Is this really what Yuropoors do in their spare time?

Just get together to sacrifice American tourists to their cult pagan deities?

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Fuck pagans


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Americans and non-Europeans can't make effective folk horror.

This movie is so fucking dumb it should have been about Varg raiding the coast of scotland instead

Is this already out in the states or where are you guys from? Comes out 10.7. In my country and planning to go watch it immediately

what huhh a cult of people sacrifice outsiders to their god??
damn this is in no way like wicker man at all, thankfully their deflections of derivation have finally been proven.

Bruh after I saw hostel I'm never visiting eurofrica

Is there a point to even watching movie if you already know the villain is going to be "lol pagan shit". Hereditary was a bit intriguing because you didn't know there was cult shit until the end, but this sounds boring.

>Not praising the old gods

Recommend pagan films

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Sort of, but instead of white pagan europeans sacrificing amersharts, its africans and muslims sacrificing us.

The script was such a shameless rip off of The Wicker Man, I can't help but cough up little spittles of bile every time I read some fuck like Peel go on about how much scarier this is than Wicker Man.

The whole feel of the movie comes across as a Wicker Man rip off, only without any actual motivation for them to stay.

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This has been the first thing I associate with the word "pagan" since childhood

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>being a LARPer and then going to hell when you die

couldnt be me *sips tea*

Reminder that Blood on Satan's Claw isn't folk horror, it's Satanic horror.

That movie was such a colossal let down. Once they get to the village it just falls apart and before that it's middling to good, and the entire end sequence is laughable.

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That's not folk horror though

>directed by Ari Aster
>Aster was born in New York City. His father was a musician and his mother was a poet and he has a younger brother.[2] His family is Jewish.[3]
What a coincidence.

Better convert to islam then


>american jew making a european folk horror film
That's why it's a fucking disaster, Americans don't understand old god pagan horror. They just slap on the bare amount of surface level spookies without understanding anything about the survival of traditions and beliefs, the urban/rural divide in ancient settlements, pagan/christian syncretism, a sense of deep time, etc. Folk horror is about the shock of modernity against the ancient stuff that never died away and still lurks just beyond the ordered modern world, it's about the pagan being alien, and the fact that you're not as far away from it as you think you are.

>zero examples of good "folk horror"

>watching movies made by kikes in order to discredit european paganism

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>A happy, homogeneous, white community?
>Heh, I bet they all share some sort of sinister, collective secret.
>Yeah, I bet they're all rotten and miserable on the inside

The Wicker Man is pretty much THE best example of folk horror. Nothing else ever came close. You see a little bit of folk horror in M.R. James' ghost stories and the BBC adaptations, especially The Ash Tree, a little bit of The Stalls of Barchester as well. The Blood on Satan's Claw has a folk horror element, but is not itself folk horror though people tout it as such, good film though.

yeah it's odd isn't it

also we just had our midsummer celebration
here are the things i did
>jumped over a fire
>drank a shitton of beer
>ate a shitton of barbeque
>fucked in a forest behind a fern
we save human sacrifices for other occasions, and that’s only if the horse chooses to trample the guy

Everything I've read of M.R. James has been ghost stories and maybe the odd murder

kino, but this isn't only about paganism

They really do suck, sacrificing a human every 7 years. It's much better to have 1 guy be the sacrifice for all time.

>another james reader on Yea Forums
Nice. There really is only a little bit, Ash Tree has the witch angle but not particular satanic angle to it and Stalls of Barchester's titular stall carvings are the folk-y element of that story having carved by a guy with 'second sight', and the BBC adaptation adds in the 'hanging oak' part which makes it a lot more folk-y. A View From a Hill arguably has a folk-y element with the Gallows Hill. They're folk horror adjacent at best with some elements here and there, they take place predominately out in the countyside or involve weird things from the countryside.

I always thought of folk as more small towns traditions like Wickerman or Hot Fuzz with more pagan/god elements

Why are white people so evil my dudes?

>sacrifice American tourists to their cult pagan deities
so that's the 'twist'?
the americans all get sacrificed in the end?

It's because /leftypol/ brainwashed you.

I wonder (((who))) made this movie that demonises European culture...

Why won't do the Jews do a movie about blood libel instead? You know, something from their culture?
Of course, we all know blood libel never happened, so the Jews would not be offended by a horror movie where a Jewish antagonist kidnaps and murders Christians children.

Could be some kino horror!

it unironically could be like a kino vampire hunting story

Shame it's really generic and dull

Sounds comfy

Round here we drown em to make bog bodies.

Hmm... who indeed would profit from making a homogenous white celebration seem evil? Ugh, I just can't think of who

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Of all the countries to try and discredit, I don't think Sweden is even remotely "strange" or "exotic". You see right through their agenda.


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>descendant of a person that does not exist
Ancestry and nationality really are the lowest tier of pride.

>muh old gods

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M.R. James mostly only had minor folk-y elements due to his own interest in medieval accounts and history, but yeah Wicker Man is proper folk horror. It's epitome of the genre.

t. rootless browneyes

This. The Europeans tend to invite you into their museums, art galleries, hotels, shops, restaurants, cafes and bars, but reality doesn’t make goof film I guess.

I'm Swedish, but you'll probably get some sincere replies to that bait. I give it a 3.6 - not great, but not terrible.

undisputed horror kino

Yeah I'm sure you are, Milwaukee is only pure Swedish genes!

As a midsummer enthusiast I am unironcally triggered by this piece of shit movie.
Is this how brown people feel when they complain about cultural appropriation?

>what /pol/ believes this movie is
>what the movie is

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