i cant believe they are actually real
I cant believe they are actually real
Other urls found in this thread:
sounded legit
whats real? the langoliers?
>ayy lmaos are real guys!
>doesn't get locked away in prison for espionage
>meanwhile julian assange becoming a king of muslims in prison
>gets called out
>dude I have migraines so I can't remember well
>gets asked any question at all
>ow ow owwww my heeadddd
>sorry, Joe, Bob needs a minute
he's going on his show right guys
I believe it, wouldn't have been believable back then in the 1980s but these days with how much we know governments and military get up to, them hiding something like ancient alien spaceships sounds just run of the mill at this point.
>the sub components were dangerous joe
>how were they dangerous?
>take a minute bob
>thanks joe. I got in trouble but they didn’t kill me immediately or even fire me for breaking security clearance
>why not?
Kek, i turned off the podcast when he started doing this. Absolutely ruined all immersion and fun for me
Watched the Netflix thing the other day and was unimpressed. I used to give the guy credit and wanted to believe but the more I read/see about the guy it comes off like he's full of shit and just a very devoted liar.
Who knows though he could be telling the truth, I really wouldn't be that surprised.
contrapoints when?
Did this really happen? Thar sounds hilarious. I'm a big conspiracy nut and yeah Bobby doesn't even have credit in those circles. I would tune in just to watch him do this.
>gives away military secrets at the height of the cold war
The US government has killed people for far less than this.
He said he had migraines but he answered all the questions, i don't know what podcast these fags saw
MK Ultra was the whackiest conspiracy theory for me. I'll never forget the morning the news announced that got declassified. A life changing minute. I'll believe fucking anything after that.
By the time it gets out, if Bob got whacked for spilling the beans it'd be more suspect then to just discredit/unperson him and label him crazy.
The US government will ice out anyone, but considering how far fetched the tech he was dealing with, its alot easier to just get him to stay quiet.
But did MK Ultra actually ever succeed at it's intended mission or was it just some batshit crazy idea they tried but never got to work?
Contrapoints is a brainlet who will get completely destroyed if Joe brings up trans athletes
the only thing i don't understand/believe is that they only send in like 9 teams with a budget of 50 million(???) dollars.
if they really are working on reverse engineering the WEAPON TO END ALL WEAPONS wouldn't they throw in every "black" billion of dollars and every disposable scientific person possible into this project?
lazar made it sound as if they just close it down after 2 tries to retry it 10 years later.
Contrapoints is too based for de-fanged MSM nu-Rogan.
Listened to Coast to Coast this morning. They were talking about the tic tac and had some Jew expert who totally knew everything about the tic tac, knew how it worked. Knew how to replicate the tech. Wouldn't ever say how. Any call-in question got immediately pilpul'd and dodged. Instead of answering, he"d go back to stating how much he knows and how important it was that the United States take a more aggressive stance against Iran.
they just gave some people LSD big woop
He had different excuses for everything. The migraine was by far the silliest. Some other prize examples include
>sorry I can’t talk about what I did at los alamos (after already whistleblowing fucking grey aliens)
>you know I was a dumb kid (man in his 20s with multiple masters degrees working on nuclear reactor)
>yeah joe it was rough (bob’s thoughts on a period where his wife was chucking him, he was sleep deprived, he was fearing for his life, and was worried his only escape plan would tarnish his public image forever)
this guy is a CIA agent spreading misinformation
Ayyliens are like flat earth. Nothing ensues after getting on the band wagon.
Ok, they're real. Now what?
A Joe Rogan episode with a tranny would be based af
He said numerous times that he knew very little about other aspects of the project. Hell, he even said he was only allowed to discuss stuff with his partner so from what i understood that was only a rumor he heard or an estimation.
who isnt?
William L Pierce is looking good these days.
also the soviets/russians knew about it and even participated. wouldn't they CONSTANTLY use this as black mail to pressure through their will?
>but he answered all the questions
His kook friend literally defends how Bob ‘has to’ dance around answers explicitly on the show so you’re a liar.
Nah, it’s ok. Apparently the US had Soviets over and discussed nuke secrets and alien spacecraft during the height of the Cold War.
Bob drops this like a cute anecdote and Joe Rogaine even tries to cover for him by bringing up Operation Paperclip to insinuate those are the russians he’s mentioning.
But ol Bob is too dumb to take the lifeline. He doubles down. It was the soviets. They weren’t defectors because they were kicked out after /something happened/ (he plays this card 20 times during the show) and the US suddenly realized they wanted to keep secrets.
So it’s implied there was a major breakthrough right? Not so fast because he’s also repeatedly saying there’s no breakthroughs to the point they mothball the program for 8-10 years. But they also routinely fly these craft.
Does any of this make sense? No.
My other fav bit is when he ‘vaguely remembers someone saying something about an Archaeological Dig’. He’s constantly covering for ‘bad memory’ AKA not being consistent with the rest of his bs story. But 30seconds in Rogaine is hooked on this Stargate premise so Bob starts elaborating freely and confidently about something he lobbed in as a half remembered vague rumour. A few minutes later it’s a damn fact /they/ were here a long time.
he went on to answer the questions. what didn't he answer exactyly? maybe i don't rememver well
putin said ayy lmaos exist but he was the only one who has said this
is there a more reddit-tier yootoober than Rogan
lol the netflix show was complete shit, it was half scary voiceovers about "truth" and stock footage of thrillers, it could have been 45 mins, the actual interview on joe rogan was better
Oh, it's real.
so was it nazis yes or no?
all to convenient that it all starts around WW2 including operation paperclip etc.
>in fear for his life
“After the news show aired where I spilled the beans about top secret blackops tech I got a call where my handler said ‘Do you have any idea what we’re gonna do to you now?’”
/dramatic pause/
Joe: “..and what happened then?”
“W-well, uh, a numer of my friends got audited by the IRS and some had their security clearance removed”
>us military psychological operation to have other countries pretend they have advanced tech which they don´t have.
This is why nothing ever happens to these people. They fucking get paid to do this shit, and appear as lone nuts that grassroot style gain an audience to peddle this horseshit.
If there was ayy lmaos at a51 and he actually knew anything, he wouldn´t be sitting on joe rogans show.
It started in 1942 with the first UFO crash.
1940 was for the investigation of aerial phenomena.
Nazis just wanted to secure a more germanic path for the human race.
Bob Lazar was given a briefing that treats humans as genetic canisters that they correct every 150 years through viruses. They have been here for 10000 years and our deadliest plagues have been in circulation for 12000 years.
He didn't tell him about the break ins and assassination attempt.
This is what convinced Knapp since he was with Bob for the most of the time.
ayy, lmao
Actually that's not true. As ex military Intel I can assure u a lot of stuff leaks because whoever is in charge just assumes the public has no frame of reference to digest the information. That said I doubt Lazar is legit. All of the people above too secret I ever met were hardcore company men that pretended to be like lumberjack IQ.
Go back to jerking off to Blacked porn then?
>he wouldn´t be sitting on joe rogans show.
>survives getting shot at
>survives the gangstalking
>survives the FBI sting operation
>survives the recent FBI raid
pure coincidence of course that it all happened to him
nigga I ain't reading all that shit lol
nigga u better read that shit
No because it's probably a waste of time. Some stupid theory a stupid person put together to convey a narrative.
Top kek
Jesus fucking Christ, are y'all shitting me:
theres documents attached
you can also read the wilson leak since it tracks back to lazar's project
>not a single mention that all these people were jews or zionist
haunebu concept art and the horton 229 prototype look to similar, they obviously tried to copy or reverse engineer atleast the shape and style
wtf would Joe Rogan have to say to Stephen King?
>how important it was that the United States take a more aggressive stance against Iran.
Buck Angel
What an idiot documentary. I just skipped through it, this is like watching a normie paranoia fantasy where he discovers he doesn´t live in reality, since all his perception is based on nonsense rather than observable reality. And then he thinks everyone else are the problem.
>Actually that's not true. As ex military Intel I can assure u a lot of stuff leaks because whoever is in charge just assumes the public has no frame of reference to digest the information. That said I doubt Lazar is legit.
>genetic cannisters.
How does that work?
I liked the writeup i still think its a bs psyop to scare other countries military that USA has some weird shit up their sleave.
his unsolicited options on Iran and Russia were rather funny.
So wait.. he calls in to say he know how UFO's are made. and then try to manipulate the other listeners to support an attack on iran?
has anyone made accurate drawings of what bob claims he saw?
Stephen King was on Joe Rogan?
sounds/looks like the fighter in Independence day.
they even mention that they had to build in a seat because it was empty
batshit crazy idea they never got to work
How convenient that a hollywood movie comes out with that plot.
>it´s a movie.
>yeah but that guy bob lazar says it might be true
>wow! that´s amazing maybe aliums helping usa military and shieeet, wow we are so powerful.
that dude does kind of look like Stephen King
Did Joe even ask him about his degrees? I think that's the cornerstone issue that needs to be addressed. I would believe him if he gave a good answer to that. He's one of those guys where he's a good enough liar or has an appropriate background that he hasn't been definitively debunked in 30+ years. That alone makes him more credible. But his claim of MIT+Caltech degrees are the crux his whole story depends on. I haven't seen him demonstrate any advanced scientific knowledge that he would have if he really had a PhD in Physics from Caltech
Eddie Izzard
>where his wife was chucking him
Some of the smartest people are know also have made some of the most retarded decisions. Just because you're very good at math doesn't make you very good at life. Maybe you think IQ is all there is... People think with their dicks too, and almost all scientists I know love to drink too; science is very bohemian.
>not being a CIA disinfo shill
never gonna make it bro
Joe never really challenged him, he fact checked Alex Jones a lot more than this guy.
The Military has always acknowledged the existence of UFOs and their last major announcement was that they did not believe them to be a threat. Thousands of hours of radar recordings, thousands of military and commercial pilots all insisting they were sworn to secrecy, nuclear testsite workers saying their missle have been disrupted by UFOs, all public information. Every major government has released thousands of once classified briefings on incidents with UFOs. There is an infinitely rich history of interaction between military and UFO, all recorded on radar, and validated further through the testimony of high ranking officials on location. You can literally google it and open Pandora's box right now, skip youtube and go straight to CIA.gov.
Brainlets have been programmed so well that world governments can admit that they exist and civillians will still laugh it off. That's how deep we are.
>military declares it non-threat
yea, one of the 2 things is not true
Testor's made a model kit of it back in the day. I have it; it is neat.
I don´t doubt he worked for US military somehow. To spread the psyop that they have 'alium' technology! So if someone sees some experimental craft. US government can deny anything.
>what you saw wus an alium n shiieet. SO.. maybe you didn´t see shit, because people will say you are crazy or mentally deficient, if you tell them that you think you saw an alium, so shut the fuck up. So if you think about it he could be serving his country and fine with what he is doing.
What does us military get out of these nutjobs? they get a lot out of it, every single person like him that claims loudly that USA has alien technology. Well everybody becomes scared as fuck to fight US military or to attack US installations or whatever. AND maybe military gets more funding to help with that
>alien technology..
Which could be cover for entirely different projects aswell. Hidden under SAP.
People like him and the other ones like steven greer, nothing the fuck happen with this shit, since 2001 what was it steven greer that was since 2001.. Phil schneider and these other people where phil schneider said similar to what bob lazar says. Can´t you see they are backing eachother up to sell this fucking story and might be paid directly by US military?!? But they get a following who believe them and that´s essentially their credibility. And then they are pretty much not attacked at all by any media outlets, so it´s pretty hard to not lose credibility when you aren´t asked any tough questions ever or like scrutinized etc.
Some of the shit Alex Jones says is partially true
Lazar talking pre-dates that movie, genius. All of Roland Emerich's flicks were based off of things he heard on Art Bell.
Think about it, why would US military have a problem with bob lazar and his story?
They love it.
>People think we have alien technology.
>oh no please do not help us this way mr. lazar.. please don´t.. this is bad reputation for US military to have alien technology in their arsenal.
Are you kidding me.. And it amazes me how people don´t consider that when they see a guy like this. Who used to work for US military in some capacity, he´s probably serving his country and getting paid or hired to do this shit in a roundabout way.
Guess which one.
If the conspiracy is to be true, they believe we're a danger to ourselves so they take our toys away when we attempt to misuse them.
The simple fact that he doesn't believe in ayyyes and shuns the rest of the ufo community makes him even more credible desu senpai.
>Lazar talking pre-dates that movie, genius. All of Roland Emerich's flicks were based off of things he heard on Art Bell.
Yes, and therefore it´s perfect they release it in hollywood movie, and then using lazar as 'credibility' whilst making sure EVERYBODY who watch that movie will correlate that theory with bob lazar.. thus taking it from fiction to
>maybe there´s something here..
Do you not get that..
> All of Roland Emerich's flicks were based off of things he heard on Art Bell.
Isn´t that fascinating, could there be coordination with us military and hollywood in such a campaign that would be terrific for US military both in recruitment and to make other nations military afraid of US military, aswell as being cover for experimental crafts..
Or they just feeding off the same throth by 'accident'.. Don´t be so naive is just what i am pointing out. This thing is not BAD for US military it´s FANTASTIC for them to have a guy tell such a story!
this ufo stuff going on is all a distraction from something else
As if the media needed to pull out the big guns or something. Nigga please.
He's the guest "expert". He's on the show to talk about the tic-tac from the Navy video. During the interview he was super smarmy about know exactly how the tic-tac object functions, what it's made out of, what powers it, etc. In between being a know-it-all, he would make insinuations that the US government should fund R&D (ie: pay him) into the tic-tac before Russia or Iran reverse engineer it.
The call-ins were asking basic questions about the topic, but he'd pretend not to hear them, dismiss the question completely by saying the answer would be too complicated to give over the air, or ignore their question and go back to prattling about his theories.
what benefit would imprisoning him do except legitimize him. if the government did anything theyd give him cancer or something two-three years from now.
>So if someone sees some experimental craft. US government can deny anything.
The characteristics of the UFO's as described by Lazar are that of the UFOs described in the 30s onward. They've been seen in the skies pulling impossible maneuvers while also being tracked on radar as confirmation. Are you suggesting we were able go thousands of miles per hour while pulling right angle turns in the 40s?
I don't know if they're alien. Our civilization could be as primitive to them as a secluded aborigine island is to the first world.
Bob is not a physicist. No way he went to MIT and Caltech the way he stumbles around science topics.
Everything they set up as some major prediction he made was old news in 1980. Any idiot can ‘predict’ an element. They occur regularly with every additional proton. The island of stability was hypothesized a very long time ago & is as yet unproven. It too is very predictable. Trying to synthesize higher elements started in the 1970s so Bob just had to have read a popsci magazine or two. That’s the level of knowledge he’s demonstrating nowdays also.
Gravitational waves were proposed in 1905. It was either going to be particles or waves.
If you look up Bob’s early history he seems to have lied about his education even as a kid. His jet powered car was actually a kit engine you could buy at the time. He lied about the efficiency and thrust it generated as well, in that newspaper article he was so proud of.
During a UFO seminar in 93 he mentions two of his teachers at Caltech and MIT. Neither name exist as teachers at either place (DE GUBMINT SCRUBBED THEM TOO!). But, ‘Duxler’ was a teacher at Pierce College and confirmed Bob had taken a class there in the 70s.
It’s amazing how Rogan can have actual people like Brian Cox on and not email him to factcheck basic science stuff. He really is a brainlet.
Ok, I get what you're saying.
I have the same hairline as this dude.
>I don't know if they're alien. Our civilization could be as primitive to them as a secluded aborigine island is to the first world.
By this I mean they could be human, a better human. A relative.
Thanks, Satan.
>It’s amazing how Rogan can have actual people like Brian Cox
I was with you until this line.
Also, 7 minutes into the interview.
>so when was the day you realized, this thing we're working on might not even be from this fucking planet.
>well i can´t remember which day. because it was so long ago and the days kind of are fused together right now..
He´s been telling this story for 30 years and he can´t remember it? he never wrote it down or what.
You bet if i had seen ACTUAL alien fucking technology, i´d remember it even if i was 70 years fucking old, the exact say day i saw it what time it is and what the fucking weather was and everything. It´s so obvious what people like him are doing.. I hope he get compensated well for serving his country by lying about US having alien technology.
>what benefit would imprisoning him do except legitimize him. if the government did anything theyd give him cancer or something two-three years from now.
You don´t get it. Us military benefits tremendously from this story! There´s NOTHING negative in this story for US airforce or us military..
>They've been seen in the skies pulling impossible maneuvers while also being tracked on radar as confirmation. Are you suggesting we were able go thousands of miles per hour while pulling right angle turns in the 40s?
It is in interest of US military that everyone believes they have such a thing.. For obvious reasons. Why do people think lazar is 'fighting the man'. This is positive PR in every single way for them. Same with other such people.
Biefeld brown effect
>Biefeld brown effect.
I remember that featured on mythbusters in the anti gravity episode. It works but it´s not 'anti gravity' it ionizes the air creating thrust youtube.com
Never needed to be anti-gravity.
And they also said you couldn't dash across water because they tied 2x4's to their feet and it didn't work.
You think someone who makes great claims to his intelligence and education would have any level of introspection to know that “young and dumb” is not an excuse for self destructive and illogical behavior
>Bob Lazar
>Stephen King
>John Carmack
>all look the same
Seriously wtf
I don't remember the date the first time I had sex. It was a long time ago. Also, I don't remember the last day I had sex. Because it was a long time ago.
>Never needed to be anti-gravity.
Yes it does according to the story.. Also biefield brown works but not so well in practice because you just replace electric current with fuel for propulsion.. It´s not really just hovering by its own gravity field.. Just manipulating air around it..
9 minutes into the interview lazar is describing a spherical engine size of a basketball on a plate that generated its own gravity field.
8 minutes 40'ish seconds in.
Lol stfu
metal gear?
"Another Step Toward Anti-Gravity" by Gaston Burridge American Mercury
"The Flying Saucer" The Application of the Biefield-Brown Effect to the Solution of the Problems of Space Navigation by Mason Rose, Ph.D., President University for Social Research (1952)
Published in Science and Invention, August 1929
"THE GRAVITICS SITUATION" Gravity Rand Ltd. December 1956 INTERAVIA Volume XI - No. 5, 1956, pages 373-374
From the Anti-Gravity Articles and References of INE Theme of the science for 1956-1970: SERENDIPITY
"How I Control Gravitation"
Published in Science and Invention, August 1929, and Psychic Observer, Vol. XXXVII, No. 1
>I don't remember the date the first time I had sex.
That's weird, I remember mine. I mean I remember the month and year. You should know that or something is wrong with your brain.
> Getting your science from a conspiracy theorist.
>Getting your science from a conspiracy theorist.
That´s my point. Lazar is not talking about bifield brown effect. But of a basketball sized reactor on a plate that when activated generated it´s own gravitational field. So when he would try to to touch it when active, it would push his hands away from it.
And no i think he is making this shit up and is being paid by US military to tell this story, which only benefit US airforce etc.
But as for conspiracy theorist. This is literally just a negative meme around anyone who questions something.
How could he not believe in ayys but openly say that we have craft of unknown origin?
I also like how every craft he saw, he claim he saw due to hangar bay door being almost fully open at one point, he could see all 9 crafts and they were all different. So not 1 was identical. So every craft they had was different shape craft?
And he talks also very early in the interview about how he expected that what he read was disinfo, so he acknowledges that this can be procedure to feed people false information about what they are working on. So that if they spill it later on, they will know exactly where it come from, because what they are given to read, could be individual or different! And that it´s on purpose mixed with misinformation or other things like that for such purposes..
He acknowledges that in the interview. Which i find interesting. So he claims he thought at first it was a test what he was reading.. Like a BS test and didn´t expect that he would be working on what he was reading.
Did he ever work on anything 'alien' or is he bullshitting you for the benefit of USAF?
Everything Alex says is true to the source, the real question is if the source itself is true.
I was rather something like this
joe asks question
>ahm yeah....you know....ah...
lays back, away from mic
>ahm I-I don't quite remember
holds head
Jeremy from the side
Jeremy keeps talking for a while
>WHAT, no way.
>Jamie, pull it up on the screen...
>How could he not believe in ayys but openly say that we have craft of unknown origin?
This is what i find funny aswell. Within the first 20 minutes of interview he has already said that the reactor he was working on is a) producing gravity field and is load bearing b) it´s not technology anyone in this time or on earth at this time knows how works, so they were trying to figure out what it was. So this would imply either ancient or ET. or whatever..
And he says he saw 9 different crafts of different sizes, that the reactors are from. And says they have no idea how the reactors work, and are trying to reverse engineer them and failing horribly and he believe they have still to this day not figured it out. And they have had this problem for long time trying to figure it out and still haven´t..
How can you go from there and to say that it´s not possible that it was created by 'et's' when he has seen all of that which he claims.
Does he think it´s breakaway civilization or ancient. Is that why he says USAF could not understand how it worked. I mean he actually compared the reactor they were dealing with, to taking a micro nuclear reactor and dumping it in victorian age. And they´d see it was producing energy, and try to pick it apart and die of radiation because they had no idea how it worked or what they were dealing with. that´s what he is comparing the reactor to in his story.
And they try to cut into one with a plasmacutter and it blew up part of the facaility, and killed several people including 1 of the scientists that he replaced.
So does he think it´s from the future or parallel reality or where the fuck does he think it is from if it´s not 'aliens'. Because he clearly thinks it´s so advanced that NOBODY knows how the fuck this works scientifically or what makes it operate. And that´s what they were trying to find out.
It not only succeeded, it evolved. You know why they declassify tech like the Blackbird? Because it distracts from whatever they’re working on or already using that’s even better.
MK ULTRA had its hits and misses, but it *did* produce Kaczynski - a man so fervent in his personal beliefs that he was willing to push them by any and all means. Now take that same technique and apply it to any number of red-blooded patriots and see what comes out the far side. They learned that fine mind control might not be doable, but that you absolutely can condition sleeper agents who aten’t even aware their personally-held agendas were spoon-fed to them, that you can orchestrate public opinion through subtly-crafted propaganda and narratives. All of these things make MK ULTRA an unqualified success.
Shit, even the means of declassification proves it. They released unquestionable evidence that the government had conducted experiments in public mind control and unethical medical experimentation on their own people, and how did the public at large react? “Meh, greater good, necessary evil, different time and all that.” How is that anything other than proof positive that the tech works? An earlier generation of people would have taken to the streets with Molotovs in hand.
listening to this shit right now.
Really sounds like he's just making this shit up. Engineers love to fucking talk about the technology and shit they've worked on and when asked about it and to explain how it works, they'll go into every fucking arcane detail. If they think you're too stupid to understand they'll at least give a laymans version. He does fucking neither and basically sounds like he's making up an answer on the spot.
I remember the month and year, but only because I remember what grade I was in and that it was near Xmas.
>Really sounds like he's just making this shit up.
No fucking kidding. And he said clearly he saw the saucer with american flag on BEFORE he saw the reactor. because it was on the way in with barry. And then 10 minutes later he can´t remember what happened first..
>oh my headache.. it makes it really hard to think
Headache doesn´t btw. make it hard to remember. Your head just fucking hurts, take a painkiller and you are good to go.
He claims it is because he is stressed but is totally calm during the interview.
His delivery has hallmarks of someone that has memorized a fake chronological story that they actually don´t remember. And therefore have huge problems when thrown back and forth in the story. Since they obviously can´t recall it from memory in same way, because it´s a memorized piece of fiction.
>oh my migraines, makes it hard for me to think clearly
Which is good alibi for fucking up the story.. right? If that should occur.
I noticed that there seems to be a surge of "alien" or UFO related shit in media now suddenly. Its probably the government trying to distract from their bullshit and black projects just like most of it (if not all of it) back during the cold war was.
>It is in interest of US military that everyone believes they have such a thing.. For obvious reasons. Why do people think lazar is 'fighting the man'. This is positive PR in every single way for them. Same with other such people.
Why have enemies of the United States also filed thousands of UFO incidents? Is everyone filing these records as a world wide conspiracy? With literally millions of reports you're saying civillians have also been a part of this psyop since the 30s? Impressive.
They also assassinated the head of MK NAOMI and created the unabomber
>Why have enemies of the United States also filed thousands of UFO incidents? Is everyone filing these records as a world wide conspiracy?
Why can´t that be experimental crafts? It´s much more convenient to claim it is aliens rather than have to explain to other governments asking, what the fuck it is you are working on there?
So experimental craft in the 40s that go thousands of mph while pulling right angle turns? Or stop with 0 inertia? I'm not saying it's alien I'm saying it's unidentified. It would seem as though there's another party in the game outside of the nation's that the civilian population is aware of.
No question there's US military craft that get flagged as UFOs but somehow I doubt we've had them for 80 years.
they look like pedos