? Because that's the reason I've never watched it before

Not me but I knew this dude in high school who claimed to have seen The Dark Knight about 170 times.
At first I thought he was shitting me, but one night at a hotel he put it on and I kid you not, began reciting EVERYTHING
And not just like saying the dialogue as it came up. This motherfucker stood up and matched the motions of the actors in each scene, turned around whenever the camera switched between people, etc.
We had four other people in the room and we just watched him mirror the entire movie from front to back. He even shadow boxed during one of the fight scenes.
The best part though was that he fucked up one of The Joker's most important lines (forget which now) and actually rewind the DVD a few times just to get it absolutely perfect for us.

Predator, T2 and Saving Private Ryan.

LSTSB, dunno how many times but it's a lot.
I just enjoy every dialog from it.

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chicken run 30k plus

probably Perfect Blue. It's relatively short and flows so well because of the way it was edited so I rewatch it a lot without getting bored

13 times with my roommate

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rdj`s sherlock holmes, i was 15 at the time and watched everyday before i slept i think i watched that over 50 times
nowadays its the big lebowski, i always rewatch every 3 months

There are many series I watched multiple times but movies... Probably mummy like 10 times

tropic thunder and fitzcarraldo

Toy Story. Might have watched that over 30 times when I was a kid.

I think Rat Race. Loved that movie as a kid.

Surf Ninjas
Countless times

For some reason when I was around 10 or 11 I went through a hyper autistic phase where I'd watch this multiple times per day, sometimes back-to-back, for around a week. Probably ended up watching it 20 or so times. No idea why, I'd finish it and be like "Welp, time to watch it again."

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>apart from the serial killing
nice try psycho, but I'm onto you

I must have watched Army of Darkness at least 30 times over the years. Maybe more.
Commando has to be a close second.

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terminator 2

Probably Fellowship, I always end up back at it after some time. Half the views are with the cast commentary too, it's just so comfy

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Toy Story.
I've unironically must have watched this movie over 100 times when I was a kid.

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Willy Wonka
Jurassic Park
The original trilogy.

Tommy Boy, it’s the only movie where I knew all the words

It was such a feel good movie. Brings back memories of better times

It's Fincher.

Only one can be your most watched. If it's not in the lead then it isn't the most.

My parents got this DVD as a gift when I was in the 2nd/3rd grade, sometime in 2002-3. Since then, until I got to high school, I watched this 3-4 times a week. I fell in love with this shit, downloading the soundtrack onto my iPod, dreaming I was wandering the hills of the Shire or the woods of Lothlorien. I still listen to the soundtrack to this day, I still have dreams of building my own Rivendell later on in life for myself, I still watch the entire trilogy bi-annually, and I still maintain that this is the best movie of the trilogy.

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IRL kino. Sounds great.

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based autismo

my mom and I used to watch it all the time when I was a kid

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The Mummy or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory from 2005 is forgotten kino...


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I've easily seen this nearing 100 times or more, there was a time when it was never not on at my friends house

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Hot Fuzz, no contest. Actually made me lol for the first 6 or 7 times. It's dense with jokes. Easily in the 20s, if not more.

No wait...the F13 movies. Definitely those glorious shitshows.

Lol are you a child? Log off and do your homework!

I had a crush on him when I was young

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i did the same thing with the Tim Burton movie BigFish. couldnt tell you why honestly

Terminator 2, over 50 times.


My man!