I sobbed
I sobbed
It sucks, but that's an overreaction.
I'm like eight episodes in and so far it is pretty trash
It gets good at 16
SAME: it's not bad but seems like basic "teen has to pilot a giant robot to fight giant monsters" type of cartoon
Does Asuka get less annoying?
The first half is a fakeout for the second half, as people have been saying for 20 years
Yeah I'd say so. She's a much more enjoyable character after she gets development
it never gets good unless you're some teenager that relates to shinji's whining
no, because her character is the opposite of what a generic gundam female lead is supposed to be
No, she only gets worse. Everyone who tries to shill her like shes some amazing character are dumb as rocks waifu fags or pedos or both.
Episode 8 through like, 14 is a really slow and rough stretch of episodes. If you can get through those you are in for seriously the best piece of media from our time
>As long as the sun, and the moon, and the Earth exist, everything will be alright
Favorite film of all time. Say what you want about Netflix, I'm just glad more people will be able to experience this masterpiece
Is this line even in the resub/redub?
It changes tone a lot from halfway onwards
Once you know and understand her background, yes.
It's slightly changed. The moon, sun, earth part is still there
The gag of this scene is that Shinji was actually correct and anime saved Japan
Sure, but they sacrificed their dignity
Pic related is far superior kino. Don’t know why Eva gets so much attention
Evangelion is worth $17 BILLION, most of it is from fucking pachinko machines though
>seems like basic "teen has to pilot a giant robot to fight giant monsters" type of cartoon
How many of these have you seen?
Well well well, look at the Tokyo-3 slicker pulling up with his fancy German waifu
>no, because her character is the opposite of what a generic gundam female lead is supposed to be
Gundam females are absolute nutters just like her. Are you just using Gundam as a synonym for giant robot?
>Waaaah things are so tough for me so that means and justifys my insufferable cunt behaviour
Asuka is a shit character and anyone who says she has "Character development" is fucking stupid.
*justifies, and I don't know what there is to get mad about, her behaviour is reasoned quite well by the final episodes and EOE
Netflix version of the series is better
Original version of the movie is better
it made me doubt whether the show as a whole was any good when I first watched it but having seen the whole thing + EOE and taken it into my very soul, I now relish the "bad" episodes because they depict the sliver of happiness the characters are allowed to have before everything goes full cosmic tragedy
blessed post
have sex
I unironically get teary eyed every single time
>congratulations, shinji
Why do anime fans cry so much?
Because the shows they watch are such high quality
Anime uses music much more effectively then modern cinema. The music is either more emotional because it's not generic sad track #37, or they re-use a song the audience is familiar with to provoke an emotional response.
>they depict the sliver of happiness the characters are allowed to have before everything goes full cosmic tragedy
Exactly. The calm before the storm. I feel like they are completely necessary to properly set up the incoming dread
if anime is so good why are all the people that watch it sexless beta virgins?
>sexless beta virgins?
I'm not though.
Because there is no correlation between quality of media consumed and number of sexual partners
Except this is like their predecessor.
Why is Rei suddenly white and have a huge face with red eyes
She is underage and hot, what more could you want from a woman?
dude its a metaphor why would she suddenly grow into a giant or something
>he can only consume media by living vicariously through the protagonist
never gonna make it famalam
That's not Rei, it's Lilith taking the form of Rey
reminder that the based Sega Saturn was the only games console powerful enough to survive secondo impactu
fuck u sony
Anno discovered the meaning of life is to make lots and lots of money from rubes
Cuz she was the first one the finish her collection of human souls and angel bodies, so she gets to decide what´s happening on earth.
So it's just some accountants war time ledger in a fantasy setting?
Misato > Asuka > Rei
triple meaning retard
wow really
Please don't tell me this is netflix
jesus just copy paste the old subs and change a line or to so you wont get sued
No it's from ADV I believe.
Whoever wrote this cartoon needs to have sex
Jizz, jizzing on her titties, her coma titties, jizz on them and jizz again, yessssss
I maintain that good music and visuals are well more than half the battle in whether a scene or a show / movie is salient or not
ADV didn't produce the EoE translation. It's Manga Entertainment. In Netflix's it's
>That's an easy way to give yourself a sense of self-worth.
>not saving yourself for rei
gotta tap dat sweet instrumentality butt
What does Instrumentality smell like? Blood like LCL?
Have any helpful autists broken down the differences/changes in the Netflix version? I've never seen the old dubs and want to watch the new versions, but not if they butchered it too much.
So was Gendo excluded from instrumentality? It's implied that way in EoE, but in 26 he's there in Instrumentality congratulating Shinji, or is that just Shinji's image of him?
what is this from?
it gets fucking heavy toward the end
So it's shit until it's not shit. Anime auteurs everyone
I usually never watch anime but I fw this series, why the fuck didn't you fags tell me about it sooner
>My first impression of Evangelion was that it felt like a show that I would have written as a twelve year-old boy, as it does come across as quite…horny. Shinji, shy introvert, is tasked with piloting a super cool giant robot while living with his hot teacher constantly walking around in towels and her underwear. His two co-pilots are also cute girls, one of whom he ends up living with too, and the other he shares a scene with where he goes to drop something off at her house, finds her getting out of the shower, trips and falls and lands on her naked body. Whoops!
nope but she does get her shit pushed in a very grotesque way
>It’s all a bit goofy, but actually pretty creepy once you figure out that Shinji, Asuka and Rei, the latter two who are constantly sexualized, are eighth graders. You can say “ah well, that’s anime!” but that doesn’t make it feel especially great here in 2019 when a show full of frequently undressed junior high students probably wouldn’t survive two seconds on air.
biggest probably is Kaworu says i like you instead of love and then shinji has a line about being 'worthy of his grace' rather than "Kaworu said he loves me"
In EOE he says "I'm the lowest of the low" instead of "I'm so fucked up"
lol cringe
It's a complete retranslation. There are differences in almost every single line. You aren't going to get a breakdown because it would be just as long as the show itself
The Netflix versions arent """butchered""". The new studio translated the exact same Japanese script as the old studio.
The biggest and only inexcusable difference is the lack of Fly me to the Moon. But that's hardly a deal breaker if you haven't seen the show.
It's done deliberately to place the viewer in the same sexual state as Shinji, a horny 14 year old.
Its meant to make you remember exactly what it feels like to be young dumb and full of cum, and be in a situation like Asuka moving in with you.
Sexuality is a huge aspect of the series, and the scenes being full to the brim with sexual tension was no accident
the change from love to like is a big change, its not just a rewording
a change more inline with the original script
>rewatching the entire series
>get to episode 20
>Shinji admits he decided to come in the first episode to tell his father that he fucking hated him
>admits he was already familiar with 01 before arriving and he was just repressing the memories
>admits he ran away to his teacher get away from his crazy ass parents after Yui disappears and he thinks his dad killed her
I completely forgot about this shit
all the pilots had PTSD.
That's the problem with a Japanese word that falls halfway between the two in English.
Actually it literally is. The original Japanese script used a word that when translated could mean either like OR love. The different studios just translated the word two separate ways. It was by no means a matter of Netflix seeing "love" and thinking "oh we should change that"
Regardless, Shinji and Kawarus relationship hinges on much more than just that one line. As important as the line is, it's not like Netflix removed the other clear flirting between them, or the obvious sexual tension like Kawaru straight up asking Shinji if they could go to bed together or inviting himself to shower with shinji
Well, shit, I guess I'll watch the new dub, then. I already know I'm going to miss the different versions of FRY ME TO THE MOON and how each nip singer had a different level of trouble trying to pronounce the words.
I been talking it up for years. You just weren't listening
I don't think anyone's arguing the love - > like change alters their relationship
It just kind of undermines the fact that someone finally told Shinji they love him. It's supposed to be a big deal, and like is too weak of a word to capture that.
I could just go "have you plebs even watched Gundam Zeta" but I can point out Projet Hades Zeorymer as the perfect "Young kid must pilot giant robot with a cutie pie sucking his dick OH WAIT there is a twist that is heavy and fucked up at the end" that came out 5 years before Eva.
It popularized the genre in America (in spite of how many anime youtubers will yell and prance the idea that is a deconstruction when it is in fact, just another drop on the bucket of grimdark mecha shows we were getting late 80's early 90's but whatever) and helped to consolidate the Otaku market in Japan in the 90's (all part of Gainax grand plan and design).
It's a solid dub. In some ways better, in some ways worse. I won't pretend it's perfect, but people claiming it "BUTCHERED EVA!!" are pretty clearly just unaccepting of any change at all. They would hate it even if it was perfect.
What the fuck was Yui's problem, she puts everyone else to shame in the crazy department
I can agree with that, but don't forget that the emphasis on the word love was something that was found in translation the first time through. It has stronger connotation than the word does in Japan
>anime fag
>posts with attention spacing
Checks out.
this. imo thats also why Shinji seems so into having a gay relationship in spite being straight because this is the first person to ever show any positive interest in him
Do you not want to live forever?
The visual subtext is heavily implying Kaworu loves Shinji in a romantic way, and the quasi-poem he speaks before saying he loves Shinji heavily implies he loves him in an otherwordly, romantic way.
In any case, it's ambiguous in Japanese, yet they lean on it heavy.
oh so it's okay for the english sub to just come out and say it then, right...
What do you mean
>It has stronger connotation than the word does in Japan
The word used is 'suki'
Go to any confession scene in an Anime, I guarantee you the girl confessing to the boy 90% of the time uses suki - the word entirely depends on context in order to be translated from like/love
I hate that they show a giant white Rei in this version (director's cut)
It decreases the impact of seeing the giant white Rei for the first time in EoE
Yeah, they also blow Kowaru's reveal (even if it's super obvious) early in 24 when he's taking to SEELE. It provides some needed context though with Lilith and Adam since they throw that shit at you out of nowhere at the very end.
Why do you think Gendo was obsessed with her? Because that kind of crazy is hot af
In Japanese it works because it's ambiguous. It doesn't translate well, so sometimes translating it to a 'softer' meaning is just slightly more appropriate.
Really, just learn Japanese if you really want to appreciate the medium.
The Netflix dub was good
I think it could be even more impactful that nobody had ever told him they even LIKE him.
In either case as the other guy said all the other homoerotic scenes are still there and this one word doesn't change that much. And 80% of the people complaining about it on twitter and tumblr are not presenting reasonable arguments about the importance of this concept but are fujo shippers and faggots whining about censorship
>a show full of frequently undressed junior high students probably wouldn’t survive two seconds on air.
Uh, not true sweaty
The reason Shinji was amazed with Kaworu is that to Shinji this meant that someone took a liking/loving of him not because he was piloting the robot but because there was something else about him that no other noticed until then. Shinji realized there's something deeper and else about him that no one came to him because of.
Where is that even from? Seems like good times
unrealistic, male japanese weebos are staying in their rooms
That doesn't really have much to do with love vs like.
That's more like admiration or appraisal. A grace if you will.
More specifically, piloting caused Shinji to suffer, and just to have people around was a large price. Kaworu showed him that relations don't have to hurt you, which may have been deceitful.
Netflix is not TV
So fucking true, I remember being blown away at how good the music in pic related was. Took the entire show to a whole other level
Eva is on netflix.
I watched the new translated ep 24, and it's still super-gay. Changing "love" to "like" did nothing in the big picture, since every other scene is some of the gayest shit anybody would see in their life. It didn't make things ambiguous, it just removed a previously iconic line and made it weak. It's like the translators looked at that line in isolation and didn't consider it within the context of the rest of the story. Just another retarded mandate by Japs who don't know any English.
okay so im not alone lol good to know.
did they redo the jap voices too? And is that line the same in the subtitles?
Only the subs and dub was changed. Original Jap is the same.
in your opinion is it worth watching on netflix? did the subs change drastically?
The new translation is more literal and awkward, and carries less emotion. It still works fine and the dub is acceptable. They did get rid of many iconic lines, however, like "I'm so fucked up." It's not a travesty like some fans imply, though. It's an acceptable way to watch Eva.
Subs are technically more accurate but a bit awkward at times. Also some translations for text on the screen is missing. Should probably just go with Sephirotic especially if you are a native English speaker.
they removed the "im so fucked up" line?! That ruins it for me.
Worst for me is removing fly me to the moon, I really like the cover changing ever episode.
It's true though. It's at least on par with the original dub. The voice acting quality specifically is much better
>stitled performances with no emotion put in them
>I'm the lowest of the low
To be fair, the original dub took some creative liberties with that line and if you think about it it's rather stilted anyway.
They kind of fail in some of the more intense and emotional scenes but the overall quality of line delivery is definitely much better than ADV. Especially for side characters.
Imagine being such a fagg that you dont try to at least hit on this the very first night...
I thought you were going to say Id, Ego and Superergo (of Anno himself I'd assume), it takes a few episodes maybe but by the time Ritsuko is explaining her mother creating the Magi there are really no excuses.
Why Shinji choke Asuka? Why is best girls life nothing but suffering?
Did they keep this song in the credits of EOE?
she's a cunt
Well first of all, "I'm the lowest of the low" isn't on the voice actors, it's on the script. Either way it's way less of an awkward phrase than "I musn't run away" which literally no human would ever say.
And which preformance is stilted? Literally everybody is an improvement
Yes. For the millionth time the ONLY thing changed besides the script is the removal of fly me to the moon
Changes in Netflix's Evangion:
>Shinji is voiced by a tranny and sounds like a woman
>Asuka sounds like a prepubescent loli and can't do German
>Fly Me to the Moon is removed in all instances due to copyright
>The new translation was overseen by the Japs, so it's awkward, stilted, and emotionless
>"Child" is changed to "children". So Shinji is the 3rd children, despite grammar.
>Central dogma is "the central dogma", despite grammar.
>No profanity or emotional expletives. The worst is gets is "We're screwed" or "You don't have the balls."
>The avoid the word love. Kawaru now "likes" Shinji, and Shinji needs to learnt to "like" himself.
>Iconic lines like "bologna pony" and "I'm so fucked up" are removed
Lmao this guy
>Asuka sounds like a prepubescent loli
... user she IS prepubescent. She's 14
You forgot:
>I'm the lowest of the low
Who the fuck says that? I understand if 'I'm so fucked up' was taking it too far in the other direction, but they should have changed it to 'i'm the worst' or 'i'm so low' instead
women go through puberty sooner than men, at 9 years old they are ready to give birth
Nobody cares that Shinji is voiced by a tranny as long as he sounds like a middle schooler, which he does.
Asuka IS a prepubescent loli and the German is just as bad as it was in the ADV dub
>The new translation was overseen by the Japs, so it's awkward, stilted, and emotionless
Fucking dumbshit. The OLD dub was overseen by the Japs. Specifically the rebuilds. This one isn't
>Avoided the word love
Scroll up idiot we already had this conversation. They didn't "avoid" shit
any changes in end of evanjellyon?
14 y/o are pubescent and not lolis
Probably the same people who say "I musn't run away"
>>Iconic lines like "bologna pony" and "I'm so fucked up" are removed
This has been discussed to death, but you can't simply steal lines from an old translation if you were hired to completely retranslate yourself. That's plagiarism and leads to lawsuits.
>>Shinji is voiced by a tranny and sounds like a woman
So almost like the original
>>Asuka sounds like a prepubescent loli and can't do German
So like the original
>>Fly Me to the Moon is removed in all instances due to copyright
This sucks
>>The new translation was overseen by the Japs, so it's awkward, stilted, and emotionless
>>"Child" is changed to "children". So Shinji is the 3rd children, despite grammar.
>>Central dogma is "the central dogma", despite grammar.
That's pretty bad but at least it's not Anno-tries-to-force-his-translation bad.
>>No profanity or emotional expletives. The worst is gets is "We're screwed" or "You don't have the balls."
So closer to the original
>>The avoid the word love. Kawaru now "likes" Shinji, and Shinji needs to learnt to "like" himself.
As long as the ambiguity of the original is preserved that's fine, see discussion above.
>>Iconic lines like "bologna pony" and "I'm so fucked up" are removed
Good. Also
>"bologna pony"
Seething nostalgia dubfags. Out of the two dubs the new one is sort of bearable while the other could cause any reasonably sane person to drop the series if they had no other choice.
The new dub is objectively better; the callbacks chime and the foreshadowing works. Dare I say, the poetics and the hermeneutics of the script are restored.
>Bologna Pony good
>Lowest of Low bad
I'm pretty sure if you get a bunch of people who have heard neither dub before and ask them to compare 90% would prefer the new one.
>"Child" is changed to "children". So Shinji is the 3rd children, despite grammar.
Its fixed in the animation so they decided to make it a term of art.
So (with the exception of the Fly Me to the Moon fuck up) it is much more faithful to the Japanese dub than the ADV one?
>Kaworu showed him that relations don't have to hurt you
then he gets popped
Definitely. Sephirotic subs are probably the best overall because they combine good accuracy and actual English
>Much more
Debatable. Both take liberties in the translation
>Sephirotic subs are probably the best overall because they combine good accuracy and actual English
Yeah, although there are bits of it I didn't like.
feelio when the netflix damage control never stops
I don't get what the problem is.
We have known they were retranslating it from day 1
This kind of thing always triggers nerds.
Surely someone has already done a Chadflix vs. ADVirgin?
she gets less clothed
$5 says the artist drew a pussy, then the editor was like "well shit, it's good, but i dont want to go to jail. add in a chair and publish".
Top right is correct though. A bit more literal but it's the same meaning. He did say he want's to stay/be with her always from now on which is basically forever. Bottom right is questionable. An even more literal translation would be "If it's not (you) Asuka, it's no good" As in only you can help me(referring to previous line about helping him) so sephirotic is much closer here. Netflix can still work but it's very context dependent and it definitely falls flat in this comparison without the previous line
I don't know how even Yea Forums can be contrarian enough to tolerate the tranny janny voicing Shinji. The way it intonates makes me feel physically sick
i thought this was a meme. is this really true?
Hotel porn convention.
I have a major contribution to this topic: while browsing the catalog my eyes unfocused for a bit and I thought Rei's face was a sideways hippopotamus.
god damn. her and eva mendes are the two hollywood celebs i would kill for in their prime. she's tall, eloquent, slender, boobilicious, and that damn accent
I can't seem to get a source, but I'm giving the incels the benefit of the doubt on this one. Regardless, who cares? They did a good job
what movie
It's nonbinary something or other. Not sure if that counts as tranny or whatever. His line delivery is decent by anime dub standards but his voice needs work. It has inconsistent pitch so fluctuates between more or less feminine or masculine every now and then.
>pretty cool
why do you event give a shit that they're tranny? Japanese voice other sexes all the time. The localization and sub accuracy outrage is more important
>some aspects of this change are pretty cool
>like the fact that protagonist Shinji Ikari is now voiced by a trans woman
For the same reason that Chads don't read
is shinji gonna fuck or cuddle with Misato??? whhy else is she even in the series
Is there anywhere I can check this out?
shes a drunker, pussier version of faye valentine
Keep watching
His instrumentality was getting chomped, while most everyone else was tang pop. He's in there.
Google who voices him and then google the name. Would have taken you less time, effort and passive aggressive replies to find out.
i'm at episode 15 rn i think, is it much longer until pic related?
>All these netlix secondaries watching the horrible sub or worst dub
I mean, with eva that statement couldn't be more true. Second half is like a whole different show
>#30 on RYM
>top 100 on Letterboxd
>barely top 100 on MAL, a site exclusively for anime
There's more
>Lain not in top 500 on MAL, in top 100 on Letterboxd
>Angel's Egg not in top 1000 on MAL
Why do anime fans have such shit taste in their own medium? How can people collectively think shit like Code Geass is better than Perfect Blue? The only major anomaly is LotGH being top 10 but thats just because you have to watch more than 20 episodes before your rating counts, and also Tatami Galaxy being top 100 I guess.
No they didn't. The screams even occasionally cut to the Japanese VA because the tranny jannie couldn't do them. Everything else about this dub is fine, but this ruins it for me. Netflix has tons of teenage male slaves and women who can voice boys well on its roster so it has no excuse
I do not give a shit about it being a tranny per se. Shinji's original VA is a real woman but she is able to sound like a boy 99 percent of the time because she's a good voice actress. Shinji also sounds NOTHING like her real voice. If you hear Casey speak, its the exact same voice it used for Shinji, no changes at all. That makes me suspicious
I mean a clip of the show with the new dub to check the performance. There's not a whole lot of it Youtube.
>caring about aggregate scores
>is at episode 15
>doesn't think Misato is fucking awesome
What's your main malfunction?
i do like her! I dont even get how everyone has been slobbering for 20 years over asuka and that blue haired bitch when you have misato running around
Someone post the bit where Shinji's sitting with the chair behind him looking like his dong and Misato sits on it
Obviously finish it first
Don't hope for one. I've seen a couple short clips on twitter and such and they all use ridiculous cherry-picking depending on which dub the editor liked more
From what I've read the Japanese when full autist wanting the dub to be translated as literally as possible instead of translating the meaning into something more comprehensible in English.
Bro you can't tell me that Asuka's new VA is an improvement over the old one. She sounds like she's ten and has absolutely 0 emotion in her voice at all times. Compare the elevator scene with the old dub and the new, or even Asuka's mental breakdown. The new VA makes her breakdown sound like a fucking joke.
i'm not a fan of Tiffany's voice, her humor/filler scenes give me a headache, but I agree her dramatic scenes are a lot better acted
netflix episode 23 is plagued by this general vocal monotony and bad acting/timing plus weird script changes from Japanese that ruin scenes (ADV is more faithful). i honestly think its a lot worse than the next episode which everyone is reeeing about
She sounds 14.
Also I half agree with you. I'm torn on her.
The new voice actress is much worse at handling monologues and screaming, but significantly better with casual dialog. The old VA is the exact opposite.
I was admittedly slightly disappointed in her last stand in the new dub. She just doesn't carry the same gutteral energy as the old girl. Specifically her "I don't want to die" and discovering the truth of the AT Field.
I'm new to the series. Was loving it until the end. Perfect example of a show with style and brains that just goes out the fucking window after its "twist" is revealed. The final two episodes were complete shit. Is the movie just another hour of that? FUCK, I'm still appalled. Otherwise great show.
>is the movie just another hour of that?
Lad, you're in for some real shit. No it isn't.
The movie shows what is going on in the real world while episodes 25 and 26 happen within the characters psyche
>The new voice actress is much worse at handling monologues and screaming, but significantly better with casual dialog. The old VA is the exact opposite.
That's pretty much all of the cast, not just Asuka.
re-watch it after at least a couple of months and there is a good chance you will appreciate 25 and 26.
Reis new voice feels like it was MADE for monologues. Her and Misato are direct upgrades in my opinion, the rest I'm torn on.
Shinji would be a direct upgrade too if he could put some energy into his screams
Thanks, anons. I'll turn it on now. First two chunks of the show were great. Did the dudes run out of fucking budget or what? Not only did the writing pop itself in the brain, the directing style and visual beauty devolved into blitzy nonsense.
I masturbated and ejaculated. Many times.
This thing is down right pornographic.
i wish that was true. i want more of the teen learning to pilot robots and less muh feels
25 and 26 are much better as soon as you have seen EoE.
>The End of Chuck
I'd rather die than do it with you
I'm sick of not knowing the sauce.
I think that it's not even that. 25 and 26 are better once you've seen the series and then are able to properly follow the character arcs from the very beginning on a re-watch. There are just a bunch of things that seem irrelevant or insignificant that kind of escape your attention the first time around.
>anime will never be this kino again
>Did the dudes run out of money or what
>Not only did the writing pop itself in the brain, the directing style and visual beauty devolved into blitzy nonsense.
If THATS what you didn't like about the final 2 episodes, then you might not enjoy EoE too much after all. It's much more grounded, but is still pretty cryptic and abstract. Especially the second half.
It's more comparable to Episode 24 and stuff like than full on nonstop monologuing though.
Report back with what you though. I'm curious
This scene in particular bothered me in the new dub. Everyone was way too quiet and you really can't hear them.
>Gundam females
Only the cybernewtypes are really, most Gundam female leads are pretty level-headed. The only exception I can think of is Quess
>Not only did the writing pop itself in the brain
plotfriends coming with the interesting musings
>that part when Asuka gets mind raped
Which are the good ones. Nina Purpleton ruined stardust memory.
I'm this user. Took other anons' advice and started EoE
>Opening scene is Shinji beating one out over Asuka's pale titties
Ah, there we go. The quality I was seeking.
I cringed
>yfw you realize the bridge bunnies saw everything on CCTV
Reminder ADV dub was always trash youtube.com
If this is sarcasm, it won't be eventually.
Did the dudes run out of fucking budget or what?
Time, actually.
>the directing style and visual beauty devolved into blitzy nonsense
Fucking pleb.
Probably the most horrifying scene in the show actually.
>stardust memory
>Sayla and Fraw Bow in 0079
>Emma and Fa in Zeta
>Roux and Elle in ZZ
>Chris in War in the Pocket
>Cecily in F91
>Marbet in Victory
These are all levelheaded characters. Even the more immature ones from Zeta and ZZ never get to the point of being like Asuka
Which version are you watching?
throw a tripcode on if you want to. I'm always interested in people's impressions watching eoe the first time
>Time, actually.
No they were actually bleeding money since Honneamise was such a huge flop.
Lol, it wasn't. I genuinely enjoyed the show probing its characters from episode 1. The last 2 episodes just felt like the show falling off a cliff and madly scrambling to throw thoughts, ideas, themes and monologues at the viewer, all prior examples of well-timed execution be damned. Movie's great so far. This is more of what I like.
Version? Whatever one Netflix has up there. Eva's a show I had always been aware but never seemed able to get my hands on. Admittedly I never tried very hard. After EoE I'd like to watch the "You're (Not) Alone" movies. From what I've gathered from the trailers, these are re-tellings of the main story with some changes? I recall seeing Asuka in an eyepatch.
Yeah, You...(Not) is a remake series. The last comes out next year. Opinions on its quality are extremely mixed.
So I've heard. I remember seeing a webm here of Asuka getting headshot before going absolutely insane. I kept wondering when it would show up in the show. Now I guess I know where it comes from. I think I'll enjoy it for the higher production value if nothing else.
i snorted
They're called the Rebuilds. The first one is pretty much like the original show with a couple of things changing, second goes in a whole new direction, third is fucking weird and frustrating to watch, final will be coming next year.
Asuka redemption scene in EoE is probably one of the best scenes in the entire series.
Yeah there are two different dubs. The Netflix one and the old one. Either are a fine choice, I was just curious which you went with.
The rebuild movies (the trilogy with you are not alone) are fair, but very very different in terms of tone and content. They are almost all action with any of the deeper subtext and meaning kept to a very shallow level. They are a good watch if you want to see Unit 1 beat up bad guys, but they aren't what most Eva fans are looking for.
If you DO decide to watch them, wait at least a couple months after finishing EoE so you have time to reflect on the real story before jumping into what feels like a sterile knockoff
someone said it gets good at 13, I don't know what to believe anymore
Depends on your taste I guess.
The show takes a dive after Asuka is introduced, but then gets gradually and gradually better until the very ending where it peaks with End of Evangelion. It's not a matter of "where does it get good", it's a matter of "when does it cross the threshold into being good"
Glad I read this thread, because I'm about to watch the Netflix dub and I was going in with that exact mindset. Thank you for smartening me up, based faggot.
You can have 5 people and they can all like NGE for different reasons and each one can hate all of the things the others like about it. 'When does it get good' is a pointless question because we don't know which of these 5 you are or if you even find anything to like about it.
Asuka is best girl user, are you too much of a cuck to handle a spicy redhead or something?
Just watched all the episodes of the original Evangelion with the missus. We only have the End of Evangelion to go but shes pissed off because she hated the abstract nature of the last two episodes (i didnt mind it).
How do i make her sit down and finish this with me bro's? I really want to know how this ends.
Women literally will never understand Evangelion. Watch it on your own.
Consider this option
whats it like having such patrician taste user?
asbolute kino, patrician taste user
Eureka 7 > NGE
I had the same problem. Take my word for it, watch it by yourself
I just love what an auteur temper tantrum EoE is.
>You want me to finish it? Fine, I'll fucking finish it.
This show is degenerate
Speak on that
fuckin this. females cant comprehend half of evangelion. I mean its not the end all of existentialism but womens brains cant handle it.
sorry dude. its gonna be a story she doesnt see the end to.
Magma Diver and The Day that Tokyo-3 Stood Still are kino episodes.
The whole sequence with the gainax vandalism and hatemail is absolute genius kino, especially when this shows up right before.
I often wonder how anyone on this board can be married; now I know it's because they all marry high-functioning retards
Even the fucking theater has a cross
Interestingly they have zero problems understanding Asuka's push-pull ambivalence that has been causing trouble for two decades in threads like this.
Too much of the show relies on having been a horny teenage boy alone in the world.
I can't imagine a woman possibly being able to understand shinjis struggles
Well shit i guess if all you anons come to the same conclusion i guess id better watch it by myself then and maybe one day she will too.
She usually watches stuff if i threaten to watch it without her though so ill try that tommorow afternoon.
If not ill watch it myself.
Im really morbidly curious how this is going to end, like the impending feeling of doom to it all, and the visual of the poster for it gives me the willes.
I havent been spoilt on it so its one of those rare occasions i actually want to see it though.
One question though:
Good End or Bad End?
Id assume the Latter.
lol she just caught me at my most vunerable point in my life and now im stuck here with her. Shes nice though and was an actual virgin (probably because she was autistic about men.)
Not Fully in just yet though, We just got a house together and will be marrying next summer.
Update: Asuka just realized her mama's the Eva and is slapping everybody's shit. This is gooooood.
I didn't notice it before but its another piece of doubling (from when Shinji runs away). Everything in Evangelion is repeated and happens to two or more characters (everyone gets it in the eye sooner or later). Very deep into the shows themes whether its how the Magi were created or the Human Instrumentality Project.
The contrarian thing to say these days is thats its over-rated trash but its stuff like this that moves it up a notch.
lol keep watching
Bittersweet end, depending how you look at it. You are in for probably the most intense movie you will ever see
If I were you I'd get out of this thread. There are spoilers galore
Probably my favorite moment in the entire series. either that or one that is coming up for you
That's the problem, Normies very accustomed to Disney Princesses
Did she send this to Anno?
Also FYI she also has gotten fat because shes gotten comfortable in the relasionship but so have i really so i cant complain unless i get my act together.
If you havent experienced this then just heed these words should you have a long term partner: they will try to ruin your body with lovingly made food so they can get away with gaining weight. So either accept it and accept this woman is yours for the long-hall or dont and she'll get miserable and probably leave you cos shes scared you'll get a better model (i used to anyway before i engaged her.)
the real monster are the humans in evangelion
More like I dubbed right lmao
yeah ok i will then, just wanted to scare this user with a life lesson first and know a rough idea of what im to hope for, i want the hype to be real, i truly do.
user, EoE might ruin your life.
I was just teasing; it's much more of a red flag if she's into anime in my experience
Go back to Yea Forums. Sure, here and then Yea Forums accepts some anime here on account for their outstanding quality and value as audiovisual kino. Evangelion does not belong to that select group.
why is she so perfect, bros?
When I watched it years ago it didn't really get pretty good until either the triangle angel or sphere angel. I can't remember which came first.
What you come to realize is that the series is building up to something. But it's a slow build.
Reminder that Anno LITERALLY forgot her entire existence for several episodes early on. Imagine. A complete character simply forgotten about.
Well we both liked some animes when we were younger, but only surface level shit.
We'd both heard of Evangelion but both never watched it either. I dont know her reasons but i heard (wrongly) that it was pretensious garbage so i steered clear.
After showing her Ninja Scrolls & Fatal Fury:The movie, my only true exposure to animes at the time, we both have gradually watched animes togeter, so its less weebish more exploring what the 'good' stuff is in the genre.
So now we find things for each other we think we'd both like, She showed me Card Captor Sakura and JOJO, Id show Her Fist of the north star and Beserk. its a casual thing and breaks up just watching western movies and TV shows.
Now she's fucked and Shinji's mother is reprimanding him for not being nice to his girlfriend. That Eva is just one long brutal metaphor for teen angst delights me.
anyone seen texhnolyze? that was probably the most depressing show I've ever seen, but in a good way
Cause you're too autistic to understand other human beings and you can project whatever personality on that empty slut.
I havent but the short synopsis on google of
>Gangs wage a war in an experimental city deep inside the Earth
has puiqes my intrest.
The first episode or two are super weird, but it's so damn good. Truly 10/10 relentlessly depressing
It's literally kino
i found her a little endearing in the choreography episode where she could see that rei was having better synchronicity with shinji. it never occurred to me that she'd be hurt by that. and she was a fucking badass at the end of EoE, that was just brutal.
mostly i just found her belligerence really annoying though and amazed she has a huge (male) fanbase
yep, fuck that show. watched it when i was a depressed teenager and have no intention of ever rewatching it
Update: Shinji is now raging that he's a virgin and is hyping himself up to shoot everybody at school. Still very good. A better version of the original episodes 25 and 26.
>Anime uses music much more effectively then modern cinema.
not really, even kill la kill that had god tier soundtrack, they used the songs in the most anti-climatic moments, such a waste of a good ost
>asukafags coping this hard
Based Shinji.
Keep the updates coming
>shes a drunker, pussier version of faye valentine
this, they´re the same character
It's still not hard to outclass modern cinema. When a new Godzilla movie that flopped has a better soundtrack than John Williams scoring Star Wars 7 and 8, something is horribly wrong. When was the last memorable score otherwise? Tron Legacy?
formerly seeds
>yfw Brazilian netflix version is pretty much based
>Shinji is voiced by the same guy from the series and movies, he is also the director of the dub
>Asuka is voiced by the same actress
>Fly Me to the Moon is removed in all instances due to copyright
>The new translation was not overseen by the Japs, so it's quite updated, with today slang and so on
>"Criança" is changed to "Criança". So Shinji is the Terceira Criança, despite grammar, that is still right
>Dogma Central is "O Dogma Central.
>There is profanity and emotional expletives.
>Kawaru still "loves" Shinji, and Shinji needs to learnt to "love" himself.
>Iconic lines like "Minha irmã está pistola" are added.
because she was designed that way? Rei was the representation of anime industry's perfect girl, a doll, and Asuka is the opposite of the standards
why dont people realize that end of eva is what was happening in eps 25 and 26 outside of shinji's head
>these anons missed the memo and did not self-insert as Asuka
you missed the point of Eva
New thread if people are interested in continuing the discussion
Update: Shinji simultaneously mans up while also ending as an even bigger faggot than at the start of the show. He will always come to these same cyclical conclusions about himself and the world if only to remain as himself. But there is a small, bittersweet consolation of hope: he gets to spend the rest of eternity with a batshit insane redhead. A very good sendoff, 7/10 content, 10/10 style.
I'm aware, I just don't find the execution of either of those episodes to be any good. They're shoddy, sloppy, and a psyop from the Japanese government to kill epileptics. The movie hit the same beats of the final episodes without drowning you in monologue. Instead, it drowns you in desktop wallpapers. I prefer that.
Thank you to all the anons who gave feedback and direction. Evangelion is a beautiful anime with numerous strengths and only a few flaws. Asuka's still a cunt and Shinji's still a faggot. But I like them anyway. 9/10 series, the hype is real.