Is this show any good? Never seen it discussed on here

Is this show any good? Never seen it discussed on here.

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Yes, one of the best decisions Netflix ever made.

Yeah it's pretty good imo. The blue filter can get annoying though


It's a very good mediocre show
but it's not up there with great shows.

literally this

i simply dont watch modern series with adultery, they always justify it at the end. back in them days in the sopranos you knew tony was a piece of shit scumbag not muh good guy, and same goes for every cheating character. bobby was the only good guy and he never did it

discount breaking bad, kinda boring in parts. all the acting is pretty good

t. newfag

I really enjoyed the first few episodes, but had to drop it because of all the graphic homo shit.

I dont like the plot but I like the MC. Those rednecks werent good protaganist and didnt really feel like a threat and only become one because they forced it onto them.

I don't know.

The daughter is ugly but she has a nice little body

watched 2 or 3 episodes, then dropped it

Watch Top of the Lake (the first season only) instead
flawed too but generally a way higher standard

sort of similar tone and plot

this. Its certainly the best sorosflix show.

Generally I just like watching dark micheal bluth though. Didn't get enough of that in s4 AD

Watched it while binging Netflix shows at my fuckbuddy's house while she was at work and her husband was deployed. Was pretty good for Netflix crap.

Fuck no.
Narcos, Bojack, Bloodline and House of Cards are categorically superior.

Top of the Lake is fucking mental, tho. This is a more generic slow burn crime story.

Yes. It has peak daughterfu.

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haha yeah true

Did the husband know?

How pozzed is the show exactly?

The blue filter is a fucking tragedy
Otherwise it's great,has the potential to become Breaking Bad tier

I feel the same way, user. It annoys me as well

She isn't ugly at all and she's my wife so shut up

he's larping

Based. This is all that modern tv or film is gauged by. No one wants to watch blatant propaganda, from either side

Well, it's Netflix

blue filter/10

Why would I LARP about that? This show makes me think of those times so that's why I said it.

Let me guess, every race, 4 made up genders, no heterosexual white couples?

There's a closeted gay redneck, of course.

Damn bro

Did she have a justification for it? Did you feel bad?

Haha typical

>Did she have a justification for it?
She was lonely and horny, depends on if you consider that justification.
>Did you feel bad?
Kinda. Not enough to pass up a free place to stay, free food and free sex. Also the feeling of doing something bad and knowing it's a risk feels exciting.

It's actually pretty shit. Michael Bluth simply can't carry a show, he is so fucking boring. Plus a total beta. The second season was dreadful, even disregarding the bullshit injected feministic propaganda, it still follows the same damn formula, over and over again. Every episode was like a variation of each other, it was puzzling to look. It's absolute shit and perfect representation how Netflix can't produce television shows, they don't attract people with actual artistic integrity and desire to create something meaningful.

Let me guess, you're also a big black dude packing heat and the woman in question was a white young wife who is secretly a dirty whore.

But in reality you're a small skinny asian guy larping.

But.. I actually liked the blue, calming filter.
It helped me relax.

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You know it's safe to ignore a post when they use the words "feminist propaganda" to describe any show with female characters. Go watch gay porn if you hate women so much.

>from either side

when do you ever see propaganda for "the other side" besides shit like God's Not Dead?

I said it was still shit even disregarding the obvious feministic propaganda.

You know it's safe to ignore a post when his whole argument rests on something he hasn't even read, fuck off tranny, go dilate.

go watch it, i surprised me, starts off a bit slow but when everything starts moving it gets breddy engaging

What was the freakiest stuff she did?

No I'm white and she is a whitewashed black woman. But nice try.

first I thought it was pretty good, but after a couple episodes it just felt like everyone was just threatening everyone else in the same close-up kind of way. even characters who weren't threatening at all but it seemed to work.. I dunno it's been a while since I watched it.

the setting was nice though, atmosphere was well, thestory was interesting but it just didn't feel right, it just felt too "light", as if there were no real consequences but that's probably just jason bateman acting

it is netflix's best show

First season is breddy gud. Funny to see the main actor get cucked in yet another role. He must like getting cucked.

Second season is overall stupid and characters are written poorly. You might want to watch it after the first season and I won't stop you but don't get your hopes up.

Same here. It is really disgusting to see unnatural behavior like that so often on the telly

She liked being slapped, tied, spanked, choked, verbally abused, etc. typical woman stuff. I'm not really into too freaky shit so I didn't make her do anything weird, I usually just do whatever the woman is into.

season 2 is really good

there's this girl actor who kicks everyones ass. really good, recommended.

Did you take the dirt road?

I thought season 1 was pretty mediocre. Plots were all over the place. I read that it was one of their most popular shows the last couple years on some clickbait article. I can't figure out why.

well if you're a redneck and gay why wouldn't you be closeted?

It really didn't need a second season. But Netflix faggots have to be all MUH SUBSCRIPTION RETAINMENT and run every goddamn show into the ground.

Nope, I don't like doodoo or braps. Sorry man.

I don't think there are any interracial couples. One closeted gay.

I like the show for the most part but I feel like it moves so fast. It's just one disaster after the other. There needs to be more of a slow burn at times. As soon as they get a high they hit the wall immediately. They should have them ride the highs a little more. Maybe it was because I binge watched the first season but it reminded of of SoA in a sense where it was like "holy shit enough already". If you have a low attention span this show would be for you.

Love the first season. Watched a few eps of the second season and dropped it. Forgot why.

the guy is black?

Since f.lux filters out blue light would that make this show literally unwatchable at night?

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What the fuck difference does it make? Are you so obsessed with your meme fetish you think it's always BM WF? Get a grip

are they underwater?

Worth watching for this QT

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1st season was good
2nd season was dumb

Typical far left bullshit, full of degenerates and faggots, literally no one to root for

is jason bateman a smug know-it-all the whole series?
really annoying the first episode, just like in arrested development. makes me think he's just playing himself

its good. i recommend it for comfy evenings

Her husband? Yeah why?
This, I don't care about it. I'll sleep with any color woman.

all you need to know
wife is worse than skyler
he cucks him in the first episode
and after that she continues acting like shes in the right
if you're a subscriber then this is the show for you

It's completely normal for a woman to act like she's in the right while cheating though. Because she actually believes that she is. And if she has doubts, her gaggle of girlfriends will reassure her and encourage her to keep cheating.

Pretty much that's how he is. I still like it though, nothing great but worth watching to scratch that Breaking Bad/Narcos itch.