Why are cooking shows so popular these days?

Why are cooking shows so popular these days?

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>these days
They've always been popular.

Attached: adam-richman-man-vs-food.jpg (968x681, 68K)

It’s porn for when you’re hungry.

Zoomers believe cooking to be sorcery tier.

it's raw

Cause we're at peak laziness. People have a hard time watching sports cause it makes them feel bad about being fat.
Cooking shows are gay, comfy and full of small talk.

there's got to be a better way to do this

Attached: Fat.webm (1052x592, 2.43M)

Because tv is nothing but 24-7 playlists on youtube. You can find a channel for everything.

God I fucking love Ja/ck/.

>raw meat
absolutely disgusting

>why are shows about that thing we have to consume every single day of our lives to avoid death and that releases pleasure in our brain when consumed popular
i wonder why user

>lots of cheese
ok, not bad
>hot dogs

Cook it for 6 more hours.

I'm not gonna lie, Good Eats is cooking show kino.

Attached: Good Eats.jpg (2560x1920, 683K)

do americans really do this?

lol his stupid fucking claws barely work

jesus wept

People like to learn about things that are relevant to them and easy to grasp. Cooking has been a popular category for broadcast since before tv even

Fuck Jack Scalfani

That bitch is German or Austrian.

The meat is horribly undercooked

I'm all for shitting on burgers for being fat but that ham planet is german

>these days

Attached: Untitled.png (531x553, 684K)

What a weird series of logical jobs. Are you aware that cooking shows have existed for like 40 years?


>X-men Origins: Wolverine

Unironicaly, escapism. In the 70's cooking shows were popular but it was for housewives. Now it's for everyone to consume more.

Fuck it just gonna dump my entire collection into this thread

Attached: chicken.webm (1280x720, 1015K)