Was this scene transphobic?

Attached: buffalo-bill.jpg (900x600, 93K)

Yes. Transgender people have long been demonized by the media as mentally unstable or dangerous. History will not look kindly upon these depictions in the same way it frowns at Speedy Gonzalez for being a racial stereotype.

Probably, but it is an accurate depiction. Most MtF are autogynephilic.

No, but precisely the right crowd thought it was. For the record, that “crowd” is the vanishingly small but inordinately strident voice of the fake “trans” community who actually picketed this film on release. Just like Buffalo Bill, they aren’t real transsexuals, but people with such a fantastic degree of self-loathing that they’ll embrace any identity that distances them from their true selves.

The movie itself takes pains to differentiate between real transsexuals and Buffalo Bill. Letter acknowledges the distinction, but it still struck a nerve in exactly the people it should.

So when I tell them to go fuck themselves they actually do?


every person with an interest in reality knows trannies are insane

>Tranny and gay communities protest SotL
>threaten to crash the Oscars
>Oscars gives SotL a fuckload of awards
>Trannies and gays end up not doing shit
I miss old Hollywood.

But trannies were considered mentally ill, because they always end up mutilating themselves either with drugs or surgery or self mutilation. Now gamers are considered mentally ill and trannies are not. Trannies are still mutilating themselves.

Anyone that wants to cut of a body part or add something that never was part of your body (like a fake penis or fake vagina) is mentally ill.

Wait, wasn't he kinda fat in the film? How does he have abs

some horror movies deal with phobias. These one deals with transphobia

genuinely hope you arent this fucking retarded,transsexuals will never ever legitimately be considered real humans, they are mental defects being pandered to by jewish media and morons.

The re-release of 2008 made him look skinnier

but speedy gonzalez isn't looked down upon by anybody save for a fringe group of honkeys

idk this is one of my tranny bf's favorite movies and that's his favorite character in it

Speedy Gonzalez is fucking awesome.

RIP user


The only people who have a problem with speedy Gonzalez are self righteous whites who decide to get offended for ecerybody

No, and faggots should be gassed.

no. Buffalo Bill only thought he was transgender. Hannibal says this as much in the fucking film

First, that, like "homophobic", is just another made up word used by mental defects in a vain effort to normalize their defect and demonize the NORMAL people of society that refuse to condone their insanity. Using those fake words just makes you look as insane as they are.

Second, fuck off to > with your homo propaganda.