The interaction between him and Jon would've been priceless.
Would the series have been better if he had lived?
Yep. Visery’s dying was one of the first mistakes GRRM made. He was a genuinely entertaining character.
He looks inceloid (in terms of face)
t. fatass
he probaby slays pussy all day
There wouldn't be any interaction besides Jon getting beheaded as soon as he said his kingdom is in open rebellion against the rest of the 7 Kingdoms.
Because of very high status and money, he has incel bone structure.
He should have been Young Griff or Jon himself, good and wasted actor.
>He looks inceloid
He's a better looking Tom Hiddleston
Fuck off, he is gorgeous.
would've loved to see an arch in which he redeems himself over time while Dany slowly descends into madness
he is objectively an easy 7+/10, your idea of what qualifies as incel is seriously skewed, not everyone has to look like a mammoth hunter to be considered attractive
>le incel bone structure le feminine faggot lul le only gold diggers
he's an objective 8-9/10. you're delusional fuck off back to /fit/ you bloatmaxxing retard
REMINDER that he would not have exiled or send to death Jorah just because he engaged in slavery
He understood Jorah's reasons and knew his value
The only thing that matters is bone structure and this guy does not have it, he has SHIT orbital rims, retruded maxilla and round jaw and pointy chin.
are you serious?
I take a lot of the faggotry on this board on the chin
but pretending this guy was a good actor or character is beyond the pail
he was the worst part of the early seasons
cringe acting and dialog
he's not from /fit/, he's from /r9k/
Pic related has all the "good" bone structure but still look weird and ugly as fuck
I always thought an arc similar to Theon-post S5 would've worked perfectly for Viserys. Instead of threatening Drogo with the weapon, havr the scene of him failing to steal the eggs be the last we see of him until much later, then have him go through a similar arc to Daenerys in terms of building up an army, but becoming far more humble during the process, unlike Daenerys who goes in the opposite direction. Have him come back to Dragonstone in S7, say he's changed his mind and wants to help Dany rule, then have him being horrified at Daenerys burning KL in an expanded S8 (maybe S9), as he and Aegon figure out what to do with his sister. He could take Tyrion's place in that plot line, maybe.
literally the only people who care about that shit are ugly and too self-aware to be even unconventionally attractive
>he was the worst part of the early seasons
>cringe acting and dialog
Original Daario was one of the biggest chads in the known world only behind prime Jaime and The Mountain, he had to be recast because there was no way Daenerys would accept Jon right before dumping him.
ah, my bad. fuck off back to lookism, you autistic fuck. just because you can't tick off all the checkmarks on your "objectively attractive bonestructure" list doesn't mean he's not attractive.
Also to add to this; the dialogue with Tyrion trying to convince Jon to do *something* to Daenerys would be far more meaningful coming from Viserys, who no doubt instilled that sense of entitlement in Daenerys in the first place and has now come to see the folly of that worldview. Have him say goodbye to Jon at the end with all the Starks, instead of giving meme imp so much screen time long after he'd stayed his welcome.
>He should have been Young Griff or Jon himself, good and wasted actor.
in the book northmen literally had "savage" look on them, he's to feminine looking so if he became young griff i think its fit that young honorable naive prince
>unconventionally attractive
Women are not like men that like various types of the opposite sex, women value men depending on how close they are to an idealized male face which resembles this morph of O'Pry.
Imagine unironically believing this
>neat character concept
>thrown in the trash because girls needed a role model
would've have loved to see an arch where he gets fucked by some dudes