dude wtf was his broplem
dude wtf was his broplem
In my day we would of just cracked our boards over his head. Yes I'm a 40 year old boomer.
>get asked to leave private property
>continue to be a little nigger about it
>don't even get arrested, just taken home
propery owner should've shot the kid in the head, would've been better for everyone
>oWWW my ARM!!!
Hahaha stupid little cunt. Based belly boomers.
>>oWWW my ARM!!!
god damn it i was going to post this
little shit got what he deserved.
>out of work boomer with a limp dick
>has too much time around the house
>often goes out just to be seen/harass people
Umm excuse me, stop thinking rationally about it. It gets in the way of my puerile rage against authority figures.
Skateboarding should be considered a crime. There shouldn't even be parks dedicated to that shit. Nobody likes skaterfags. Even Yea Forums hates skaterfags.
Lying asshole. You got smacked around by the cops and you're still seething over it. Skateboarding IS a crime.
Get the fuck off this board racist asshole Yea Forums is a POC friendly board.
If theres anything I've got to look forward to later in life, its being a sour faced boomer cunt hell bent on ruining everyone else's fun.
yeah these kids should be inside playing video games and posting on imageboards. they need to learn that success means staying inside, alone, on a computer, jobless
Close your "mouf", nigger. (not him btw)
He smashed that boy pucci didn't he?
Have fun on your own property, I mean your landlord's property anyway.
Based /k/ autist
making an example of him
kid gets picked up by parents, doesn't really get in trouble...there is nothing weird about it
skaters should burn
He took the lil faggot home... Big deal.
You just know the cop made the kid listen to some old fashioned country songs on the way home, and the kid was crying the entire trip.
Fuck off with this off topic cancer.
good thing none of you will ever be parents.
Keep fantasizing, used up hag. :D Maybe your cat "children" will learn to speak your name.
>should've shot the kid in the head
Yeah I'm sure you would have lived the rest of your life with that on your conscience.
We must protect the beautiful scenery of the parking lot from these marauding punk youth. GO BACK INSIDE AND CONSUME NETFLIX
right? what if someone thinks about buying that dilapidated old blockbuster video but decides against it because they see skaters?
nobody looking at their phones, everyone just living in the moment
This video is how I imagine most of this site handles confrontation: like a dirty fucking weasel incessantly getting btfo but desperately attempting to appear in control.
Pussy is drying up^
he's trying to scare the kid from life of a lazy bum?
Make sure to wear cargos and sandals, dad.
Truckers hat, too, and if you don't have cargos, wear some shitty under armour shorts.
Maybe a marvel shirt, too.
it worked for me, I have a gf, make 100K a month and have a 10inch dick
lol I approve of your joke.
i have a lgf, make 10 a month, and have a 10k inch dick